Provided by: wireshark_4.2.6-1_amd64 bug


       wireshark - Interactively dump and analyze network traffic


       wireshark [ -i <capture interface>|- ] [ -f <capture filter> ] [ -Y <display filter> ]
       [ -w <outfile> ] [ options ] [ <infile> ]

       wireshark -h|--help

       wireshark -v|--version


       Wireshark is a GUI network protocol analyzer. It lets you interactively browse packet data
       from a live network or from a previously saved capture file. Wireshark's native capture
       file formats are pcapng format and pcap format; it can read and write both formats.. pcap
       format is also the format used by tcpdump and various other tools; tcpdump, when using
       newer versions of the libpcap library, can also read some pcapng files, and, on newer
       versions of macOS, can read all pcapng files and can write them as well.

       Wireshark can also read / import the following file formats:

       •   Oracle (previously Sun) snoop and atmsnoop captures

       •   Finisar (previously Shomiti) Surveyor captures

       •   Microsoft Network Monitor captures

       •   Novell LANalyzer captures

       •   AIX’s iptrace captures

       •   Cinco Networks NetXRay captures

       •   NETSCOUT (previously Network Associates/Network General) Windows-based Sniffer

       •   Network General/Network Associates DOS-based Sniffer captures (compressed or

       •   LiveAction (previously WildPackets/Savvius) *Peek/EtherHelp/PacketGrabber captures

       •   RADCOM's WAN/LAN analyzer captures

       •   Viavi (previously Network Instruments) Observer captures

       •   Lucent/Ascend router debug output

       •   captures from HP-UX nettlToshiba’s ISDN routers dump output

       •   the output from i4btrace from the ISDN4BSD project

       •   traces from the EyeSDN USB S0

       •   the IPLog format output from the Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection System

       •   pppd logs (pppdump format)

       •   the output from VMS’s TCPIPtrace/TCPtrace/UCX$TRACE utilities

       •   the text output from the DBS Etherwatch VMS utility

       •   Visual Networks' Visual UpTime traffic capture

       •   the output from CoSine L2 debug

       •   the output from InfoVista (previously Accellent) 5View LAN agents

       •   Endace Measurement Systems' ERF format captures

       •   Linux Bluez Bluetooth stack hcidump -w traces

       •   Catapult DCT2000 .out files

       •   Gammu generated text output from Nokia DCT3 phones in Netmonitor mode

       •   IBM Series (OS/400) Comm traces (ASCII & UNICODE)

       •   Juniper Netscreen snoop files

       •   Symbian OS btsnoop files

       •   TamoSoft CommView files

       •   Tektronix K12xx 32bit .rf5 format files

       •   Tektronix K12 text file format captures

       •   Apple PacketLogger files

       •   Captures from Aethra Telecommunications' PC108 software for their test instruments

       •   Citrix NetScaler Trace files

       •   Android Logcat binary and text format logs

       •   Colasoft Capsa and PacketBuilder captures

       •   Micropross mplog files

       •   Unigraf DPA-400 DisplayPort AUX channel monitor traces

       •   802.15.4 traces from Daintree’s Sensor Network Analyzer

       •   MPEG-2 Transport Streams as defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1

       •   Log files from the candump utility

       •   Logs from the BUSMASTER tool

       •   Ixia IxVeriWave raw captures

       •   Rabbit Labs CAM Inspector files

       •   systemd journal files

       •   3GPP TS 32.423 trace files

       There is no need to tell Wireshark what type of file you are reading; it will determine
       the file type by itself. Wireshark is also capable of reading any of these file formats if
       they are compressed using gzip. Wireshark recognizes this directly from the file; the
       '.gz' extension is not required for this purpose.

       Like other protocol analyzers, Wireshark's main window shows 3 views of a packet. It shows
       a summary line, briefly describing what the packet is. A packet details display is shown,
       allowing you to drill down to exact protocol or field that you interested in. Finally, a
       hex dump shows you exactly what the packet looks like when it goes over the wire.

       In addition, Wireshark has some features that make it unique. It can assemble all the
       packets in a TCP conversation and show you the ASCII (or EBCDIC, or hex) data in that
       conversation. Display filters in Wireshark are very powerful; more fields are filterable
       in Wireshark than in other protocol analyzers, and the syntax you can use to create your
       filters is richer. As Wireshark progresses, expect more and more protocol fields to be
       allowed in display filters.

       Packet capturing is performed with the pcap library. The capture filter syntax follows the
       rules of the pcap library. This syntax is different from the display filter syntax.

       Compressed file support uses (and therefore requires) the zlib library. If the zlib
       library is not present, Wireshark will compile, but will be unable to read compressed

       The pathname of a capture file to be read can be specified with the -r option or can be
       specified as a command-line argument.


       Most users will want to start Wireshark without options and configure it from the menus
       instead. Those users may just skip this section.

       -a|--autostop  <capture autostop condition>

           Specify a criterion that specifies when Wireshark is to stop writing to a capture
           file. The criterion is of the form test:value, where test is one of:

           duration:value Stop writing to a capture file after value seconds have elapsed.
           Floating point values (e.g. 0.5) are allowed.

           files:value Stop writing to capture files after value number of files were written.

           filesize:value Stop writing to a capture file after it reaches a size of value kB. If
           this option is used together with the -b option, Wireshark will stop writing to the
           current capture file and switch to the next one if filesize is reached. Note that the
           filesize is limited to a maximum value of 2 GiB.

           packets:value Stop writing to a capture file after it contains value packets. Acts the
           same as -c<capture packet count>.

       -b|--ring-buffer  <capture ring buffer option>

           Cause Wireshark to run in "multiple files" mode. In "multiple files" mode, Wireshark
           will write to several capture files. When the first capture file fills up, Wireshark
           will switch writing to the next file and so on.

           The created filenames are based on the filename given with the -w flag, the number of
           the file and on the creation date and time, e.g. outfile_00001_20240714120117.pcap,
           outfile_00002_20240714120523.pcap, ...

           With the files option it’s also possible to form a "ring buffer". This will fill up
           new files until the number of files specified, at which point Wireshark will discard
           the data in the first file and start writing to that file and so on. If the files
           option is not set, new files filled up until one of the capture stop conditions match
           (or until the disk is full).

           The criterion is of the form key:value, where key is one of:

           duration:value switch to the next file after value seconds have elapsed, even if the
           current file is not completely filled up. Floating point values (e.g. 0.5) are

           files:value begin again with the first file after value number of files were written
           (form a ring buffer). This value must be less than 100000. Caution should be used when
           using large numbers of files: some filesystems do not handle many files in a single
           directory well. The files criterion requires one of the other criteria to be specified
           to control when to go to the next file. It should be noted that each -b parameter
           takes exactly one criterion; to specify two criteria, each must be preceded by the -b

           filesize:value switch to the next file after it reaches a size of value kB. Note that
           the filesize is limited to a maximum value of 2 GiB.

           interval:value switch to the next file when the time is an exact multiple of value

           packets:value switch to the next file after it contains value packets.

           Example: -b filesize:1000 -b files:5 results in a ring buffer of five files of size
           one megabyte each.

       -B|--buffer-size  <capture buffer size>

           Set capture buffer size (in MiB, default is 2 MiB). This is used by the capture driver
           to buffer packet data until that data can be written to disk. If you encounter packet
           drops while capturing, try to increase this size. Note that, while Wireshark attempts
           to set the buffer size to 2 MiB by default, and can be told to set it to a larger
           value, the system or interface on which you’re capturing might silently limit the
           capture buffer size to a lower value or raise it to a higher value.

           This is available on UNIX-compatible systems, such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris,
           and AIX, with libpcap 1.0.0 or later, and on Windows. It is not available on
           UNIX-compatible systems with earlier versions of libpcap.

           This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i
           option, it sets the default capture buffer size. If used after an -i option, it sets
           the capture buffer size for the interface specified by the last -i option occurring
           before this option. If the capture buffer size is not set specifically, the default
           capture buffer size is used instead.

       -c  <capture packet count>

           Set the maximum number of packets to read when capturing live data. Acts the same as
           -a packets:<capture packet count>.

       -C  <configuration profile>

           Start with the given configuration profile.

       --capture-comment <comment>

           When performing a capture file from the command line, with the -k flag, add a capture
           comment to the output file, if supported by the capture format.

           This option may be specified multiple times. Note that Wireshark currently only
           displays the first comment of a capture file.


           Print a list of the interfaces on which Wireshark can capture, and exit. For each
           network interface, a number and an interface name, possibly followed by a text
           description of the interface, is printed. The interface name or the number can be
           supplied to the -i flag to specify an interface on which to capture. The number can be
           useful on Windows systems, where the interfaces have long names that usually contain a

       --display <X display to use>

           Specifies the X display to use. A hostname and screen (otherhost:0.0) or just a screen
           (:0.0) can be specified. This option is not available under macOS or Windows.

       -f  <capture filter>

           Set the capture filter expression.

           This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i
           option, it sets the default capture filter expression. If used after an -i option, it
           sets the capture filter expression for the interface specified by the last -i option
           occurring before this option. If the capture filter expression is not set
           specifically, the default capture filter expression is used if provided.

           Pre-defined capture filter names, as shown in the GUI menu item Capture→Capture
           Filters, can be used by prefixing the argument with "predef:". Example: -f


           Start Wireshark in full screen mode (kiosk mode). To exit from fullscreen mode, open
           the View menu and select the Full Screen option. Alternatively, press the F11 key (or
           Ctrl + Cmd + F for macOS).

       -g  <packet number>
           After reading in a capture file using the -r flag, go to the given packet number.

           Print the version number and options and exit.

           Hide the capture info dialog during live packet capture.

       -i|--interface  <capture interface>|-

           Set the name of the network interface or pipe to use for live packet capture.

           Network interface names should match one of the names listed in "wireshark -D"
           (described above); a number, as reported by "tshark -D", can also be used.

           If no interface is specified, Wireshark searches the list of interfaces, choosing the
           first non-loopback interface if there are any non-loopback interfaces, and choosing
           the first loopback interface if there are no non-loopback interfaces. If there are no
           interfaces at all, Wireshark reports an error and doesn’t start the capture.

           Pipe names should be either the name of a FIFO (named pipe) or "-" to read data from
           the standard input. On Windows systems, pipe names must be of the form
           "\\.\pipe\pipename". Data read from pipes must be in standard pcapng or pcap format.
           Pcapng data must have the same endianness as the capturing host.

           "TCP@<host>:<port>" causes Wireshark to attempt to connect to the specified port on
           the specified host and read pcapng or pcap data.

