oracular (3) UI::Dialog.3pm.gz

UI::Dialog - wrapper for various dialog applications.
use UI::Dialog; my $d = new UI::Dialog ( backtitle => 'Demo', title => 'Default', height => 20, width => 65 , listheight => 5, order => [ 'zenity', 'xdialog' ] ); # Either a Zenity or Xdialog msgbox widget should popup, # with a preference for Zenity. $d->msgbox( title => 'Welcome!', text => 'Welcome one and all!' );
UI::Dialog is a OOPerl wrapper for the various dialog applications. These dialog backends are currently supported: Zenity, XDialog, GDialog, KDialog, CDialog, and Whiptail. There is also an ASCII backend provided as a last resort interface for the console based dialog variants. UI::Dialog is a class that provides a strict interface to these various backend modules. By using UI:Dialog (with it's imposed limitations on the widgets) you can ensure that your Perl program will function with any available interfaces.
UI::Dialog supports priority ordering of the backend detection process. So if you'd prefer that Xdialog should be used first if available, simply designate the desired order when creating the new object. The default order for detecting and utilization of the backends are as follows: (with DISPLAY env): Zenity, GDialog, XDialog, KDialog (without DISPLAY): CDialog, Whiptail, ASCII UI::Dialog is the result of a complete re-write of the UDPM CPAN module. This was done to break away from the bad choice of name (UserDialogPerlModule) and to implement a cleaner, more detached, OOPerl interface.
new( @options ) EXAMPLE my $d = new( title => 'Default Title', backtitle => 'Backtitle', width => 65, height => 20, listheight => 5, order => [ 'zenity', 'xdialog', 'gdialog' ] ); DESCRIPTION This is the Class Constructor method. It accepts a list of key => value pairs and uses them as the defaults when interacting with the various widgets. RETURNS A blessed object reference of the UI::Dialog class. OPTIONS The (...)'s after each option indicate the default for the option. An * denotes support by all the widget methods on a per-use policy defaulting to the values decided during object creation. debug = 0,1,2 (0) order = [ zenity, xdialog, gdialog, kdialog, cdialog, whiptail, ascii ] (as indicated) PATH = [ /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, /opt/bin ] (as indicated) backtitle = "backtitle" ('') * title = "title" ('') * beepbefore = 0,1 (0) * beepafter = 0,1 (0) * height = \d+ (20) * width = \d+ (65) * listheight = \d+ (5) *
state( ) EXAMPLE if ($d->state() eq "OK") { $d->msgbox( text => "that went well" ); } DESCRIPTION Returns the state of the last dialog widget command. The value can be one of "OK", "CANCEL", "ESC". The return data is based on the exit codes (return value) of the last widget displayed. RETURNS a single SCALAR. ra( ) EXAMPLE my @array = $d->ra(); DESCRIPTION Returns the last widget's data as an array. RETURNS an ARRAY. rs( ) EXAMPLE my $string = $d->rs(); DESCRIPTION Returns the last widget's data as a (possibly multiline) string. RETURNS a SCALAR. rv( ) EXAMPLE my $string = $d->rv(); DESCRIPTION Returns the last widget's exit status, aka: return value. RETURNS a SCALAR.
yesno( ) EXAMPLE if ($d->yesno( text => 'A binary type question?') ) { # user pressed yes } else { # user pressed no or cancel } DESCRIPTION Present the end user with a message box that has two buttons, yes and no. RETURNS TRUE (1) for a response of YES or FALSE (0) for anything else. msgbox( ) EXAMPLE $d->msgbox( text => 'A simple message' ); DESCRIPTION Pesent the end user with a message box that has an OK button. RETURNS TRUE (1) for a response of OK or FALSE (0) for anything else. inputbox( ) EXAMPLE my $string = $d->inputbox( text => 'Please enter some text...', entry => 'this is the input field' ); DESCRIPTION Present the end user with a text input field and a message. RETURNS a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else. password( ) EXAMPLE my $string = $d->password( text => 'Enter some hidden text.' ); DESCRIPTION Present the end user with a text input field, that has hidden input, and a message. Note that the GDialog backend will provide a regular inputbox instead of a password box because gdialog doesn't support passwords. GDialog is on it's way to the proverbial software heaven so this isn't a real problem. Use Zenity instead :) RETURNS a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else. textbox( ) EXAMPLE $d->textbox( path => '/path/to/a/text/file' ); DESCRIPTION Present the end user with a simple scrolling box containing the contents of the given text file. RETURNS TRUE (1) if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else. menu( ) EXAMPLE my $selection1 = $d->menu( text => 'Select one:', list => [ 'tag1', 'item1', 'tag2', 'item2', 'tag3', 'item3' ] ); DESCRIPTION Present the user with a selectable list. RETURNS a SCALAR of the chosen tag if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else. checklist( ) EXAMPLE my @selection1 = $d->checklist( text => 'Select one:', list => [ 'tag1', [ 'item1', 0 ], 'tag2', [ 'item2', 1 ], 'tag3', [ 'item3', 1 ] ] ); DESCRIPTION Present the user with a selectable checklist. RETURNS an ARRAY of the chosen tags if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else. radiolist( ) EXAMPLE my $selection1 = $d->radiolist( text => 'Select one:', list => [ 'tag1', [ 'item1', 0 ], 'tag2', [ 'item2', 1 ], 'tag3', [ 'item3', 0 ] ] ); DESCRIPTION Present the user with a selectable radiolist. RETURNS a SCALAR of the chosen tag if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else. fselect( ) EXAMPLE my $text = $d->fselect( path => '/path/to/a/file/or/directory' ); DESCRIPTION Present the user with a file selection widget preset with the given path. RETURNS a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else. dselect( ) EXAMPLE my $text = $d->dselect( path => '/path/to/a/file/or/directory' ); DESCRIPTION Present the user with a file selection widget preset with the given path. Unlike fselect() this widget will only return a directory selection. RETURNS a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything else.
PERLDOC UI::Dialog::GNOME UI::Dialog::KDE UI::Dialog::Console UI::Dialog::Backend UI::Dialog::Backend::ASCII UI::Dialog::Backend::CDialog UI::Dialog::Backend::GDialog UI::Dialog::Backend::KDialog UI::Dialog::Backend::Nautilus UI::Dialog::Backend::Whiptail UI::Dialog::Backend::XDialog UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD UI::Dialog::Backend::Zenity MAN FILES dialog(1), whiptail(1), zenity(1), gdialog(1), Xdialog(1), osd_cat(1), kdialog(1) and nautilus(1)
Please email the author with any bug reports. Include the name of the module in the subject line.
Kevin C. Krinke, <kevin@krinke.ca>
Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Kevin C. Krinke <kevin@krinke.ca> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA