Provided by: yambar_1.10.0-1build2_amd64 bug


       yambar-tags - configuration file


       Tags are the data carriers; it is through tags that modules expose their information. Each module defines
       its own set of tags.

       The available tag types are:

       │TypeDescription                                                                                  │
       │string   │ Value is a string. Rendered as-is by the string particle.                                    │
       │int      │ Value is an integer. Rendered in base 10 by the string particle.                             │
       │bool     │ Value is true or false. Rendered as "true" or "false" by the string particle                 │
       │float    │ Value is a float. Rendered in base 10, with two decimal digits by the string particle        │
       │range    │ Value is an integer, with a minimum and maximum value associated with it. By default, the    │
       │         │ string particle renders the value. The :min or :max suffixes may be added to instead render  │
       │         │ the minimum or maximum value ("{tag_name:min}").                                             │
       │realtime │ Value is an integer that changes in a predictable manner (in "realtime"). This allows the    │
       │         │ particle to update itself periodically. Only supported by the yambar-particle-progress-      │
       │         │ bar(5). Other particles can still render the tag's value. And, the string particle           │
       │         │ recognizes the :unit suffix, which will be translated to a "s" for a tag with "seconds"      │
       │         │ resolution, or "ms" for one with "milliseconds" resolution.                                  │


       A tag may be followed by one or more formatters that alter the tags rendition.

       Formatters are added by appending a ':' separated list of formatter names:


       In the table below, "kind" describes the type of action performed by the formatter:

       •   format: changes the representation of the tag's value
       •   selector: changes what to render

       In general, formatters of the same kind cannot be combined; if multiple formatters of the same kind are
       specified, the last one will be used.

       │FormatterKindApplies toDescription                                         │
       │[0]<number>[.] │ format   │ Numeric tags (integer │ The width reserved to the field. The leading '0' is │
       │               │          │ and floats)           │ optional and indicates zero padding, as opposed to  │
       │               │          │                       │ space padding. The trailing '.' is also optional    │
       │.<number>      │ format   │ Float tags            │ How many decimals to print                          │
       │[0]<N>[.]<M>   │ format   │ N: numeric tags, M:   │ Combined version of the two previous formatters     │
       │               │          │ float tags            │                                                     │
       │hex            │ format   │ All tag types         │ Renders a tag's value in hex                        │
       │oct            │ format   │ All tag types         │ Renders a tag's value in octal                      │
       │%              │ format   │ Range tags            │ Renders a range tag's value as a percentage value   │
       │kb, mb, gb     │ format   │ All tag types         │ Renders a tag's value (in decimal) divided by 1000, │
       │               │          │                       │ 1000^2 or 1000^3. Note: no unit suffix is appended) │
       │kib, mib, gib  │ format   │ All tag types         │ Same as kb, mb and gb, but divide by 1024^n instead │
       │               │          │                       │ of 1000^n.                                          │
       │min            │ selector │ Range tags            │ Renders a range tag's minimum value                 │
       │max            │ selector │ Range tags            │ Renders a range tag's maximum value                 │
       │unit           │ selector │ Realtime tags         │ Renders a realtime tag's unit (e.g. "s", or "ms")   │


       •   A numeric (float or int) tag with at least 3 digits, zero-padded if necessary:


       •   A float tag with 2 decimals:


       •   A "byte count" tag in gigabytes:


                                                   2024-04-01                                     yambar-tags(5)