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       ovsdb-server - Open vSwitch Database Server Protocol


       ovsdb-server  implements the Open vSwitch Database (OVSDB) protocol specified in RFC 7047.  This document
       provides clarifications for how ovsdb-server implements the protocol and describes the extensions that it
       provides beyond RFC 7047.  Numbers in section headings refer to corresponding sections in RFC 7047.

   3.1 JSON Usage
       RFC  4627  says  that names within a JSON object should be unique.  The Open vSwitch JSON parser discards
       all but the last value for a name that is specified more than once.

       The definition of  <error>  allows  for  implementation  extensions.   Currently  ovsdb-server  uses  the
       following additional error strings (which might change in later releases):

       syntax error or unknown column
              The  request could not be parsed as an OVSDB request.  An additional syntax member, whose value is
              a string that contains JSON, may narrow down the particular syntax that could not be parsed.

       internal error
              The request triggered a bug in ovsdb-server.

       ovsdb error
              A map or set contains a duplicate key.

       permission error
              The request was denied by the role-based access control extension, introduced in version 2.8.

   3.2 Schema Format
       RFC 7047 requires the version field in <database-schema>.  Current versions of ovsdb-server allow  it  to
       be omitted (future versions are likely to require it).

       RFC  7047  allows  columns  that  contain  weak references to be immutable.  This raises the issue of the
       behavior of the weak reference when the  rows  that  it  references  are  deleted.   Since  version  2.6,
       ovsdb-server forces columns that contain weak references to be mutable.

       Since version 2.8, the table name RBAC_Role is used internally by the role-based access control extension
       to ovsdb-server and should not be used for purposes other than defining mappings of role names  to  table
       access permissions. This table has one row per role name and the following columns:

       name   The role name.

              A map of table name to a reference to a row in a separate permission table.

       The  separate  RBAC  permission  table  has  one  row  per access control configuration and the following

       name   The name of the table to which the row applies.

              The set of column names and column:key pairs to be  compared  with  the  client  ID  in  order  to
              determine the authorization status of the requested operation.

              A  boolean  value, true if authorized insertions and deletions are allowed, false if no insertions
              or deletions are allowed.

       update The set of columns and column:key pairs for which authorized update and mutate  operations  should
              be permitted.

   4 Wire Protocol
       The  original  OVSDB  specifications  included  the  following reasons, omitted from RFC 7047, to operate
       JSON-RPC directly over a stream instead of over HTTP:

       • JSON-RPC is a peer-to-peer protocol, but HTTP is a client-server  protocol,  which  is  a  poor  match.
         Thus,  JSON-RPC  over  HTTP  requires  the  client  to  periodically  poll the server to receive server

       • HTTP is more complicated than stream connections and doesn’t provide any corresponding advantage.

       • The JSON-RPC specification for HTTP transport is incomplete.

   4.1.3 Transact
       Since version 2.8, role-based access controls can be applied to  operations  within  a  transaction  that
       would  modify  the  contents  of  the  database  (these operations include row insert, row delete, column
       update, and column mutate). Role-based access controls are applied when the database  schema  contains  a
       table  with  the  name  RBAC_Role and the connection on which the transaction request was received has an
       associated role name (from the role column in  the  remote  connection  table).  When  role-based  access
       controls  are  enabled,  transactions  that  are  otherwise  well-formed may be rejected depending on the
       client’s role, ID, and the contents of the RBAC_Role table and associated permissions table.

   4.1.5 Monitor
       For backward compatibility, ovsdb-server currently permits a single <monitor-request> to be used  instead
       of  an array; it is treated as a single-element array.  Future versions of ovsdb-server might remove this
       compatibility feature.

       Because the <json-value> parameter is used to match subsequent update notifications (see  below)  to  the
       request,  it  must  be  unique  among  all  active  monitors.  ovsdb-server rejects attempt to create two
       monitors with the same identifier.

       When a given client sends a transact request that changes a table that the  same  client  is  monitoring,
       ovsdb-server  always sends the update (or update2 or update3) for these changes before it sends the reply
       to the transact request.  Thus, when a client receives a transact reply, it  can  know  immediately  what
       changes  (if  any)  the transaction made.  (If ovsdb-server might use the other order, then a client that
       wishes to act on based on the results of its own transactions would not know when this was guaranteed  to
       have taken place.)

