oracular (2) nvme_sanitize_log_page.2.gz

struct nvme_sanitize_log_page - Sanitize Status (Log Identifier 81h)
struct nvme_sanitize_log_page { __le16 sprog; __le16 sstat; __le32 scdw10; __le32 eto; __le32 etbe; __le32 etce; __le32 etond; __le32 etbend; __le32 etcend; __u8 rsvd32[480]; };
sprog Sanitize Progress (SPROG): indicates the fraction complete of the sanitize operation. The value is a numerator of the fraction complete that has 65,536 (10000h) as its denominator. This value shall be set to FFFFh if the sstat field is not set to NVME_SANITIZE_SSTAT_STATUS_IN_PROGESS. sstat Sanitize Status (SSTAT): indicates the status associated with the most recent sanitize operation. See enum nvme_sanitize_sstat. scdw10 Sanitize Command Dword 10 Information (SCDW10): contains the value of the Command Dword 10 field of the Sanitize command that started the sanitize operation. eto Estimated Time For Overwrite: indicates the number of seconds required to complete an Overwrite sanitize operation with 16 passes in the background when the No-Deallocate Modifies Media After Sanitize field is not set to 10b. A value of 0h indicates that the sanitize operation is expected to be completed in the background when the Sanitize command that started that operation is completed. A value of FFFFFFFFh indicates that no time period is reported. etbe Estimated Time For Block Erase: indicates the number of seconds required to complete a Block Erase sanitize operation in the background when the No-Deallocate Modifies Media After Sanitize field is not set to 10b. A value of 0h indicates that the sanitize operation is expected to be completed in the background when the Sanitize command that started that operation is completed. A value of FFFFFFFFh indicates that no time period is reported. etce Estimated Time For Crypto Erase: indicates the number of seconds required to complete a Crypto Erase sanitize operation in the background when the No-Deallocate Modifies Media After Sanitize field is not set to 10b. A value of 0h indicates that the sanitize operation is expected to be completed in the background when the Sanitize command that started that operation is completed. A value of FFFFFFFFh indicates that no time period is reported. etond Estimated Time For Overwrite With No-Deallocate Media Modification: indicates the number of seconds required to complete an Overwrite sanitize operation and the associated additional media modification after the Overwrite sanitize operation in the background when the No- Deallocate After Sanitize bit was set to 1 in the Sanitize command that requested the Overwrite sanitize operation; and the No-Deallocate Modifies Media After Sanitize field is set to 10b. A value of 0h indicates that the sanitize operation is expected to be completed in the background when the Sanitize command that started that operation is completed. A value of FFFFFFFFh indicates that no time period is reported. etbend Estimated Time For Block Erase With No-Deallocate Media Modification: indicates the number of seconds required to complete a Block Erase sanitize operation and the associated additional media modification after the Block Erase sanitize operation in the background when the No- Deallocate After Sanitize bit was set to 1 in the Sanitize command that requested the Overwrite sanitize operation; and the No-Deallocate Modifies Media After Sanitize field is set to 10b. A value of 0h indicates that the sanitize operation is expected to be completed in the background when the Sanitize command that started that operation is completed. A value of FFFFFFFFh indicates that no time period is reported. etcend Estimated Time For Crypto Erase With No-Deallocate Media Modification: indicates the number of seconds required to complete a Crypto Erase sanitize operation and the associated additional media modification after the Crypto Erase sanitize operation in the background when the No-Deallocate After Sanitize bit was set to 1 in the Sanitize command that requested the Overwrite sanitize operation; and the No-Deallocate Modifies Media After Sanitize field is set to 10b. A value of 0h indicates that the sanitize operation is expected to be completed in the background when the Sanitize command that started that operation is completed. A value of FFFFFFFFh indicates that no time period is reported. rsvd32 Reserved