oracular (3) Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ideogram.3pm.gz

Provided by: libbio-graphics-perl_2.40-6_all bug


       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ideogram - The "ideogram" glyph


         See L<Bio::Graphics::Panel> and L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph>.


       This glyph draws a section of a chromosome ideogram. It relies on certain data from the
       feature to determine which color should be used (stain) and whether the segment is a
       telomere or centromere or a regular cytoband. The centromeres and 'var'-marked bands are
       rendered with diagonal black-on-white patterns if the "-patterns" option is true,
       otherwise they are rendered in dark gray. This is to prevent a libgd2 crash on certain
       64-bit platforms when rendering patterned images.

       The cytobandband features would typically be formatted like this in GFF3:

        ChrX    UCSC    cytoband        136700001       139000000       .       .       .       Parent=ChrX;Name=Xq27.1;Alias=ChrXq27.1;stain=gpos75;
        ChrX    UCSC    cytoband        139000001       140700000       .       .       .       Parent=ChrX;Name=Xq27.2;Alias=ChrXq27.2;stain=gneg;
        ChrX    UCSC    cytoband        140700001       145800000       .       .       .       Parent=ChrX;Name=Xq27.3;Alias=ChrXq27.3;stain=gpos100;
        ChrX    UCSC    cytoband        145800001       153692391       .       .       .       Parent=ChrX;Name=Xq28;Alias=ChrXq28;stain=gneg;
        ChrY    UCSC    cytoband        1       1300000 .       .       .       Parent=ChrY;Name=Yp11.32;Alias=ChrYp11.32;stain=gneg;

        which in this case is a GFF-ized cytoband coordinate file from UCSC:


        and the corresponding GBrowse config options would be like this to
        create an ideogram overview track for the whole chromosome:

        The 'chromosome' feature below would aggregated from bands and centromere using the default
        chromosome aggregator

        feature       = chromosome
        glyph         = ideogram
        fgcolor       = black
        bgcolor       = gneg:white gpos25:silver gpos50:gray
                        gpos:gray  gpos75:darkgray gpos100:black acen:cen gvar:var
        arcradius     = 6
        height        = 25
        bump          = 0
        label         = 0

        A script to reformat UCSC annotations to  GFF3 format can be found at
        the end of this documentation.

       The following options are standard among all Glyphs.  See Bio::Graphics::Glyph for a full

         Option      Description                      Default
         ------      -----------                      -------

         -fgcolor      Foreground color               black

         -outlinecolor Synonym for -fgcolor

         -linewidth    Line width                     1

         -height       Height of glyph                10

         -font         Glyph font                     gdSmallFont

         -connector    Connector type                 0 (false)

                       Connector color                black

         -label        Whether to draw a label        0 (false)

         -description  Whether to draw a description  0 (false)

       The following options are specific to the ideogram glyph.

         Option      Description                      Default
         ------      -----------                      -------

         -bgcolor    Band coloring string             none

         -bgfallback Coloring to use when no bands    yellow
                        are present

       -bgcolor is used to map each chromosome band's "stain" attribute into a color or pattern.
       It is a string that looks like this:

         gneg:white gpos25:silver gpos50:gray \
         gpos:gray  gpos75:darkgray gpos100:black acen:cen gvar:var

       This is saying to use "white" for features whose stain attribute is "gneg", "silver" for
       those whose stain attribute is "gpos25", and so on. Several special values are recognized:
       "stalk" draws a narrower gray region and is usually used to indicate an acrocentric stalk.
       "var" creates a diagonal black-on-white pattern. "cen" draws a centromere.

       If -bgcolor is just a color name, like "yellow", the glyph will ignore all bands and just
       draw a filled in chromosome.

       If -bgfallback is set to a color name or value, then the glyph will fall back to the
       indicated background color if the chromosome contains no bands.


       The following short script can be used to convert a UCSC cytoband annotation file into GFF
       format.  If you have the lynx web-browser installed you can call it like this in order to
       download and convert the data in a single operation:

         fetchideogram.pl http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg18/database/cytoBand.txt.gz

       Otherwise you will need to download the file first. Note the difference between this
       script and input data from previous versions of ideogram.pm: UCSC annotations are used in
       place of NCBI annotations.


       use strict; my %stains; my %centros; my %chrom_ends;

       foreach (@ARGV) {
           if (/^(ftp|http|https):/) {      $_ = "lynx --dump $_ |gunzip -c|";
           } elsif (/\.gz$/) {      $_ = "gunzip -c $_ |";
           print STDERR "Processing $_\n"; }

       print "##gff-version 3\n"; while(<>) {
           my($chr,$start,$stop,$band,$stain) = split /\t/;
           $chr = ucfirst($chr);
           if(!(exists($chrom_ends{$chr})) || $chrom_ends{$chr} < $stop)
           {      $chrom_ends{$chr} = $stop;
           my ($arm) = $band =~ /(p|q)\d+/;
           $stains{$stain} = 1;
           if ($stain eq 'acen')
           {      $centros{$chr}->{$arm}->{start} = $stop;      $centros{$chr}->{$arm}->{stop} =
       $start;      next;
           $chr =~ s/chr//i;

       foreach my $chr(sort keys %chrom_ends) {
           my $chr_orig = $chr;
           $chr =~ s/chr//i;


       Please report them.


       Bio::Graphics::Panel, Bio::Graphics::Glyph, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::arrow,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::cds, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::crossbox, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::diamond,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dna, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dot, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ellipse,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::extending_arrow, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::graded_segments, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::heterogeneous_segments,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::line, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::pinsertion,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::primers, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::rndrect,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ruler_arrow,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::toomany, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript2, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::translation,
       Bio::Graphics::Glyph::triangle, Bio::DB::GFF, Bio::SeqI, Bio::SeqFeatureI, Bio::Das, GD


       Gudmundur A. Thorisson <mummi@cshl.edu>

       Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


       Sheldon McKay <mckays@cshl.edu<gt>

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.  See DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.