oracular (3) B::Keywords.3pm.gz

Provided by: libb-keywords-perl_1.27-1_all bug


       B::Keywords - Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names


         use B::Keywords qw( @Symbols @Barewords );
         print join "\n", @Symbols,


       "B::Keywords" supplies several arrays of exportable keywords: @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes,
       @Filehandles, @Symbols, @Functions, @Barewords, @BarewordsExtra, @TieIOMethods,
       @UNIVERSALMethods and @ExporterSymbols.

       The @Symbols array includes the contents of each of @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes, @Functions
       and @Filehandles.

       Similarly, @Barewords adds a few non-function keywords and operators to the @Functions

       @BarewordsExtra adds a few barewords which are not in keywords.h.

       All additions and modifications are welcome.

       The perl parser uses a static list of keywords from regen/keywords.pl which constitutes
       the strict list of keywords @Functions and @Barewords, though some @Functions are not
       functions in the strict sense.  Several library functions use more special symbols,
       handles and methods.


           The above are lists of variables, special file handles, and built in functions.

           This is just the combination of all of the above: variables, file handles, and

           This is a list of other special keywords in perl including operators and all the
           control structures.

           This is a list of barewords which are missing from keywords.h, handled extra in the

           Those are special tie or PerlIO methods called by the perl core, namely for tieing or
           PerlIO::via (or both of those) or threads.

           Methods defined by the core package UNIVERSAL.

           Variables or functions used by Exporter (some internal), which is almost as good as
           being keywords, for you mustn't use them for any other purpose in any package that isa
           Exporter, which is quite common.


       Anything can be exported if you desire. Use the :all tag to get everything.


       regen/keywords.pl from the perl source, perlvar, perlfunc, perldelta.


       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-B-Keywords at rt.cpan.org", or through
       the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=B-Keywords>. I will
       be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make


       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

         perldoc B::Keywords

       You can also look for information at:

       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker


       •   GIT repository


       •   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


       •   CPAN Ratings


       •   Search CPAN



       Michael G Schwern, Reini Urban, Florian Ragwitz and Zsbán Ambrus for patches and releases.

       Copyright 2009 Joshua ben Jore, All rights reserved.  Copyright 2013, 2015, 2017-2021
       Reini Urban, All rights reserved.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of

       a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
          Foundation; version 2, or

       b) the "Artistic License" which comes with Perl.


       This source is in Github: <git://github.com/rurban/b-keywords.git>


       Joshua ben Jore <jjore@cpan.org>


       Reini Urban <rurban@cpan.org>