oracular (3) App::Options.3pm.gz

Provided by: libapp-options-perl_1.12-3_all bug


       App::Options - Combine command line options, environment vars, and option file values (for
       program configuration)


           #!/usr/bin/perl -w
           use strict;

           use App::Options;   # reads option values into %App::options by default

           # do something with the options (in %App::options)
           use DBI;
           $dsn = "dbi:mysql:database=$App::options{dbname}";
           $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $App::options{dbuser}, $App::options{dbpass});

         Get help from the command line (assuming program is named "prog") ...

           prog -?
           prog --help

         Option values may be provided on the command line, in environment
         variables, and option files.  (i.e. $ENV{APP_DBNAME} would set
         the value of %App::options{dbname} by default.)

         The "dbname" and other options could also be set in one of the
         following configuration files


         with a file format like

           dbname = prod
           dbuser = scott
           dbpass = tiger

         See below for a more detailed explanation of these and other
         advanced features.


       App::Options combines command-line arguments, environment variables, option files, and
       program defaults to produce a hash of option values.


       A number of modules are posted on CPAN which do command-line processing.


       App::Options is different than most of the Getopt::* modules because it integrates the
       processing of command line options, environment variables, and config files.

       Furthermore, its special treatment of the "perlinc" option facilitates the inclusion
       ("use") of application-specific perl modules from special places to enable the
       installation of multiple versions of an application on the same system (i.e.

       The description of the AppConfig distribution sounds similar to what is described here.
       However, the following are some key differences.

        * App::Options does its option processing in the BEGIN block.
          This allows for the @INC variable to be modified in time
          for subsequent "use" and "require" statements.

        * App::Options "sections" (i.e. "[cleanup]") are conditional.
          It is conditional in App::Options, allowing you to use one
          set of option files to configure an entire suite of programs
          and scripts.  In AppConfig, the section name is simply a
          prefix which gets prepended to subsequest option names.

        * App::Options consults a cascading set of option files.
          These files include those which are system global, project
          global, and user private.  This allows for system
          administrators, project developers, and individual
          users to all have complementary roles in defining
          the configuration values.

        * App::Options is not a toolkit but a standardized way of
          doing option processing.  With AppConfig, you still have
          to decide where to put config files, and you still have to
          code the "--help" feature.  With App::Options, you simply
          "use App::Options;" and all the hard work is done.
          Advanced options can be added later as necessary as args
          to the "use App::Options;" statement.

       App::Options is also the easiest command-line processing system that I have found
       anywhere. It then provides a smooth transition to more advanced features only as they are
       needed.  Every single quick and dirty script I ever write from now on can afford to use

       The documentation of App::Options takes three forms below.

         API Reference - describing the API (methods, args)
         Logic Flow - describing the order and logic of processing
         Usage Tutorial - describing how to use the API in practical situations


       App::Options was motivated by and supports the P5EE/App-Context variant of the Perl 5
       Enterprise Environment (P5EE).  However, App::Options has no dependency on any other
       module in the P5EE project, and it is very useful without any knowledge or use of other
       elements of the P5EE project.

       See the P5EE web sites for more information on the P5EE project.



           * Signature: App::Options->init();
           * Signature: App::Options->init(%named);
           * Signature: App::Options->init($myvalues);
           * Signature: App::Options->init($myvalues, %named);
            (NOTE: %named represents a list of name/value pairs used as named args.
                   Params listed below without a $ are named args.)
           * Param:  $myvalues     HASH
                     specify a hash reference other than %App::options to put
                     configuration values in.
           * Param:  values        HASH
                     specify a hash reference other than %App::options to put
                     configuration values in.
           * Param:  options       ARRAY
                     specify a limited, ordered list of options to be displayed
                     when the "--help" or "-?" options are invoked
           * Param:  option        HASH
                     specify additional attributes of any of
                     the various options to the program (see below)
           * Param:  no_cmd_args
                     do not process command line arguments
           * Param:  no_env_vars
                     do not read environment variables
           * Param:  no_option_file
                     do not read in the option file(s)
           * Param:  print_usage
                     provide an alternate print_usage() function
           * Return: void
           * Throws: "App::Options->init(): must have an even number of vars/values for named args"
           * Throws: "App::Options->init(): 'values' arg must be a hash reference"
           * Throws: "App::Options->init(): 'option' arg must be a hash reference"
           * Throws: "App::Options->init(): 'options' arg must be an array reference"
           * Since:  0.60

           Sample Usage: (normal)

           use App::Options;       # invokes init() automatically via import()

           This is functionally equivalent to the following, but that's not
           near as nice to write at the top of your programs.

