noble (7) pkg-js-tools.7.gz

Provided by: pkg-js-tools_0.15.18_all bug


       pkg-js-tools - collection of tools to aid packaging Node modules in Debian.


       To use salsa(1) with pkg-javascript configuration, add something like that in
       your .bashrc:
         alias js-salsa='salsa --conf-file +/usr/share/pkg-js-tools/pkg-js-salsa.conf'

       Then you can use salsa simply. Some examples:

        • if you created a local repo and want to create and push it on
          salsa ⟨⟩, launch simply:

        js-salsa push_repo .

        • to configure a repo already pushed:

        js-salsa update_safe node-foobar

        • to clone locally a js-team package:

        js-salsa co node-foobar

       See salsa(1) for more.


       pkg-js-tools debhelper addon is automatically loaded if a package
       build-depends on dh-sequence-nodejs or (old fashion) if dh is called
       with --with nodejs in debian/rules.

   Quick use
       Examples of basic migration to pkg-js-tools:
       Switch     test    and    install    to    pkg-js-tools    ⟨

   How it works
       pkg-js-tools provides hooks for these steps:

       │          Step                                         Comment                                          │
       │          configure                                    populate node_modules/                           │
       │          build                                        build components and main module                 │
       │          test                                         test components and main module                  │
       │          install                                      install components and main module               │
       │          installdocs                                  can  auto-generate  docs   for   each            │
       │                                                       component                                        │
       │          clean                                        clean pkg-js-tools stuff                         │
       Technically, it adds --buildsystem=nodejs to the corresponding dh_auto_<step>

       Important note. Here:

        • component is the directory name of a submodule (uscan(1) component or
          additional components listed in debian/nodejs/additional_components).
          Example: types-globmodule is the npmjs name. Example: @types/glob

       See Group Sources Tutorial ⟨⟩

       for more about embedding components.


        • dh_auto_clean, cleans files automatically installed by pkg-js-tools

        • dh_auto_configure, automatically populates node_modules directory:

         • links embedded components

         • links global modules listed in debian/nodejs/extlinks

         • copies global modules listed in debian/nodejs/extcopiesdh_auto_build, Remember to add a dh_auto_build --buildsystem=nodejs
          in override_dh_auto_build section if your debian/rules file has such
          section, else this step will be ignored. Builds:

         • components by launching sh -ex debian/nodejs/<component-name>/build in
           this file exists

         • main module by launching sh -ex debian/nodejs/build if exists

        • dh_auto_test, tests:

         • components by launching sh -ex debian/nodejs/<component-name>/test if
           this file exists

         • main module by launching sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test if this file
           exists. This test is also used by pkg-js-autopkgtest(7) during autopkgtest.
           If you want to have a different test during build, set this test in

        • dh_auto_install: installs modules in the good directories and provides
          some debhelper variables to be used in debian/control. Note that if your
          package provides more that one binary package, you have to use some
          debian/<package-name>.install files to distribute the files.

         • components: determine files to install using the same algorithm than
           main module
           and install them:

          • nowhere if component if debian/nodejs/submodules exists and component
            isn't listed in it (an empty debian/nodejs/submodules drops all

          • nowhere if component is listed in debian/nodejs/additional_components
            with a "!" prefix

          • in main nodejs directories if component is listed in

          • else: in a node_modules subdirectory of main module

         • main module, determine files to install (see below) and install them
           in the "good" directory:

          • if "architecture" is "all": /usr/share/nodejs

          • else: /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/nodejslinks: builds symlinks listed in debian/nodejs/links. Same usage
           as debian/links except that source or destination not starting with /
           are related to arch path
           (/usr/share/nodejs or /usr/lib/<gnu-arch>/nodejs)Build pkgjs-lock.json files: if package "maybe a bundle"
           (built with webpack, browserify,...), pkg-js-tools builds a
           pkgjs-lock.json for each module. This files may help in Debian

         • Variables usable in debian/control:

          • ${nodejs:Version}: the version of nodejs used during build

          • ${nodejs:Provides}: virtual names to be added into "Provides:" field.
            This lists all modules installed in nodejs root directories