           This option can occur multiple times. When capturing from multiple interfaces, the
           capture file will be saved in pcapng format.


           Put the interface in "monitor mode"; this is supported only on IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi
           interfaces, and supported only on some operating systems.

           Note that in monitor mode the adapter might disassociate from the network with which
           it’s associated, so that you will not be able to use any wireless networks with that
           adapter. This could prevent accessing files on a network server, or resolving host
           names or network addresses, if you are capturing in monitor mode and are not connected
           to another network with another adapter.

           This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i
           option, it enables the monitor mode for all interfaces. If used after an -i option, it
           enables the monitor mode for the interface specified by the last -i option occurring
           before this option.

           Use after -J to change the behavior when no exact match is found for the filter. With
           this option select the first packet before.

       -J  <jump filter>

           After reading in a capture file using the -r flag, jump to the packet matching the
           filter (display filter syntax). If no exact match is found the first packet after that
           is selected.


           Start the capture session immediately. If the -i flag was specified, the capture uses
           the specified interface. Otherwise, Wireshark searches the list of interfaces,
           choosing the first non-loopback interface if there are any non-loopback interfaces,
           and choosing the first loopback interface if there are no non-loopback interfaces; if
           there are no interfaces, Wireshark reports an error and doesn’t start the capture.

           Turn on automatic scrolling if the packet display is being updated automatically as
           packets arrive during a capture (as specified by the -S flag).

           List the data link types supported by the interface and exit.

           List time stamp types supported for the interface. If no time stamp type can be set,
           no time stamp types are listed.

       -o  <preference/recent setting>

           Set a preference or recent value, overriding the default value and any value read from
           a preference/recent file. The argument to the flag is a string of the form
           prefname:value, where prefname is the name of the preference/recent value (which is
           the same name that would appear in the preference/recent file), and value is the value
           to which it should be set. Since Ethereal 0.10.12, the recent settings replaces the
           formerly used -B, -P and -T flags to manipulate the GUI dimensions.

           If prefname is "uat", you can override settings in various user access tables using
           the form "uat:uat filename:uat record". uat filename must be the name of a UAT file,
           e.g. user_dlts. uat_record must be in the form of a valid record for that file,
           including quotes. For instance, to specify a user DLT from the command line, you would

               -o "uat:user_dlts:\"User 0 (DLT=147)\",\"cops\",\"0\",\"\",\"0\",\"\""


           Don’t put the interface into promiscuous mode. Note that the interface might be in
           promiscuous mode for some other reason; hence, -p cannot be used to ensure that the
           only traffic that is captured is traffic sent to or from the machine on which
           Wireshark is running, broadcast traffic, and multicast traffic to addresses received
           by that machine.

           This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i
           option, no interface will be put into the promiscuous mode. If used after an -i
           option, the interface specified by the last -i option occurring before this option
           will not be put into the promiscuous mode.

       -P <path setting>

           Special path settings usually detected automatically. This is used for special cases,
           e.g. starting Wireshark from a known location on an USB stick.

           The criterion is of the form key:path, where key is one of:

           persconf:path path of personal configuration files, like the preferences files.

           persdata:path path of personal data files, it’s the folder initially opened. After the
           very first initialization, the recent file will keep the folder last used.

       -r|--read-file  <infile>

           Read packet data from infile, can be any supported capture file format (including
           gzipped files). It’s not possible to use named pipes or stdin here! To capture from a
           pipe or from stdin use -i -

       -R|--read-filter  <read (display) filter>

           When reading a capture file specified with the -r flag, causes the specified filter
           (which uses the syntax of display filters, rather than that of capture filters) to be
           applied to all packets read from the capture file; packets not matching the filter are

       -s|--snapshot-length  <capture snaplen>

           Set the default snapshot length to use when capturing live data. No more than snaplen
           bytes of each network packet will be read into memory, or saved to disk. A value of 0
           specifies a snapshot length of 262144, so that the full packet is captured; this is
           the default.

           This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i
           option, it sets the default snapshot length. If used after an -i option, it sets the
           snapshot length for the interface specified by the last -i option occurring before
           this option. If the snapshot length is not set specifically, the default snapshot
           length is used if provided.

           Automatically update the packet display as packets are coming in.

       --temp-dir <directory>

           Specifies the directory into which temporary files (including capture files) are to be
           written. The default behavior on UNIX-compatible systems, such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD,
           Solaris, and AIX, is to use the environment variable $TMPDIR if set, and the system
           default, typically /tmp, if it is not. On Windows, the %TEMP% environment variable is
           used, which typically defaults to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp.

       --time-stamp-type <type>
           Change the interface’s timestamp method. See --list-time-stamp-types.

       --update-interval  <interval>
           Set the length of time in milliseconds between new packet reports during a capture.
           Also sets the granularity of file duration conditions. The default value is 100ms.

           Print the full version information and exit.

       -w  <outfile>
           Set the default capture file name, or '-' for standard output.

       -X <eXtension options>

           Specify an option to be passed to an Wireshark module. The eXtension option is in the
           form extension_key:value, where extension_key can be:

           lua_script:lua_script_filename tells Wireshark to load the given script in addition to
           the default Lua scripts.

           lua_scriptnum:argument tells Wireshark to pass the given argument to the lua script
           identified by 'num', which is the number indexed order of the 'lua_script' command.
           For example, if only one script was loaded with '-X lua_script:my.lua', then '-X
           lua_script1:foo' will pass the string 'foo' to the 'my.lua' script. If two scripts
           were loaded, such as '-X lua_script:my.lua' and '-X lua_script:other.lua' in that
           order, then a '-X lua_script2:bar' would pass the string 'bar' to the second lua
           script, namely 'other.lua'.

           read_format:file_format tells Wireshark to use the given file format to read in the
           file (the file given in the -r command option).

           stdin_descr:description tells Wireshark to use the given description when capturing
           from standard input (-i -).

       -y|--linktype  <capture link type>

           If a capture is started from the command line with -k, set the data link type to use
           while capturing packets. The values reported by -L are the values that can be used.

           This option can occur multiple times. If used before the first occurrence of the -i
           option, it sets the default capture link type. If used after an -i option, it sets the
           capture link type for the interface specified by the last -i option occurring before
           this option. If the capture link type is not set specifically, the default capture
           link type is used if provided.

       -Y|--display-filter  <displaY filter>
           Start with the given display filter.

       -z  <statistics>

           Get Wireshark to collect various types of statistics and display the result in a
           window that updates in semi-real time.

           Some of the currently implemented statistics are:

       -z help
           Display all possible values for -z.

       -z afp,srt[,filter]

           Show Apple Filing Protocol service response time statistics.

       -z conv,type[,filter]

           Create a table that lists all conversations that could be seen in the capture. type
           specifies the conversation endpoint types for which we want to generate the
           statistics; currently the supported ones are:

               "eth"   Ethernet addresses
               "fc"    Fibre Channel addresses
               "fddi"  FDDI addresses
               "ip"    IPv4 addresses
               "ipv6"  IPv6 addresses
               "ipx"   IPX addresses
               "tcp"   TCP/IP socket pairs   Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported
               "tr"    Token Ring addresses
               "udp"   UDP/IP socket pairs   Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported

           If the optional filter is specified, only those packets that match the filter will be
           used in the calculations.

           The table is presented with one line for each conversation and displays the number of
           packets/bytes in each direction as well as the total number of packets/bytes. By
           default, the table is sorted according to the total number of packets.

           These tables can also be generated at runtime by selecting the appropriate
           conversation type from the menu "Tools/Statistics/Conversation List/".

       -z dcerpc,srt,name-or-uuid,major.minor[,filter]

           Collect call/reply SRT (Service Response Time) data for DCERPC interface name or uuid,
           version major.minor. Data collected is the number of calls for each procedure, MinSRT,
           MaxSRT and AvgSRT. Interface name and uuid are case-insensitive.

           Example: -z dcerpc,srt,12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ac,1.0 will collect data for
           the CIFS SAMR Interface.

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter  is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z dcerpc,srt,12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ac,1.0,ip.addr== will
           collect SAMR SRT statistics for a specific host.

       -z dhcp,stat[,filter]
           Show DHCP (BOOTP) statistics.

       -z expert
           Show expert information.

       -z fc,srt[,filter]

           Collect call/reply SRT (Service Response Time) data for FC. Data collected is the
           number of calls for each Fibre Channel command, MinSRT, MaxSRT and AvgSRT.

           Example: -z fc,srt will calculate the Service Response Time as the time delta between
           the First packet of the exchange and the Last packet of the exchange.

           The data will be presented as separate tables for all normal FC commands, Only those
           commands that are seen in the capture will have its stats displayed.

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z "fc,srt," will collect stats only for FC packets exchanged
           by the host at FC address 01.02.03 .

       -z h225,counter[,filter]

           Count ITU-T H.225 messages and their reasons. In the first column you get a list of
           H.225 messages and H.225 message reasons which occur in the current capture file. The
           number of occurrences of each message or reason is displayed in the second column.

           Example: -z h225,counter

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z "h225,counter,ip.addr==" will collect stats only for H.225 packets
           exchanged by the host at IP address .

       -z h225,srt[,filter]

           Collect request/response SRT (Service Response Time) data for ITU-T H.225 RAS. Data
           collected is the number of calls of each ITU-T H.225 RAS Message Type, Minimum SRT,
           Maximum SRT, Average SRT, Minimum in Packet, and Maximum in Packet. You will also get
           the number of Open Requests (Unresponded Requests), Discarded Responses (Responses
           without matching request) and Duplicate Messages.

           Example: -z h225,srt

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z "h225,srt,ip.addr==" will collect stats only for ITU-T H.225 RAS
           packets exchanged by the host at IP address .

       -z io,stat

           Collect packet/bytes statistics for the capture in intervals of 1 second. This option
           will open a window with up to 5 color-coded graphs where number-of-packets-per-second
           or number-of-bytes-per-second statistics can be calculated and displayed.

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           This graph window can also be opened from the Analyze:Statistics:Traffic:IO-Stat menu

       -z ldap,srt[,filter]

           Collect call/reply SRT (Service Response Time) data for LDAP. Data collected is the
           number of calls for each implemented LDAP command, MinSRT, MaxSRT and AvgSRT.

           Example: -z ldap,srt will calculate the Service Response Time as the time delta
           between the Request and the Response.

           The data will be presented as separate tables for all implemented LDAP commands, Only
           those commands that are seen in the capture will have its stats displayed.

