oracular (1) mfsscadmin.1.gz

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       mfsscadmin - MooseFS storage class administration tool


       mfsscadmin  [/MOUNTPOINT]  create|make  [-a admin_only] [-m mode] [-C CREATION_LABELS] -K KEEP_LABELS [-A

       mfsscadmin [/MOUNTPOINT] create|make [-a admin_only] [-m mode] LABELS SCLASS_NAME...

       mfsscadmin  [/MOUNTPOINT]  change|modify  [-f]  [-a  admin_only]  [-m  mode]  [-C  CREATION_LABELS]   [-K

       mfsscadmin [/MOUNTPOINT] delete|remove SCLASS_NAME...

       mfsscadmin [/MOUNTPOINT] copy|duplicate SRC_SCLASS_NAME DST_SCLASS_NAME...


       mfsscadmin [/MOUNTPOINT] list [-l]


       mfsscadmin  is  a  tool  for defining storage classes, which can be later applied to MooseFS objects with
       mfssetsclass, mfsgetsclass etc.  Storage class is a set of labels expressions and options that  indicate,
       on which chunkservers the files in this class should be written and later kept.


       create|make  creates  a  new  storage class with given options, described below and names it SCLASS_NAME;
       there can be more than one name provided, multiple storage classes  with  the  same  definition  will  be
       created then

       change|modify changes the given options in a class or classes indicated by SCLASS_NAME parameter(s)

       delete|remove  removes  the class or classes indicated by SCLASS_NAME parameter(s); if any of the classes
       is not empty (i.e. it is still used by some MooseFS objects), it will not be removed and  the  tool  will
       return an error and an error message will be printed; empty classes will be removed in any case

       copy|duplicate copies class indicated by SRC_SCLASS_NAME under a new name provided with DST_SCLASS_NAME

       rename changes the name of a class from SRC_SCLASS_NAME to DST_SCLASS_NAME

       list lists all the classes


       -C  optional  parameter,  that  tells  the  system  to which chunkservers, defined by the CREATION_LABELS
       expression, the chunk should be first written just after creation; if this parameter is not provided  for
       a class, the KEEP_LABELS chunkservers will be used

       -K mandatory parameter (assumed in the second, abbreviated version of the command), that tells the system
       on which chunkservers, defined by the KEEP_LABELS expression, the chunk(s) should be kept always,  except
       for special conditions like creating and archiving, if defined

       -A  optional  parameter,  that  tells  the  system  on  which  chunkservers,  defined  by the ARCH_LABELS
       expression, the chunk(s) should be kept for archiving purposes; the system starts to  treat  a  chunk  as
       archive,  when  the  last  modification  time  of the file it belongs to is older than the number of days
       specified with -d option

       -d optional parameter that MUST be defined when -A is defined, ARCH_DELAY  parameter  defines  after  how
       many days from last modification time a file (and its chunks) are treated as archive

       -a can be either 1 or 0 and indicates if the storage class is available to everyone (0) or admin only (1)

       -f force the changes on a predefined storage class (see below), use with caution!

       -m is described below in CREATION MODES section

       -l list also definitions, not only the names of existing storage classes


       Labels  are  letters  (A-Z  - 26 letters) that can be assigned to chunkservers. Each chunkserver can have
       multiple (up to 26) labels. Labels are defined in mfschunkserver.cfg file, for more information refer  to
       the appropriate manpage.

       Labels  expression  is  a  set  of  subexpressions  separated by commas, each subexpression specifies the
       storage schema of one copy of a file. Subexpression can be: an asterisk or a label schema.  Label  schema
       can be one label or an expression with sums, multiplications and brackets. Sum means a file can be stored
       on any chunkserver matching any element of the sum (logical or).  Multiplication  means  a  file  can  be
       stored  only  on  a  chunkserver  matching  all  elements (logical and).  Asterisk means any chunkserver.
       Identical subexpressions can be shortened by adding a number in front of one instead of  repeating  it  a
       number of times.

