noble (7) python-evdev.7.gz

Provided by: python-evdev-doc_1.7.0+dfsg-1build1_amd64 bug


       python-evdev - python-evdev Documentation

       This  package provides bindings to the generic input event interface in Linux. The evdev interface serves
       the purpose of passing events generated in the kernel directly to  userspace  through  character  devices
       that are typically located in /dev/input/.

       This  package  also comes with bindings to uinput, the userspace input subsystem. Uinput allows userspace
       programs to create and handle input devices that can inject events directly into the input subsystem.

       In other words, python-evdev allows you to read and write input events on Linux. An event can be a key or
       button press, a mouse movement or a tap on a touchscreen.


       Python-evdev has been packaged for the following GNU/Linux distributions:

       Consult the documentation of your OS package manager for installation instructions.


       The  latest stable version of python-evdev can be installed from pypi, provided that you have a compiler,
       pip and the Python  and  Linux  development  headers  installed  on  your  system.  Installing  these  is
       distribution specific and typically falls in one of the following:

       On a Debian compatible OS:

          $ apt install python-dev python-pip gcc
          $ apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

       On a Redhat compatible OS:

          $ dnf install python-devel python-pip gcc
          $ dnf install kernel-headers-$(uname -r)

       On Arch Linux and derivatives:

          $ pacman -S core/linux-api-headers python-pip gcc

       Once all dependencies are available, you may install python-evdev using pip:

          $ sudo pip install evdev    # available globally
          $ pip install --user evdev  # available to the current user


       By  default,  the  setup  script  will  look  for  the  input.h  and input-event-codes.h [1] header files

       You may use the --evdev-headers option to the build_ext setuptools command  to   the  location  of  these
       header files. It accepts one or more colon-separated paths. For example:

          $ python build_ext \
              --evdev-headers buildroot/input.h:buildroot/input-event-codes.h \
              --include-dirs  buildroot/ \
              install  # or any other command (e.g. develop, bdist, bdist_wheel)

       [1]  input-event-codes.h is found only in more recent kernel versions.


   Listing accessible event devices
          >>> import evdev

          >>> devices = [evdev.InputDevice(path) for path in evdev.list_devices()]
          >>> for device in devices:
          ...    print(device.path,, device.phys)
          /dev/input/event1    USB Keyboard        usb-0000:00:12.1-2/input0
          /dev/input/event0    USB Optical Mouse   usb-0000:00:12.0-2/input0

          If you do not see any devices, ensure that your user is in the correct group (typically input) to have
          read/write access.

   Reading events from a device
          >>> import evdev

          >>> device = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')
          >>> print(device)
          device /dev/input/event1, name "USB Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:00:12.1-2/input0"

          >>> for event in device.read_loop():
          ...     if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY:
          ...         print(evdev.categorize(event))
          ... # pressing 'a' and holding 'space'
          key event at 1337016188.396030, 30 (KEY_A), down
          key event at 1337016188.492033, 30 (KEY_A), up
          key event at 1337016189.772129, 57 (KEY_SPACE), down
          key event at 1337016190.275396, 57 (KEY_SPACE), hold
          key event at 1337016190.284160, 57 (KEY_SPACE), up

   Accessing event codes
       The evdev.ecodes module provides reverse and forward mappings between the names and values of  the  event
       subsystem constants.

          >>> from evdev import ecodes

          >>> ecodes.KEY_A
          ... 30
          >>> ecodes.ecodes['KEY_A']
          ... 30
          >>> ecodes.KEY[30]
          ... 'KEY_A'
          >>> ecodes.bytype[ecodes.EV_KEY][30]
          ... 'KEY_A'

          # A single value may correspond to multiple event codes.
          >>> ecodes.KEY[152]
          ... ['KEY_COFFEE', 'KEY_SCREENLOCK']

   Listing and monitoring input devices
       The  python-evdev  package  also comes with a small command-line program for listing and monitoring input

          $ python -m evdev.evtest


   Listing accessible event devices
          >>> import evdev

          >>> devices = [evdev.InputDevice(path) for path in evdev.list_devices()]
          >>> for device in devices:
          >>>     print(device.path,, device.phys)
          /dev/input/event1    Dell Dell USB Keyboard   usb-0000:00:12.1-2/input0
          /dev/input/event0    Dell USB Optical Mouse   usb-0000:00:12.0-2/input0