   4.1.7 Monitor Cancellation
       When  a  database  monitored  by  a  session is removed, and database change awareness is enabled for the
       session (see  Section  4.1.16),  the  database  server  spontaneously  cancels  all  monitors  (including
       conditional  monitors  described in Section 4.1.12) for the removed database.  For each canceled monitor,
       it issues a notification in the following form:

          "method": "monitor_canceled"
          "params": [<json-value>]
          "id": null

   4.1.12 Monitor_cond
       A new monitor method added in Open vSwitch version 2.6.  The monitor_cond request  enables  a  client  to
       replicate  subsets  of  tables  within  an  OVSDB database by requesting notifications of changes to rows
       matching one of the conditions specified in where by receiving the specified contents of these rows  when
       table  updates  occur.   monitor_cond  also  allows  a  more  efficient update notifications by receiving
       <table-updates2> notifications (described below).

       The monitor method  described  in  Section  4.1.5  also  applies  to  monitor_cond,  with  the  following

       • RPC request method becomes monitor_cond.

       • Reply result follows <table-updates2>, described in Section 4.1.14.

       • Subsequent  changes are sent to the client using the update2 monitor notification, described in Section

       • Update notifications are being sent only for rows matching [<condition>*].

       The request object has the following members:

          "method": "monitor_cond"
          "params": [<db-name>, <json-value>, <monitor-cond-requests>]
          "id": <nonnull-json-value>

       The <json-value> parameter is used to match subsequent update notifications (see below) to this  request.
       The <monitor-cond-requests> object maps the name of the table to an array of <monitor-cond-request>.

       Each <monitor-cond-request> is an object with the following members:

          "columns": [<column>*]            optional
          "where": [<condition>*]           optional
          "select": <monitor-select>        optional

       The  columns,  if present, define the columns within the table to be monitored that match conditions.  If
       not present, all columns are monitored.

       The where, if present, is a JSON array of <condition> and boolean values.  If not present or condition is
       an empty array, implicit True will be considered and updates on all rows will be sent.

       <monitor-select> is an object with the following members:

          "initial": <boolean>              optional
          "insert": <boolean>               optional
          "delete": <boolean>               optional
          "modify": <boolean>               optional

       The  contents  of  this  object specify how the columns or table are to be monitored as explained in more
       detail below.

       The response object has the following members:

          "result": <table-updates2>
          "error": null
          "id": same "id" as request

       The <table-updates2> object is described in detail in Section 4.1.14.  It contains the  contents  of  the
       tables  for which initial rows are selected.  If no tables initial contents are requested, then result is
       an empty object.

       Subsequently,  when  changes  to  a   specified   table   that   match   one   of   the   conditions   in
       <monitor-cond-request>  are committed, the changes are automatically sent to the client using the update2
       monitor notification  (see  Section  4.1.14).   This  monitoring  persists  until  the  JSON-RPC  session
       terminates or until the client sends a monitor_cancel JSON-RPC request.

       Each  <monitor-cond-request> specifies one or more conditions and the manner in which the rows that match
       the conditions are to be monitored.  The circumstances in which an update notification is sent for a  row
       within the table are determined by <monitor-select>:

       • If  initial  is  omitted or true, every row in the original table that matches one of the conditions is
         sent as part of the response to the monitor_cond request.

       • If insert is omitted or true, update notifications are sent for rows newly inserted into the table that
         match  conditions  or  for  rows  modified  in  the  table so that their old version does not match the
         condition and new version does.

       • If delete is omitted or true, update notifications are sent for rows deleted from the table that  match
         conditions  or  for  rows modified in the table so that their old version does match the conditions and
         new version does not.

       • If modify is omitted or true, update notifications are sent whenever a row in the  table  that  matches
         conditions in both old and new version is modified.

       Both  monitor  and monitor_cond sessions can exist concurrently. However, monitor and monitor_cond shares
       the same <json-value> parameter space; it must be unique among all monitor and monitor_cond sessions.

   4.1.13 Monitor_cond_change
       The monitor_cond_change request enables a client to change an existing monitor_cond  replication  of  the
       database  by  specifying  a  new condition and columns for each replicated table.  Currently changing the
       columns set is not supported.

       The request object has the following members:

          "method": "monitor_cond_change"
          "params": [<json-value>, <json-value>, <monitor-cond-update-requests>]
          "id": <nonnull-json-value>

       The <json-value> parameter should have a value of an existing conditional monitoring  session  from  this
       client.  The  second  <json-value> in params array is the requested value for this session. This value is
       valid only after monitor_cond_change is committed. A user can use these  values  to  distinguish  between
       update  messages  before  conditions update and after. The <monitor-cond-update-requests> object maps the
       name of the table to an  array  of  <monitor-cond-update-request>.   Monitored  tables  not  included  in
       <monitor-cond-update-requests> retain their current conditions.

