oracular (3) XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes.3pm.gz

XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes - Define handling of built-in data-types
XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes is a Exporter
# Not for end-users use XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes qw/%builtin_types/;
Different schema specifications specify different available types, but there is a lot over overlap. The XML::Compile::Schema::Specs module defines the availability, but here the types are implemented. This implementation certainly does not try to be minimal in size: following the letter of the restriction rules and inheritance structure defined by the W3C schema specification would be too slow.
Real functions builtin_type_info($type) Returns the configuration for $type, which is a HASH. Be aware that the information in this HASH will change over time without too much notice. Implement regression-tests in this if you use it! The Types The functions named in this section are all used at compile-time by the translator. At that moment, they will be placed in the kind-of opcode tree which will process the data at run-time. You cannot call these functions yourself. XML::Compile will automatically format the value for you. For instance, a float supplied to a field defined as type Integer will be converted to an integer. Data supplied to a field of type base64Binary will be encoded as Base64 for you: you shouldn't do the conversion yourself, you'll get double encoding! Any anyAtomicType() anySimpleType() anyType() Both any*Type built-ins can contain any kind of data. Perl decides how to represent the passed values. error() Ungrouped types boolean() Contains "true", "false", 1 (is true), or 0 (is false). When the writer sees a value equal to 'true' or 'false', those are used. Otherwise, the trueth value is evaluated into '0' or '1'. The reader will return '0' (also when the XML contains the string 'false', to simplify the Perl code) or '1'. pattern() Big Integers Schema's define integer types which are derived from the "decimal" type. These values can grow enormously large, and therefore can only be handled correctly using Math::BigInt. When the translator is built with the "sloppy_integers" option, this will simplify (speed-up) the produced code considerably: all integers then shall be between -2G and +2G. integer() An integer with an undertermined (but possibly large) number of digits. long() A little bit shorter than an integer, but still up-to 19 digits. negativeInteger() nonNegativeInteger() nonPositiveInteger() positiveInteger() unsignedInt() Just too long to fit in Perl's ints. unsignedLong() Value up-to 20 digits. Integers byte() Signed 8-bits value. int() short() Signed 16-bits value. unsignedByte() Unsigned 8-bits value. unsignedShort() unsigned 16-bits value. Floating-point decimal() Decimals are painful: they can be very large, much larger than Perl's internal floats. Therefore, we need to use Math::BigFloat which are slow but nearly seamlessly invisible in the application. double() A floating-point value "m x 2**e", where m is an integer whose absolute value is less than 253, and e is an integer between −1074 and 971, inclusive. The implementation does not limited the double in size, but maps it onto an precisionDecimal (Math::BigFloat) unless "sloppy_float" is set. float() A small floating-point value "m x 2**e" where m is an integer whose absolute value is less than 224, and e is an integer between −149 and 104, inclusive. The implementation does not limited the float in size, but maps it onto an precisionDecimal (Math::BigFloat) unless "sloppy_float" is set. precisionDecimal() Floating point value that closely corresponds to the floating-point decimal datatypes described by IEEE/ANSI-754. Encoding base64Binary() In the hash, it will be kept as binary data. In XML, it will be base64 encoded. hexBinary() In the hash, it will be kept as binary data. In XML, it will be hex encoded, two hex digits per byte. Dates date() A day, represented in localtime as "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD[-+]HH:mm". When a decimal value is passed, it is interpreted as "time" value in UTC, and will be formatted as required. When reading, the date string will not be parsed. dateTime() A moment, represented as "date T time tz?", where date is "YYYY-MM-DD", time is "HH:MM:SS", and the time-zone tz is either "-HH:mm", "+HH:mm", or "Z" for UTC. The time-zone is optional, but can better be used because the default is not defined in the standard. For that reason, the "dateTimeStamp" got introduced, which requires the timezone. When a decimal value is passed, it is interpreted as "time" value in UTC, and will be formatted as required. This will not work when the dateTime extended type has facet "explicitTimeZome="prohibited"". When reading, the date string will not be parsed. Parsing timestamps is quite expensive, therefore not preformed automatically. You may try Time::Local in combination with Date::Parse, or Time::Piece::ISO. Be very careful with the timezone settings in your program, which effects "mktime" which is used by these implementations. Best to run your application in GMT/UTC/UCT/Z. dateTimeStamp() Like "dateTime", but with required timezone which means that it is better defined. All other handling is the same. gDay() Format "---12" or "---12+09:00" (12 days, optional time-zone) gMonth() Format "--09" or "--09+07:00" (9 months, optional time-zone) gMonthDay() Format "--09-12" or "--09-12+07:00" (9 months 12 days, optional time-zone) gYear() Format 2006 or "2006+07:00" (year 2006, optional time-zone) gYearMonth() Format "2006-11" or "2006-11+07:00" (november 2006, optional time-zone) time() An moment in time, as can happen every day. Duration See XML::Compile::Util::duration2secs() to convert duration stamps into seconds. dayTimeDuration() Format "-PnDTnHnMnS", where optional starting "-" means negative. The "P" is obligatory, and the "T" indicates start of a time part. All other "n[DHMS]" are optional. duration() Format "-PnYnMnDTnHnMnS", where optional starting "-" means negative. The "P" is obligatory, and the "T" indicates start of a time part. All other "n[YMDHMS]" are optional. yearMonthDuration() Format "-PnYnMn", where optional starting "-" means negative. The "P" is obligatory, the "n[YM]" are optional. Strings ID(, IDREF, IDREFS) A label, reference to a label, or set of references. PARTIAL IMPLEMENTATION: the validity of used characters is not checked. NCName(, ENTITY, ENTITIES) A name which contains no colons (a non-colonized name). Name() language() An RFC3066 language indicator. normalizedString() String where all sequence of white-spaces (including new-lines) are interpreted as one blank. Blanks at beginning and the end of the string are ignored. string() (Usually utf8) string. token(, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS) URI NOTATION() NOT IMPLEMENTED, so treated as string. QName() A qualified type name: a type name with optional prefix. The prefix notation "prefix:type" will be translated into the "{$ns}type" notation. For writers, this translation can only happen when the $ns is also in use on some other place in the message: the name-space declaration can not be added at run-time. In other cases, you will get a run-time error. Play with XML::Compile::Schema::compile(prefixes), predefining evenything what may be used, setting the "used" count to 1. anyURI() You may pass a string or, for instance, an URI object which will be stringified into an URI. When read, the data will not automatically be translated into an URI object: it may not be used that way. only in 1999 and 2000/10 schemas binary() Perl strings can contain any byte, also nul-strings, so can contain any sequence of bits. Limited to byte length. timeDuration() 'Old' name for duration(). uriReference() Probably the same rules as anyURI().
This module is part of XML-Compile distribution version 1.63, built on July 02, 2019. Website: http://perl.overmeer.net/xml-compile/
Copyrights 2006-2019 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/