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: use -z "ldap,srt,ip.addr==" will collect stats only for LDAP packets
           exchanged by the host at IP address .

           The only LDAP commands that are currently implemented and for which the stats will be

       -z megaco,srt[,filter]

           Collect request/response SRT (Service Response Time) data for MEGACO. (This is similar
           to -z smb,srt). Data collected is the number of calls for each known MEGACO Command,
           Minimum SRT, Maximum SRT and Average SRT.

           Example: -z megaco,srt

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z "megaco,srt,ip.addr==" will collect stats only for MEGACO packets
           exchanged by the host at IP address .

       -z mgcp,srt[,filter]

           Collect request/response SRT (Service Response Time) data for MGCP. (This is similar
           to -z smb,srt). Data collected is the number of calls for each known MGCP Type,
           Minimum SRT, Maximum SRT and Average SRT.

           Example: -z mgcp,srt

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z "mgcp,srt,ip.addr==" will collect stats only for MGCP packets
           exchanged by the host at IP address .

       -z mtp3,msus[,<filter>]
           Show MTP3 MSU statistics.

       -z multicast,stat[,<filter>]
           Show UDP multicast stream statistics.

       -z rpc,programs

           Collect call/reply SRT data for all known ONC-RPC programs/versions. Data collected is
           the number of calls for each protocol/version, MinSRT, MaxSRT and AvgSRT.

       -z rpc,srt,name-or-number,version[,<filter>]

           Collect call/reply SRT (Service Response Time) data for program name/version or
           number/version. Data collected is the number of calls for each procedure, MinSRT,
           MaxSRT and AvgSRT. Program name is case-insensitive.

           Example: -z rpc,srt,100003,3 will collect data for NFS v3.

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z rpc,srt,nfs,3,nfs.fh.hash==0x12345678 will collect NFS v3 SRT statistics
           for a specific file.

       -z scsi,srt,cmdset[,<filter>]

           Collect call/reply SRT (Service Response Time) data for SCSI commandset <cmdset>.

           Commandsets are 0:SBC   1:SSC  5:MMC

           Data collected is the number of calls for each procedure, MinSRT, MaxSRT and AvgSRT.

           Example: -z scsi,srt,0 will collect data for SCSI BLOCK COMMANDS (SBC).

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z scsi,srt,0,ip.addr== will collect SCSI SBC SRT statistics for a
           specific iscsi/ifcp/fcip host.

       -z sip,stat[,filter]

           This option will activate a counter for SIP messages. You will get the number of
           occurrences of each SIP Method and of each SIP Status-Code. Additionally you also get
           the number of resent SIP Messages (only for SIP over UDP).

           Example: -z sip,stat

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z "sip,stat,ip.addr==" will collect stats only for SIP packets
           exchanged by the host at IP address .

       -z smb,srt[,filter]

           Collect call/reply SRT (Service Response Time) data for SMB. Data collected is the
           number of calls for each SMB command, MinSRT, MaxSRT and AvgSRT.

           Example: -z smb,srt

           The data will be presented as separate tables for all normal SMB commands, all
           Transaction2 commands and all NT Transaction commands. Only those commands that are
           seen in the capture will have their stats displayed. Only the first command in a xAndX
           command chain will be used in the calculation. So for common SessionSetupAndX +
           TreeConnectAndX chains, only the SessionSetupAndX call will be used in the statistics.
           This is a flaw that might be fixed in the future.

           This option can be used multiple times on the command line.

           If the optional filter is provided, the stats will only be calculated on those calls
           that match that filter.

           Example: -z "smb,srt,ip.addr==" will collect stats only for SMB packets
           exchanged by the host at IP address .

       -z voip,calls

           This option will show a window that shows VoIP calls found in the capture file. This
           is the same window shown as when you go to the Statistics Menu and choose VoIP Calls.

           Example: -z voip,calls

       -z wlan,stat[,<filter>]
           Show IEEE 802.11 network and station statistics.

       -z wsp,stat[,<filter>]
           Show WSP packet counters.


       -d  <layer type>==<selector>,<decode-as protocol>

           Like Wireshark’s Decode As... feature, this lets you specify how a layer type should
           be dissected. If the layer type in question (for example, tcp.port or udp.port for a
           TCP or UDP port number) has the specified selector value, packets should be dissected
           as the specified protocol.

           Example 1. Decode As Port

               -d tcp.port==8888,http will decode any traffic running over TCP port 8888 as HTTP.

           See the tshark(1) manual page for more examples.

           Disable dissection of all protocols.

       --disable-protocol <proto_name>[,<proto_name>,...]
           Disable dissection of proto_name. Use a proto_name of ALL to override your chosen
           profile’s default enabled protocol list and temporarily disable all protocols.

       --disable-heuristic <short_name>
           Disable dissection of heuristic protocol.

       --enable-protocol <proto_name>[,<proto_name>,...]

           Enable dissection of proto_name. Use a proto_name of ALL to override your chosen
           profile’s default disabled protocol list and temporarily enable all protocols which
           are enabled by default.

           If a protocol is implicated in both --disable-protocol and --enable-protocol, the
           protocol is enabled. This allows you to temporarily disable all protocols but a list
           of exceptions. Example: --disable-protocol ALL --enable-protocol eth,ip

       --enable-heuristic <short_name>
           Enable dissection of heuristic protocol.

       -K  <keytab>

           Load kerberos crypto keys from the specified keytab file. This option can be used
           multiple times to load keys from several files.

           Example: -K krb5.keytab

           Disable network object name resolution (such as hostname, TCP and UDP port names); the
           -N option might override this one.

       -N  <name resolving flags>

           Turn on name resolving only for particular types of addresses and port numbers, with
           name resolving for other types of addresses and port numbers turned off. This option
           (along with -n) can be specified multiple times; the last value given overrides
           earlier ones. This option and -n override the options from the preferences, including
           preferences set via the -o option. If both -N and -n options are not present, the
           values from the preferences are used, which default to -N dmN.

           The argument is a string that may contain the letters:

           d to enable resolution from captured DNS packets

           g to enable IP address geolocation information lookup from configured MaxMind

           m to enable MAC address resolution

           n to enable network address resolution

           N to enable using external resolvers (e.g., DNS) for network address resolution; no
           effect without n also enabled.

           t to enable transport-layer port number resolution

           v to enable VLAN IDs to names resolution

       --only-protocols <protocols>
           Only enable dissection of these protocols, comma separated. Disable everything else.

       -t  (a|ad|adoy|d|dd|e|r|u|ud|udoy)[.[N]]|.[N]

           Set the format of the packet timestamp displayed in the default time column. The
           format can be one of:

           a absolute: The absolute time, as local time in your time zone, is the actual time the
           packet was captured, with no date displayed

           ad absolute with date: The absolute date, displayed as YYYY-MM-DD, and time, as local
           time in your time zone, is the actual time and date the packet was captured

           adoy absolute with date using day of year: The absolute date, displayed as YYYY/DOY,
           and time, as local time in your time zone, is the actual time and date the packet was

           d delta: The delta time is the time since the previous packet was captured

           dd delta_displayed: The delta_displayed time is the time since the previous displayed
           packet was captured

           e epoch: The time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00)

           r relative: The relative time is the time elapsed between the first packet and the
           current packet

           u UTC: The absolute time, as UTC, is the actual time the packet was captured, with no
           date displayed

           ud UTC with date: The absolute date, displayed as YYYY-MM-DD, and time, as UTC, is the
           actual time and date the packet was captured

           udoy UTC with date using day of year: The absolute date, displayed as YYYY/DOY, and
           time, as UTC, is the actual time and date the packet was captured

           .[N] Set the precision: N is the number of decimals (0 through 9). If using "."
           without N, automatically determine precision from trace.

           The default format is relative with precision based on capture format.

       -u <s|hms>

           Specifies how packet timestamp formats in -t which are relative times (i.e. relative,
           delta, and delta_displayed) are displayed. Valid choices are:

           s for seconds

           hms for hours, minutes, and seconds

           The default format is seconds.


       --log-level <level>
           Set the active log level. Supported levels in lowest to highest order are "noisy",
           "debug", "info", "message", "warning", "critical", and "error". Messages at each level
           and higher will be printed, for example "warning" prints "warning", "critical", and
           "error" messages and "noisy" prints all messages. Levels are case insensitive.

       --log-fatal <level>
           Abort the program if any messages are logged at the specified level or higher. For
           example, "warning" aborts on any "warning", "critical", or "error" messages.

       --log-domains <list>
           Only print messages for the specified log domains, e.g. "GUI,Epan,sshdump". List of
           domains must be comma-separated. Can be negated with "!" as the first character
           (inverts the match).

       --log-debug <list>
           Force the specified domains to log at the "debug" level. List of domains must be
           comma-separated. Can be negated with "!" as the first character (inverts the match).

       --log-noisy <list>
           Force the specified domains to log at the "noisy" level. List of domains must be
           comma-separated. Can be negated with "!" as the first character (inverts the match).

       --log-fatal-domains <list>
           Abort the program if any messages are logged for the specified log domains. List of
           domains must be comma-separated.

       --log-file <path>
           Write log messages and stderr output to the specified file.


       File  Open, File  Open Recent, File  Merge
           Merge another capture file to the currently loaded one. The File:Merge dialog box
           allows the merge "Prepended", "Chronologically" or "Appended", relative to the already
           loaded one.

       File  Close
           Open or close a capture file. The File:Open dialog box allows a filter to be
           specified; when the capture file is read, the filter is applied to all packets read
           from the file, and packets not matching the filter are discarded. The File:Open Recent
           is a submenu and will show a list of previously opened files.

       File  Save, File  Save As
           Save the current capture, or the packets currently displayed from that capture, to a
           file. Check boxes let you select whether to save all packets, or just those that have
           passed the current display filter and/or those that are currently marked, and an
           option menu lets you select (from a list of file formats in which at particular
           capture, or the packets currently displayed from that capture, can be saved), a file
           format in which to save it.

       FileFile SetList Files
           Show a dialog box that lists all files of the file set matching the currently loaded
           file. A file set is a compound of files resulting from a capture using the "multiple
           files" / "ringbuffer" mode, recognizable by the filename pattern, e.g.:

       FileFile SetNext File, FileFile SetPrevious File
           If the currently loaded file is part of a file set (see above), open the next /
           previous file in that set.

       File  Export
           Export captured data into an external format. Note: the data cannot be imported back
           into Wireshark, so be sure to keep the capture file.

       File  Print
           Print packet data from the current capture. You can select the range of packets to be
           printed (which packets are printed), and the output format of each packet (how each
           packet is printed). The output format will be similar to the displayed values, so a
           summary line, the packet details view, and/or the hex dump of the packet can be

       File  Quit
           Exit the application.