   Listing device capabilities
          >>> import evdev

          >>> device = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event0')
          >>> print(device)
          device /dev/input/event0, name "Dell USB Optical Mouse", phys "usb-0000:00:12.0-2/input0"

          >>> device.capabilities()
          ... { 0: [0, 1, 2], 1: [272, 273, 274, 275], 2: [0, 1, 6, 8], 4: [4] }

          >>> device.capabilities(verbose=True)
          ... { ('EV_SYN', 0): [('SYN_REPORT', 0), ('SYN_CONFIG', 1), ('SYN_MT_REPORT', 2)],
          ...   ('EV_KEY', 1): [('BTN_MOUSE', 272), ('BTN_RIGHT', 273), ('BTN_MIDDLE', 274), ('BTN_SIDE', 275)], ...

   Listing device capabilities (devices with absolute axes)
          >>> import evdev

          >>> device = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event7')
          >>> print(device)
          device /dev/input/event7, name "Wacom Bamboo 2FG 4x5 Finger", phys ""

          >>> device.capabilities()
          ... { 1: [272, 273, 277, 278, 325, 330, 333] ,
          ...   3: [(0, AbsInfo(min=0, max=15360, fuzz=128, flat=0)),
          ...       (1, AbsInfo(min=0, max=10240, fuzz=128, flat=0))] }

          >>> device.capabilities(verbose=True)
          ... { ('EV_KEY', 1): [('BTN_MOUSE', 272), ('BTN_RIGHT', 273), ...],
          ...   ('EV_ABS', 3): [(('ABS_X', 0), AbsInfo(min=0, max=15360, fuzz=128, flat=0)),
          ...                   (('ABS_Y', 1), AbsInfo(min=0, max=10240, fuzz=128, flat=0)),] }

          >>> device.capabilities(absinfo=False)
          ... { 1: [272, 273, 277, 278, 325, 330, 333],
          ...   3: [0, 1, 47, 53, 54, 57] }

   Getting and setting LED states
          >>> dev.leds(verbose=True)
          ... [('LED_NUML', 0), ('LED_CAPSL', 1)]

          >>> dev.leds()
          ... [0, 1]

          >>> dev.set_led(ecodes.LED_NUML, 1)  # enable numlock
          >>> dev.set_led(ecodes.LED_NUML, 0)  # disable numlock

   Getting currently active keys
          >>> dev.active_keys(verbose=True)
          ... [('KEY_3', 4), ('KEY_LEFTSHIFT', 42)]

          >>> dev.active_keys()
          ... [4, 42]

   Reading events
       Reading events from a single device in an endless loop.

          >>> from evdev import InputDevice, categorize, ecodes
          >>> dev = InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')

          >>> print(dev)
          device /dev/input/event1, name "Dell Dell USB Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:00:12.1-2/input0"

          >>> for event in dev.read_loop():
          ...     if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY:
          ...         print(categorize(event))
          ... # pressing 'a' and holding 'space'
          key event at 1337016188.396030, 30 (KEY_A), down
          key event at 1337016188.492033, 30 (KEY_A), up
          key event at 1337016189.772129, 57 (KEY_SPACE), down
          key event at 1337016190.275396, 57 (KEY_SPACE), hold
          key event at 1337016190.284160, 57 (KEY_SPACE), up

   Reading events (using asyncio)
          This requires Python 3.5+ for the async/await keywords.

          >>> import asyncio
          >>> from evdev import InputDevice

          >>> dev = InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')

          >>> async def main(dev):
          ...     async for ev in dev.async_read_loop():
          ...         print(repr(ev))

          InputEvent(1527363738, 348740, 4, 4, 458792)
          InputEvent(1527363738, 348740, 1, 28, 0)
          InputEvent(1527363738, 348740, 0, 0, 0)

   Reading events from multiple devices (using select)
          >>> from evdev import InputDevice
          >>> from select import select

          # A mapping of file descriptors (integers) to InputDevice instances.
          >>> devices = map(InputDevice, ('/dev/input/event1', '/dev/input/event2'))
          >>> devices = {dev.fd: dev for dev in devices}

