Provided by: gnutls-doc_3.8.3-1.1ubuntu3.2_all bug


       dane_query_to_raw_tlsa - API function


       #include <gnutls/dane.h>

       int   dane_query_to_raw_tlsa(dane_query_t   q,  unsigned  int  *  data_entries,  char  ***
       dane_data, int ** dane_data_len, int * secure, int * bogus);


       dane_query_t q
                   The query result structure

       unsigned int * data_entries
                   Pointer set to the number of entries in the query

       char *** dane_data
                   Pointer to contain an array  of  DNS  rdata  items,  terminated  with  a  NULL
                   pointer;  caller  must  guarantee that the referenced data remains valid until
                   dane_query_deinit() is called.

       int ** dane_data_len
                   Pointer to contain the length n bytes of the dane_data items

       int * secure
                   Pointer set true if the result is  validated  securely,  false  if  validation
                   failed or the domain queried has no security info

       int * bogus Pointer set true if the result was not secure due to a security failure


       This function will provide the DANE data from the query response.

       The pointers dane_data and dane_data_len are allocated with gnutls_malloc() to contain the
       data from the query result structure (individual
        dane_data items simply point to the original data and are not allocated separately).  The
       returned  dane_data are only valid during the lifetime of  q .


       On success, DANE_E_SUCCESS (0) is returned, otherwise a negative error value.


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       Copying  and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any
       medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.


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