           Copies the description of the selected field in the protocol tree to the clipboard.

           Copies the fieldname of the selected field in the protocol tree to the clipboard.

           Copies the value of the selected field in the protocol tree to the clipboard.

       EditCopyAs Filter

           Create a display filter based on the data currently highlighted in the packet details
           and copy that filter to the clipboard.

           If that data is a field that can be tested in a display filter expression, the display
           filter will test that field; otherwise, the display filter will be based on the
           absolute offset within the packet. Therefore it could be unreliable if the packet
           contains protocols with variable-length headers, such as a source-routed token-ring

       Edit  Find Packet

           Search forward or backward, starting with the currently selected packet (or the most
           recently selected packet, if no packet is selected). Search criteria can be a display
           filter expression, a string of hexadecimal digits, or a text string.

           When searching for a text string, you can search the packet data, or you can search
           the text in the Info column in the packet list pane or in the packet details pane.

           Hexadecimal digits can be separated by colons, periods, or dashes. Text string
           searches can be ASCII or Unicode (or both), and may be case insensitive.

       Edit  Find Next, Edit  Find Previous
           Search forward / backward for a packet matching the filter from the previous search,
           starting with the currently selected packet (or the most recently selected packet, if
           no packet is selected).

       Edit  Mark Packet (toggle)
           Mark (or unmark if currently marked) the selected packet. The field "frame.marked" is
           set for packets that are marked, so that, for example, a display filters can be used
           to display only marked packets, and so that the /"Edit:Find Packet" dialog can be used
           to find the next or previous marked packet.

       Edit  Find Next Mark, Edit  Find Previous Mark
           Find next or previous marked packet.

       Edit  Mark All Packets, Edit  Unmark All Packets
           Mark or unmark all packets that are currently displayed.

       EditTime ReferenceSet Time Reference (toggle)

           Set (or unset if currently set) the selected packet as a Time Reference packet. When a
           packet is set as a Time Reference packet, the timestamps in the packet list pane will
           be replaced with the string "REF". The relative time timestamp in later packets will
           then be calculated relative to the timestamp of this Time Reference packet and not the
           first packet in the capture.

           Packets that have been selected as Time Reference packets will always be displayed in
           the packet list pane. Display filters will not affect or hide these packets.

           If there is a column displayed for "Cumulative Bytes" this counter will be reset at
           every Time Reference packet.

       EditTime ReferenceFind Next, EditTime ReferenceFind Previous
           Search forward or backward for a time referenced packet.

       Edit  Configuration Profiles
           Manage configuration profiles to be able to use more than one set of preferences and

       Edit  Preferences
           Set the GUI, capture, and protocol options (see /Preferences dialog below).

       View  Main Toolbar, View  Filter Toolbar, View  Statusbar
           Show or hide the main window controls.

       View  Packet List, View  Packet Details, View  Packet Bytes
           Show or hide the main window panes.

       View  Time Display Format
           Set the format of the packet timestamp displayed in the packet list window.

       ViewName ResolutionResolve Name
           Try to resolve a name for the currently selected item.

       ViewName ResolutionEnable for ... Layer
           Enable or disable translation of addresses to names in the display.

       View  Colorize Packet List
           Enable or disable the coloring rules. Disabling will improve performance.

       View  Auto Scroll in Live Capture
           Enable or disable the automatic scrolling of the packet list while a live capture is
           in progress.

       View  Zoom In, View  Zoom Out
           Zoom into or out of the main window data (by changing the font size).

       View  Normal Size
           Reset the zoom level back to normal font size.

       View  Resize All Columns
           Resize all columns to best fit the current packet display.

       View  Expand / Collapse Subtrees
           Expand or collapse the currently selected item and its subtrees in the packet details.

       View  Expand All, View  Collapse All
           Expand or Collapse all branches of the packet details.

       View  Colorize Conversation
           Select a color for a conversation.

       View  Reset Coloring 1-10
           Reset a color for a conversation.

       View  Coloring Rules
           Change the foreground and background colors of the packet information in the list of
           packets, based upon display filters. The list of display filters is applied to each
           packet sequentially. After the first display filter matches a packet, any additional
           display filters in the list are ignored. Therefore, if you are filtering on the
           existence of protocols, you should list the higher-level protocols first, and the
           lower-level protocols last.

       How Colorization Works

           Packets are colored according to a list of color filters. Each filter consists of a
           name, a filter expression and a coloration. A packet is colored according to the first
           filter that it matches. Color filter expressions use exactly the same syntax as
           display filter expressions.

           When Wireshark starts, the color filters are loaded from:

            1. The user’s personal color filters file or, if that does not exist,

            2. The global color filters file.

           If neither of these exist then the packets will not be colored.

       View  Show Packet In New Window
           Create a new window containing a packet details view and a hex dump window of the
           currently selected packet; this window will continue to display that packet’s details
           and data even if another packet is selected.

       View  Reload
           Reload a capture file. Same as File:Close and File:Open the same file again.

       Go  Back
           Go back in previously visited packets history.

       Go  Forward
           Go forward in previously visited packets history.

       Go  Go To Packet
           Go to a particular numbered packet.

       Go  Go To Corresponding Packet
           If a field in the packet details pane containing a packet number is selected, go to
           the packet number specified by that field. (This works only if the dissector that put
           that entry into the packet details put it into the details as a filterable field
           rather than just as text.) This can be used, for example, to go to the packet for the
           request corresponding to a reply, or the reply corresponding to a request, if that
           packet number has been put into the packet details.

       Go  Previous Packet, Go  Next Packet, Go  First Packet, Go  Last Packet
           Go to the previous, next, first, or last packet in the capture.

       Go  Previous Packet In Conversation, Go  Next Packet In Conversation
           Go to the previous or next packet of the TCP, UDP or IP conversation.

       Capture  Interfaces
           Shows a dialog box with all currently known interfaces and displaying the current
           network traffic amount. Capture sessions can be started from here. Beware: keeping
           this box open results in high system load!

       Capture  Options
           Initiate a live packet capture (see /"Capture Options Dialog" below). If no filename
           is specified, a temporary file will be created to hold the capture. Temporary files
           are written in the directory listed in HelpAbout WiresharkFolders. This location
           can be chosen with the command line option --temp-dir, or by setting the environment
           variable TMPDIR (on UNIX-compatible systems, such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris, and
           AIX) or TEMP (on Windows) before starting Wireshark.

       Capture  Start
           Start a live packet capture with the previously selected options. This won’t open the
           options dialog box, and can be convenient for repeatedly capturing with the same

       Capture  Stop
           Stop a running live capture.

       Capture  Restart
           While a live capture is running, stop it and restart with the same options again. This
           can be convenient to remove irrelevant packets, if no valuable packets were captured
           so far.

       Capture  Capture Filters
           Edit the saved list of capture filters, allowing filters to be added, changed, or

       Analyze  Display Filters
           Edit the saved list of display filters, allowing filters to be added, changed, or

       Analyze  Display Filter Macros
           Create shortcuts for complex macros.

       Analyze  Apply as Filter

           Create a display filter based on the data currently highlighted in the packet details
           and apply the filter.

           If that data is a field that can be tested in a display filter expression, the display
           filter will test that field; otherwise, the display filter will be based on the
           absolute offset within the packet. Therefore it could be unreliable if the packet
           contains protocols with variable-length headers, such as a source-routed token-ring

           The Selected option creates a display filter that tests for a match of the data; the
           Not Selected option creates a display filter that tests for a non-match of the data.
           The And Selected, Or Selected, And Not Selected, and Or Not Selected options add to
           the end of the display filter in the strip at the top (or bottom) an AND or OR
           operator followed by the new display filter expression.

       Analyze  Prepare as Filter

           Create a display filter based on the data currently highlighted in the packet details.
           The filter strip at the top (or bottom) is updated but it is not yet applied.

       Analyze  Enabled Protocols

           Allow protocol dissection to be enabled or disabled for a specific protocol.
           Individual protocols can be enabled or disabled by clicking on them in the list or by
           highlighting them and pressing the space bar. The entire list can be enabled,
           disabled, or inverted using the buttons below the list.

           When a protocol is disabled, dissection in a particular packet stops when that
           protocol is reached, and Wireshark moves on to the next packet. Any higher-layer
           protocols that would otherwise have been processed will not be displayed. For example,
           disabling TCP will prevent the dissection and display of TCP, HTTP, SMTP, Telnet, and
           any other protocol exclusively dependent on TCP.

           The list of protocols can be saved, so that Wireshark will start up with the protocols
           in that list disabled.

       Analyze  Decode As
           If you have a packet selected, present a dialog allowing you to change which
           dissectors are used to decode this packet. The dialog has one panel each for the link
           layer, network layer and transport layer protocol/port numbers, and will allow each of
           these to be changed independently. For example, if the selected packet is a TCP packet
           to port 12345, using this dialog you can instruct Wireshark to decode all packets to
           or from that TCP port as HTTP packets.

       Analyze  User Specified Decodes
           Create a new window showing whether any protocol ID to dissector mappings have been
           changed by the user. This window also allows the user to reset all decodes to their
           default values.

       Analyze  Follow TCP Stream

           If you have a TCP packet selected, display the contents of the data stream for the TCP
           connection to which that packet belongs, as text, in a separate window, and leave the
           list of packets in a filtered state, with only those packets that are part of that TCP
           connection being displayed. You can revert to your old view by pressing ENTER in the
           display filter text box, thereby invoking your old display filter (or resetting it
           back to no display filter).

           The window in which the data stream is displayed lets you select:

           •   whether to display the entire conversation, or one or the other side of it;

           •   whether the data being displayed is to be treated as ASCII or EBCDIC text or as
               raw hex data;

           and lets you print what’s currently being displayed, using the same print options that
           are used for the File:Print Packet menu item, or save it as text to a file.

       Analyze  Follow UDP Stream, Analyze  Follow TLS Stream
           Similar to Analyze:Follow TCP Stream.

       Analyze  Expert Info, Analyze  Expert Info Composite
           Show anomalies found by Wireshark in a capture file.

       Analyze  Conversation Filter, Statistics  Summary
           Show summary information about the capture, including elapsed time, packet counts,
           byte counts, and the like. If a display filter is in effect, summary information will
           be shown about the capture and about the packets currently being displayed.