          >>> for dev in devices.values(): print(dev)
          device /dev/input/event1, name "Dell Dell USB Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:00:12.1-2/input0"
          device /dev/input/event2, name "Logitech USB Laser Mouse", phys "usb-0000:00:12.0-2/input0"

          >>> while True:
          ...    r, w, x = select(devices, [], [])
          ...    for fd in r:
          ...        for event in devices[fd].read():
          ...            print(event)
          event at 1351116708.002230, code 01, type 02, val 01
          event at 1351116708.002234, code 00, type 00, val 00
          event at 1351116708.782231, code 04, type 04, val 458782
          event at 1351116708.782237, code 02, type 01, val 01

   Reading events from multiple devices (using selectors)
       This can also be achieved using the selectors module in Python 3.4:

          from evdev import InputDevice
          from selectors import DefaultSelector, EVENT_READ

          selector = DefaultSelector()

          mouse = InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')
          keybd = InputDevice('/dev/input/event2')

          # This works because InputDevice has a `fileno()` method.
          selector.register(mouse, EVENT_READ)
          selector.register(keybd, EVENT_READ)

          while True:
              for key, mask in
                  device = key.fileobj
                  for event in

   Reading events from multiple devices (using asyncio)
       Yet another possibility is the asyncio module from Python 3.4:

          import asyncio, evdev

          def print_events(device):
              while True:
                  events = yield from device.async_read()
                  for event in events:
                      print(device.path, evdev.categorize(event), sep=': ')

          mouse = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/eventX')
          keybd = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/eventY')

          for device in mouse, keybd:

          loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

       Since Python 3.5, the async/await syntax makes this even simpler:

          import asyncio, evdev

          mouse = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event4')
          keybd = evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event5')

          async def print_events(device):
              async for event in device.async_read_loop():
                  print(device.path, evdev.categorize(event), sep=': ')

          for device in mouse, keybd:

          loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

   Accessing evdev constants
          >>> from evdev import ecodes

          >>> ecodes.KEY_A, ecodes.ecodes['KEY_A']
          ... (30, 30)
          >>> ecodes.KEY[30]
          ... 'KEY_A'
          >>> ecodes.bytype[ecodes.EV_KEY][30]
          ... 'KEY_A'
          >>> ecodes.KEY[152]  # a single value may correspond to multiple codes
          ... ['KEY_COFFEE', 'KEY_SCREENLOCK']

   Searching event codes by regex
          >>> from evdev import util

          >>> res = util.find_ecodes_by_regex(r'(ABS|KEY)_BR(AKE|EAK)')
          >>> res
          ... {1: [411], 3: [10]}
          >>> util.resolve_ecodes_dict(res)
          ... {('EV_KEY', 1): [('KEY_BREAK', 411)], ('EV_ABS', 3): [('ABS_BRAKE', 10)]}

   Getting exclusive access to a device
          >>> dev.grab()  # become the sole recipient of all incoming input events
          >>> dev.ungrab()

       This functionality is also available as a context manager.

          >>> with dev.grab_context():
          ...     pass

   Associating classes with event types
          >>> from evdev import categorize, event_factory, ecodes

          >>> class SynEvent:
          ...     def __init__(self, event):
          ...         ...

          >>> event_factory[ecodes.EV_SYN] = SynEvent

       See events for more information.

   Injecting input
          >>> from evdev import UInput, ecodes as e

          >>> ui = UInput()

          >>> # accepts only KEY_* events by default
          >>> ui.write(e.EV_KEY, e.KEY_A, 1)  # KEY_A down
          >>> ui.write(e.EV_KEY, e.KEY_A, 0)  # KEY_A up
          >>> ui.syn()

          >>> ui.close()

   Injecting events (using a context manager)
          >>> ev = InputEvent(1334414993, 274296, ecodes.EV_KEY, ecodes.KEY_A, 1)
          >>> with UInput() as ui:
          ...    ui.write_event(ev)
          ...    ui.syn()

   Specifying uinput device options
          ecodes.EV_SYN cannot be in the cap dictionary or the device will not be created.

