oracular (3) Class::MOP::Method.3pm.gz

Class::MOP::Method - Method Meta Object
version 2.2207
The Method Protocol is very small, since methods in Perl 5 are just subroutines in a specific package. We provide a very basic introspection interface.
Class::MOP::Method->wrap($code, %options) This is the constructor. It accepts a method body in the form of either a code reference or a Class::MOP::Method instance, followed by a hash of options. The options are: • name The method name (without a package name). This is required if $code is a coderef. • package_name The package name for the method. This is required if $code is a coderef. • associated_metaclass An optional Class::MOP::Class object. This is the metaclass for the method's class. $metamethod->clone(%params) This makes a shallow clone of the method object. In particular, subroutine reference itself is shared between all clones of a given method. When a method is cloned, the original method object will be available by calling "original_method" on the clone. $metamethod->body This returns a reference to the method's subroutine. $metamethod->name This returns the method's name. $metamethod->package_name This returns the method's package name. $metamethod->fully_qualified_name This returns the method's fully qualified name (package name and method name). $metamethod->associated_metaclass This returns the Class::MOP::Class object for the method, if one exists. $metamethod->original_method If this method object was created as a clone of some other method object, this returns the object that was cloned. $metamethod->original_name This returns the method's original name, wherever it was first defined. If this method is a clone of a clone (of a clone, etc.), this method returns the name from the first method in the chain of clones. $metamethod->original_package_name This returns the method's original package name, wherever it was first defined. If this method is a clone of a clone (of a clone, etc.), this method returns the package name from the first method in the chain of clones. $metamethod->original_fully_qualified_name This returns the method's original fully qualified name, wherever it was first defined. If this method is a clone of a clone (of a clone, etc.), this method returns the fully qualified name from the first method in the chain of clones. $metamethod->is_stub Returns true if the method is just a stub: sub foo; $metamethod->attach_to_class($metaclass) Given a Class::MOP::Class object, this method sets the associated metaclass for the method. This will overwrite any existing associated metaclass. $metamethod->detach_from_class Removes any associated metaclass object for the method. $metamethod->execute(...) This executes the method. Any arguments provided will be passed on to the method itself. Class::MOP::Method->meta This will return a Class::MOP::Class instance for this class. It should also be noted that Class::MOP will actually bootstrap this module by installing a number of attribute meta-objects into its metaclass.
• Stevan Little <stevan@cpan.org> • Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org> • Jesse Luehrs <doy@cpan.org> • Shawn M Moore <sartak@cpan.org> • יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <nothingmuch@woobling.org> • Karen Etheridge <ether@cpan.org> • Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org> • Hans Dieter Pearcey <hdp@cpan.org> • Chris Prather <chris@prather.org> • Matt S Trout <mstrout@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.