       Statistics  Protocol Hierarchy
           Show the number of packets, and the number of bytes in those packets, for each
           protocol in the trace. It organizes the protocols in the same hierarchy in which they
           were found in the trace. Besides counting the packets in which the protocol exists, a
           count is also made for packets in which the protocol is the last protocol in the
           stack. These last-protocol counts show you how many packets (and the byte count
           associated with those packets) ended in a particular protocol. In the table, they are
           listed under "End Packets" and "End Bytes".

       Statistics  Conversations
           Lists of conversations; selectable by protocol. See Statistics:Conversation List

       Statistics  End Points
           List of End Point Addresses by protocol with packets, bytes, and other counts.

       Statistics  Packet Lengths
           Grouped counts of packet lengths (0-19 bytes, 20-39 bytes, ...)

       Statistics  I/O Graphs

           Open a window where up to 5 graphs in different colors can be displayed to indicate
           number of packets or number of bytes per second for all packets matching the specified
           filter. By default only one graph will be displayed showing number of packets per

           The top part of the window contains the graphs and scales for the X and Y axis. If the
           graph is too long to fit inside the window there is a horizontal scrollbar below the
           drawing area that can scroll the graphs to the left or the right. The horizontal axis
           displays the time into the capture and the vertical axis will display the measured
           quantity at that time.

           Below the drawing area and the scrollbar are the controls. On the bottom left there
           will be five similar sets of controls to control each individual graph such as
           "Display:<button>" which button will toggle that individual graph on/off. If <button>
           is ticked, the graph will be displayed. "Color:<color>" which is just a button to show
           which color will be used to draw that graph. Finally "Filter:<filter-text>" which can
           be used to specify a display filter for that particular graph.

           If filter-text is empty then all packets will be used to calculate the quantity for
           that graph. If filter-text is specified only those packets that match that display
           filter will be considered in the calculation of quantity.

           To the right of the 5 graph controls there are four menus to control global aspects of
           the draw area and graphs. The "Unit:" menu is used to control what to measure;
           "packets/tick", "bytes/tick" or "advanced..."

           packets/tick will measure the number of packets matching the (if specified) display
           filter for the graph in each measurement interval.

           bytes/tick will measure the total number of bytes in all packets matching the (if
           specified) display filter for the graph in each measurement interval.

           advanced... see below

           "Tick interval:" specifies what measurement intervals to use. The default is 1 second
           and means that the data will be counted over 1 second intervals.

           "Pixels per tick:" specifies how many pixels wide each measurement interval will be in
           the drawing area. The default is 5 pixels per tick.

           "Y-scale:" controls the max value for the y-axis. Default value is "auto" which means
           that Wireshark will try to adjust the maxvalue automatically.

           "advanced..." If Unit:advanced... is selected the window will display two more
           controls for each of the five graphs. One control will be a menu where the type of
           calculation can be selected from SUM,COUNT,MAX,MIN,AVG and LOAD, and one control,
           textbox, where the name of a single display filter field can be specified.

           The following restrictions apply to type and field combinations:

           SUM: available for all types of integers and will calculate the SUM of all occurrences
           of this field in the measurement interval. Note that some field can occur multiple
           times in the same packet and then all instances will be summed up. Example: 'tcp.len'
           which will count the amount of payload data transferred across TCP in each interval.

           COUNT: available for all field types. This will COUNT the number of times certain
           field occurs in each interval. Note that some fields may occur multiple times in each
           packet and if that is the case then each instance will be counted independently and
           COUNT will be greater than the number of packets.

           MAX: available for all integer and relative time fields. This will calculate the max
           seen integer/time value seen for the field during the interval. Example: 'smb.time'
           which will plot the maximum SMB response time.

           MIN: available for all integer and relative time fields. This will calculate the min
           seen integer/time value seen for the field during the interval. Example: 'smb.time'
           which will plot the minimum SMB response time.

           AVG: available for all integer and relative time fields.This will calculate the
           average seen integer/time value seen for the field during the interval. Example:
           'smb.time' which will plot the average SMB response time.

           LOAD: available only for relative time fields (response times).

           Example of advanced: Display how NFS response time MAX/MIN/AVG changes over time:

           Set first graph to:

               Calc:MAX rpc.time

           Set second graph to

               Calc:AVG rpc.time

           Set third graph to

               Calc:MIN rpc.time

           Example of advanced: Display how the average packet size from host a.b.c.d changes
           over time.

           Set first graph to

               Calc:AVG frame.pkt_len

           LOAD: The LOAD io-stat type is very different from anything you have ever seen before!
           While the response times themselves as plotted by MIN,MAX,AVG are indications on the
           Server load (which affects the Server response time), the LOAD measurement measures
           the Client LOAD. What this measures is how much workload the client generates, i.e.
           how fast will the client issue new commands when the previous ones completed. i.e. the
           level of concurrency the client can maintain. The higher the number, the more and
           faster is the client issuing new commands. When the LOAD goes down, it may be due to
           client load making the client slower in issuing new commands (there may be other
           reasons as well, maybe the client just doesn’t have any commands it wants to issue
           right then).

           Load is measured in concurrency/number of overlapping i/o and the value 1000 means
           there is a constant load of one i/o.

           In each tick interval the amount of overlap is measured. See the graph below
           containing three commands: Below the graph are the LOAD values for each interval that
           would be calculated.

               |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
               |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
               |     |  o=====*  |     |     |     |     |     |
               |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
               |  o========*     | o============*  |     |     |
               |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
               --------------------------------------------------> Time
                500   1500   500  750   1000   500    0     0

       Statistics  Conversation List

           This option will open a new window that displays a list of all conversations between
           two endpoints. The list has one row for each unique conversation and displays total
           number of packets/bytes seen as well as number of packets/bytes in each direction.

           By default the list is sorted according to the number of packets but by clicking on
           the column header; it is possible to re-sort the list in ascending or descending order
           by any column.

           By first selecting a conversation by clicking on it and then using the right mouse
           button (on those platforms that have a right mouse button) Wireshark will display a
           popup menu offering several different filter operations to apply to the capture.

           These statistics windows can also be invoked from the Wireshark command line using the
           -z conv argument.

       Statistics  Service Response Time

           •   AFP

           •   CAMEL

           •   DCE-RPC

           Open a window to display Service Response Time statistics for an arbitrary DCE-RPC
           program interface and display Procedure, Number of Calls, Minimum SRT, Maximum SRT and
           Average SRT for all procedures for that program/version. These windows opened will
           update in semi-real time to reflect changes when doing live captures or when reading
           new capture files into Wireshark.

           This dialog will also allow an optional filter string to be used. If an optional
           filter string is used only such DCE-RPC request/response pairs that match that filter
           will be used to calculate the statistics. If no filter string is specified all
           request/response pairs will be used.

           •   Diameter

           •   Fibre Channel

           Open a window to display Service Response Time statistics for Fibre Channel and
           display FC Type, Number of Calls, Minimum SRT, Maximum SRT and Average SRT for all FC
           types. These windows opened will update in semi-real time to reflect changes when
           doing live captures or when reading new capture files into Wireshark. The Service
           Response Time is calculated as the time delta between the First packet of the exchange
           and the Last packet of the exchange.

           This dialog will also allow an optional filter string to be used. If an optional
           filter string is used only such FC first/last exchange pairs that match that filter
           will be used to calculate the statistics. If no filter string is specified all
           request/response pairs will be used.

           •   GTP

           •   H.225 RAS

           Collect requests/response SRT (Service Response Time) data for ITU-T H.225 RAS. Data
           collected is number of calls for each known ITU-T H.225 RAS Message Type, Minimum SRT,
           Maximum SRT, Average SRT, Minimum in Packet, and Maximum in Packet. You will also get
           the number of Open Requests (Unresponded Requests), Discarded Responses (Responses
           without matching request) and Duplicate Messages. These windows opened will update in
           semi-real time to reflect changes when doing live captures or when reading new capture
           files into Wireshark.

           You can apply an optional filter string in a dialog box, before starting the
           calculation. The statistics will only be calculated on those calls matching that

           •   LDAP

           •   MEGACO

           •   MGCP

           Collect requests/response SRT (Service Response Time) data for MGCP. Data collected is
           number of calls for each known MGCP Type, Minimum SRT, Maximum SRT, Average SRT,
           Minimum in Packet, and Maximum in Packet. These windows opened will update in
           semi-real time to reflect changes when doing live captures or when reading new capture
           files into Wireshark.

           You can apply an optional filter string in a dialog box, before starting the
           calculation. The statistics will only be calculated on those calls matching that

           •   NCP

           •   ONC-RPC

           Open a window to display statistics for an arbitrary ONC-RPC program interface and
           display Procedure, Number of Calls, Minimum SRT, Maximum SRT and Average SRT for all
           procedures for that program/version. These windows opened will update in semi-real
           time to reflect changes when doing live captures or when reading new capture files
           into Wireshark.

           This dialog will also allow an optional filter string to be used. If an optional
           filter string is used only such ONC-RPC request/response pairs that match that filter
           will be used to calculate the statistics. If no filter string is specified all
           request/response pairs will be used.

           By first selecting a conversation by clicking on it and then using the right mouse
           button (on those platforms that have a right mouse button) Wireshark will display a
           popup menu offering several different filter operations to apply to the capture.

           •   RADIUS

           •   SCSI

           •   SMB

           Collect call/reply SRT (Service Response Time) data for SMB. Data collected is the
           number of calls for each SMB command, MinSRT, MaxSRT and AvgSRT.

           The data will be presented as separate tables for all normal SMB commands, all
           Transaction2 commands and all NT Transaction commands. Only those commands that are
           seen in the capture will have its stats displayed. Only the first command in a xAndX
           command chain will be used in the calculation. So for common SessionSetupAndX +
           TreeConnectAndX chains, only the SessionSetupAndX call will be used in the statistics.
           This is a flaw that might be fixed in the future.

           You can apply an optional filter string in a dialog box, before starting the
           calculation. The stats will only be calculated on those calls matching that filter.

           By first selecting a conversation by clicking on it and then using the right mouse
           button (on those platforms that have a right mouse button) Wireshark will display a
           popup menu offering several different filter operations to apply to the capture.

           •   SMB2

       Statistics  BOOTP-DHCP
           Show DHCP statistics.

       Statistics  Compare
           Compare two capture files.

       Statistics  Flow Graph
           Show protocol flows.

       Statistics  HTTP
           HTTP Load Distribution, Packet Counter & Requests.

       Statistics  IP Addresses
           Count, Rate, and Percent by IP Address.

       Statistics  IP Destinations
           Count, Rate, and Percent by IP Address, protocol, and port.

