noble (3) VCS::Lite.3pm.gz

Provided by: libvcs-lite-perl_0.12-1_all bug


       VCS::Lite - Minimal version control system


         use VCS::Lite;

         # diff

         my $lit = VCS::Lite->new('/home/me/foo1.txt');
         my $lit2 = VCS::Lite->new('/home/me/foo2.txt');
         my $difftxt = $lit->delta($lit2)->diff;
         print OUTFILE $difftxt;

         # patch

         my $delt = VCS::Lite::Delta->new('/home/me/patch.diff');
         my $lit3 = $lit->patch($delt);
         print OUTFILE $lit3->text;

         # merge

         my $lit4 = $lit->merge($lit->delta($lit2),$lit->delta($lit3));
         print OUTFILE $lit4->text;


       This module provides the functions normally associated with a version control system, but without needing
       or implementing a version control system. Applications include wikis, document management systems and
       configuration management.

       It makes use of the module Algorithm::Diff. It provides the facility for basic diffing, patching and


       The underlying storage concept of VCS::Lite is an array. The members of the array can be anything that a
       scalar can represent (including references to structures and objects). The default is for the object to
       hold an array of scalars as strings corresponding to lines of text.

       The basic form of the constructor is as follows:

         my $lite = VCS::Lite->new( '/my/file');

       which slurps the file to make an object. The full form is as follows:

         my $lite = VCS::Lite->new( $object_id, $separation, $source, ...);

           This is a string to identify what is being diffed, patched or merged, in the application's
           environment. If there is no $source, this is used as a filename from which to read the content.

           This is an optional parameter, which can be used via $/ to split the input file into tokens. The
           default is for lines of text. If you pass in a string to be tokenized, this will use $sep as a
           regular expression

           $separation can be a scalar or scalar ref, where this is used to break up the input stream. All
           values permitted for $/ are allowed (see perlvar).

           $separation can also be a hashref, to give a finer level of control. For example:

             {  in => '\n',
                out => '\n',
                chomp => 1 }

           'in' is the input record separator to use (the same as you would pass as $sep).  Note that all values
           allowed for $/, and indeed the value of $/ passed in is what is used as a default. 'in' can be a
           string or a regexp.

           'out' is the character used on joining the members to output the results (text method in scalar
           context). This is the output record separator $\. Note that 'out' defaults differently depening on
           the setting of 'chomp': if 'chomp' is off, 'out' will default to the empty string, or rather the
           passed in value of $\. If 'chomp' is on, 'out' will default to 'in' - note that you should specify
           'out' explicitly if you are using a regexp for 'in'.

           If the 'chomp' flag is set, the text matching 'in' is removed from the input lines as they are read.
           'chomp' is not on by default, as this is new functionality in release 0.08.

           if unspecified causes $object_id to be opened as a file and its entire contents read in. The
           alternative is to supply $source, which can be one of the following:

               This is a string which is tokenized using $separation

               Array of tokens

           "filehandle" or "globref"
               Contents of file are slurped

               This is called successively to obtain tokens until received undef.

       In the Perl spirit of DWIM, new assumes that given an arrayref, you have already done all the work of
       making your list of whatevers. Given a string (filename) or a file handle, the file is slurped, reading
       each line of text into a member of the array. Given a callback, the routine is called successively with
       arguments $p1, $p2, etc. and is expected to return a scalar which is added (pushed on) to the array.

         $lite->apply($lite3, base => 'original');

       This method call corresponds approximately to a version control system's check-in function. This causes
       $lite to be modified, so that its contents now reflect those of $lite2.

       $lite does retain the original contents, available via original. However, unlike in a version control
       system, the object holds only the first original and latest contents.

       The VCS::Lite object passed in can also have its own original version. If this is the case, merging will
       be performed to incorporate the change as if it had come from a different branch. To facilitiate the
       merging process, optionally specify a base version, which can be the string 'original', 'contents' (the
       default) or a VCS::Lite object whose contents will be used.  This corresponds to the "common ancestor" in
       version control systems.

       This returns a VCS::Lite object for the original version, before changes were applied with apply.

         my $foo = $lite->text;
         my $bar = $lit2->text('|');
         my @baz = $lit3->text;

       In scalar context, returns the equivalent of the file contents slurped (the optional separation
       parameter, defaulting to $_, is used to join the strings together). In list context, returns the list of
       lines or records.

         my $fil = $lite->id

       Returns the name associated with the VCS::Lite element when it was created by new. This is usually the
       file name.

         my $delt = $lit->delta($lit2);

       Perform the difference between two VCS::Lite objects. This object returns a VCS::Lite::Delta object.

       This is for backward compatibility with early versions. $lite->diff($lite2) is equivalent to

         my $lit3 = $lit->patch($delt);

       Applies a patch to a VCS::Lite object. Accepts a file handle or file name string. Reads the file in diff
       format, and applies it. Returns a VCS::Lite object for the patched source.

         my $lit4 = $lit->merge($lit1,$lit2,\&confl);

       Performs the "parallelogram of merging". This applies two different change streams represented by
       VCS::Lite objects. Returns a VCS::Lite object with both sets of changes merged.

       The third parameter to the method is a sub which is called whenever a merge conflict occurs. This needs
       to either resolve the conflict or insert the necessary text to highlight the conflict.




       At the time of release there is one known bug within VCS-Lite:

       Unfortunately Ivor's original svn repository is no longer available, and any work which had done on
       fixing this bug has now been lost. As time allows I will review the examples and try to implement an
       appropriate solution.

       If you spot a bug or are experiencing difficulties that are not explained within the POD documentation,
       please send an email to or submit a bug to the RT system (see link below). However, it
       would help greatly if you are able to pinpoint problems or even supply a patch.

       Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not be forthcoming, please feel
       free to (politely) remind me.


         Original Author: Ivor Williams (RIP)          2002-2009
         Current Maintainer: Barbie <>  2009-2015

         Copyright (c) Ivor Williams, 2002-2006
         Copyright (c) Barbie,        2009-2015


       This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic Licence


       Colin Robertson for suggesting and providing patches for support of files with unterminated last lines.