noble (3) XmStringDirectionCreate.3.gz

XmStringDirectionCreate — A compound string function that creates a compound string "XmStringDirectionCreate" "compound string functions" "XmStringDirectionCreate"
#include <Xm/Xm.h> XmString XmStringDirectionCreate( XmStringDirection direction);
XmStringDirectionCreate creates a compound string with a single component, a direction with the given value. When the application no longer needs the returned compound string, the application should call XmStringFree. direction Specifies the value of the direction component. The possible values are: XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R Specifies left to right display. XmSTRING_DIRECTION_R_TO_L Specifies right to left display. XmSTRING_DIRECTION_DEFAULT Specifies that the display direction will be set by the widget in which the compound string is to be displayed.
Returns a new compound string.
XmStringCreate(3). XmStringDirectionCreate(3)