Provided by: libcaca-dev_0.99.beta20-4build2_amd64 

libcaca-ruby-api - Libcaca Ruby API
The classes available for libcaca are : • Caca::Canvas : functions that have a caca_canvas_t* as first argument • Caca::Dither : functions that have a caca_dither_t* as first argument • Caca::Font : functions that have a caca_font_t* as first argument (The constructor can currently only accept the name of a builtin font) • Caca::Display • Caca::Event • Caca::Event::Key • Caca::Event::Key::Press • Caca::Event::Key::Release • Caca::Event::Mouse • Caca::Event::Mouse::Press • Caca::Event::Mouse::Release • Caca::Event::Mouse::Motion • Caca::Event::Resize • Caca::Event::Quit The character set conversion functions are not available yet in the binding. $ irb -rcaca irb(main):001:0> class Object irb(main):002:1> def Object.my_instance_methods irb(main):003:2> instance_methods.sort - ancestors[1].instance_methods irb(main):004:2> end irb(main):005:1> def Object.my_methods irb(main):006:2> methods.sort - ancestors[1].methods irb(main):007:2> end irb(main):008:1> end irb(main):009:0> Caca.constants => ["BROWN", "BOLD", "GREEN", "LIGHTMAGENTA", "LIGHTBLUE", "BLINK", "MAGENTA", "DEFAULT", "TRANSPARENT", "BLUE", "LIGHTRED", "DARKGRAY", "UNDERLINE", "RED", "WHITE", "BLACK", "LIGHTCYAN", "LIGHTGRAY", "ITALICS", "CYAN", "YELLOW", "LIGHTGREEN", "Canvas", "Dither", "Font"] irb(main):010:0> Caca.my_methods => ["version"] irb(main):011:0> Caca::Canvas.my_methods => ["export_list", "import_list"] irb(main):012:0> Caca::Canvas.my_instance_methods => ["attr=", "blit", "clear", "create_frame", "dither_bitmap", "draw_box", "draw_circle", "draw_cp437_box", "draw_ellipse", "draw_line", "draw_polyline", "draw_thin_box", "draw_thin_ellipse", "draw_thin_line", "draw_thin_polyline", "draw_thin_triangle", "draw_triangle", "export_to_memory", "fill_box", "fill_ellipse", "fill_triangle", "flip", "flop", "frame=", "frame_count", "frame_name", "frame_name=", "free_frame", "get_attr", "get_char", "gotoxy", "handle_x", "handle_y", "height", "height=", "import_file", "import_from_memory", "invert", "printf", "put_attr", "put_char", "put_str", "rotate_180", "rotate_left", "rotate_right", "set_attr", "set_boundaries", "set_color_ansi", "set_color_argb", "set_frame", "set_frame_name", "set_handle", "set_height", "set_size", "set_width", "stretch_left", "stretch_right", "wherex", "wherey", "width", "width="] irb(main):013:0> Caca::Font.my_methods => ["list"] irb(main):014:0> Caca::Font.my_instance_methods => ["blocks", "height", "width"] irb(main):015:0> Caca::Dither.my_instance_methods => ["algorithm=", "algorithm_list", "antialias=", "antialias_list", "brightness=", "charset=", "charset_list", "color=", "color_list", "contrast=", "gamma=", "palette=", "set_algorithm", "set_antialias", "set_brightness", "set_charset", "set_color", "set_contrast", "set_gamma", "set_palette"] irb(main):010:0> Caca::Display.my_instance_methods => ["canvas", "get_event", "height", "mouse=", "mouse_x", "mouse_y", "refresh", "set_mouse", "set_time", "set_title", "time", "time=", "title=", "width"] irb(main):011:0> Caca::Event.constants => ["Key", "Quit", "TYPE", "Mouse", "Resize"] irb(main):012:0> Caca::Event.my_instance_methods => ["quit?"] irb(main):013:0> Caca::Event::Key.my_instance_methods => ["ch", "utf32", "utf8"] irb(main):014:0> Caca::Event::Mouse.my_instance_methods => ["button", "x", "y"] irb(main):015:0> Caca::Event::Resize.my_instance_methods => ["w", "h"]
$ ruby -rcaca -e ', 3).fill_box(0,0,2,2,"#"[0]);,1).put_str(0,0,"x"); c.blit(1,1,c2); puts c.export_to_memory("irc")' ### #x# ### $ ruby -e 'puts,3).draw_thin_polyline([[0,0], [0,2], [5,2],[0,0]]).export_to_memory("irc")' -. | `. ----`- $ ruby -rcaca -e 'p Caca::Canvas.export_list' [["caca", "native libcaca format"], ["ansi", "ANSI"], ["utf8", "UTF-8 withANSI escape codes"], ["utf8cr", "UTF-8 with ANSI escape codes and MS-DOS\\r"], ["html", "HTML"], ["html3", "backwards-compatible HTML"], ["irc", "IRC with mIRC colours"], ["ps", "PostScript document"], ["svg", "SVGvector image"], ["tga", "TGA image"]] $ ruby -rcaca -e 'p Caca::Font.list' ["Monospace9", "Monospace Bold 12"] require 'caca' c =,10) c.put_str(2,3, "plop!") c.draw_thin_polyline([[0,0],[0,2], [5,2], [0,0]]) d = d.title= "Test !" d.refresh #Redefine Event::Key#quit? so that q, Q, and Esc become exit keys module Caca class Event::Key def quit? "qQ^[".split('').member?(@ch.chr) end end end while((e= d.get_event(Caca::Event, -1)) && ! e.quit?) p e d.refresh end