       Statistics  IP Protocol Types
           Count, Rate, and Percent by IP Protocol Types.

       Statistics  ONC-RPC Programs
           This dialog will open a window showing aggregated SRT statistics for all ONC-RPC
           Programs/versions that exist in the capture file.

       Statistics  TCP Stream Graph
           Show Round Trip, Throughput, Time-Sequence (Stevens), or Time-Sequence (tcptrace)

       Statistics  UDP Multicast streams
           Multicast Streams counts, rates, and other statistics by source and destination
           address and port pairs.

       Statistics  WLAN Traffic
           WLAN Traffic Statistics.

       Telephony  ITU-T H.225

           Count ITU-T H.225 messages and their reasons. In the first column you get a list of
           H.225 messages and H.225 message reasons, which occur in the current capture file. The
           number of occurrences of each message or reason will be displayed in the second
           column. This window opened will update in semi-real time to reflect changes when doing
           live captures or when reading new capture files into Wireshark.

           You can apply an optional filter string in a dialog box, before starting the counter.
           The statistics will only be calculated on those calls matching that filter.

       Telephony  SIP

           Activate a counter for SIP messages. You will get the number of occurrences of each
           SIP Method and of each SIP Status-Code. Additionally you also get the number of resent
           SIP Messages (only for SIP over UDP).

           This window opened will update in semi-real time to reflect changes when doing live
           captures or when reading new capture files into Wireshark.

           You can apply an optional filter string in a dialog box, before starting the counter.
           The statistics will only be calculated on those calls matching that filter.

       Tools  Firewall ACL Rules
           Generate firewall rules for a selected packet.

       Help  Contents
           Display the User’s Guide.

       Help  Supported Protocols
           List of supported protocols and display filter protocol fields.

       Help  Manual Pages
           Display locally installed HTML versions of these manual pages in a web browser.

       Help  Wireshark Online
           Various links to online resources to be open in a web browser, like

       Help  About Wireshark
           See various information about Wireshark (see /About dialog below), like the version,
           the folders used, the available plugins, ...

       Main Window

           The main window contains the usual things like the menu, some toolbars, the main area
           and a statusbar. The main area is split into three panes, you can resize each pane
           using a "thumb" at the right end of each divider line.

           The main window is much more flexible than before. The layout of the main window can
           be customized by the Layout page in the dialog box popped up by Edit:Preferences, the
           following will describe the layout with the default settings.

       Main Toolbar
           Some menu items are available for quick access here. There is no way to customize the
           items in the toolbar, however the toolbar can be hidden by View:Main Toolbar.

       Filter Toolbar

           A display filter can be entered into the filter toolbar. A filter for HTTP, HTTPS, and
           DNS traffic might look like this:

               tcp.port in {80 443 53}

           Selecting the Filter: button lets you choose from a list of named filters that you can
           optionally save. Pressing the Return or Enter keys, or selecting the Apply button,
           will cause the filter to be applied to the current list of packets. Selecting the
           Reset button clears the display filter so that all packets are displayed (again).

           There is no way to customize the items in the toolbar, however the toolbar can be
           hidden by View:Filter Toolbar.

       Packet List Pane

           The top pane contains the list of network packets that you can scroll through and
           select. By default, the packet number, packet timestamp, source and destination
           addresses, protocol, and description are displayed for each packet; the Columns page
           in the dialog box popped up by Edit:Preferences lets you change this (although,
           unfortunately, you currently have to save the preferences, and exit and restart
           Wireshark, for those changes to take effect).

           If you click on the heading for a column, the display will be sorted by that column;
           clicking on the heading again will reverse the sort order for that column.

           An effort is made to display information as high up the protocol stack as possible,
           e.g. IP addresses are displayed for IP packets, but the MAC layer address is displayed
           for unknown packet types.

           The right mouse button can be used to pop up a menu of operations.

           The middle mouse button can be used to mark a packet.

       Packet Details Pane
           The middle pane contains a display of the details of the currently-selected packet.
           The display shows each field and its value in each protocol header in the stack. The
           right mouse button can be used to pop up a menu of operations.

       Packet Bytes Pane

           The lowest pane contains a hex and ASCII dump of the actual packet data. Selecting a
           field in the packet details highlights the corresponding bytes in this section.

           The right mouse button can be used to pop up a menu of operations.


           The statusbar is divided into three parts, on the left some context dependent things
           are shown, like information about the loaded file, in the center the number of packets
           are displayed, and on the right the current configuration profile.

           The statusbar can be hidden by View:Statusbar.

           Adjust the behavior of Wireshark.

       User Interface Preferences
           Modify the UI to your own personal tastes.

       Selection Bars
           The selection bar in the packet list and packet details can have either a "browse" or
           "select" behavior. If the selection bar has a "browse" behavior, the arrow keys will
           move an outline of the selection bar, allowing you to browse the rest of the list or
           details without changing the selection until you press the space bar. If the selection
           bar has a "select" behavior, the arrow keys will move the selection bar and change the
           selection to the new item in the packet list or packet details.

       Save Window Position
           If this item is selected, the position of the main Wireshark window will be saved when
           Wireshark exits, and used when Wireshark is started again.

       Save Window Size
           If this item is selected, the size of the main Wireshark window will be saved when
           Wireshark exits, and used when Wireshark is started again.

       Save Window Maximized state
           If this item is selected the maximize state of the main Wireshark window will be saved
           when Wireshark exists, and used when Wireshark is started again.

       File Open Dialog Behavior
           This item allows the user to select how Wireshark handles the listing of the "File
           Open" Dialog when opening trace files. "Remember Last Directory" causes Wireshark to
           automatically position the dialog in the directory of the most recently opened file,
           even between launches of Wireshark. "Always Open in Directory" allows the user to
           define a persistent directory that the dialog will always default to.

           Allows the user to specify a persistent File Open directory. Trailing slashes or
           backslashes will automatically be added.

       File Open Preview timeout
           This items allows the user to define how much time is spend reading the capture file
           to present preview data in the File Open dialog.

       Open Recent maximum list entries
           The File menu supports a recent file list. This items allows the user to specify how
           many files are kept track of in this list.

       Ask for unsaved capture files
           When closing a capture file or Wireshark itself if the file isn’t saved yet the user
           is presented the option to save the file when this item is set.

       Wrap during find
           This items determines the behavior when reaching the beginning or the end of a capture
           file. When set the search wraps around and continues, otherwise it stops.

       Settings dialogs show a save button
           This item determines if the various dialogs sport an explicit Save button or that save
           is implicit in OK / Apply.

       Web browser command
           This entry specifies the command line to launch a web browser. It is used to access
           online content, like the Wiki and user guide. Use '%s' to place the request URL in the
           command line.

       Layout Preferences
           The Layout page lets you specify the general layout of the main window. You can choose
           from six different layouts and fill the three panes with the contents you like.

           The vertical scrollbars in the three panes can be set to be either on the left or the

       Alternating row colors, Hex Display
           The highlight method in the hex dump display for the selected protocol item can be set
           to use either inverse video, or bold characters.

       Toolbar style, Filter toolbar placement, Custom window title, Column Preferences

           The Columns page lets you specify the number, title, and format of each column in the
           packet list.

           The Column title entry is used to specify the title of the column displayed at the top
           of the packet list. The type of data that the column displays can be specified using
           the Column format option menu. The row of buttons on the left perform the following

           Adds a new column to the list.

           Deletes the currently selected list item.

       Up / Down
           Moves the selected list item up or down one position.

       Font Preferences
           The Font page lets you select the font to be used for most text.

       Color Preferences
           The Colors page can be used to change the color of the text displayed in the TCP
           stream window and for marked packets. To change a color, simply select an attribute
           from the "Set:" menu and use the color selector to get the desired color. The new text
           colors are displayed as a sample text.

       Capture Preferences

           The Capture page lets you specify various parameters for capturing live packet data;
           these are used the first time a capture is started.

           The Interface: combo box lets you specify the interface from which to capture packet
           data, or the name of a FIFO from which to get the packet data.

           The Data link type: option menu lets you, for some interfaces, select the data link
           header you want to see on the packets you capture. For example, in some OSes and with
           some versions of libpcap, you can choose, on an 802.11 interface, whether the packets
           should appear as Ethernet packets (with a fake Ethernet header) or as 802.11 packets.

           The Limit each packet to ... bytes check box lets you set the snapshot length to use
           when capturing live data; turn on the check box, and then set the number of bytes to
           use as the snapshot length.

           The Filter: text entry lets you set a capture filter expression to be used when

           If any of the environment variables SSH_CONNECTION, SSH_CLIENT, REMOTEHOST, DISPLAY,
           or SESSIONNAME are set, Wireshark will create a default capture filter that excludes
           traffic from the hosts and ports defined in those variables.

           The Capture packets in promiscuous mode check box lets you specify whether to put the
           interface in promiscuous mode when capturing.

           The Update list of packets in real time check box lets you specify that the display
           should be updated as packets are seen.

       Name Resolution Preferences

           The Enable MAC name resolution, Enable network name resolution and Enable transport
           name resolution check boxes let you specify whether MAC addresses, network addresses,
           and transport-layer port numbers should be translated to names.

           The Enable concurrent DNS name resolution allows Wireshark to send out multiple name
           resolution requests and not wait for the result before continuing dissection. This
           speeds up dissection with network name resolution but initially may miss resolutions.
           The number of concurrent requests can be set here as well.

           SMI paths

           SMI modules

       RTP Player Preferences
           This page allows you to select the number of channels visible in the RTP player
           window. It determines the height of the window, more channels are possible and visible
           by means of a scroll bar.

       Protocol Preferences
           There are also pages for various protocols that Wireshark dissects, controlling the
           way Wireshark handles those protocols.

       Edit Capture Filter List, Edit Display Filter List, Capture Filter, Display Filter, Read
       Filter, Search Filter

           The Edit Capture Filter List dialog lets you create, modify, and delete capture
           filters, and the Edit Display Filter List dialog lets you create, modify, and delete
           display filters.

           The Capture Filter dialog lets you do all of the editing operations listed, and also
           lets you choose or construct a filter to be used when capturing packets.

           The Display Filter dialog lets you do all of the editing operations listed, and also
           lets you choose or construct a filter to be used to filter the current capture being

           The Read Filter dialog lets you do all of the editing operations listed, and also lets
           you choose or construct a filter to be used to as a read filter for a capture file you

           The Search Filter dialog lets you do all of the editing operations listed, and also
           lets you choose or construct a filter expression to be used in a find operation.

