oracular (3) Role::REST::Client.3pm.gz

Role::REST::Client - REST Client Role
version 0.23
{ package RESTExample; use Moose; with 'Role::REST::Client'; sub bar { my ($self) = @_; my $res = $self->post('/foo/bar/baz', {foo => 'bar'}); my $code = $res->code; my $data = $res->data; return $data if $code == 200; } } my $foo = RESTExample->new( server => 'http://localhost:3000', type => 'application/json', clientattrs => {timeout => 5}, ); $foo->bar; # controller sub foo : Local { my ($self, $c) = @_; my $res = $c->model('MyData')->post('/foo/bar/baz', {foo => 'bar'}); my $code = $res->code; my $data = $res->data; ... }
This REST Client role makes REST connectivity easy. Role::REST::Client will handle encoding and decoding when using the HTTP verbs. GET HEAD PUT POST DELETE OPTIONS Currently Role::REST::Client supports these encodings application/json application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/xml application/yaml x-www-form-urlencoded only works for GET and POST, and only for encoding, not decoding. Responses which claim to not be serialised data (eg "text/plain", "application/octet-stream") will by default not be serialised. When the response is none of these, and it is impossible to determine what encoding is used, the content will be treated as JSON by default.
Role::REST::Client - REST Client Role
methods Role::REST::Client implements the standard HTTP 1.1 verbs as methods These methods can NOT have a request body get head These methods can take a request body. post put delete options All methods take these parameters url - The REST service data - The data structure (hashref, arrayref) to send. The data will be encoded according to the value of the I<type> attribute. args - hashref with arguments to augment the way the call is handled. args - the optional argument parameter can have these entries deserializer - if you KNOW that the content-type of the response is incorrect, you can supply the correct content type, like my $res = $self->post('/foo/bar/baz', {foo => 'bar'}, {deserializer => 'application/yaml'}); Alternatively, if you KNOW that the response is not serial data, you can disable deserialization by setting this to undef. preserve_headers - set this to true if you want to keep the headers between calls All methods return a response object dictated by _rest_response_class. Set to Role::REST::Client::Response by default.
user_agent sub _build_user_agent { HTTP::Thin->new } A User Agent object which has a "->request" method suitably compatible with HTTP::Tiny. It should accept arguments like this: "$ua->request($method, $uri, $opts)", and needs to return a hashref as HTTP::Tiny does, or an HTTP::Response object. To set your own default, use a "_build_user_agent" method. server URL of the REST server. e.g. 'http://localhost:3000' type MIME Content-Type header, e.g. application/json persistent_headers $self->set_persistent_header('Header' => 'foo', ... ); $self->get_persistent_header('Header-Name'); $self->has_no_persistent_headers; $self->clear_persistent_headers; A hashref containing headers you want to use for all requests. Use the methods described above to manipulate it. To set your own defaults, override the default or call "set_persistent_header()" in your "BUILD" method. has '+persistent_headers' => ( default => sub { ... }, ); httpheaders $self->set_header('Header' => 'foo', ... ); $self->get_header('Header-Name'); $self->has_no_headers; $self->clear_headers; You can set any http header you like with set_header, e.g. $self->set_header($key, $value) but the content-type header will be overridden. http_headers will be reset after each request, unless there's a reserve_headers argument, but it's a hack. The recommended way to keep headers across requests is to store them in the persistent_headers. $self->httpheaders will return the combined hashref of persistent_headers and what's been added with set_header. For historical reasons, the two methods clear_headers and reset_headers are equal. Both will clear the headers for the current request, but NOT the persistent headers. To clear ALL headers, use $self->clear_all_headers; clientattrs Attributes to feed the user agent object (which defaults to HTTP::Thin) e.g. {timeout => 10} serializer_class You can override the serializer class and use your own. Default is 'Role::REST::Client::Serializer' serializer_options Options for the serializer instantiation.
Breno G. de Oliveira, <garu@cpan.org> Mark Stosberg, <mark@stosberg.com> Matt Phillips, (cpan:MATTP) <mattp@cpan.org> Wallace Reis, <wallace@reis.me>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-role-rest-client at rt.cpan.org, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Role-REST-Client.
Kaare Rasmussen <kaare at cpan dot org>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Kaare Rasmussen. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.