oracular (1) yarnpkg.1.gz

Provided by: yarnpkg_4.0.2+dfsg-3_all bug


       yarn - Yarn: Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management


       Yarn Package Manager - 4.0.1

              yarn <command>

       General commands

              yarn  add  [--json]  [-F,--fixed]  [-E,--exact]  [-T,--tilde]  [-C,--caret] [-D,--dev] [-P,--peer]
              [-O,--optional] [--prefer-dev] [-i,--interactive] [--cached] [--mode #0] ...

              add dependencies to the project

              yarn bin [-v,--verbose] [--json] [name]

              get the path to a binary script

              yarn cache clean [--mirror] [--all]

              remove the shared cache files

              yarn config [--no-defaults] [--json] ...

              display the current configuration

              yarn config get [--why] [--json] [--no-redacted] <name>

              read a configuration settings

              yarn config set [--json] [-H,--home] <name> <value>

              change a configuration settings

              yarn config unset [-H,--home] <name>

              unset a configuration setting

              yarn dedupe [-s,--strategy #0] [-c,--check] [--json] [--mode #0] ...

              deduplicate dependencies with overlapping ranges

              yarn dlx [-p,--package #0] [-q,--quiet] <command> ...

              run a package in a temporary environment

              yarn exec <commandName> ...

              execute a shell script

              yarn explain [--json] [code]

              explain an error code

              yarn explain peer-requirements [hash]

              explain a set of peer requirements

              yarn info  [-A,--all]  [-R,--recursive]  [-X,--extra  #0]  [--cache]  [--dependents]  [--manifest]
              [--name-only] [--virtuals] [--json] ...

              see information related to packages

              yarn init [-p,--private] [-w,--workspace] [-i,--install] [-n,--name #0]

              create a new package

              yarn  install  [--json]  [--immutable]  [--immutable-cache]  [--refresh-lockfile]  [--check-cache]
              [--check-resolutions] [--inline-builds] [--mode #0]

              install the project dependencies

              yarn link [-A,--all] [-p,--private] [-r,--relative] ...

              connect the local project to another one

              yarn node ...

              run node with the hook already setup

              yarn  npm  audit  [-A,--all]  [-R,--recursive]  [--environment  #0]  [--json]  [--no-deprecations]
              [--severity #0] [--exclude #0] [--ignore #0]

              perform a vulnerability audit against the installed packages

              yarn pack [--install-if-needed] [-n,--dry-run] [--json] [-o,--out #0]

              generate a tarball from the active workspace

              yarn patch [-u,--update] [--json] <package>

              prepare a package for patching

              yarn patch-commit [-s,--save] <patchFolder>

              generate a patch out of a directory

              yarn rebuild ...

              rebuild the project's native packages

              yarn remove [-A,--all] [--mode #0] ...

              remove dependencies from the project

              yarn   run   [--inspect]  [--inspect-brk]  [-T,--top-level]  [-B,--binaries-only]  [--require  #0]
              <scriptName> ...

              run a script defined in the package.json

              yarn set resolution [-s,--save] <descriptor> <resolution>

              enforce a package resolution

              yarn set version [--yarn-path] [--only-if-needed] <version>

              lock the Yarn version used by the project

              yarn set  version  from  sources  [--path  #0]  [--repository  #0]  [--branch  #0]  [--plugin  #0]
              [-n,--dry-run] [--no-minify] [-f,--force] [--skip-plugins]

              build Yarn from master

              yarn stage [-c,--commit] [-r,--reset] [-n,--dry-run]

              add all yarn files to your vcs

              yarn unlink [-A,--all] ...

              disconnect the local project from another one

              yarn unplug [-A,--all] [-R,--recursive] [--json] ...

              force the unpacking of a list of packages

              yarn  up  [-i,--interactive]  [-F,--fixed] [-E,--exact] [-T,--tilde] [-C,--caret] [-R,--recursive]
              [--mode #0] ...

              upgrade dependencies across the project

              yarn why [-R,--recursive] [--json] [--peers] <package>

              display the reason why a package is needed

       Constraints-related commands

              yarn constraints [--fix] [--json]

              check that the project constraints are met

              yarn constraints query [--json] <query>

              query the constraints fact database

              yarn constraints source [-v,--verbose]

              print the source code for the constraints

       Interactive commands

              yarn search

              open the search interface

              yarn upgrade-interactive

              open the upgrade interface

       Npm-related commands

              yarn npm info [-f,--fields #0] [--json] ...

              show information about a package

              yarn npm login [-s,--scope #0] [--publish] [--always-auth]

              store new login info to access the npm registry

              yarn npm logout [-s,--scope #0] [--publish] [-A,--all]

              logout of the npm registry

              yarn npm publish [--access #0] [--tag #0] [--tolerate-republish] [--otp #0]

              publish the active workspace to the npm registry

              yarn npm tag add <package> <tag>

              add a tag for a specific version of a package

              yarn npm tag list [--json] [package]

              list all dist-tags of a package

              yarn npm tag remove <package> <tag>

              remove a tag from a package

              yarn npm whoami [-s,--scope #0] [--publish]

              display the name of the authenticated user

       Plugin-related commands

              yarn plugin check [--json]

              find all third-party plugins that differ from their own spec

              yarn plugin import [--checksum] <name>

              download a plugin

              yarn plugin import  from  sources  [--path  #0]  [--repository  #0]  [--branch  #0]  [--no-minify]
              [-f,--force] <name>

              build a plugin from sources

              yarn plugin list [--json]

              list the available official plugins

              yarn plugin remove <name>

              remove a plugin

              yarn plugin runtime [--json]

              list the active plugins

       Release-related commands

              yarn version [-d,--deferred] [-i,--immediate] <strategy>

              apply a new version to the current package

              yarn version apply [--all] [--dry-run] [--prerelease] [-R,--recursive] [--json]

              apply all the deferred version bumps at once

              yarn version check [-i,--interactive]

              check that all the relevant packages have been bumped

       Workspace-related commands

              yarn workspace <workspaceName> <commandName> ...

              run a command within the specified workspace

              yarn workspaces focus [--json] [--production] [-A,--all] ...

              install a single workspace and its dependencies

              yarn  workspaces  foreach  [--from  #0] [-A,--all] [-R,--recursive] [-W,--worktree] [-v,--verbose]
              [-p,--parallel] [-i,--interlaced] [-j,--jobs #0] [-t,--topological] [--topological-dev] [--include
              #0] [--exclude #0] [--no-private] [--since] [-n,--dry-run] <commandName> ...

              run a command on all workspaces

              yarn workspaces list [--since] [-R,--recursive] [--no-private] [-v,--verbose] [--json]

              list all available workspaces

       You  can  also  print  more details about any of these commands by calling them with the `-h,--help` flag
       right after the command name.