oracular (3) DBIx::Simple::Examples.3pm.gz

DBIx::Simple::Examples - Examples of how to use DBIx::Simple
DBIx::Simple provides a simplified interface to DBI, Perl's powerful database module.
General #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use DBIx::Simple; # Instant database with DBD::SQLite my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=file.dat') or die DBIx::Simple->error; # Connecting to a MySQL database my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=test', # DBI source specification 'test', 'test', # Username and password { RaiseError => 1 } # Additional options ); # Using an existing database handle my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect($dbh); # Abstracted example: $db->query($query, @variables)->what_you_want; $db->commit or die $db->error; Simple Queries $db->query('DELETE FROM foo WHERE id = ?', $id) or die $db->error; for (1..100) { $db->query( 'INSERT INTO randomvalues VALUES (?, ?)', int rand(10), int rand(10) ) or die $db->error; } $db->query( 'INSERT INTO sometable VALUES (??)', $first, $second, $third, $fourth, $fifth, $sixth ); # (??) is expanded to (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) automatically Single row queries my ($two) = $db->query('SELECT 1 + 1')->list; my ($three, $four) = $db->query('SELECT 3, 2 + 2')->list; my ($name, $email) = $db->query( 'SELECT name, email FROM people WHERE email = ? LIMIT 1', $mail )->list; Or, more efficiently: $db->query('SELECT 1 + 1')->into(my $two); $db->query('SELECT 3, 2 + 2')->into(my ($three, $four)); $db->query( 'SELECT name, email FROM people WHERE email = ? LIMIT 1', $mail )->into(my ($name, $email)); Fetching all rows in one go One big flattened list (primarily for single column queries) my @names = $db->query('SELECT name FROM people WHERE id > 5')->flat; Rows as array references for my $row ($db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people')->arrays) { print "Name: $row->[0], Email: $row->[1]\n"; } Rows as hash references for my $row ($db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people')->hashes) { print "Name: $row->{name}, Email: $row->{email}\n"; } Fetching one row at a time Rows into separate variables { my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people'); $result->bind(my ($name, $email)); while ($result->fetch) { print "Name: $name, Email: $email\n"; } } or: { my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people'); while ($result->into(my ($name, $email))) { print "Name: $name, Email: $email\n"; } } Rows as lists { my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people'); while (my @row = $result->list) { print "Name: $row[0], Email: $row[1]\n"; } } Rows as array references { my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people'); while (my $row = $result->array) { print "Name: $row->[0], Email: $row->[1]\n"; } } Rows as hash references { my $result = $db->query('SELECT name, email FROM people'); while (my $row = $result->hash) { print "Name: $row->{name}, Email: $row->{email}\n"; } } Building maps (also fetching all rows in one go) map A hash of hashes my $customers = $db -> query('SELECT id, name, location FROM people') -> map_hashes('id'); # $customers = { $id => { name => $name, location => $location }, ... } A hash of arrays my $customers = $db -> query('SELECT id, name, location FROM people') -> map_arrays(0); # $customers = { $id => [ $name, $location ], ... } A hash of values (two-column queries) my $names = $db -> query('SELECT id, name FROM people') -> map; # $names = { $id => $name, ... } group A hash of arrays of hashes my $customers = $db -> query('SELECT id, name, location FROM people') -> group_hashes('location'); # $customers = { $location => [ { id => $id, name => $name }, ... ], ... } A hash of arrays of arrays my $customers = $db -> query('SELECT id, name, location FROM people') -> group_arrays(2); # $customers = { $location => [ [ $id, $name ], ... ], ... } A hash of arrays of values (two-column queries) my $names = $db -> query('SELECT location, name FROM people') -> group; # $names = { $location => [ $name, $name, ... ], ... }
If you have SQL::Interp installed, you can use the semi-abstracting method "iquery". This works just like "query", but with parts of the query interleaved with the bind arguments, passed as references. You should read SQL::Interp. These examples are not enough to fully understand all the possibilities. The following examples are based on the documentation of SQL::Interp. my $result = $db->iquery('INSERT INTO table', \%item); my $result = $db->iquery('UPDATE table SET', \%item, 'WHERE y <> ', \2); my $result = $db->iquery('DELETE FROM table WHERE y = ', \2); # These two select syntax produce the same result my $result = $db->iquery('SELECT * FROM table WHERE x = ', \$s, 'AND y IN', \@v); my $result = $db->iquery('SELECT * FROM table WHERE', {x => $s, y => \@v}); for ($result->hashes) { ... } Use a syntax highlighting editor for good visual distinction. If you need the helper functions "sql" and "sql_type", you can import them with "use SQL::Interp;"
