oracular (3) Class::Type::Enum.3pm.gz

Provided by: libclass-type-enum-perl_0.014-2_all bug


       Class::Type::Enum - Build Enum-like classes


       version 0.014


         package Toast::Status {
           use Class::Type::Enum values => ['bread', 'toasting', 'toast', 'burnt'];

         package Toast {
           use Moo;

           has status => (
             is      => 'rw',
             isa     => Toast::Status->type_constraint,
             coerce  => 1,
             handles => [ Toast::Status->list_is_methods ],

         my @toast = map { Toast->new(status => $_) } qw( toast burnt bread bread toasting toast );

         my @trashcan = grep { $_->is_burnt } @toast;
         my @plate    = grep { $_->is_toast } @toast;

         my $ready_status   = Toast::Status->new('toast');
         my @eventual_toast = grep { $_->status < $ready_status } @toast;

         # or:

         @eventual_toast = grep { $_->status lt 'toast' } @toast;

         # or:

         @eventual_toast = grep { $_->status->none('toast', 'burnt') } @toast;


       Class::Type::Enum is a class builder for type-like classes to represent your enumerated values.  In
       particular, it was built to scratch an itch with DBIx::Class value inflation.

       I wouldn't consider the interface stable yet; I'd love feedback on this dist.

       When "use"ing Class::Type::Enum:

       •   Required:

           values => [@symbols]
               The list of symbolic values in your enum, in ascending order if relevant.

           values => {symbol => ordinal, ...}
               The list of symbols and ordinal values in your enum.  There is no check that a given ordinal
               isn't reused.

   Custom Ordinal Values
       If you'd like to build an enum that works like a bitfield or some other custom setup, you need only pass
       a more explicit hashref to Class::Type::Enum.

         package BitField {
           use Class::Type::Enum values => {
             READ    => 1,
             WRITE   => 2,
             EXECUTE => 4,


   $class->import(values => ...)
       Sets up the consuming class as a subclass of Class::Type::Enum and installs functions that are unique to
       the class.

       Your basic constructor, expects only a value corresponding to a symbol in the enum type.  Also works as
       an instance method for enums of the same class.

       Does the actual work of "$class->new($value)", also used when inflating values for

       Used when inflating ordinal values for DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::ClassTypeEnum or if you need to work
       with ordinals directly.

       Returns a hashref keyed by symbol, with ordinals as values.

       Returns a hashref keyed by ordinal, with symbols as values.

       Returns an arrayref of valid symbolic values, in order.

       Returns a list of "is_" methods defined for each symbolic value for the class.

       This method requires the optional dependency Type::Tiny.

       Returns a type constraint suitable for use with Moo and friends.

       Test whether or not the given value is a valid symbol in this enum class.

       Test whether or not the given value is a valid ordinal in this enum class.

       If the given value is already a $class, return it, otherwise try to inflate it as a symbol.  Dies on
       invalid value.

       If the given value is already a $class, return it, otherwise try to inflate it as an ordinal.  Dies on
       invalid value.

       If the given value is already a $class, return it, otherwise try to inflate it first as an ordinal, then
       as a symbol.  Dies on invalid value.

       Given a test symbol, test that the enum instance's value is equivalent.

       An exception is thrown if an invalid symbol is provided

       Shortcut for "$o->is($value)"

       Returns the symbolic value.

       Returns the ordinal value.

   $o->cmp($other, $reversed = undef)
       The string-compare implementation used by overloading.  Returns the same values as "cmp".  The optional
       third argument is an artifact of overload, set to true if the order of $o and $other have been reversed
       in order to make the overloaded method call work.

       True if "$o->is(..)" for any of the given cases.

       True if "$o->is(..)" for none of the given cases.


       •   Object::Enum

       •   Class::Enum

       •   Enumeration


       Meredith Howard <mhoward@cpan.org>

       This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Meredith Howard.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.