          >>> from evdev import UInput, AbsInfo, ecodes as e

          >>> cap = {
          ...     e.EV_KEY : [e.KEY_A, e.KEY_B],
          ...     e.EV_ABS : [
          ...         (e.ABS_X, AbsInfo(value=0, min=0, max=255,
          ...                           fuzz=0, flat=0, resolution=0)),
          ...         (e.ABS_Y, AbsInfo(0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0)),
          ...         (e.ABS_MT_POSITION_X, (0, 128, 255, 0)) ]
          ... }

          >>> ui = UInput(cap, name='example-device', version=0x3)
          >>> print(ui)
          name "example-device", bus "BUS_USB", vendor "0001", product "0001", version "0003"
          event types: EV_KEY EV_ABS EV_SYN

          >>> print(ui.capabilities())
          {0: [0, 1, 3],
           1: [30, 48],
           3: [(0,  AbsInfo(value=0, min=0, max=0,   fuzz=255, flat=0, resolution=0)),
               (1,  AbsInfo(value=0, min=0, max=0,   fuzz=255, flat=0, resolution=0)),
               (53, AbsInfo(value=0, min=0, max=255, fuzz=128, flat=0, resolution=0))]}

          >>> # move mouse cursor
          >>> ui.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_X, 20)
          >>> ui.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_Y, 20)
          >>> ui.syn()

   Create uinput device with capabilities of another device
          >>> from evdev import UInput, InputDevice

          >>> mouse = InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')
          >>> keybd = '/dev/input/event2'

          >>> ui = UInput.from_device(mouse, keybd, name='keyboard-mouse-device')
          >>> ui.capabilities(verbose=True).keys()
          dict_keys([('EV_LED', 17), ('EV_KEY', 1), ('EV_SYN', 0), ('EV_REL', 2), ('EV_MSC', 4)])

   Create uinput device capable of receiving FF-effects
          import asyncio
          from evdev import UInput, categorize, ecodes

          cap = {
             ecodes.EV_FF:  [ecodes.FF_RUMBLE ],
             ecodes.EV_KEY: [ecodes.KEY_A, ecodes.KEY_B]

          ui = UInput(cap, name='test-controller', version=0x3)

          async def print_events(device):
              async for event in device.async_read_loop():

                  # Wait for an EV_UINPUT event that will signal us that an
                  # effect upload/erase operation is in progress.
                  if event.type != ecodes.EV_UINPUT:

                  if event.code == ecodes.UI_FF_UPLOAD:
                      upload = device.begin_upload(event.value)
                      upload.retval = 0

                      print(f'[upload] effect_id: {}, type: {upload.effect.type}')

                  elif event.code == ecodes.UI_FF_ERASE:
                      erase = device.begin_erase(event.value)
                      print(f'[erase] effect_id {erase.effect_id}')

                      erase.retval = 0

          loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

   Injecting an FF-event into first FF-capable device found
          from evdev import ecodes, InputDevice, ff, list_devices
          import time

          # Find first EV_FF capable event device (that we have permissions to use).
          for name in list_devices():
              dev = InputDevice(name)
              if ecodes.EV_FF in dev.capabilities():

          rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0x0000, weak_magnitude=0xffff)
          effect_type = ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble)
          duration_ms = 1000

          effect = ff.Effect(
              ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0,
              ff.Trigger(0, 0),
              ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0),

          repeat_count = 1
          effect_id = dev.upload_effect(effect)
          dev.write(ecodes.EV_FF, effect_id, repeat_count)

   Forwarding force-feedback from uinput to a real device
          import evdev
          from evdev import ecodes as e

          # Find first EV_FF capable event device (that we have permissions to use).
          for name in evdev.list_devices():
              dev = evdev.InputDevice(name)
              if e.EV_FF in dev.capabilities():
          # To ensure forwarding works correctly it is important that `max_effects`
          # of the uinput device is <= `dev.ff_effects_count`.
          # `from_device()` will do this automatically, but in some situations you may
          # want to set the `max_effects` parameter manually, such as when using `Uinput()`.
          # `filtered_types` is specified as by default EV_FF events are filtered
          uinput = evdev.UInput.from_device(dev, filtered_types=[e.EV_SYN])

          # Keeps track of which effects have been uploaded to the device
          effects = set()

          for event in uinput.read_loop():

              # Handle the special uinput events
              if event.type == e.EV_UINPUT:

                  if event.code == e.UI_FF_UPLOAD:
                      upload = uinput.begin_upload(event.value)

                      # Checks if this is a new effect
                      if not in effects:
                          # Setting id to 1 indicates that a new effect must be allocated
                 = -1

                      upload.retval = 0

                  elif event.code == e.UI_FF_ERASE:
                      erase = uinput.begin_erase(event.value)
                      erase.retval = 0

              # Forward writes to actual rumble device.
              elif event.type == e.EV_FF:
                  dev.write(event.type, event.code, event.value)




       Python-evdev exposes most of the more common interfaces defined  in  the  evdev  subsystem.  Reading  and
       injecting events is well supported and has been tested with nearly all event types.

