Provided by: libswiss-perl_1.80-1_all 

SWISS::CCcofactor represents a comment on the topic 'COFACTOR' within a Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL entry as specified in the user manual . Comments on other topics are stored in other types of objects, such as SWISS::CC (see SWISS::CCs for more information). Collectively, comments of all types are stored within a SWISS::CCs container object.
Inherits from
topic The topic of this comment ('COFACTOR'). form The protein form concerned by this comment (undef/empty = canonical/displayed form OR unknown) comment The "text" version of this comment (without evidences and new lines). note The note and evidence (Note= in new format or full description in old format) reference to an array of [ $note, $note_ev ] (strings) elements An array of [name_str, evidence_tags_str], if any. structured_names (only for new structured CC COFACTOR) The names as array of 'name' txt, 'chebi' id, 'ev' string (hash) structures e.g. [ { 'name'->'FAD', 'chebi'->'CHEBI:57692', 'ev'->'ECO:0000250' } ] structured_names( $new_values ) (only for new structured CC COFACTOR) Set names with array of 'name' txt, 'chebi' id, 'ev' string (hash) structures like returned by get-er version Standard methods new fromText toString Returns a string representation of this comment.
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 203: =back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back =head1 Methods Around line 220: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'