oracular (3) Biblio::RFID::Reader::3M810.3pm.gz
Biblio::RFID::Reader::3M810 - support for 3M 810 RFID reader
This module uses Biblio::RFID::Reader::Serial over USB/serial adapter with 3M 810 RFID reader, often used in library applications. This is most mature implementation which supports full API defined in Biblio::RFID::Reader::API. This include scanning for all tags in reader range, reading and writing of data, and AFI security manipulation. This implementation is developed using Portmon on Windows to capture serial traffic <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896644.aspx> Checksum for this reader is developed using help from "selwyn" <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/149617/how-could-i-guess-a-checksum-algorithm> More inforation about process of reverse engeeniring protocol with this reader is available at <http://blog.rot13.org/rfid/> afi_retry This specified how many times will driver try to write afi to tag Biblio::RFID::Reader::3M810::afi_retry = 100;