       Examples of labels expressions:

       A,B  -  files  will have two copies, one copy will be stored on chunkserver(s) with label A, the other on
       chunkserver(s) with label B

       A,* - files will have two copies, one copy will be stored on chunkserver(s) with label A,  the  other  on
       any chunkserver(s)

       *,* - files will have two copies, stored on any chunkservers (different for each copy)

       AB,C+D - files will have two copies, one copy will be stored on any chunkserver(s) that has both labels A
       and B (multiplication of labels), the other on any chunkserver(s) that has either the C label  or  the  D
       label (sum of labels)

       A,B[X+Y],C[X+Y]  -  files  will  have  three copies, one copy will be stored on any chunkserver(s) with A
       label, the second on any chunserver(s) that has the B label and either X or Y label,  the  third  on  any
       chunkserver(s), that has the C label and either X or Y label

       A,A expression is equivalent to 2A expression

       A,BC,BC,BC expression is equivalent to A,3BC expression

       *,* expression is equivalent to 2* expression is equivalent to 2 expression


       It is important to specify what to do when it is not possible to meet the labels requirement of a storage
       class, i.e.: there is no space available on all servers with needed labels, there is not  enough  servers
       with  needed  labels  or  servers  with needed labels are all busy.  The question is if the system should
       create chunks on other servers (with non-matching labels) or not. This decision must be made by the  user
       and hence the -m option.

       In  DEFAULT  mode (no option or option -m D) in case of overloaded servers the system will wait for them,
       but in case of no space available it will use other servers and will replicate data  to  correct  servers
       when  it  becomes possible. This means if some servers are in busy state for a long time, it might not be
       possible to create new chunks with certain storage classes and endangered (undergoal) chunks  from  those
       classes are at higher risk of being completely lost due to delayed replications.

       Option  -m  S turns on STRICT mode. In this mode, during writing a new file, the system will return error
       (ENOSPC) in case of no space available on servers marked with labels specified  for  chunk  creation.  It
       will still wait for overloaded servers. Undergoal repliactions will not be performed if there is no space
       on servers with labels matching the storage class. This means high risk of losing data  if  servers  with
       some labels are permamently filled up with data!

       Option  -m  L  turns on LOOSE mode. In this mode the system will immediately use other servers in case of
       overloaded servers or no space on servers and will replicate data to  correct  servers  when  it  becomes
       possible.  There is no delay or error on file creation and undergoal replications are always done as soon
       as possible.

       This table sums up the modes:

                              DEFAULT     STRICT    LOOSE
       CREATE - BUSY          WAIT        WAIT      WRITE ANY
       REPLICATE - BUSY       WAIT        WAIT      WRITE ANY


       For compatibility reasons, every fresh or freshly upgraded instance of MooseFS has 9  predefined  storage
       classes.  Their  names  are  single  digits,  from  1  to  9, and their definitions are * to 9*. They are
       equivalents of simple numeric goals from previous versions of the system. In  case  of  an  upgrade,  all
       files  that had goal N before upgrade, will now have N storage class.  These classes can be modified only
       when option -f is specified. It is advised to create new  storage  classes  in  an  upgraded  system  and
       migrate  files with mfsxchgsclass tool, rather than modify the predefined classes. The predefined classes
       CANNOT be deleted nor renamed.


       Report bugs to <bugs@moosefs.com>.

       Copyright (C) 2023 Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Saglabs SA

       This file is part of MooseFS.

       MooseFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms  of  the  GNU  General
       Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (only).

       MooseFS  is  distributed  in  the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
       implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR  PURPOSE.  See  the  GNU  General  Public
       License for more details.

       You  should  have  received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MooseFS; if not, write to
       the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,  MA  02111-1301,  USA  or  visit


       mfsmount(8), mfstools(1), mfssclass(1), mfschunkserver.cfg(5)