          • ${nodeFoo:Provides}: for a source package that provides several binary
            packages, dh-sequence-nodejs filters ${nodejs:Provides} for each
            binary package. The package name is converted into its camelcase name:
            node-jest-worker becomes nodeJestWorker

          • ${nodejs:BuiltUsing}: when package "maybe a bundle", lists packages
            and versions used to build package. Use it in
            XB-Javascript-Built-Using field

        • dh_installdocs: dh-sequence-nodejs provides a tool named
          dh_nodejs_autodocs which can be used in a override_dh_installdocs
          to automatically generate documentation for each component. See related

        • dh_install: dh-sequence-nodejs provides a tool named
          dh_nodejs_build_debug_package which can be used to build a separate
          debug package with sourcemap files when package size is too big. See related

   Automatically detect some additional components
       Starting from 0.12.0, dh-sequence-nodejs automatically reads lerna.conf and
       reads "packages" field to find additional components.

       Starting from 0.12.7, it does the same when package.json has a "workspaces"

       This auto-detection automatically drops "test" and "tests" directories. You
       can override this behavior using debian/additional_components.

       If a component should not be considered, insert its name preceded by a "!" in

       To disable this feature, use dh-sequence-nodejs-no-lerna.

   Algorithm to determine files to install
       pkg-js-tools tries to reproduce npm(1) behavior: it reads package.json
       and/or .npmignore files to determine files to install except that it drops
       licenses, *.md, doc*, example*, test*, makefiles,...`.

       This behavior is overridden if:

        • debian/nodejs/install (or debian/nodejs/<component-name>/install)
          exists. This file uses the same format than debian/install.

        • debian/nodejs/files (or debian/nodejs/<component-name>/files) exists.
          the content of this file replaces "files" entry of package.json

   pkg-js-tools files
        • all steps:

         • debian/nodejs/additional_components is used to set some
           subdirectories that should be considered as components even if they
           are not listed in debian/watch. Content example: packages/*.
           Important note: in this example, component name is packages/foo in
           every other files, including paths

         • debian/nodejs/main is used to indicates where is the main module.
           In a package containing only components (bundle package), you should
           choose one of them as main component

        • configure step:

         • debian/build_modules additional modules needed to build, will be
           linked in node_modules directory

         • debian/nodejs/component_links lists needed links between components:
           links ../../component-src in component-dst/node_modules/component-src-namedebian/nodejs/<component-name>/nolink avoids node_modules links
           creation for this component (configuration step)debian/nodejs/extlinks lists installed node modules that should be
           linked into node_modules directory (modules are searched using nodejs
           algorithm). You can mark them with "test" to avoid errors when build
           profile contains nocheckdebian/nodejs/extcopies lists installed node modules that should be
           copied into node_modules directory. You can also mark them with "test"

         • debian/nodejs/<component>/extlinks lists installed node modules that
           should be linked in <component>/node_modules directory (test flag available)debian/nodejs/<component>/extcopies lists installed node modules that
           should be copied in <component>/node_modules directory (test flag available)

        • build step:

         • debian/nodejs/build custom build. An empty file stops auto build

         • debian/nodejs/<component>/build: same for components

         • debian/nodejs/build_order orders components build (one component
           per line). Else components are built in alphabetic order except components
           declared in debian/nodejs/component_links: a component that depends
           on another is built after

        • test step:

         • debian/tests/test_modules/: additional modules needed for running tests can be
           added to this directory as subdirectories, which will be linked in node_modules
           directory during test step only

         • debian/tests/pkg-js/test: script to launch during test
           (launched with set -e)debian/tests/pkg-js/files: lists other files than
           debian/tests/test\_modules/\* and installed files needed for autopkgtest
           (default: test*)debian/nodejs/test: overwrite debian/tests/pkg-js/test during
           build if test differs in build and autopkgtest

         • debian/nodejs/<component-name>/test: same for components
           (launched during build only)

         • autopkgtest files:

          • debian/tests/autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs.conf: autodep8 configuration file
            which can be used to add packages or restrictions during autopkgtest only

           • extra_depends=p1, p2, p3 permits one to add p1, p2 and p3 packages

           • extra-restrictions=needs-internet permits one to add additional restrictions
             during autopkgtest

          • debian/tests/pkg-js/require-name: contains the name to use in
            autopkgtest require test instead of package.json value

        • install step:

         • debian/nodejs/submodules lists components to install (all if missing)debian/nodejs/root_modules lists components to install in nodejs root
           directory (instead of node_modules subdirectory). If this file
           contains *, all components are installed in root directory

         • debian/nodejs/files overwrites package.json#files field.

