oracular (1) js-beautify-js.1.gz

Provided by: node-js-beautify_1.14.7+dfsg+~cs1.28.6-1_all bug


       js-beautify - beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript



   CLI Options:
       -f, --file
              Input file(s) (Pass '-' for stdin)

       -r, --replace
              Write output in-place, replacing input

       -o, --outfile
              Write output to file (default stdout)

              Path to config file

       --type [js|css|html] ["js"]

       -q, --quiet
              Suppress logging to stdout

       -h, --help
              Show this help

       -v, --version
              Show the version

   Beautifier Options:
       -s, --indent-size
              Indentation size [4]

       -c, --indent-char
              Indentation character [" "]

       -t, --indent-with-tabs
              Indent with tabs, overrides -s and -c

       -e, --eol
              Character(s) to use as line terminators.  [first newline in file, otherwise "\n]

       -n, --end-with-newline
              End output with newline

              Keep indentation on empty lines

              List  of templating languages (auto,none,django,erb,handlebars,php,smarty) ["auto"] auto = none in
              JavaScript, all in html

              Use EditorConfig to set up the options

       -l, --indent-level
              Initial indentation level [0]

       -p, --preserve-newlines
              Preserve line-breaks (--no-preserve-newlines disables)

       -m, --max-preserve-newlines
              Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk [10]

       -P, --space-in-paren
              Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b )

       -E, --space-in-empty-paren
              Add a single space inside empty paren, ie. f( )

       -j, --jslint-happy
              Enable jslint-stricter mode

       -a, --space-after-anon-function
              Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function ()

              Add a space before a named function's parens, ie. function example ()

       -b, --brace-style
              [collapse|expand|end-expand|none][,preserve-inline] [collapse,preserve-inline]

       -u, --unindent-chained-methods
              Don't indent chained method calls

       -B, --break-chained-methods
              Break chained method calls across subsequent lines

       -k, --keep-array-indentation
              Preserve array indentation

       -x, --unescape-strings
              Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation

       -w, --wrap-line-length
              Wrap lines that exceed N characters [0]

       -X, --e4x
              Pass E4X xml literals through untouched

              Warm the cockles of Crockford's heart

       -C, --comma-first
              Put commas at the beginning of new line instead of end

       -O, --operator-position
              Set operator position (before-newline|after-newline|preserve-newline) [before-newline]