noble (7) gammu-smsd-mysql.7.gz

Provided by: gammu-smsd_1.42.0-8.1ubuntu2_amd64 bug


       gammu-smsd-mysql - gammu-smsd(1) backend using MySQL database server as a message storage


       MYSQL  backend  stores all data in a MySQL database server, which parameters are defined by configuration
       (see gammu-smsdrc for description of configuration options).

       For tables description see gammu-smsd-tables.

       This backend is based on gammu-smsd-sql.


       Before running gammu-smsd you need to create necessary tables in the database, which is described below.

       The configuration file then can look like:

          service = sql
          driver = native_mysql
          host = localhost

       SEE ALSO:


       The user accessing the database does not need much privileges, the following privileges should be enough:

          GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'smsd'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

          GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `smsd`.* TO 'smsd'@'localhost';

          CREATE DATABASE smsd;

          For creating the SQL tables you need more privileges, especially for creating triggers, which are used
          for some functionality.


       Depending on MySQL version and settings please choose best fitting script to create tables:

       • mysql.sql, requires MySQL 5.6.5 or newer

       • mysql-legacy.sql  supports  legacy MySQL versions, but requires neither of NO_ZERO_DATE, ANSI or STRICT
         modes to be set in the server

       SQL script mysql.sql for creating tables in MySQL database:

          -- Database for Gammu SMSD
          -- In case you get errors about not supported charset, please
          -- replace utf8mb4 with utf8.

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `gammu`

          CREATE TABLE `gammu` (
            `Version` integer NOT NULL default '0' PRIMARY KEY
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          -- Dumping data for table `gammu`

          INSERT INTO `gammu` (`Version`) VALUES (17);

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `inbox`

          CREATE TABLE `inbox` (
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `ReceivingDateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `Text` text NOT NULL,
            `SenderNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text NOT NULL,
            `SMSCNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Class` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text NOT NULL,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
            `RecipientID` text NOT NULL,
            `Processed` enum('false','true') NOT NULL default 'false',
            `Status` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY `ID` (`ID`)

          -- Dumping data for table `inbox`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `outbox`

          CREATE TABLE `outbox` (
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `InsertIntoDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `SendingDateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `SendBefore` time NOT NULL DEFAULT '23:59:59',
            `SendAfter` time NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00',
            `Text` text,
            `DestinationNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text,
            `Class` integer default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text NOT NULL,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
            `MultiPart` enum('false','true') default 'false',
            `RelativeValidity` integer default '-1',
            `SenderID` varchar(255),
            `SendingTimeOut` timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `DeliveryReport` enum('default','yes','no') default 'default',
            `CreatorID` text NOT NULL,
            `Retries` int(3) default 0,
            `Priority` integer default 0,
            `Status` enum('SendingOK','SendingOKNoReport','SendingError','DeliveryOK','DeliveryFailed','DeliveryPending','DeliveryUnknown','Error','Reserved') NOT NULL default 'Reserved',
            `StatusCode` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY `ID` (`ID`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          CREATE INDEX outbox_date ON outbox(SendingDateTime, SendingTimeOut);
          CREATE INDEX outbox_sender ON outbox(SenderID(250));

          -- Dumping data for table `outbox`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `outbox_multipart`

          CREATE TABLE `outbox_multipart` (
            `Text` text,
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text,
            `Class` integer default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            `SequencePosition` integer NOT NULL default '1',
            `Status` enum('SendingOK','SendingOKNoReport','SendingError','DeliveryOK','DeliveryFailed','DeliveryPending','DeliveryUnknown','Error','Reserved') NOT NULL default 'Reserved',
            `StatusCode` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY (`ID`, `SequencePosition`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          -- Dumping data for table `outbox_multipart`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `phones`

          CREATE TABLE `phones` (
            `ID` text NOT NULL,
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `InsertIntoDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `TimeOut` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `Send` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'no',
            `Receive` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'no',
            `IMEI` varchar(35) NOT NULL,
            `IMSI` varchar(35) NOT NULL,
            `NetCode` varchar(10) default 'ERROR',
            `NetName` varchar(35) default 'ERROR',
            `Client` text NOT NULL,
            `Battery` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
            `Signal` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
            `Sent` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
            `Received` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
            PRIMARY KEY (`IMEI`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          -- Dumping data for table `phones`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `sentitems`

          CREATE TABLE `sentitems` (
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `InsertIntoDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `SendingDateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `DeliveryDateTime` timestamp NULL,
            `Text` text NOT NULL,
            `DestinationNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text NOT NULL,
            `SMSCNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Class` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text NOT NULL,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            `SenderID` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
            `SequencePosition` integer NOT NULL default '1',
            `Status` enum('SendingOK','SendingOKNoReport','SendingError','DeliveryOK','DeliveryFailed','DeliveryPending','DeliveryUnknown','Error') NOT NULL default 'SendingOK',
            `StatusError` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `TPMR` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `RelativeValidity` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `CreatorID` text NOT NULL,
            `StatusCode` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY (`ID`, `SequencePosition`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          CREATE INDEX sentitems_date ON sentitems(DeliveryDateTime);
          CREATE INDEX sentitems_tpmr ON sentitems(TPMR);
          CREATE INDEX sentitems_dest ON sentitems(DestinationNumber);
          CREATE INDEX sentitems_sender ON sentitems(SenderID(250));

          -- Dumping data for table `sentitems`

          You can find the script in docs/sql/mysql.sql as well.

       SQL script mysql-legacy.sql for creating tables in MySQL database:

          -- Database for Gammu SMSD
          -- In case you get errors about not supported charset, please
          -- replace utf8mb4 with utf8.