       Each <monitor-cond-update-request> is an object with the following members:

          "columns": [<column>*]         optional
          "where": [<condition>*]        optional

       The columns specify a new array of columns to be monitored, although this feature is not yet supported.

       The where specify a new array of conditions to be applied to this monitoring session.

       The response object has the following members:

          "result": {}
          "error": null
          "id": same "id" as request

       Subsequent  <table-updates2>  notifications  are  described  in  detail in Section 4.1.14 in the RFC.  If
       insert contents are requested by original monitor_cond request, <table-updates2> will contain  rows  that
       match  the new condition and do not match the old condition.  If deleted contents are requested by origin
       monitor request, <table-updates2> will contain any matched rows by old condition and not matched  by  the
       new condition.

       Changes according to the new conditions are automatically sent to the client using the update2 or update3
       monitor notification depending on the monitor method.  An update, if any, as  a  result  of  a  condition
       change, will be sent to the client before the reply to the monitor_cond_change request.

   4.1.14 Update2 notification
       The  update2  notification is sent by the server to the client to report changes in tables that are being
       monitored following a monitor_cond request  as  described  above.  The  notification  has  the  following

          "method": "update2"
          "params": [<json-value>, <table-updates2>]
          "id": null

       The  <json-value>  in  params  is  the  same  as  the  value passed as the <json-value> in params for the
       corresponding monitor request.  <table-updates2>  is  an  object  that  maps  from  a  table  name  to  a
       <table-update2>.   A  <table-update2> is an object that maps from row’s UUID to a <row-update2> object. A
       <row-update2> is an object with one of the following members:

       "initial": <row>
              present for initial updates

       "insert": <row>
              present for insert updates

       "delete": <row>
              present for delete updates

       "modify": <row>"
              present for modify updates

       The format of <row> is described in Section 5.1.

       <row> is always a null object for a delete update.  In initial and insert updates,  <row>  omits  columns
       whose values equal the default value of the column type.

       For  a  modify  update,  <row>  contains only the columns that are modified.  <row> stores the difference
       between the old and new value for those columns, as described below.

       For columns with single value, the difference is the value of the new column.

       The difference between two sets are all elements that only belong to one of the sets.

       The difference between two maps are all key-value pairs whose keys appears in only one of the maps,  plus
       the  key-value  pairs whose keys appear in both maps but with different values.  For the latter elements,
       <row> includes the value from the new column.

       Initial views of rows are not presented in update2 notifications, but  in  the  response  object  to  the
       monitor_cond  request.   The  formatting  of  the <table-updates2> object, however, is the same in either

   4.1.15 Monitor_cond_since
       A new monitor method added in Open vSwitch version 2.12.  The monitor_cond_since request enables a client
       to  request  changes  that  happened  after  a  specific transaction id. A client can use this feature to
       request only latest changes after a server connection reset instead of  re-transfer  all  data  from  the
       server again.

       The  monitor_cond  method  described  in  Section  4.1.12  also  applies  to monitor_cond_since, with the
       following exceptions:

       • RPC request method becomes monitor_cond_since.

       • Reply result includes extra parameters.

       • Subsequent changes are sent to the client using the update3 monitor notification, described in  Section

       The request object has the following members:

          "method": "monitor_cond_since"
          "params": [<db-name>, <json-value>, <monitor-cond-requests>, <last-txn-id>]
          "id": <nonnull-json-value>

       The <last-txn-id> parameter is the transaction id that identifies the latest data the client already has,
       and it requests server to send changes AFTER this transaction (exclusive).

       All other parameters are the same as monitor_cond method.

       The response object has the following members:

          "result": [<found>, <last-txn-id>, <table-updates2>]
          "error": null
          "id": same "id" as request

       The <found> is a boolean value that tells if the <last-txn-id> requested by client is found  in  server’s
       history  or  not.  If  true, the changes after that version up to current is sent. Otherwise, all data is

       The <last-txn-id> is the transaction id that identifies the latest transaction included in the changes in
       <table-updates2>  of  this response, so that client can keep tracking.  If there is no change involved in
       this response, it is the same as the <last-txn-id> in the request if <found> is true,  or  zero  uuid  if
       <found> is false.  If the server does not support transaction uuid, it will be zero uuid as well.

       All other parameters are the same as in response object of monitor_cond method.