           BEGIN {
               use App::Options qw(:none); # import() does not call init()
               App::Options->init();       # we call init() manually

           Or we could have used a more full-featured version ...

           use App::Options (
               values => \%MyPackage::options,
               options => [ "option_file", "prefix", "app",
                            "perlinc", "debug_options", "import", ],
               option => {
                   option_file   => { default => "~/.app/app.conf" },         # set default
                   app           => { default => "app", type => "string" }, # default & type
                   prefix        => { type => "string", required => 1; env => "PREFIX" },
                   perlinc       => undef,         # no default
                   debug_options => { type => "int" },
                   import        => { type => "string" },
                   flush_imports => 1,
               no_cmd_args => 1,
               no_env_vars => 1,
               no_option_file => 1,
               print_usage => sub { my ($values, $init_args) = @_; print "Use it right!\n"; },

       The init() method is usually called during the import() operation when the normal usage
       ("use App::Options;") is invoked.

       The init() method reads the command line args (@ARGV), then finds an options file, and
       loads it, all in a way which can be done in a BEGIN block (minimal dependencies).  This is
       important to be able to modify the @INC array so that normal "use" and "require"
       statements will work with the configured @INC path.

       The following named arguments are understood by the init() method.

           values - specify a hash reference other than %App::options to
                    put option values in.
           options - specify a limited, ordered list of options to be
                     displayed when the "--help" or "-?" options are invoked
           option - specify optional additional information about any of
                    the various options to the program (see below)
           no_cmd_args - do not process command line arguments
           no_env_vars - do not read environment variables
           no_option_file - do not read in the option file
           show_all - force showing all options in "--help" even when
                    "options" list specified
           print_usage - provide an alternate print_usage() function
           args_description - provide descriptive text for what the args
                    of the program are (command line args after the options).
                    This is printed in the usage page (--help or -?).
                    By default, it is simply "[args]".

       The additional information that can be specified about any individual option variable
       using the "option" arg above is as follows.

           default - the default value if none supplied on the command
               line, in an environment variable, or in an option file
           required - the program will not run unless a value is provided
               for this option
           type - if a value is provided, the program will not run unless
               the value matches the type ("string", "integer", "float",
               "boolean", "date", "time", "datetime", "/regexp/").
           env - a list of semicolon-separated environment variable names
               to be used to find the value instead of "APP_{VARNAME}".
           description - printed next to the option in the "usage" page
           secure - identifies an option as being "secure" (i.e. a password)
               and that it should never be printed in plain text in a help
               message (-?).  All options which end in "pass", "passwd", or
               "password" are also assumed to be secure unless a secure => 0
               setting exists. If the value of the "secure" attribute is greater
               than 1, a heightened security level is enforced: 2=ensure that
               the value can never be supplied on a command line or from the
               environment but only from a file that only the user running the
               program has read/write access to.  This value will also never be
               read from the environment or the command line because these are
               visible to other users.  If the security_policy_level variable
               is set, any true value for the "secure" attribute will result in
               the value being set to the "security_policy_level" value.
           value_description - printed within angle brackets ("<>") in the
               "usage" page as the description of the option value
               (i.e. --option_name=<value_description>)

       The init() method stores command line options and option file values all in the global
       %App::options hash (unless the "values" argument specifies another reference to a hash to

       The special options are as follows.

           option_file - specifies the exact file name of the option file to be
              used (i.e. "app --option_file=/path/to/app.conf").

           app - specifies the tag that will be used when searching for
              an option file. (i.e. "app --app=myapp" will search for "myapp.conf"
              before it searches for "app.conf")
              "app" is automatically set with the stem of the program file that
              was run (or the first part of PATH_INFO) if it is not supplied at
              the outset as an argument.

