Provided by: lintian_2.117.0ubuntu1.1_all bug


       Test::Lintian::Filter -- Functions to select with tests to run


         use Test::Lintian::Filter qw(find_selected_lintian_testpaths);
         my @testpaths = find_selected_lintian_testpaths('suite:changes');


       Functions that parse the optional argument 'only_run' to find the tests that are supposed
       to run.


       get_suitepath(TEST_SET, SUITE)
           Returns a string containing all test belonging to suite SUITE relative to path

       find_selected_scripts(SCRIPT_PATH, ONLY_RUN)
           Find all test scripts in SCRIPT_PATH that are identified by the user's selection
           string ONLY_RUN.

       find_selected_lintian_testpaths(TEST_SET, ONLY_RUN)
           Find all those test paths with Lintian tests located in the directory TEST_SET and
           identified by the user's selection string ONLY_RUN.

           Returns an array containing all test paths located under PATH. They are identified as
           test paths by a specially named file containing the test description (presently

       find_testpaths_by_name(PATH, NAME)
           Returns an array containing all test paths with the name NAME located under PATH. The
           test paths are identified as such by a specially named file containing the test
           description (presently 'desc').

           Returns an array containing all tags that somehow concern the test located in