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glTexSubImage2D, glTextureSubImage2D - specify a two-dimensional texture subimage
void glTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); void glTextureSubImage2D(GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels);
target Specifies the target to which the texture is bound for glTexSubImage2D. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, or GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY. texture Specifies the texture object name for glTextureSubImage2D. The effective target of texture must be one of the valid target values above. level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. xoffset Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the texture array. yoffset Specifies a texel offset in the y direction within the texture array. width Specifies the width of the texture subimage. height Specifies the height of the texture subimage. format Specifies the format of the pixel data. The following symbolic values are accepted: GL_RED, GL_RG, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, and GL_STENCIL_INDEX. type Specifies the data type of the pixel data. The following symbolic values are accepted: GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, GL_SHORT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_INT, GL_FLOAT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2, and GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV. pixels Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory.
Texturing maps a portion of a specified texture image onto each graphical primitive for which texturing is enabled. glTexSubImage2D and glTextureSubImage2D redefine a contiguous subregion of an existing two-dimensional or one-dimensional array texture image. The texels referenced by pixels replace the portion of the existing texture array with x indices xoffset and xoffset + width - 1, inclusive, and y indices yoffset and yoffset + height - 1, inclusive. This region may not include any texels outside the range of the texture array as it was originally specified. It is not an error to specify a subtexture with zero width or height, but such a specification has no effect. If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target (see glBindBuffer()) while a texture image is specified, pixels is treated as a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.
glPixelStore() modes affect texture images. glTexSubImage2D and glTextureSubImage3D specify a two-dimensional subtexture for the current texture unit, specified with glActiveTexture(). GL_STENCIL_INDEX is accepted for format only if the GL version is 4.4 or higher.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if target or the effective target of texture is not GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, or GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by glTextureSubImage2D if texture is not the name of an existing texture object. GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if format is not an accepted format constant. GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if type is not a type constant. GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if level is less than 0. GL_INVALID_VALUE may be generated if level is greater than log 2 max, where max is the returned value of GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE. GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if xoffset < - b, xoffset + width > w - b, yoffset < - b, or yoffset + height > h - b, where w is the GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, h is the GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, and b is the border width of the texture image being modified. Note that w and h include twice the border width. GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if width or height is less than 0. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the texture array has not been defined by a previous glTexImage2D() operation. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if type is one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV and format is not GL_RGB. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if type is one of GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV and format is neither GL_RGBA nor GL_BGRA. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if format is GL_STENCIL_INDEX and the base internal format is not GL_STENCIL_INDEX. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a non-zero buffer object name is bound to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target and the buffer object's data store is currently mapped. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a non-zero buffer object name is bound to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target and the data would be unpacked from the buffer object such that the memory reads required would exceed the data store size. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a non-zero buffer object name is bound to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target and pixels is not evenly divisible into the number of bytes needed to store in memory a datum indicated by type.
glGetTexImage() glGet() with argument GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING
┌────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ OpenGL Version │ ├────────────────────┼─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┤ │Function │ 2.0 │ 2.1 │ 3.0 │ 3.1 │ 3.2 │ 3.3 │ 4.0 │ 4.1 │ 4.2 │ 4.3 │ 4.4 │ 4.5 │ │/ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Feature │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Name │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├────────────────────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │glTexSubImage2D │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ✔ │ ├────────────────────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │glTextureSubImage2D │ - │ - │ - │ - │ - │ - │ - │ - │ - │ - │ - │ ✔ │ └────────────────────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘
glActiveTexture(), glCopyTexImage1D(), glCopyTexImage2D(), glCopyTexSubImage1D(), glCopyTexSubImage2D(), glCopyTexSubImage3D(), glPixelStore(), glTexImage1D(), glTexImage2D(), glTexImage3D(), glTexSubImage1D(), glTexSubImage3D(), glTexParameter()
Copyright © 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Copyright © 2010-2014 Khronos Group. This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License. For details, see
Copyright © 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Copyright © 2010-2014 Khronos Group [FIXME: source] 01/03/2018 GLTEXSUBIMAGE2D(3G)