oracular (3) PGObject::Type::DateTime.3pm.gz

Provided by: libpgobject-type-datetime-perl_2.000002-3_all bug


       PGObject::Type::DateTime - DateTime Wrappers for PGObject


       Version 2.0.2



       Now all Datetime, Timestamp, and TimestampTZ types are returned returned as datetime objects.  Date and
       time modules may require subclasses to serialize properly to the database.


       During the 2.x series we expect to work on better NULL support.  Right now this is all delegated to clild
       classes, but there are likely to be cases where we add this to our library directly.


       This module provides a basic wrapper around DateTime to allow PGObject-framework types to automatically
       tie date/time related objects, but we handle date and timestamp formats in our from_db routines.

       This specific module only supports the ISO YMD datestyle.  The MDY or DMY datestyles may be usable in
       future versions but datestyles other than ISO raise ambiguity issues, sufficient that they cannot always
       even be used in PostgreSQL as input.

       This module also provides basic default handling.  Times are assigned a date of '0001-01-01' and dates
       are assigned a time of midnight.  Whether this is set is persisted, along with whether timezones are set,
       and these are returned to a valid ISO YMD format on export, if a date component was initially set.

       This means you can use this for general math without worrying about many of the other nicities.  Parsing
       ISO YMD dates and standard times (24 hr format) is supported via the from_db interface, which also
       provides a useful way of handing dates in.


       By default registers 'date', 'time', 'timestamp', and 'timestamptz'

       Constructor for the PGDate object. Fully compliant with DateTime "_new" constructor which it uses
       internally to instantiate objects.

       We need to hook this constructor instead of the regular "new" one, because this one is referred to
       directly on numerous occasions.

       Wraps "DateTime::today", clearing the internal flag which causes "is_time()" to return a non-false value.

       Wraps "DateTime::last_day_of_month", clearing the internal flag which causes "is_time()" to return a non-
       false value.

       Wraps "DateTime::from_day_of_year", clearing the internal flag which causes "is_time()" to return a non-
       false value.

   truncate( to => ... )
       Wraps "DateTime::from_day_of_year", clearing the internal flag which causes "is_time()" to return a non-
       false value, if the "to" argument is not one of "second", "minute" or "hour".

       Parses a date from YYYY-MM-DD format and generates the new object based on it.

       Returns the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

       If $to_set is set, sets this.  In both cases, returns whether the object is now a date.

       If $to_set is set, sets this.  In both cases, returns whether the object is now a time.

       If $to_set is set, sets this.  In both cases, returns whether the object is now a date.


       Chris Travers, "<chris.travers at gmail.com>"


       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-pgobject-type-datetime at rt.cpan.org", or through the
       web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=PGObject-Type-DateTime>.  I will be
       notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc PGObject::Type::DateTime

       You can also look for information at:

       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


       •   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


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       •   Search CPAN



       Copyright 2013-2017 The LedgerSMB Core Team

       This program is released under the following license: BSD