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Sympa::Tools::Data - Functions related to data structures
This package provides some functions related to data strucures. Functions clone_var (...) Duplicates a complex variable (faster than dup_var()). TBD. CAUTION: This duplicates blessed elements even if they are singleton/multiton; this breaks subroutine references. decode_custom_attribute ($string) Creates a custom attribute from an XML description. Options: $string XML formed data as stored in database Returns: A hashref storing custom attributes. diff_on_arrays ( $setA, $setB ) Makes set operation on arrays (seen as set, with no double) : - deleted : A \ B - added : B \ A - intersection : A /\ B - union : A \/ B Options: $setA, $setB Arrayrefs. Returns: A hashref with keys : deleted, added, intersection, union. dump_html_var (...) Dump a variable's content. TBD. dump_var (...) Dump a variable's content. TBD. dup_var (...) Duplictate a complex variable. TBD. See also clone_var(). encode_custom_attribute ($hashref) Create an XML Custom attribute to be stored into data base. Options: $hasref Hashref storing custom attributes. Returns: String, XML formed data to be stored in database. format_config (\@params, [ \%curConf, [ \%newConf ] ], [ key "=>" val ... ] )) Outputs formetted configuration. Options: \@params Configuration scheme. See Sympa::ConfDef. \%curConf Hashref including current configuration. \%newConf Hashref including update of configuration, if any. key "=>" val ... Following options are possible: "output" "=>" "["classes, ..."]" Classes of parameters to output: Any of "mandatory", "omittable", "optional", "full" (synonym for the former tree), "minimal" (included in minimal set, i.e. described in installation instruction) and "explicit" (the parameter given an empty value with \%curConf and \%newConf). "only_changed" "=>" 1 When both \%curConf and \%newConf are given and no changes were given, returns "undef". Returns: Formatted string. This was introduced on Sympa 6.2.69b. get_array_from_splitted_string ($string) Returns an array made on a string splited by ','. It removes spaces. Options: $string string to split Returns: An arrayref. hash_2_string (...) Converts a hash into a string formatted as var1="value1";var2="value2"; into a hash. TBD. is_in_array ( $setA, $value ) Test if a value is on an array. Options: $setA An arrayref. $value a serached value Returns true or false. recursive_transformation (...) This applies recursively to a data structure. The transformation subroutine is passed as a ref. TBD. smart_eq ( $x, $y ) Function. Check if two strings are identical. Parameters: $x, $y Operands. If both of them are undefined, they are equal. If only one of them is undefined, the are not equal. If $y is a Regexp object and it matches to $x, they are equal. Otherwise, they are compared as strings. Returns: If arguments matched, true value. Otherwise false value. smart_lessthan (...) Compares two scalars, string/numeric independent. TBD. sort_uniq ( [ \&comp ], @items ) Returns sorted array of unique elements in the list. Parameters: \&comp Optional subroutine reference to compare each pairs of elements. It should take two arguments and return negative, zero or positive result. @items Items to be sorted. This function was added on Sympa 6.2.16. string_2_hash (...) Converts a string formatted as var1="value1";var2="value2"; into a hash. Used when extracting from session table some session properties or when extracting users preference from user table. Current encoding is NOT compatible with encoding of values with '"'. TBD.