       The  basic  functionality  for  reading and uploading force-feedback events is there, but it has not been
       exercised sufficiently. A  major  shortcoming  of  the  uinput  wrapper  is  that  it  does  not  support
       force-feedback devices at all (see issue #23).

       Some  characters,  such  as  :  (colon),  cannot be easily injected (see issue #7), Translating them into
       UInput events would require knowing the kernel keyboard translation table, which is beyond the  scope  of
       python-evdev.  Please  look  into  the  following  projects if you need more complete or convenient input
       injection support.

       • python-uinputuinput-mapperpynputpygame (cross-platform)


   1.7.0 (Feb 18, 2024)
       • Respect the CPATH/C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variables during install.

       • Add the uniq address to the string representation of InputDevice.

       • Improved method for finding the device node corresponding to a uinput device (

       • Repository  TLC  (reformatted  with  ruff,  fixed  linting  warnings,  moved  packaging   metadata   to
         pyproject.toml etc.).

   1.6.1 (Jan 20, 2023)
       • Fix generation of ecodes.c when the path to sys.executable contains spaces.

   1.6.0 (Jul 17, 2022)
       • Fix Python 3.11 compatibility (#174).

   1.5.0 (Mar 24, 2022)
       • Fix documentation (#163, #160).

       • Re-enable TTY echo at evtest exit (#155).

       • Fix ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down (#154).

       • Closing the input device file descriptor in InputDevice.close() now happens in the main thread, instead
         of in a new thread (reverts #146).

       • Fix util.find_ecodes_by_regex not working across all supported Python versions (#152).

   1.4.0 (Jan 16, 2021)
       • Fix InputDevice.set_absinfo to allow setting parameters to zero.

       • Fix off-by-one in ioctl_EVIOCG_bits, which causes value at the end of the list to not be reported  back

       • Fix set_absinfo to allow setting parameters to zero (#128).

       • Fix leak when returning BlockingIOError from a read (#143).

       • Fix "There is no current event loop in thread" error for non asyncio code (#146).

       • Prevent InputDevice destructor from blocking (#145).

       • Add missing return codes to os.strerror() calls and fix force feedback example in docs (#138).

       • Add the util.find_ecodes_by_regex() helper function.

   1.3.0 (Jan 12, 2020)
       • Fix build on 32bit arches with 64bit time_t

       • Add  functionality to query device properties. See InputDevice.input_props and the input_props argument
         to Uinput.

       • KeyEvent received an allow_unknown constructor argument, which determines  what  will  happen  when  an
         event  code cannot be mapped to a keycode.  The default and behavior so far has been to raise KeyError.
         If set to True, the keycode will be set to the event code formatted as a hex number.

       • Add InputDevice.set_absinfo() and InputDevice.absinfo().

       • Instruct the asyncio event loop to stop monitoring the fd of  the  input  device  when  the  device  is

   1.2.0 (Apr 7, 2019)
       • Add  UInput  support for the resolution parameter in AbsInfo. This brings support for the new method of
         uinput device setup, which was introduced in Linux 4.5 (thanks to @LinusCDE).

       • Vendor and product identifiers can be greater or equal to 0x8000 (thanks @ivaradi).

   1.1.2 (Sep 1, 2018)
       • Fix installation on kernels <= 4.4.

       • Fix uinput creation ignoring absinfo settings.

   1.1.0 (Aug 27, 2018)
       • Add support for handling force-feedback effect uploads (many thanks to @ndreys).

       • Fix typo preventing ff effects that need left coefficients from working.

   1.0.0 (Jun 02, 2018)
       • Prevent Uinput device creation raising Objects/longobject.c:415: bad argument to internal function when
         a non-complete AbsInfo structure is passed. All missing AbsInfo fields are set to 0.

       • Fix Uinput device creation raising KeyError when a capability filtered by default is not present.

