Provided by: allegro5-doc_5.2.9.1+dfsg-1.1build4_all bug


       al_check_inverse - Allegro 5 API


              #include <allegro5/allegro.h>

              int al_check_inverse(const ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM *trans, float tol)


       Checks  if  the  transformation  has  an  inverse using the supplied tolerance.  Tolerance
       should be a small value between 0 and 1, with 1e-7 being sufficient for most applications.

       In this function tolerance specifies how close  the  determinant  can  be  to  0  (if  the
       determinant  is 0, the transformation has no inverse).  Thus the smaller the tolerance you
       specify, the “worse” transformations will pass this test.  Using a tolerance of 1e-7  will
       catch  errors  greater  than 1/1000’s of a pixel, but let smaller errors pass.  That means
       that if you transformed a point by a transformation and then transformed it again  by  the
       inverse  transformation  that  passed  this  check,  the  resultant point should less than
       1/1000’s of a pixel away from the original point.

       Note that  this  check  is  superfluous  most  of  the  time  if  you  never  touched  the
       transformation matrix values yourself.  The only thing that would cause the transformation
       to not have an inverse is if you applied a 0 (or very small) scale to  the  transformation
       or  you have a really large translation.  As long as the scale is comfortably above 0, the
       transformation will be invertible.


       • trans - Transformation to check

       • tol - Tolerance

       Returns: 1 if the transformation is invertible, 0 otherwise

              Note: Allegro’s transformation inversion functions  work  correctly  only  with  2D