If you have SQL::Abstract installed, you can use the abstracting methods "select", "insert", "update", "delete". These work like "query", but instead of a query and bind arguments, use abstracted arguments. You should read SQL::Abstract. These examples are not enough to fully understand all the possibilities. The SQL::Abstract object is available (writable) through the "abstract" property. The following examples are based on the documentation of SQL::Abstract. Overview If you don't like the defaults, just assign a new object: $db->abstract = SQL::Abstract->new( case => 'lower', cmp => 'like', logic => 'and', convert => 'upper' ); If you don't assign any object, one will be created automatically using the default options. The SQL::Abstract module is loaded on demand. my $result = $db->select($table, \@fields, \%where, \@order); my $result = $db->insert($table, \%fieldvals || \@values); my $result = $db->update($table, \%fieldvals, \%where); my $result = $db->delete($table, \%where); for ($result->hashes) { ... } Complete examples select my @tickets = $db->select( 'tickets', '*', { requestor => 'inna', worker => ['nwiger', 'rcwe', 'sfz'], status => { '!=', 'completed' } } )->hashes; insert If you already have your data as a hash, inserting becomes much easier: $db->insert('people', \%data); Instead of: $db->query( q[ INSERT INTO people (name, phone, address, ...) VALUES (??) ], @data{'name', 'phone', 'address', ... } ); update, delete $db->update( 'tickets', { worker => 'juerd', status => 'completed' }, { id => $id } ) $db->delete('tickets', { id => $id }); where The "where" method is not wrapped directly, because it doesn't generate a query and thus doesn't really have anything to do with the database module. But using the "abstract" property, you can still easily access it: my $where = $db->abstract->where({ foo => $foo });
If you have DBIx::XHTML_Table installed, you can use the result methods "xto" and "html". You should read DBIx::XHTML_Table. These examples are not enough to fully understand what is going on. When reading that documentation, note that you don't have to pass hash references to DBIx::Simple's methods. It is supported, though. DBIx::XHTML_Table is loaded on demand. Overview To print a simple table, all you have to do is: print $db->query('SELECT * FROM foo')->html; Of course, anything that produces a result object can be used. The same thing using the abstraction method "select" would be: print $db->select('foo', '*')->html; A DBIx::XHTML_Table object can be generated with the "xto" (XHTML_Table Object) method: my $table = $db->query($query)->xto; Passing attributes DBIx::Simple sends the attributes you pass to "html" both to the constructor and the output method. This allows you to specify both HTML attributes (like "bgcolor") and options for XHTML_Table (like "no_ucfirst" and "no_indent") all at once: print $result->html( tr => { bgcolor => [ qw/silver white/ ] }, no_ucfirst => 1 ); Using an XHTML_Table object Not everything can be controlled by passing attributes. For full flexibility, the XHTML_Table object can be used directly: my $table = $db->query($query)->xto( tr => { bgcolor => [ qw/silver white/ ] } ); $table->set_group('client', 1); $table->calc_totals('credit', '%.2f'); print $table->output({ no_ucfirst => 1 }); # note the {}!
"$result->text("neat")" Neither neat nor pretty, but useful for debugging. Uses DBI's "neat_list" method. Doesn't display column names. '1', 'Camel', 'mammal' '2', 'Llama', 'mammal' '3', 'Owl', 'bird' '4', 'Juerd', undef "$result->text("table")" Displays a simple table using ASCII lines. id | animal | type ---+--------+------- 1 | Camel | mammal 2 | Llama | mammal 3 | Owl | bird 4 | Juerd | "$result->text("box")" Displays a simple table using ASCII lines, with an outside border. +----+--------+--------+ | id | animal | type | +----+--------+--------+ | 1 | Camel | mammal | | 2 | Llama | mammal | | 3 | Owl | bird | | 4 | Juerd | | +----+--------+--------+ For "table" and "box", you need Anno Siegel's Text::Table module installed.
Juerd Waalboer <juerd@cpan.org> <http://juerd.nl/>
DBIx::Simple, SQL::Abstract