       • The InputDevice.fn attribute was deprecated in favor of InputDevice.path.  Using the former will show a
         DeprecationWarning, but would otherwise continue working as before.

       • Fix InputDevice comparison raising AttributeError due to a non-existant path attribute.

       • Fix asyncio support in Python 3.5+.

       • Uploading FF effect now works both on Python 2.7 and Python 3+.

       • Remove the asyncore example from the tutorial.

   0.8.1 (Mar 24, 2018)
       • Fix Python 2 compatibility issue in with Uinput.from_device.

       • Fix minor evdev.evtest formatting issue.

   0.8.0 (Mar 22, 2018)
       • Fix InputDevice comparison on Python 2.

       • The device path is now considered when comparing two devices.

       • Fix UInput.from_device not correctly merging the capabilities of selected devices.

       • The list of excluded event types in UInput.from_device is now configurable. For example:

            UInput.from_device(dev, filtered_types=(EV_SYN, EV_FF))

         In addition, ecodes.EV_FF is now excluded by default.

       • Add a context manager for grabbing access to a device - InputDevice.grab_context. For example:

            with dev.grab_context():

       • Add the InputDevice.uniq attribute, which contains the unique identifier of the device. As  with  phys,
         this attribute may be empty (i.e. '').

   0.7.0 (Jun 16, 2017)InputDevice now accepts objects that support the path protocol.  For example:

            pth = pathlib.Path('/dev/input/event0')
            dev = evdev.InputDevice(pth)

       • Support  path  protocol  in InputDevice. This means that InputDevice instances can be passed to callers
         that expect a os.PathLike object.

       • Exceptions raised during InputDevice.async_read() (and similar)  are  now  handled  properly  (i.e.  an
         exception  is  set on the returned future instead of leaking that exception into the event loop) (Fixes

   0.6.4 (Oct 07, 2016)
       • Exclude ecodes.c from source distribution (Fixes #63).

   0.6.3 (Oct 06, 2016)
       • Add the UInput.from_device class method, which allows uinput device to be created with the capabiltiies
         of one or more existing input devices:

            ui = UInput.from_device('/dev/input1', '/dev/input2', **constructor_kwargs)

       • Add  the  build_ecodes distutils command, which generates the ecodes.c extension module. The new way of
         overwriting the evdev header locations is:

            python build \
              build_ecodes --evdev-headers path/input.h:path/input-event-codes.h \
              build_ext --include-dirs  path/ \

         The build* and install commands no longer have to be  part  of  the  same  command-line  (i.e.  running
         install will reuse the outputs of the last build).

   0.6.1 (Jun 04, 2016)
       • Disable tty echoing while evtest is running.

       • Allow evtest to listen to more than one devices.

       • The script now allows the location of the input header files to be overwritten. For example:

            python build_ext \
              --evdev-headers path/input.h:path/input-event-codes.h \
              --include-dirs  path/ \

   0.6.0 (Feb 14, 2016)
       • Asyncio and async/await support (many thanks to @paulo-raca).

       • Add the ability to set the phys property of uinput devices (thanks @paulo-raca).

       • Add a generic InputDevice.set() method (thanks @paulo-raca).

       • Distribute the evtest script along with evdev.

       • Fix issue with generating ecodes.c in recent kernels (>= 4.4.0).

       • Fix absinfo item indexes in UInput.uinput_create() (thanks @forsenonlhaimaisentito).

       • More robust comparison of InputDevice objects (thanks @isia).

   0.5.0 (Jun 16, 2015)
       • Write  access  to  the input device is no longer mandatory. Evdev will first try to open the device for
         reading and writing and fallback to read-only. Methods that require write access (e.g. set_led())  will
         raise EvdevError if the device is open only for reading.

   0.4.7 (Oct 07, 2014)
       • Fallback to distutils if setuptools is not available.

   0.4.6 (Oct 07, 2014)
       • Rework documentation and docstrings once more.

       • Fix install on Python 3.4 (works around issue21121).

       • Fix ioctl() requested buffer size (thanks Jakub Wojciech Klama).

   0.4.5 (Jul 06, 2014)
       • Add  method  for  returning  a  list  of  the currently active keys - InputDevice.active_keys() (thanks

       • Fix a potential buffer overflow in ioctl_capabilities() (thanks @spasche).