           prefix - This represents the base directory of the software
              installation (i.e. "/usr/myproduct/1.3.12").  If it is not
              set explicitly, it is detected from the following places:
                 1. PREFIX environment variable
                 2. the real path of the program with /bin or /cgi-bin stripped
                 3. /usr/local (or whatever "prefix" perl was compiled with)
              If it is autodetected from one of those three places, that is
              only provisional, in order to find the "option_file".  The "prefix"
              variable should be set authoritatively in the "option_file" if it
              is desired to be in the $values structure.

           perlinc - a path of directories to prepend to the @INC search path.
              This list of directories is separated by any combination of
              [,; ] characters.

           debug_options - if this is set, a variety of debug information is
              printed out during the option processing.  This helps in debugging
              which option files are being used and what the resulting variable
              values are.  The following numeric values are defined.

                 1 = print the basic steps of option processing
                 2 = print each option file searched, final values, and resulting @INC
                 3 = print each value as it is set in the option hash
                 4 = print overrides from ENV and variable substitutions
                 5 = print each line of each file with exclude_section indicator
                 6 = print option file section tags, condition evaluation, and
                     each value found (even if it is not set in the final values)
                 7 = print final values

           import - a list of additional option files to be processed.
              An imported file goes on the head of the queue of files to be

           hostname - the hostname as returned by the hostname() function
              provided by Sys::Hostname (may or may not include domain
              qualifiers as a fully qualified domain name).

           host - same as hostname, but with any trailing domain name removed.
              (everything after the first ".")

           flush_imports - flush all pending imported option files.

           security_policy_level - When set, this enforces that whenever secure
              attributes are applied, they are set to the same level. When set
              0, all of the security features are disabled (passwords can be
              viewed with "--security_policy_level=0 --help").  When set to 2,
              all secure options can only be read from files which do not have
              read/write permission by any other user except the one running the


       Basic Concept - By calling App::Options->init(), your program parses the command line,
       environment variables, and option files, and puts var/value pairs into a global option
       hash, %App::options.  Just include the following at the top of your program in order to
       imbue it with many valuable option-setting capabilities.

           use App::Options;

       When you "use" the App::Options module, the import() method is called automatically.  This
       calls the init() method, passing along all of its parameters.

       One of the args to init() is the "values" arg, which allows for a different hash to be
       specified as the target of all option variables and values.

           use App::Options (values => \%Mymodule::opts);

       Throughout the following description of option processing, the %App::options hash may be
       referred to as the "options hash".  However it will be understood that some other hash (as
       specified by the "values" arg) may actually be used.

   Command Line Arguments
       Unless the "no_cmd_args" arg is specified to init(), the first source of option values is
       the command line.

       Each command line argument that begins with a "-" or a "--" is considered to be an option.
       It may take any form such as

           --verbose      # long option, no arg
           --verbose=5    # long option, with arg
           --city=ATL     # long option, with arg
           -x             # short option, no arg
           -t=12:30       # short option, with arg

       All detected options are shifted out of @ARGV and the values are set in the options hash
       (%App::options).  Options without args are understood to have a value of "1".  So
       "--verbose" is identical to "--verbose=1".

       Naturally, the "--" option terminates command line option processing.

   Command Line Argument Variable Substitution
       Any value which includes a variable undergoes variable substitution before it is placed in
       the option hash. i.e.

           logdir = ${prefix}/log

       This line will be expanded properly.  (Of course, the variable and its value should be
       already set in the option hash.)

       Variable substitution is also performed to interpolate values from the environment.

           port = $ENV{HTTP_PORT}

   Special Option "app"
       If the special option, "app", was not given on the command line, it is initialized.  This
       option is useful for including or excluding different sections of the option files.

       To handle the special case that the program is running in a CGI environment, the PATH_INFO
       variable is checked first.  The first segment of the PATH_INFO is stripped off, and that
       becomes the value of the "app" option.

       Otherwise, the stem of the program name becomes the value of the "app" option.  The stem
       is the program name without any trailing extension (i.e. ".exe", ".pl", etc.).

   The Program Directory
       One of the places that will be searched for option files is the directory in which the
       program exists on the file system.  This directory is known internally as "$prog_dir".

