oracular (3) LaTeXML::Core::Token.3pm.gz

"LaTeXML::Core::Token" - representation of a Token: a pair of character and category code (catcode); It extends LaTeXML::Common::Object. Exported functions "$catcode = CC_ESCAPE;" Constants for the category codes: CC_BEGIN, CC_END, CC_MATH, CC_ALIGN, CC_EOL, CC_PARAM, CC_SUPER, CC_SUB, CC_IGNORE, CC_SPACE, CC_LETTER, CC_OTHER, CC_ACTIVE, CC_COMMENT, CC_INVALID, CC_CS. [The last 2 are (apparent) extensions, with catcodes 16 and 17, respectively]. "$token = Token($string,$cc);" Creates a LaTeXML::Core::Token with the given content and catcode. The following shorthand versions are also exported for convenience: T_BEGIN, T_END, T_MATH, T_ALIGN, T_PARAM, T_SUB, T_SUPER, T_SPACE, T_LETTER($letter), T_OTHER($char), T_ACTIVE($char), T_COMMENT($comment), T_CS($cs) "@tokens = Explode($string);" Returns a list of the tokens corresponding to the characters in $string. All tokens have catcode CC_OTHER, except for spaces which have catcode CC_SPACE. "@tokens = ExplodeText($string);" Returns a list of the tokens corresponding to the characters in $string. All (roman) letters have catcode CC_LETTER, all others have catcode CC_OTHER, except for spaces which have catcode CC_SPACE. "UnTeX($object, $suppress_linebreaks);" Converts $object to a string containing TeX that created it (or could have). Note that this is not necessarily the original TeX code; expansions or other substitutions may have taken place. Line-breaking of the generated TeX can be explicitly requested or disabled by passing 0 or 1 as the second $suppress_linebreaks argument. The default behavior of line-breaking is controlled by the global State value "SUPPRESS_UNTEX_LINEBREAKS". Methods "@tokens = $object->unlist;" Return a list of the tokens making up this $object. "$string = $object->toString;" Return a string representing $object. "$string = $token->getCSName;" Return the string or character part of the $token; for the special category codes, returns the standard string (eg. "T_BEGIN->getCSName" returns "{"). "$string = $token->getString;" Return the string or character part of the $token. "$code = $token->getCharcode;" Return the character code of the character part of the $token, or 256 if it is a control sequence. "$code = $token->getCatcode;" Return the catcode of the $token.
pBruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov>
Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.