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Perl::Critic::Pulp - some add-on perlcritic policies
This is a collection of add-on policies for "Perl::Critic". They're under a "pulp" theme plus other themes according to their purpose (see "POLICY THEMES" in Perl::Critic). Bugs CodeLayout::ProhibitFatCommaNewline Avoid newline before "=>" not quoting. CodeLayout::ProhibitIfIfSameLine Avoid "} if () {" perhaps meant to be "elsif". Miscellanea::TextDomainPlaceholders Check keyword arguments to "__x()", "__nx()", etc. Modules::ProhibitUseQuotedVersion Don't quote a version requirement like "use Foo '1.5'" ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumericVersion $VERSION plain number for comparisons and checking. ValuesAndExpressions::ConstantBeforeLt Avoid problems with "FOO < 123" ValuesAndExpressions::NotWithCompare Avoid problems with "! $x == $y" ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitArrayAssignAref Dubious "@array=[1,2,3]" array/arrayref assignments. ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitDuplicateHashKeys Duplicate literal keys "%h = (xyz=>123, xyz=>456)". ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitFiletest_f Don't use "-f". ValuesAndExpressions::UnexpandedSpecialLiteral "__PACKAGE__" etc special words not expanding. Compatibility Compatibility::ConstantPragmaHash Version requirement for hash style multi-constants. Compatibility::ConstantLeadingUnderscore Version requirement for constants with leading underscore. Compatibility::Gtk2Constants Gtk2 module version requirement for some constants. Compatibility::PerlMinimumVersionAndWhy Perl version declared against features used. Compatibility::PodMinimumVersion Perl version declared against POD features used. Compatibility::ProhibitUnixDevNull Prefer "File::Spec->devnull" over /dev/null. Efficiency Documentation::RequireEndBeforeLastPod Put "__END__" before POD at end of file. Miscellanea::TextDomainUnused "Locale::TextDomain" imported but not used. Modules::ProhibitPOSIXimport Don't import the whole of "POSIX". Cosmetic CodeLayout::RequireTrailingCommaAtNewline Comma "," at the end of list, if at a newline. CodeLayout::RequireFinalSemicolon Semicolon ";" on the last statement of a subroutine or block. ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyCommas Stray consecutive commas ",," ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitNullStatements Stray semicolons ";" ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitUnknownBackslash Unknown "\z" etc escapes in strings. ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitBarewordDoubleColon Double-colon barewords "Foo::Bar::" Modules::ProhibitModuleShebang No "#!" interpreter line in .pm files. Documentation Documentation::ProhibitUnbalancedParens Unbalanced or mismatched ( ) parens, brackets and braces. Documentation::ProhibitAdjacentLinks Put commas or some text between adjacent "L<>" links. Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateHeadings Don't duplicate "=head" headings. Documentation::ProhibitDuplicateSeeAlso Don't duplicate "L<>" links in SEE ALSO sections. Documentation::ProhibitBadAproposMarkup Avoid "C<>" in NAME section, bad for man's "apropos" output. Documentation::RequireFilenameMarkup Markup /foo filenames. Documentation::ProhibitLinkToSelf Don't "L<>" link to the document itself. Documentation::ProhibitParagraphEndComma Don't end paragraph with "," comma. Documentation::ProhibitParagraphTwoDots Don't end paragraph with ".." (stray extra dot). Documentation::ProhibitVerbatimMarkup Verbatim paragraphs not expanding "C<>" etc markup. Documentation::RequireFinalCut Have a "=cut" at end of file. Documentation::RequireLinkedURLs Use "L<>" markup on URLs. Selecting You can always enable or disable the policies you do or don't want (see "CONFIGURATION" in Perl::Critic). You may have already realized that there's a wide range of builtin and add-on perlcritic policies ranging from buggy practice to deliberately restrictive or even quite bizarre. You're not meant to pass everything. Some policies may even be mutually contradictory. The restrictive policies are meant as building blocks for a house style. For example "ProhibitBarewordDoubleColon" here, or something like "ProhibitUnlessBlocks". They're usually a matter of personal preference, and "non de gustibus disputandum" as they say in the classics. Trying to follow all such policies would give away big parts of the language and quite likely result in very un-typical code. Some of the restrictive policies are geared towards beginners. "ProhibitUnknownBackslash" here or "RequireInitializationForLocalVars" are along those lines. There might for instance be good backslashing which the prohibition doesn't recognise, or local variable initializers make no sense for output variables like $!, once you get to the level of knowing to use "local" to preserve such globals. In general the POD of each policy is supposed to explain the motivation so you can see whether you want it or not. If you're not turning off or drastically customizing at least half of all policies then you're either not trying or you're much too easily lead!
In most of the perlcritic documentation, including the Pulp add-ons here, policy names appear without the full "Perl::Critic::Policy::..." class part. In Emacs try "man-completion.el" to make "M-x man" automatically expand a suffix part at point, or "ffap-perl-module.el" for the same to go to the source. • <http://user42.tuxfamily.org/man-completion/index.html> • <http://user42.tuxfamily.org/ffap-perl-module/index.html> In perlcritic's output you can ask for %P to see the full policy package name to run "perldoc" or copy or follow etc. Here's a good output format you can put in your .perlcriticrc. The file:line:column: part is a style Emacs will recognise. verbose=%f:%l:%c:\n %P\n %m\n See Perl::Critic::Violation for all available "%" escapes. "perlcritic.el" which comes with perlcritic has regexp patterns for Emacs to recognise the builtin perlcritic formats, but it's easier to output "file:line:column:" in the first place.
Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 Kevin Ryde Perl-Critic-Pulp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. Perl-Critic-Pulp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Perl-Critic-Pulp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.