   Special Option "prefix"
       The special option, "prefix", represents the root directory of the software installation.
       On a Unix system, a suite of software might by installed at "/usr/myproduct/thisversion",
       and that would be the "prefix".  Under this directory, you would expect to find the "src",
       "bin", "lib", and "etc" directories, as well as perhaps "cgi-bin", "htdocs", and others.

       If the "prefix" option is not specified on the command line, the $PREFIX environment
       variable is used.

       If that is not set, the $prog_dir with the trailing "/bin" or "/cgi-bin" stripped off is

   Option Files
       Unless the "no_option_file" arg is specified to init(), the next source of option values
       is the option files.

       By default, a cascading set of option files are all consulted to allow individual users to
       specify values that override the normal values for certain programs.  Furthermore, the
       values for individual programs can override the values configured generally system-wide.

       The resulting value for an option variable comes from the first place that it is ever
       seen.  Subsequent mentions of the option variable within the same or other option files
       will be ignored.

       The following files are consulted in order.


       Thus, a system administrator might set up the $prefix/etc/app/app.conf file with system-
       wide defaults.  All option configuration could be done in this single file, separating the
       relevant variables into different sections for each different program to be configured.

       However, if the administrator decided that there were too many parameters for a single
       program such that it cluttered this file, he might put the option values for that program
       into the $prefix/etc/app/$app.conf file.  This distinction is a matter of preference, as
       both methods are equally functional.

       A program developer may decide to override some of the system-wide option values for
       everyone by putting option files in the program's own directory.

       Furthermore, a user may decide to override some of the resulting option values by putting
       some option files in the appropriate place under his home directory.

       This separation of config files also allows for secure information (such as database
       passwords) to be required to be provided in the user's own (secured) option files rather
       than in read-only system-wide option files.

       Specifying the "--debug_options" option on the command line will assist in figuring out
       which files App::Options is looking at.

   Option File Format
       In general an option file takes the form of lines with "var = value".

          dbname   = prod     # this is the production database
          dbuser   = scott
          dbpass   = tiger

       Trailing comments (preceded by a "#") are trimmed off.  Spaces before and after the
       variable, and before and after the value are all trimmed off.  Then enclosing double-
       quotes (") are trimmed off.  Variables can be any of the characters in [a-zA-Z0-9_.-].
       Values can be any printable characters or the empty string.  Any lines which aren't
       recognizable as "var = value" lines or section headers (see below) are ignored.

       If certain variables should be set only for certain programs (or under certain other
       conditions), section headers may be introduced.  The special section headers "[ALL]" and
       "[]" specify the end of a conditional section and the resumption of unconditional option

          dbname   = test     # this is the test database
          dbname   = prod     # this is the production database
          dbuser   = scott
          dbpass   = tiger

       In this case, the "progtest" program will get "dbname = test" while all other programs
       will get "dbname = prod".

       Note that you would not get the desired results if the "dbname = prod" statement was above
       the "[progtest]" header.  Once an option variable is set, no other occurrence of that
       variable in any option file will override it.

       For the special case where you want to specify a section for only one variable as above,
       the following shortcut is provided.

          [progtest] dbname = test # this is the test database
          dbname   = prod          # this is the production database
          dbuser   = scott
          dbpass   = tiger

       The "[progtest]" section header applied for only the single line.

       Furthermore, if it were desired to make this override for all programs containing "test"
       in them, you would use the following syntax.

          [/test/] dbname = test   # this is the test database
          dbname   = prod          # this is the production database
          dbuser   = scott
          dbpass   = tiger

       The "[/test/]" section header tested the "app" option using an arbitrary regular

       The section headers can create a condition for inclusion based on any of the variables
       currently in the option hash.  In fact, "[progtest]" is just a synonym for
       "[app=progtest]" and "[/test/]" is a synonym for "[app=/test/]".

       If, for instance, the usernames and passwords were different for the different databases,
       you might have the following.

          [/test/] dbname = test   # progs with "test" go to test database
          dbname   = prod          # other progs go to the production database
          [dbname=test]            # progs
          dbuser   = scott
          dbpass   = tiger
          dbuser   = mike
          dbpass   = leopard

       The conditions created by a section header may be the result of more than a single

          dbpass = tiger
          dbpass = ocelot
          dbpass = tiger62
          dbpass = 3.ocelot_

       Any number of conditions can be included with semicolons separating them.