           In all of those dialogs, the Filter name entry specifies a descriptive name for a
           filter, e.g. Web and DNS traffic. The Filter string entry is the text that actually
           describes the filtering action to take, as described above.The dialog buttons perform
           the following actions:

           If there is text in the two entry boxes, creates a new associated list item.

           Modifies the currently selected list item to match what’s in the entry boxes.

           Deletes the currently selected list item.

       Add Expression...

           For display filter expressions, pops up a dialog box to allow you to construct a
           filter expression to test a particular field; it offers lists of field names, and,
           when appropriate, lists from which to select tests to perform on the field and values
           with which to compare it. In that dialog box, the OK button will cause the filter
           expression you constructed to be entered into the Filter string entry at the current
           cursor position.


           In the Capture Filter dialog, closes the dialog box and makes the filter in the Filter
           string entry the filter in the Capture Preferences dialog. In the Display Filter
           dialog, closes the dialog box and makes the filter in the Filter string entry the
           current display filter, and applies it to the current capture. In the Read Filter
           dialog, closes the dialog box and makes the filter in the Filter string entry the
           filter in the Open Capture File dialog. In the Search Filter dialog, closes the dialog
           box and makes the filter in the Filter string entry the filter in the Find Packet

           Makes the filter in the Filter string entry the current display filter, and applies it
           to the current capture.

           If the list of filters being edited is the list of capture filters, saves the current
           filter list to the personal capture filters file, and if the list of filters being
           edited is the list of display filters, saves the current filter list to the personal
           display filters file.

           Closes the dialog without doing anything with the filter in the Filter string entry.

       The Color Filters Dialog
           This dialog displays a list of color filters and allows it to be modified.

           Single rows may be selected by clicking. Multiple rows may be selected by using the
           ctrl and shift keys in combination with the mouse button.

           Adds a new filter at the bottom of the list and opens the Edit Color Filter dialog
           box. You will have to alter the filter expression at least before the filter will be
           accepted. The format of color filter expressions is identical to that of display
           filters. The new filter is selected, so it may immediately be moved up and down,
           deleted or edited. To avoid confusion all filters are unselected before the new filter
           is created.

           Opens the Edit Color Filter dialog box for the selected filter. (If this button is
           disabled you may have more than one filter selected, making it ambiguous which is to
           be edited.)

           Enables the selected color filter(s).

           Disables the selected color filter(s).

           Deletes the selected color filter(s).

           Allows you to choose a file in which to save the current list of color filters. You
           may also choose to save only the selected filters. A button is provided to save the
           filters in the global color filters file (you must have sufficient permissions to
           write this file, of course).

           Allows you to choose a file containing color filters which are then added to the
           bottom of the current list. All the added filters are selected, so they may be moved
           to the correct position in the list as a group. To avoid confusion, all filters are
           unselected before the new filters are imported. A button is provided to load the
           filters from the global color filters file.

           Deletes your personal color filters file, reloads the global color filters file, if
           any, and closes the dialog.

           Moves the selected filter(s) up the list, making it more likely that they will be used
           to color packets.

           Moves the selected filter(s) down the list, making it less likely that they will be
           used to color packets.

           Closes the dialog and uses the color filters as they stand.

           Colors the packets according to the current list of color filters, but does not close
           the dialog.

           Saves the current list of color filters in your personal color filters file. Unless
           you do this they will not be used the next time you start Wireshark.

           Closes the dialog without changing the coloration of the packets. Note that changes
           you have made to the current list of color filters are not undone.

       Capture Options Dialog

           The Capture Options Dialog lets you specify various parameters for capturing live
           packet data.

           The Interface: field lets you specify the interface from which to capture packet data
           or a command from which to get the packet data via a pipe.

           The Link layer header type: field lets you specify the interfaces link layer header
           type. This field is usually disabled, as most interface have only one header type.

           The Capture packets in promiscuous mode check box lets you specify whether the
           interface should be put into promiscuous mode when capturing.

           The Limit each packet to ... bytes check box and field lets you specify a maximum
           number of bytes per packet to capture and save; if the check box is not checked, the
           limit will be 262144 bytes.

           The Capture Filter: entry lets you specify the capture filter using a tcpdump-style
           filter string as described above.

           The File: entry lets you specify the file into which captured packets should be saved,
           as in the Printer Options dialog above. If not specified, the captured packets will be
           saved in a temporary file; you can save those packets to a file with the File:Save As
           menu item.

           The Use multiple files check box lets you specify that the capture should be done in
           "multiple files" mode. This option is disabled, if the Update list of packets in real
           time option is checked.

           The Next file every ... megabyte(s) check box and fields lets you specify that a
           switch to a next file should be done if the specified filesize is reached. You can
           also select the appropriate unit, but beware that the filesize has a maximum of 2 GiB.
           The check box is forced to be checked, as "multiple files" mode requires a file size
           to be specified.

           The Next file every ... minute(s) check box and fields lets you specify that the
           switch to a next file should be done after the specified time has elapsed, even if the
           specified capture size is not reached.

           The Ring buffer with ... files field lets you specify the number of files of a ring
           buffer. This feature will capture into the first file again, after the specified
           number of files have been used.

           The Stop capture after ... files field lets you specify the number of capture files
           used, until the capture is stopped.

           The Stop capture after ... packet(s) check box and field let you specify that
           Wireshark should stop capturing after having captured some number of packets; if the
           check box is not checked, Wireshark will not stop capturing at some fixed number of
           captured packets.

           The Stop capture after ... megabyte(s) check box and field lets you specify that
           Wireshark should stop capturing after the file to which captured packets are being
           saved grows as large as or larger than some specified number of megabytes. If the
           check box is not checked, Wireshark will not stop capturing at some capture file size
           (although the operating system on which Wireshark is running, or the available disk
           space, may still limit the maximum size of a capture file). This option is disabled,
           if "multiple files" mode is used,

           The Stop capture after ... second(s) check box and field let you specify that
           Wireshark should stop capturing after it has been capturing for some number of
           seconds; if the check box is not checked, Wireshark will not stop capturing after some
           fixed time has elapsed.

           The Update list of packets in real time check box lets you specify whether the display
           should be updated as packets are captured and, if you specify that, the Automatic
           scrolling in live capture check box lets you specify the packet list pane should
           automatically scroll to show the most recently captured packets as new packets arrive.

           The Enable MAC name resolution, Enable network name resolution and Enable transport
           name resolution check boxes let you specify whether MAC addresses, network addresses,
           and transport-layer port numbers should be translated to names.

           The About dialog lets you view various information about Wireshark.

       About  Wireshark
           The Wireshark page lets you view general information about Wireshark, like the
           installed version, licensing information and such.

       About  Authors
           The Authors page shows the author and all contributors.

       About  Folders
           The Folders page lets you view the directory names where Wireshark is searching its
           various configuration and other files.

       About  Plugins

           The Plugins page lets you view the dissector plugin modules available on your system.

           The Plugins List shows the name and version of each dissector plugin module found on
           your system.

           On Unix-compatible systems, such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris, and AIX, the plugins
           are looked for in the following directories: the lib/wireshark/plugins/$VERSION
           directory under the main installation directory (for example,
           /usr/local/lib/wireshark/plugins/$VERSION), and then $HOME/.wireshark/plugins.

           On Windows systems, the plugins are looked for in the following directories:
           plugins\$VERSION directory under the main installation directory (for example,
           C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\$VERSION), and then
           %APPDATA%\Wireshark\plugins\$VERSION (or, if %APPDATA% isn’t defined,
           %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Wireshark\plugins\$VERSION).

           $VERSION is the version number of the plugin interface, which is typically the version
           number of Wireshark. Note that a dissector plugin module may support more than one
           protocol; there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between dissector
           plugin modules and protocols. Protocols supported by a dissector plugin module are
           enabled and disabled using the Edit:Protocols dialog box, just as protocols built into
           Wireshark are.


       See the manual page of pcap-filter(7) or, if that doesn’t exist, tcpdump(8), or, if that
       doesn’t exist,


       For a complete table of protocol and protocol fields that are filterable in Wireshark see
       the wireshark-filter(4) manual page.


       These files contains various Wireshark configuration settings.


           The preferences files contain global (system-wide) and personal preference settings.
           If the system-wide preference file exists, it is read first, overriding the default
           settings. If the personal preferences file exists, it is read next, overriding any
           previous values. Note: If the command line flag -o is used (possibly more than once),
           it will in turn override values from the preferences files.

           The preferences settings are in the form prefname:value, one per line, where prefname
           is the name of the preference and value is the value to which it should be set; white
           space is allowed between : and value. A preference setting can be continued on
           subsequent lines by indenting the continuation lines with white space. A # character
           starts a comment that runs to the end of the line:

               # Vertical scrollbars should be on right side?
               # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
               gui.scrollbar_on_right: TRUE

           The global preferences file is looked for in the wireshark directory under the share
           subdirectory of the main installation directory. On macOS, this would typically be
           /Application/; on other UNIX-compatible systems,
           such as Linux, \*BSD, Solaris, and AIX, this would typically be
           /usr/share/wireshark/preferences for system-installed packages and
           /usr/local/share/wireshark/preferences for locally-installed packages; on Windows,
           this would typically be C:\Program Files\Wireshark\preferences.

           On UNIX-compatible systems, the personal preferences file is looked for in
           $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wireshark/preferences, (or, if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wireshark does not
           exist while $HOME/.wireshark does exist, $HOME/.wireshark/preferences); this is
           typically $HOME/.config/wireshark/preferences. On Windows, the personal preferences
           file is looked for in %APPDATA%\Wireshark\preferences (or, if %APPDATA% isn’t defined,
           %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Wireshark\preferences).

           Note: Whenever the preferences are saved by using the Save button in the
           Edit:Preferences dialog box, your personal preferences file will be overwritten with
           the new settings, destroying any comments and unknown/obsolete settings that were in
           the file.


           The recent file contains personal settings (mostly GUI related) such as the current
           Wireshark window size. The file is saved at program exit and read in at program start
           automatically. Note: The command line flag -o may be used to override settings from
           this file.

           The settings in this file have the same format as in the preferences files, and the
           same directory as for the personal preferences file is used.

           Note: Whenever Wireshark is closed, your recent file will be overwritten with the new
           settings, destroying any comments and unknown/obsolete settings that were in the file.

       Disabled (Enabled) Protocols

           The disabled_protos files contain system-wide and personal lists of protocols that
           have been disabled, so that their dissectors are never called. The files contain
           protocol names, one per line, where the protocol name is the same name that would be
           used in a display filter for the protocol:

               tcp     # a comment

           If a protocol is listed in the global disabled_protos file, it is not displayed in the
           Analyze:Enabled Protocols dialog box, and so cannot be enabled by the user.