   0.4.4 (Jun 04, 2014)
       • Calling InputDevice.read_one() should always return None, when there is nothing to  be  read,  even  in
         case of a EAGAIN errno (thanks JPP).

   0.4.3 (Dec 19, 2013)
       • Silence OSError in destructor (thanks @polyphemus).

       • Make InputDevice.close() work in cases in which stdin (fd 0) has been closed (thanks @polyphemus).

   0.4.2 (Dec 13, 2013)
       • Rework documentation and docstrings.

       • Call InputDevice.close() from InputDevice.__del__().

   0.4.1 (Jul 24, 2013)
       • Fix    reference    counting    in    InputDevice.device_read(),   InputDevice.device_read_many()   and

   0.4.0 (Jul 01, 2013)
       • Add FF_* and FF_STATUS codes to ecodes() (thanks @bgilbert).

       • Reverse event code mappings (ecodes.{KEY,FF,REL,ABS} and etc.)  will  now  map  to  a  list  of  codes,
         whenever a value corresponds to multiple codes:

            >>> ecodes.KEY[152]
            ... ['KEY_COFFEE', 'KEY_SCREENLOCK']
            >>> ecodes.KEY[30]
            ... 'KEY_A'

       • Set the state of a LED through InputDevice.set_led() (thanks @accek).

       • Open InputDevice.fd in O_RDWR mode from now on.

       • Fix segfault in InputDevice.device_read_many() (thanks @bgilbert).

   0.3.3 (May 29, 2013)
       • Raise IOError from InputDevice.device_read() and InputDevice.device_read_many() when

       • Several stability and style changes (thank you debian code reviewers).

   0.3.2 (Apr 05, 2013)
       • Fix vendor id and product id order in DeviceInfo() (thanks @kived).

   0.3.1 (Nov 23, 2012) will return an  empty  tuple  if  the  device  has  nothing  to  offer  (instead  of

       • Exclude unnecessary package data in sdist and bdist.

   0.3.0 (Nov 06, 2012)
       • Add ability to set/get auto-repeat settings with EVIOC{SG}REP.

       • Add InputDevice.version() - the value of EVIOCGVERSION.

       • Add InputDevice.read_loop().

       • Add InputDevice.grab() and InputDevice.ungrab() - exposes EVIOCGRAB.

       • Add InputDevice.leds() - exposes EVIOCGLED.

       • Replace DeviceInfo class with a namedtuple.

       • Prevent InputDevice.read_one() from skipping events.

       • Rename AbsData to AbsInfo (as in struct input_absinfo).

   0.2.0 (Aug 22, 2012)
       • Add the ability to set arbitrary device capabilities on uinput devices (defaults to all EV_KEY ecodes).

       • Add UInput.device which is an open InputDevice to the input device that uinput 'spawns'.

       • Add UInput.capabilities() which is just a shortcut to UInput.device.capabilities().

       • Rename UInput.write() to UInput.write_event().

       • Add a simpler UInput.write(type, code, value)() method.

       • Make all UInput() constructor arguments optional (default device name is now py-evdev-uinput).

       • Add  the  ability  to  set  absmin,  absmax,  absfuzz  and  absflat when specifying the uinput device's

       • Remove the nophys argument - if a device fails the EVIOCGPHYS ioctl, phys will equal the empty string.

       • Make InputDevice.capabilities() perform a EVIOCGABS ioctl for devices that support  EV_ABS  and  return
         that info wrapped in an AbsData namedtuple.

       • Split ioctl_devinfo into ioctl_devinfo and ioctl_capabilities.

       • Split UInput.uinput_open() to UInput.uinput_open() and UInput.uinput_create()

       • Add more uinput usage examples and documentation.

       • Rewrite uinput tests.

       • Remove mouserel and mouseabs from UInput.

       • Tie the sphinx version and release to the distutils version.

       • Set 'methods-before-attributes' sorting in the docs.

       • Remove KEY_CNT and KEY_MAX from ecodes.keys().

   0.1.1 (May 18, 2012)
       • Add events.keys, which is a combination of all BTN_ and KEY_ event codes.

       • ecodes.c was not generated when installing through pip.

   0.1.0 (May 17, 2012)
       Initial Release

       This package is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License.


       Georgi Valkov

       2012-2024, Georgi Valkov and contributors