       Each time a variable/value pair is found in an option file, it is only included in the
       option hash if that variable is currently not defined in the option hash.  Therefore,
       option files never override command line parameters.

   Option Environment Variables and Variable Substitution
       For each variable/value pair that is to be inserted into the option hash from the option
       files, the corresponding environment variables are searched to see if they are defined.
       The environment always overrides an option file value.  (If the "no_env_vars" arg was
       given to the init() method, this whole step of checking the environment is skipped.)

       By default, the environment variable for an option variable named "dbuser" would be
       "APP_DBUSER".  However, if the "env" attribute of the "dbuser" option is set, a different
       environment variable may be checked instead (see the Tutorial below for examples).

       After checking the environment for override values, any value which includes a variable
       undergoes variable substitution before it is placed in the option hash.

   Setting Environment Variables from Option Files
       Any variable of the form "ENV{XYZ}" will set the variable XYZ in the environment rather
       than in the options hash.  Thus, the syntax

         ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = ${prefix}/lib

       will enhance the LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately.

       Note that this only works for options set in an options file.  It does not work for
       options set on the command line, from the environment itself, or from the program-supplied

       Under some circumstances, the perl interpreter will need to be restarted in order to pick
       up the new LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  In that case, you can include the special option

         perl_restart = 1

       An example of where this might be useful is for CGI scripts that use the DBI and
       DBD::Oracle because the Oracle libraries are dynamically linked at runtime.

       NOTE: The other standard way to handle CGI scripts which require special environment
       variables to be set is with Apache directives in the httpd.conf or .htaccess files. i.e.

         SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oraclient/lib
         SetEnv ORACLE_HOME /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oraclient

       NOTE: Yet another standard way to handle CGI scripts which require an enhanced
       LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifically is to use the /etc/ld.so.conf file.  Edit /etc/ld.so.conf and
       then run ldconfig (as root).  This adds your specific path to the "standard system places"
       that are searched for shared libraries.  This has nothing to do with App::Options or
       environment variables of course.

   import and flush_imports
       After each option file is read, the special option "flush_imports" is checked.  If set,
       the list of pending option files to be parsed is cleared, and the flush_imports option is
       also cleared.

       This is useful if you do not want to inherit any of the option values defined in system-
       wide option files.

       The special option "import" is checked next.  If it is set, it is understood to be a list
       of option files (separated by /[,; ]+/) to be prepended to the list of pending option
       files.  The import option itself is cleared.

   Other Environment Variables and Defaults
       After command line options and option files have been parsed, all of the other options
       which are known to the program are checked for environment variables and defaults.

       Options can be defined for the program with either the "options" arg or the "option" arg
       to the init() method (or a combination of both).

           use App::Options (
               options => [ "dbname", "dbuser", "dbpass" ],
               option => {
                   dbname => {
                       env => "DBNAME",
                       default => "devel",
                   dbuser => {
                       env => "DBUSER;DBI_USER",
                   dbpass => {
                       env => "", # password in %ENV is security breach

       For each option variable known, if the value is not already set, then the environment is
       checked, the default is checked, variable expansion is performed, and the value is entered
       into the option hash.

   Special Option prefix
       The special option "prefix" is reconciled and finalized next.

       Unless it was specified on the command line, the original "prefix" was autodetected.  This
       may have resulted in a path which was technically correct but was different than intended
       due to symbolic linking on the file system.

       Since the "prefix" variable may also be set in an option file, there may be a difference
       between the auto-detected "prefix" and the option file "prefix".  If this case occurs, the
       option file "prefix" is the one that is accepted as authoritative.

   Special Option perlinc
       One of the primary design goals of App::Options was to be able to support multiple
       installations of software on a single machine.

       Thus, you might have different versions of software installed under various directories
       such as


       Naturally, slightly different versions of your perl modules will be installed under each
       different "prefix" directory.  When a program runs from /usr/product1/1.1.0/bin, the
       "prefix" will by "/usr/product1/1.1.0" and we want the @INC variable to be modified so
       that the appropriate perl modules are included from $prefix/lib/*.