         • debian/nodejs/<component-name>/files overwrites package.json#files
           field. An empty file avoid any install

         • debian/nodejs/name overwrites package.json#name field.

         • debian/nodejs/<component-name>/name overwrites package.json#namedebian/nodejs/install overwrites debian/nodejs/files: same usage as
           debian/install except that destination not starting with / are related to
           arch path (/usr/share/nodejs or /usr/lib/<gnu-arch>/nodejs)debian/nodejs/<component-name>/install same as debian/nodejs/install
           for components

        • link step:

         • debian/nodejs/links: same usage as debian/links except that source or
           destination not starting with / are related to arch path
           (/usr/share/nodejs or /usr/lib/<gnu-arch>/nodejs)

                                To install a component in another directory, set its files in


        • debian/control

         Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs
         Build-Depends: dh-sequence-nodejs

        • debian/tests/pkg-js/test

         mocha -R spec

       See also pkg-js-autopkgtest README ⟨../autopkgtest/⟩.

   Multiple binary packages
       When debian/control provides more than one binary package, dh_auto_install
       populates a debian/tmp and dh_install install files in each package. In
       this case, you must write a debian/<package>.install for each binary
       package. Each line with only one argument is related to debian/tmp.

        • debian/node-arch-indep.install: pick files from debian/tmp

        • debian/node-arch-dep.install: pick files from debian/tmp

        • debian/libjs.install: pick files from sources
          dist/* usr/share/javascript/foo/

       Since path is not fixed for arch-dependent package, you must write
         # debian/nodejs/links
         foo/bin/cli.js  /usr/bin/foo

       With a arch independent package, pkg-js-tools transforms this into:
         /usr/share/nodejs/foo/bin/cli.js    /usr/bin/foo

       and for a arch dependent package, it uses DEB_GNU_ARCH. Example with amd64:
         /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/foo/bin/cli.js  /usr/bin/foo

       All fields that does not start with / are prefixed with the good nodejs path

   Component docs
       Starting from version 0.13.0, pkg-js-tools provides dh_nodejs_autodocs.
       This tool automatically install,,... for each
       root component in its /usr/share/doc/node-<name> directory. And if no
       debian/*docs is found, it does the same for the main component. To use it:

   .eslint* files
       pkg-js-tools auto installer always removes .eslint* files unless it
       is explicitly specified in debian/nodejs/**/files or

   Having different test between build and autopkgtest
       When debian/nodejs/test exists, this file is used during build test instead
       of debian/tests/pkg-js/test. This permits one to have a different test. You can
       also overwrite dh_auto_test step in debian/rules:
               # No test during build (test needs Internet)

   Autopkgtest additional test packages or test restrictions
       autodep8 allows one to add additional packages during autopkgtest (and/or
       additional restrictions) by using a debian/tests/autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs.conf
         extra_depends=mocha, npm


       pkg-js-tools provides a lintian profile:

        • pkg-js-extra: launches additional checks (repo consistency see
          debcheck-node-repo below)

       To use them:
         lintian --profile pkg-js-extra ../node-foo_1.2.3-1.changes


       See related manpages.

        • add-node-component: automatically modifies gbp.conf and debian/watch to add
          a node component. See
          JS Group Sources Tutorial ⟨⟩.

          It can also list components or modules (real names)

        • getFromNpmCache: export npm cache content to standard output

        • github-debian-upstream: launches it in source repo to create a
          debian/upstream/metadata (works only if upstream repo is on GitHub)nodepath: shows the path of a node module (npm name). You can use -p to
          show also the Debian package. Option -o shows only Debian package name.