       Like   in   monitor_cond,   subsequent  changes  that  match  conditions  in  <monitor-cond-request>  are
       automatically sent to the client, but using update3 monitor notification (see Section 4.1.16), instead of

   4.1.16 Update3 notification
       The  update3  notification is sent by the server to the client to report changes in tables that are being
       monitored following a monitor_cond_since request as described above. The notification has  the  following

          "method": "update3"
          "params": [<json-value>, <last-txn-id>, <table-updates2>]
          "id": null

       The <last-txn-id> is the same as described in the response object of monitor_cond_since.

       All other parameters are the same as in update2 monitor notification (see Section 4.1.14).

   4.1.17 Get Server ID
       A new RPC method added in Open vSwitch version 2.7.  The request contains the following members:

          "method": "get_server_id"
          "params": null
          "id": <nonnull-json-value>

       The response object contains the following members:

          "result": "<server_id>"
          "error": null
          "id": same "id" as request

       <server_id>  is  JSON  string  that  contains  a  UUID  that uniquely identifies the running OVSDB server
       process.  A fresh UUID is generated when the process restarts.

   4.1.18 Database Change Awareness
       RFC 7047 does not provide a way for a client to find out about some kinds of configuration changes,  such
       as  about  databases  added  or  removed while a client is connected to the server, or databases changing
       between read/write and read-only due to a transition between active  and  backup  roles.   Traditionally,
       ovsdb-server disconnects all of its clients when this happens, because this prompts a well-written client
       to reassess what is available from the server when it reconnects.

       OVS 2.9 provides a way for clients to keep track of these kinds of changes, by  monitoring  the  Database
       table  in  the _Server database introduced in this release (see ovsdb-server(5) for details).  By itself,
       this does not suppress ovsdb-server disconnection behavior, because a client might monitor this  database
       without understanding its special semantics.  Instead, ovsdb-server provides a special request:

          "method": "set_db_change_aware"
          "params": [<boolean>]
          "id": <nonnull-json-value>

       If  the  boolean  in  the  request is true, it suppresses the connection-closing behavior for the current
       connection, and false restores the default behavior.  The reply is always the same:

          "result": {}
          "error": null
          "id": same "id" as request

   4.1.19 Schema Conversion
       Open vSwitch 2.9 adds a new JSON-RPC request to convert an online database from one  schema  to  another.
       The request contains the following members:

          "method": "convert"
          "params": [<db-name>, <database-schema>]
          "id": <nonnull-json-value>

       Upon receipt, the server converts database <db-name> to schema <database-schema>.  The schema’s name must
       be <db-name>.  The conversion is atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable.  The  data  in  the  database
       must  be  valid  when  interpreted  under <database-schema>, with only one exception: data for tables and
       columns that do not exist in the new schema are ignored.  Columns that exist in <database-schema> but not
       in the database are set to their default values.  All of the new schema’s constraints apply in full.

       If  the  conversion  is  successful,  the  server  notifies  clients that use the set_db_change_aware RPC
       introduced in Open vSwitch 2.9 and cancels their  outstanding  transactions  and  monitors.   The  server
       disconnects  other clients, enabling them to notice the change when they reconnect.  The server sends the
       following reply:

          "result": {}
          "error": null
          "id": same "id" as request

       If the conversion fails, then the server sends an error reply in the following form:

          "result": null
          "error": [<error>]
          "id": same "id" as request

   5.1 Notation
       For <condition>, RFC 7047 only allows the use of !=, ==, includes, and excludes operators with set types.
       Open  vSwitch  2.4  and  later  extend  <condition> to allow the use of <, <=, >=, and > operators with a
       column with type “set of 0 or 1 integer” and an integer argument, and with “set of 0 or  1  real”  and  a
       real  argument.   These conditions evaluate to false when the column is empty, and otherwise as described
       in RFC 7047 for integer and real types.

       <condition> is specified in Section 5.1 in the RFC with the following change: A condition can be either a
       3-element  JSON  array  as described in the RFC or a boolean value. In case of an empty array an implicit
       true boolean value will be considered.

   5.2.1 Insert
       As an extension, Open vSwitch 2.13 and later allow an optional uuid member to specify the  UUID  for  the
       new  row.   The  specified UUID must be unique within the table when it is inserted and not the UUID of a
       row previously deleted within the transaction.  If the UUID violates  these  rules,  then  the  operation
       fails with a duplicate uuid error.

   5.2.6 Wait, 5.2.7 Commit, 5.2.9 Comment
       RFC 7047 says that the wait, commit, and comment operations have no corresponding result object.  This is
       not true.  Instead, when such an operation is successful, it yields a result object with no members.


       The Open vSwitch Development Community


       2016-2024, The Open vSwitch Development Community