       This is where the "perlinc" option comes in.

       If "perlinc" is set, it is understood to be a list of paths (separated by /[ ,;]+/) to be
       prepended to the @INC variable.

       If "perlinc" is not set, "$prefix/lib/perl5/$perlversion" and
       "$prefix/lib/perl5/site_perl/$perlversion" are automatically prepended to the @INC
       variable as a best guess.

   Special Option debug_options
       If the "debug_options" variable is set (often on the command line), the list of option
       files that was searched is printed out, the resulting list of variable values is printed
       out, and the resulting list of include directories (@INC) is printed out.

       After all values have been parsed, various conditions are checked to see if the program
       should print diagnostic information rather than continue running.  Two of these examples
       are --version and --help.

       If the "--version" option is set on the command line, the version information for all
       loaded modules is printed, and the program is exited.  (The version of a package/module is
       assumed to be the value of the $VERSION variable in that package.  i.e. The version of the
       XYZ::Foo package is $XYZ::Foo::VERSION.)

        prog --version

       Of course, this is all done implicitly in the BEGIN block (during "use App::Options;").
       If your program tried to set $main::VERSION, it may not be set unless it is set explicitly
       in the BEGIN block.

        BEGIN {
          $VERSION = "1.12";
        use App::Options;

       This can be integrated with CVS file versioning using something like the following.

        BEGIN {
          $VERSION = do { my @r=(q$Revision: 14478 $=~/\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#r,@r};
        use App::Options;

       Furthermore, the version information about some modules that you might expect to have seen
       will not be printed because those modules have not yet been loaded.  To fix this, use the
       --version_packages option (or set it in an option file).  This option contains a comma-
       separated list of modules and/or module regular expressions.  The modules are loaded, and
       the version information from all resulting packages that match any of the patterns is

        prog --version --version_packages=CGI
        prog --version --version_packages=CGI,Template

       This also cuts down on the miscellaneous modules (and pragmas) which might have cluttered
       up your view of the version information you were interested in.  If you really wish to see
       version information for all modules, use the --version=all option.

        prog --version=all --version_packages=CGI,Template

   Help and Validations
       If the "-?" or "--help" options were set on the command line, the usage statement is
       printed, and the program is exited.

       Then each of the options which is defined may be validated.

       If an option is designated as "required", its value must be defined somewhere (although it
       may be the empty string).  (If it is also required to be a non-empty string, a regex may
       be provided for the type, i.e. type => "/./".)

       If an option is designated as having a "type", its value must either be undefined or match
       a specific regular expression.

           Type       Regular Expression
           =========  =========================================
           string     (any)
           integer    /^-?[0-9_]+$/
           float      /^-?[0-9_]+\.?[0-9_]*([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?$/
                 (or) /^-?\.[0-9_]+([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?$/
           boolean    /^[01]$/
           date       /^[0-9]{4}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$/
           datetime   /^[0-9]{4}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/
           time       /^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/
           /regexp/   /regexp/

       Note that an arbitrary regular expression may be designated as the "type" by enclosing it
       in slashes (i.e. "/^[YN]$/").

       If the options fail any of the "required" or "type" validation tests, the
       App::Options::print_usage() function is called to print out a usage statement and the
       program is exited.


   Getting Started
       Create a perl program called "demo1".

           use App::Options;
           print "Wow. Here are the options...\n";
           foreach (sort keys %App::options) {  # options appear here!
               printf("%-20s => %s\n", $_, $App::options{$_});

       Run it different kinds of ways to see how it responds.

           demo1 -x
           demo1 -x --verbose
           demo1 --x -verbose
           demo1 -x=5 --verbose=10 --foo=bar
           demo1 --help
           demo1 -x=8 --help
           demo1 -?
           demo1 --debug_options -?
           demo1 -x=5 --verbose=10 --foo=bar --debug_options -?

           demo1 --version
           demo1 --version --version_packages=CGI

       Now create a copy of the program.

           cp demo1 demo2

       Start putting entries like the following

           x = 7
           hello = world
           baz = foo

       in the following files

           demo1.conf  (same directory as the demo* programs)
           demo2.conf  (same directory as the demo* programs)
           app.conf    (same directory as the demo* programs)

       and see how the programs respond in each different case.

