oracular (3) RDF::Query::Node.3pm.gz

RDF::Query::Node - Base class for RDF Nodes
This document describes RDF::Query::Node version 2.919.
"is_variable" Returns true if this RDF node is a variable, false otherwise. "compare ( $a, $b )" Returns -1, 0, or 1 if $a is less than, equal to, or greater than $b, respectively, according to the SPARQL sorting rules. "from_trine ( $node )" Returns a new RDF::Query::Node object with the same value as $node, a RDF::Trine::Node object. This essentially promotes $node to a node object with extra functionality provided by the RDF::Query package (like SPARQL-defined ordering). "from_attean ( $node )" Likewise, but from Attean. "explain" Returns a string serialization of the node appropriate for display on the command line. This method is primarily used by the "explain" method of the subclasses of RDF::Query::Plan.
"compare ( $node_a, $node_b )" Returns -1, 0, or 1 if $node_a sorts less than, equal to, or greater than $node_b in the defined SPARQL ordering, respectively. This function may be used as the function argument to "<sort">. "iri ( $iri )" Returns a RDF::Query::Node::Resource object with the given IRI value. "blank ( $id )" Returns a RDF::Query::Node::Blank object with the given identifier. "literal ( $value, $lang, $dt )" Returns a RDF::Query::Node::Literal object with the given value and optional language/datatype. "variable ( $name )" Returns a RDF::Query::Node::Variable object with the given variable name.
Gregory Todd Williams <gwilliams@cpan.org>