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       memfd_secret - create an anonymous RAM-based file to access secret memory regions


       Standard C library (libc, -lc)


       #include <sys/syscall.h>      /* Definition of SYS_* constants */
       #include <unistd.h>

       int syscall(SYS_memfd_secret, unsigned int flags);

       Note: glibc provides no wrapper for memfd_secret(), necessitating the use of syscall(2).


       memfd_secret()  creates  an  anonymous  RAM-based  file and returns a file descriptor that
       refers to it.  The file provides a way to create and access memory regions  with  stronger
       protection  than  usual  RAM-based  files  and  anonymous  memory mappings.  Once all open
       references to the file are closed, it is automatically released.  The initial size of  the
       file is set to 0.  Following the call, the file size should be set using ftruncate(2).

       The  memory  areas  backing  the file created with memfd_secret(2) are visible only to the
       processes that have access to the file descriptor.  The memory region is removed from  the
       kernel  page  tables and only the page tables of the processes holding the file descriptor
       map the corresponding physical memory.  (Thus, the pages in the region can't  be  accessed
       by  the  kernel  itself,  so  that, for example, pointers to the region can't be passed to
       system calls.)

       The  following  values  may  be  bitwise  ORed  in  flags  to  control  the  behavior   of

              Set  the  close-on-exec flag on the new file descriptor, which causes the region to
              be removed from the process on execve(2).  See the  description  of  the  O_CLOEXEC
              flag in open(2)

       As  its  return  value,  memfd_secret()  returns  a  new file descriptor that refers to an
       anonymous file.  This file descriptor is opened for both reading and writing (O_RDWR)  and
       O_LARGEFILE is set for the file descriptor.

       With  respect  to fork(2) and execve(2), the usual semantics apply for the file descriptor
       created by memfd_secret().  A copy of the  file  descriptor  is  inherited  by  the  child
       produced  by fork(2) and refers to the same file.  The file descriptor is preserved across
       execve(2), unless the close-on-exec flag has been set.

       The memory region is locked into memory in the same way as with mlock(2), so that it  will
       never be written into swap, and hibernation is inhibited for as long as any memfd_secret()
       descriptions exist.  However the implementation of memfd_secret() will not try to populate
       the  whole  range  during  the  mmap(2)  call  that attaches the region into the process's
       address space; instead, the pages are only actually allocated as they are faulted in.  The
       amount  of  memory allowed for memory mappings of the file descriptor obeys the same rules
       as mlock(2) and cannot exceed RLIMIT_MEMLOCK.


       On success, memfd_secret() returns a new file descriptor.  On error, -1  is  returned  and
       errno is set to indicate the error.


       EINVAL flags included unknown bits.

       EMFILE The per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached.

       EMFILE The system-wide limit on the total number of open files has been reached.

       ENOMEM There was insufficient memory to create a new anonymous file.

       ENOSYS memfd_secret()  is not implemented on this architecture, or has not been enabled on
              the kernel command-line with secretmem_enable=1.




       Linux 5.14.


       The memfd_secret() system call is designed to allow a user-space process to create a range
       of  memory  that  is  inaccessible  to  anybody  else - kernel included.  There is no 100%
       guarantee that kernel won't be able to access memory ranges backed  by  memfd_secret()  in
       any  circumstances,  but  nevertheless,  it  is  much harder to exfiltrate data from these

       memfd_secret() provides the following protections:

       •  Enhanced protection (in conjunction with all  the  other  in-kernel  attack  prevention
          systems)  against ROP attacks.  Absence of any in-kernel primitive for accessing memory
          backed by memfd_secret() means that one-gadget ROP attack can't work  to  perform  data
          exfiltration.   The  attacker  would need to find enough ROP gadgets to reconstruct the
          missing page table entries, which significantly increases  difficulty  of  the  attack,
          especially  when  other  protections like the kernel stack size limit and address space
          layout randomization are in place.

       •  Prevent cross-process user-space memory exposures.  Once a region for a  memfd_secret()
          memory  mapping is allocated, the user can't accidentally pass it into the kernel to be
          transmitted somewhere.  The memory pages in this region  cannot  be  accessed  via  the
          direct map and they are disallowed in get_user_pages.

       •  Harden  against  exploited  kernel  flaws.   In  order to access memory areas backed by
          memfd_secret(), a kernel-side attack would need to either  walk  the  page  tables  and
          create  new  ones,  or  spawn  a  new  privileged user-space process to perform secrets
          exfiltration using ptrace(2).

       The  way  memfd_secret()  allocates  and  locks  the  memory  may  impact  overall  system
       performance,  therefore  the  system call is disabled by default and only available if the
       system administrator turned it on using "secretmem.enable=y" kernel parameter.

       To prevent potential data  leaks  of  memory  regions  backed  by  memfd_secret()  from  a
       hybernation image, hybernation is prevented when there are active memfd_secret() users.


       fcntl(2), ftruncate(2), mlock(2), memfd_create(2), mmap(2), setrlimit(2)