       Next set environment variables like the following and see how the programs respond.

           export APP_X=14
           export APP_VERBOSE=7
           export APP_FOO=xyzzy
           export APP_HELLO=Plugh!

       You are well on your way.

   A Development Scenario
       Now let's imagine that we are writing a suite of programs which operate on a relational
       database.  These programs are part of a larger system which goes through a development
       cycle of development, test, and production.  Each step in the development cycle, the
       programs will run against different databases, but we don't want that to affect the code.

       Let's suppose that we write a program which lists the customers in a customer table.

           create table person (
               person_id      integer       not null auto_increment primary key,
               first_name     varchar(99)   null,
               last_name      varchar(99)   null,
               birth_dt       date          null,
               company_id     integer       null,
               wholesale_ind  char(1)       null,
               change_dttm    datetime      not null,

       We call this program "listcust".

           #!/usr/bin/perl -e
           use strict;
           use App::Options;
           use DBI;
           my $dsn = "dbi:$App::options{dbdriver}:database=$App::options{dbname}";
           my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $App::options{dbuser}, $App::options{dbpass});
           my $sql = "select first_name, last_name, birth_dt, company_id, wholesale_ind, change_dttm from person";
           my $cust = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);
           foreach my $row (@$cust) {
               printf("%-24 %-24 %s %9d %s\n", @$row);

       Then you can invoke this program with all of the command line options and everything works

           listcust --dbdriver=mysql --dbname=prod --dbuser=scott --dbpass=tiger

       However, if you don't use all of the options, you will get a DBI error.  Furthermore,
       "listcust --help" doesn't help very much.  A system administrator confronting this problem
       would put the following lines into "$PREFIX/etc/app/app.conf" or

           dbdriver = mysql
           dbname   = prod
           dbuser   = scott
           dbpass   = tiger

       If, however, your projects were not in the habit of using the PREFIX environment variable
       and the program is not installed in $PREFIX/bin, he would have to put the above lines in
       either the "app.conf" file or the "listcust.conf" file in the same directory as "listcust"
       or in the global "/etc/app/app.conf" option file.

       A user (without privileges to the "$PREFIX/etc/app" directory or the directory in which
       "listcust" lives) would have to put the described lines into "$HOME/.app/app.conf" or

       Putting the options in any of those files would make "--help" print something intelligent.

       A developer, however, might decide that the program should have some defaults.

           use App::Options (
               option => {
                   dbdriver => "mysql",
                   dbname   => "prod",
                   dbuser   => "scott",
                   dbpass   => "tiger",

       (This supplies defaults and also makes "--help" print something intelligent, regardless of
       whether there are any configuration files.)

       If all you wanted to do was provide defaults for options, this format would be fine.
       However, there are other useful attributes of an option besides just the "default".  To
       use those, you generally would use the more complete form of the "option" arg.

           use App::Options (
               option => {
                   dbdriver => { default => "mysql", },
                   dbname   => { default => "prod",  },
                   dbuser   => { default => "scott", },
                   dbpass   => { default => "tiger", },

       Then we can indicate that these options are all required.  If they are not provided, the
       program will not run.

       Meanwhile, it makes no sense to provide a "default" for a password.  We can remove the
       default, but if we ever tried to run the program without providing the password, it would
       not get past printing a "usage" statement.

           use App::Options (
               option => {
                   dbdriver => { required => 1, default => "mysql", },
                   dbname   => { required => 1, default => "prod",  },
                   dbuser   => { required => 1, default => "scott", },
                   dbpass   => { required => 1, },

       We now might enhance the code in order to list only the customers which had certain

           my $sql = "select first_name, last_name, birth_dt, company_id, wholesale_ind, change_dttm from person";
           my (@where);
           push(@where, "first_name like '%$App::options{first_name}%'")
               if ($App::options{first_name});
           push(@where, "last_name like '%$App::options{last_name}%'")
               if ($App::options{last_name});
           push(@where, "birth_dt = '$App::options{birth_dt}'")
               if ($App::options{birth_dt});
           push(@where, "company_id = $App::options{company_id}")
               if ($App::options{company_id});
           push(@where, "wholesale_ind = '$App::options{wholesale_ind}'")
               if ($App::options{wholesale_ind});
           push(@where, "change_dttm >= '$App::options{change_dttm}'")
               if ($App::options{change_dttm});
           if ($#where > -1) {
               $sql .= "\nwhere " . join("\n  and ", @where) . "\n";
           my $cust = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);