        • debcheck-node-repo: checks repo consistency: compares vcs repo registered
          in npm registry with the source repo declared in debian/watch"

        • dh_nodejs_autodocs: automatically select and install documentation files
          toinstall for each component

        • dh_nodejs_build_debug_package: move sourcemap files from binary
          packages to a separated debug package

        • mjs2cjs: build commonjs file using rollup

        • pkgjs-audit: creates a temporary package-lock.json file using Debian
          package values used by the module to analyze, and launch a npm audit. If
          module is a bundle (and then has a pkgjs-lock.json), pkgjs-audit uses
          pkgjs-lock.json, else it generates its package-lock.json using available

        • pkgjs-depends: search recursively dependencies of the given module name
          (if not given, use current package.json) and displays related Debian packages
          and missing dependencies

        • pkgjs-install: same as npm install but uses Debian JS modules when

        • pkgjs-install-minimal: same as pkgjs-install but uses only available
          Debian modules. It is included in dh-nodejs so can be used during build

        • pkgjs-ls: same as npm ls but it search also in global nodejs paths

        • pkgjs-run: same as npm runpkgjs-lerna run: same as lerna run (only run command is implemented)pkgjs-utils, pkgjs-ln, pkgjs-main, pkgjs-pjson: various
          utilities. See pkgjs-utils(1) manpage.


       debhelper(7), pkg-js-autopkgtest(7), uscan(1), add-node-component(1),
       github-debian-upstream(1), nodepath(1), mjs2cjs(1), pkgjs-ls(1),
       pkgjs-depends(1), pkgjs-audit(1), pkgjs-utils(1), pkgjs-install(1)


       │           TOOL                                                              Minimal version            │
       │           add-node-component                                                0.8.14                     │
       │           add-node-component --cmp-tree                                     0.9.22                     │
       │           debcheck-node-repo                                                0.8.14                     │
       │           dh_nodejs_autodocs                                                0.13.0                     │
       │           dh_nodejs_autodocs auto_dispatch                                  0.14.5                     │
       │           dh_nodejs_build_debug_package                                     0.15.5                     │
       │           dh_nodejs_substvars                                               0.14.5                     │
       │           dh-make-node                                                      0.9.18                     │
       │           getFromNpmCache                                                   0.14.32                    │
       │           mjs2cjs                                                           0.12.3                     │
       │           mjs2cjs -a                                                        0.14.14                    │
       │           pkgjs-audit                                                       0.11.2                     │
       │           pkgjs-depends                                                     0.9.54                     │
       │           pkgjs-depends --graph                                             0.14.34                    │
       │           pkgjs-install                                                     0.14.20                    │
       │           pkgjs-install-minimal                                             0.14.27                    │
       │           pkgjs-ln                                                          0.9.76                     │
       │           pkgjs-lerna                                                       0.15.13                    │
       │           pkgjs-ls                                                          0.9.30                     │
       │           pkgjs-main                                                        0.9.76                     │
       │           pkgjs-pjson                                                       0.9.76                     │
       │           pkgjs-run                                                         0.14.22                    │
       │           pkgjs-utils                                                       0.9.75                     │
       │           FEATURE                                                           Minimal version            │
       │           additional_components                                             0.9.11                     │
       │           auto build (grunt)                                                0.9.3                      │
       │           autopkgtest skip                                                  0.9.30                     │
       │           auto-install (arch-dep)                                           0.9.27                     │
       │           build order                                                       0.9.10                     │
       │           dh-sequence-nodejs                                                0.9.41                     │
       │           follow lerna.json#useWorkspaces                                   0.14.8                     │
       │           .npmignore support                                                0.9.53                     │
       │           support lerna.conf                                                0.12.0                     │
       │           support workspaces                                                0.12.7                     │
       │           debian/nodejs/main                                                0.9.11                     │
       │           debian/tests/test_modules                                         0.9.33                     │
       │           debian/build_modules                                              0.9.33                     │
       │           ${nodejs:BuiltUsing}                                              0.11.8                     │
       │           ${nodejs:Provides}                                                0.9.10                     │
       │           ${nodejs:Version}                                                 0.9.38                     │
       │           ${nodeFoo:Provides}                                               0.14.5                     │
       │           ordered_components_list                                           0.15.13                    │
       │           packages_list                                                     0.15.13                    │
       Copyright Yadd <>

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
       any later version.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       GNU General Public License for more details.

       On Debian systems, the complete text of version 2 of the GNU General
       Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
       If not, see GNU licenses⟩;

                                                    May 2023                                     PKG-JS-TOOLS(7)