           The global disabled_protos file uses the same directory as the global preferences

           The personal disabled_protos file uses the same directory as the personal preferences

           Note: Whenever the disabled protocols list is saved by using the Save button in the
           Analyze:Enabled Protocols dialog box, your personal disabled protocols file will be
           overwritten with the new settings, destroying any comments that were in the file.

       Name Resolution (hosts)

           If the personal hosts file exists, it is used to resolve IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
           before any other attempts are made to resolve them. The file has the standard hosts
           file syntax; each line contains one IP address and name, separated by whitespace. The
           same directory as for the personal preferences file is used.

           Capture filter name resolution is handled by libpcap on UNIX-compatible systems, such
           as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris, and AIX, and Npcap or WinPcap on Windows. As such the
           Wireshark personal hosts file will not be consulted for capture filter name

       Name Resolution (subnets)

           If an IPv4 address cannot be translated via name resolution (no exact match is found)
           then a partial match is attempted via the subnets file. Both the global subnets file
           and personal subnets files are used if they exist.

           Each line of this file consists of an IPv4 address, a subnet mask length separated
           only by a / and a name separated by whitespace. While the address must be a full IPv4
           address, any values beyond the mask length are subsequently ignored.

           An example is:

           # Comments must be prepended by the # sign! ws_test_network

           A partially matched name will be printed as "subnet-name.remaining-address". For
           example, "" under the subnet above would be printed as "ws_test_network.1";
           if the mask length above had been 16 rather than 24, the printed address would be

       Name Resolution (ethers)

           The ethers files are consulted to correlate 6-byte hardware addresses to names. First
           the personal ethers file is tried and if an address is not found there the global
           ethers file is tried next.

           Each line contains one hardware address and name, separated by whitespace. The digits
           of the hardware address are separated by colons (:), dashes (-) or periods (.). The
           same separator character must be used consistently in an address. The following three
           lines are valid lines of an ethers file:

               ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff          Broadcast
               c0-00-ff-ff-ff-ff          TR_broadcast

           The global ethers file is looked for in the /etc directory on UNIX-compatible systems,
           such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris, and AIX, and in the main installation directory
           (for example, C:\Program Files\Wireshark) on Windows systems.

           The personal ethers file is looked for in the same directory as the personal
           preferences file.

           Capture filter name resolution is handled by libpcap on UNIX-compatible systems and
           Npcap or WinPcap on Windows. As such the Wireshark personal ethers file will not be
           consulted for capture filter name resolution.

       Name Resolution (manuf)

           The manuf file is used to match the 3-byte vendor portion of a 6-byte hardware address
           with the manufacturer’s name; it can also contain well-known MAC addresses and address
           ranges specified with a netmask. The format of the file is the same as the ethers
           files, except that entries such as:

               00:00:0C      Cisco

           can be provided, with the 3-byte OUI and the name for a vendor, and entries such as:

               00-00-0C-07-AC/40     All-HSRP-routers

           can be specified, with a MAC address and a mask indicating how many bits of the
           address must match. The above entry, for example, has 40 significant bits, or 5 bytes,
           and would match addresses from 00-00-0C-07-AC-00 through 00-00-0C-07-AC-FF. The mask
           need not be a multiple of 8.

           The manuf file is looked for in the same directory as the global preferences file.

       Name Resolution (services)

           The services file is used to translate port numbers into names. Both the global
           services file and personal services files are used if they exist.

           The file has the standard services file syntax; each line contains one (service) name
           and one transport identifier separated by white space. The transport identifier
           includes one port number and one transport protocol name (typically tcp, udp, or sctp)
           separated by a /.

           An example is:

           mydns       5045/udp     # My own Domain Name Server mydns       5045/tcp     # My own
           Domain Name Server

       Name Resolution (ipxnets)

           The ipxnets files are used to correlate 4-byte IPX network numbers to names. First the
           global ipxnets file is tried and if that address is not found there the personal one
           is tried next.

           The format is the same as the ethers file, except that each address is four bytes
           instead of six. Additionally, the address can be represented as a single hexadecimal
           number, as is more common in the IPX world, rather than four hex octets. For example,
           these four lines are valid lines of an ipxnets file:

               C0.A8.2C.00              HR
               c0-a8-1c-00              CEO
               00:00:BE:EF              IT_Server1
               110f                     FileServer3

           The global ipxnets file is looked for in the /etc directory on UNIX-compatible
           systems, such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris, and AIX, and in the main installation
           directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Wireshark) on Windows systems.

           The personal ipxnets file is looked for in the same directory as the personal
           preferences file.

       Capture Filters

           The cfilters files contain system-wide and personal capture filters. Each line
           contains one filter, starting with the string displayed in the dialog box in quotation
           marks, followed by the filter string itself:

               "HTTP" port 80
               "DCERPC" port 135

           The global cfilters file uses the same directory as the global preferences file.

           The personal cfilters file uses the same directory as the personal preferences file.
           It is written through the Capture:Capture Filters dialog.

           If the global cfilters file exists, it is used only if the personal cfilters file does
           not exist; global and personal capture filters are not merged.

       Display Filters

           The dfilters files contain system-wide and personal display filters. Each line
           contains one filter, starting with the string displayed in the dialog box in quotation
           marks, followed by the filter string itself:

               "HTTP" http
               "DCERPC" dcerpc

           The global dfilters file uses the same directory as the global preferences file.

           The personal dfilters file uses the same directory as the personal preferences file.
           It is written through the Analyze:Display Filters dialog.

           If the global dfilters file exists, it is used only if the personal dfilters file does
           not exist; global and personal display filters are not merged.

       Color Filters (Coloring Rules)

           The colorfilters files contain system-wide and personal color filters. Each line
           contains one filter, starting with the string displayed in the dialog box, followed by
           the corresponding display filter. Then the background and foreground colors are

               # a comment

           The global colorfilters file uses the same directory as the global preferences file.

           The personal colorfilters file uses the same directory as the personal preferences
           file. It is written through the View:Coloring Rules dialog.

           If the global colorfilters file exists, it is used only if the personal colorfilters
           file does not exist; global and personal color filters are not merged.

           See above in the description of the About:Plugins page.



           This environment variable overrides the location of personal configuration files. On
           UNIX-compatible systems, such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris, and AIX, it defaults to
           $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wireshark (or, if that directory doesn’t exist but $HOME/.wireshark
           does exist, $HOME/.wireshark); this is typically $HOME/.config/wireshark. On Windows,
           it defaults to %APPDATA%\Wireshark (or, if %APPDATA% isn’t defined,
           %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Wireshark). Available since Wireshark 3.0.

           Setting this environment variable forces the wmem framework to use the specified
           allocator backend for all allocations, regardless of which backend is normally
           specified by the code. This is mainly useful to developers when testing or debugging.
           See README.wmem in the source distribution for details.

           This environment variable causes the plugins and other data files to be loaded from
           the build directory (where the program was compiled) rather than from the standard
           locations. It has no effect when the program in question is running with root (or
           setuid) permissions on UNIX-compatible systems, such as Linux, macOS, \*BSD, Solaris,
           and AIX.

           This environment variable causes the various data files to be loaded from a directory
           other than the standard locations. It has no effect when the program in question is
           running with root (or setuid) permissions on UNIX-compatible systems.

           This environment variable causes the various extcap programs and scripts to be run
           from a directory other than the standard locations. It has no effect when the program
           in question is running with root (or setuid) permissions on UNIX-compatible systems.

           This environment variable causes the various plugins to be loaded from a directory
           other than the standard locations. It has no effect when the program in question is
           running with root (or setuid) permissions on UNIX-compatible systems.

           This environment variable controls the number of ERF records checked when deciding if
           a file really is in the ERF format. Setting this environment variable a number higher
           than the default (20) would make false positives less likely.

           This environment variable controls the number of IPFIX records checked when deciding
           if a file really is in the IPFIX format. Setting this environment variable a number
           higher than the default (20) would make false positives less likely.

           If this environment variable is set, Wireshark will call abort(3) when a dissector bug
           is encountered. abort(3) will cause the program to exit abnormally; if you are running
           Wireshark in a debugger, it should halt in the debugger and allow inspection of the
           process, and, if you are not running it in a debugger, it will, on some OSes, assuming
           your environment is configured correctly, generate a core dump file. This can be
           useful to developers attempting to troubleshoot a problem with a protocol dissector.

           If this environment variable is set, Wireshark will call abort(3) if a dissector tries
           to add too many items to a tree (generally this is an indication of the dissector not
           breaking out of a loop soon enough). abort(3) will cause the program to exit
           abnormally; if you are running Wireshark in a debugger, it should halt in the debugger
           and allow inspection of the process, and, if you are not running it in a debugger, it
           will, on some OSes, assuming your environment is configured correctly, generate a core
           dump file. This can be useful to developers attempting to troubleshoot a problem with
           a protocol dissector.

           Cause Wireshark to exit after the end of the capture session. This doesn’t
           automatically start a capture; you must still use -k to do that. You must also specify
           an autostop condition, e.g. -c or -a duration:.... This means that you will not be
           able to see the results of the capture after it stops; it’s primarily useful for

           This environment variable controls the verbosity of diagnostic messages to the
           console. From less verbose to most verbose levels can be critical, warning, message,
           info, debug or noisy. Levels above the current level are also active. Levels critical
           and error are always active.

           Sets the fatal log level. Fatal log levels cause the program to abort. This level can
           be set to Error, critical or warning. Error is always fatal and is the default.

           This environment variable selects which log domains are active. The filter is given as
           a case-insensitive comma separated list. If set only the included domains will be
           enabled. The default domain is always considered to be enabled. Domain filter lists
           can be preceded by '!' to invert the sense of the match.

           List of domains with debug log level. This sets the level of the provided log domains
           and takes precedence over the active domains filter. If preceded by '!' this disables
           the debug level instead.

           Same as above but for noisy log level instead.


       Wireshark would not be the powerful, featureful application it is without the generous
       contributions of hundreds of developers.

       A complete list of authors can be found in the AUTHORS file in Wireshark’s source code
       repository and at


       wireshark-filter(4), tshark(1), editcap(1), pcap(3), dumpcap(1), mergecap(1),
       text2pcap(1), pcap-filter(7) or tcpdump(8)


       This is the manual page for Wireshark 4.2.6. The latest version of Wireshark can be found

       HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at

                                            2024-07-11                               WIRESHARK(1)