       The init() method call might be enhanced to look like this.  Also, the order that the
       options are printed by "--help" can be set with the "options" argument.  (Otherwise, they
       would print in alphabetical order.)

           use App::Options (
               options => [ "dbdriver", "dbname", "dbuser", "dbpass",
                   "first_name", "last_name", "birth_dt", "company_id",
                   "wholesale_ind", "change_dttm",
               option => {
                   dbdriver => {
                       description => "dbi driver name",
                       default => "mysql",
                       env => "DBDRIVER",  # use a different env variable
                       required => 1,
                   dbname   => {
                       description => "database name",
                       default => "prod",
                       env => "DBNAME",  # use a different env variable
                       required => 1,
                   dbuser   => {
                       description => "database user",
                       default => "scott",
                       env => "DBUSER;DBI_USER",  # check both
                       required => 1,
                   dbpass   => {
                       description => "database password",
                       env => "",  # disable env for password (insecure)
                       required => 1,
                       secure => 1,   # FYI. This is inferred by the fact that "dbpass"
                                      # ends in "pass", so it is not necessary.
                   first_name => {
                       description => "portion of customer's first name",
                   last_name  => {
                       description => "portion of customer's last name",
                   birth_dt   => {
                       description => "customer's birth date",
                       type => "date",
                   company_id => {
                       description => "customer's company ID",
                       type => "integer",
                   wholesale_ind => {
                       description => "indicator of wholesale customer",
                       type => "/^[YN]$/",
                   change_dttm => {
                       description => "changed-since date/time",
                       type => "datetime",

       It should be noted in the example above that the default environment variable name
       ("APP_${varname}") has been overridden for some of the options.  The "dbname" variable
       will be set from "DBNAME" instead of "APP_DBNAME".  The "dbuser" variable will be set from
       either "DBUSER" or "DBI_USER".

       It should also be noted that if only the order of the options rather than all of their
       attributes were desired, the following could have been used.

           use App::Options (
               options => [ "dbdriver", "dbname", "dbuser", "dbpass",
                   "first_name", "last_name", "birth_dt", "company_id",
                   "wholesale_ind", "change_dttm",

       Using the "options" arg causes the options to be printed in the order given in the
       "--help" output.  Then the remaining options defined in the "option" arg are printed in
       alphabetical order.  All other options which are set on the command line or in option
       files are printed if the "show_all" option is set.  This option is off by default if
       either the "options" arg or the "option" arg are supplied and on if neither are supplied.

       If, for some reason, the program needed to put the options into a different option hash
       (instead of %App::options) or directly specify the option file to use (disregarding the
       standard option file search path), it may do so using the following syntax.

           use App::Options (
               values => \%Mymodule::opts,
               option_file => "/path/to/options.conf",

       If, for some reason, the program needs to inhibit one or more of the sources for options,
       it can do so with one of the following arguments.  Of course, inhibiting all three would
       be a bit silly.

           use App::Options (
               no_cmd_args => 1,
               no_option_file => 1,
               no_env_vars => 1,

   A Deployment Scenario
       Sometimes a software system gets deployed across many machines.  You may wish to have a
       single option file set different values when it is deployed to different machines.

       For this purpose, the automatic "host" and "hostname" values are useful.  Suppose you have
       four servers named "foo1", "foo2", "foo3", and "foo4".  You may wish the software to use
       different databases on each server.  So app.conf might look like this.

           [host=foo1] dbname = devel
           dbname = test
           dbname = prod
           dbname = prod

       Hopefully, that's enough to get you going.

       I welcome all feedback, bug reports, and feature requests.


        * (c) 2010 Stephen Adkins
        * Author:  Stephen Adkins <spadkins@gmail.com>
        * License: This is free software. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.