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `gammu`

          CREATE TABLE `gammu` (
            `Version` integer NOT NULL default '0' PRIMARY KEY
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          -- Dumping data for table `gammu`

          INSERT INTO `gammu` (`Version`) VALUES (17);

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `inbox`

          CREATE TABLE `inbox` (
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `ReceivingDateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `Text` text NOT NULL,
            `SenderNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text NOT NULL,
            `SMSCNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Class` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text NOT NULL,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
            `RecipientID` text NOT NULL,
            `Processed` enum('false','true') NOT NULL default 'false',
            `Status` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY `ID` (`ID`)

          -- Dumping data for table `inbox`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `outbox`

          CREATE TABLE `outbox` (
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `InsertIntoDB` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `SendingDateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `SendBefore` time NOT NULL DEFAULT '23:59:59',
            `SendAfter` time NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00',
            `Text` text,
            `DestinationNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text,
            `Class` integer default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text NOT NULL,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
            `MultiPart` enum('false','true') default 'false',
            `RelativeValidity` integer default '-1',
            `SenderID` varchar(255),
            `SendingTimeOut` timestamp NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `DeliveryReport` enum('default','yes','no') default 'default',
            `CreatorID` text NOT NULL,
            `Retries` int(3) default 0,
            `Priority` integer default 0,
            `Status` enum('SendingOK','SendingOKNoReport','SendingError','DeliveryOK','DeliveryFailed','DeliveryPending','DeliveryUnknown','Error','Reserved') NOT NULL default 'Reserved',
            `StatusCode` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY `ID` (`ID`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          CREATE INDEX outbox_date ON outbox(SendingDateTime, SendingTimeOut);
          CREATE INDEX outbox_sender ON outbox(SenderID(250));

          -- Dumping data for table `outbox`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `outbox_multipart`

          CREATE TABLE `outbox_multipart` (
            `Text` text,
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text,
            `Class` integer default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            `SequencePosition` integer NOT NULL default '1',
            `Status` enum('SendingOK','SendingOKNoReport','SendingError','DeliveryOK','DeliveryFailed','DeliveryPending','DeliveryUnknown','Error','Reserved') NOT NULL default 'Reserved',
            `StatusCode` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY (`ID`, `SequencePosition`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          -- Dumping data for table `outbox_multipart`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `phones`

          CREATE TABLE `phones` (
            `ID` text NOT NULL,
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `InsertIntoDB` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `TimeOut` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `Send` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'no',
            `Receive` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'no',
            `IMEI` varchar(35) NOT NULL,
            `IMSI` varchar(35) NOT NULL,
            `NetCode` varchar(10) default 'ERROR',
            `NetName` varchar(35) default 'ERROR',
            `Client` text NOT NULL,
            `Battery` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
            `Signal` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
            `Sent` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
            `Received` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
            PRIMARY KEY (`IMEI`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          -- Dumping data for table `phones`

          -- --------------------------------------------------------

          -- Table structure for table `sentitems`

          CREATE TABLE `sentitems` (
            `UpdatedInDB` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
            `InsertIntoDB` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `SendingDateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
            `DeliveryDateTime` timestamp NULL,
            `Text` text NOT NULL,
            `DestinationNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Coding` enum('Default_No_Compression','Unicode_No_Compression','8bit','Default_Compression','Unicode_Compression') NOT NULL default 'Default_No_Compression',
            `UDH` text NOT NULL,
            `SMSCNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
            `Class` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `TextDecoded` text NOT NULL,
            `ID` integer unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            `SenderID` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
            `SequencePosition` integer NOT NULL default '1',
            `Status` enum('SendingOK','SendingOKNoReport','SendingError','DeliveryOK','DeliveryFailed','DeliveryPending','DeliveryUnknown','Error') NOT NULL default 'SendingOK',
            `StatusError` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `TPMR` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `RelativeValidity` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            `CreatorID` text NOT NULL,
            `StatusCode` integer NOT NULL default '-1',
            PRIMARY KEY (`ID`, `SequencePosition`)
          ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

          CREATE INDEX sentitems_date ON sentitems(DeliveryDateTime);
          CREATE INDEX sentitems_tpmr ON sentitems(TPMR);
          CREATE INDEX sentitems_dest ON sentitems(DestinationNumber);
          CREATE INDEX sentitems_sender ON sentitems(SenderID(250));

          -- Dumping data for table `sentitems`

          -- Triggers for setting default timestamps

          DELIMITER //

          CREATE TRIGGER inbox_timestamp BEFORE INSERT ON inbox
          FOR EACH ROW
              IF NEW.ReceivingDateTime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.ReceivingDateTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;

          CREATE TRIGGER outbox_timestamp BEFORE INSERT ON outbox
          FOR EACH ROW
              IF NEW.InsertIntoDB = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.InsertIntoDB = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;
              IF NEW.SendingDateTime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.SendingDateTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;
              IF NEW.SendingTimeOut = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.SendingTimeOut = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;

          CREATE TRIGGER phones_timestamp BEFORE INSERT ON phones
          FOR EACH ROW
              IF NEW.InsertIntoDB = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.InsertIntoDB = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;
              IF NEW.TimeOut = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.TimeOut = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;

          CREATE TRIGGER sentitems_timestamp BEFORE INSERT ON sentitems
          FOR EACH ROW
              IF NEW.InsertIntoDB = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.InsertIntoDB = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;
              IF NEW.SendingDateTime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN
                  SET NEW.SendingDateTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();
              END IF;

          DELIMITER ;

          You can find the script in docs/sql/mysql-legacy.sql as well.


       The easiest way to upgrade database structure is to backup old one and start with creating new one  based
       on example above.

       For  upgrading  existing database, you can use changes described in smsd-tables-history and then manually
       update Version field in gammu table.


       Michal Čihař <>

       2009-2015, Michal Čihař <>