oracular (3) afnix-net.3.gz

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       net - standard networking module


       The  Standard  Networking  module is an original implementation of networking facilities for the Internet
       Protocol. The module features standard TCP and UDP sockets for point to point communication  as  well  as
       multicast  socket.  Numerous  functions  and  objects  for address manipulation are also included in this
       module. This module is also designed to support IP version 6 with certain platforms.

       IP address
       The IP based communication uses a standard address to reference a particular peer. With IP version 4, the
       standard  dot  notation  is  with  4 bytes. With IP version 6, the standard semicolon notation is with 16
       bytes. The current implementation supports both versions.       # ipv4 localhost
       0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 # ipv6 localhost

       IP address architecture and behavior are described in various documents as listed in the bibliography.

       Domain name system
       The translation between a host name and an IP address is performed by a resolver which  uses  the  Domain
       Name  System  or  DNS.  Access  to the DNS is automatic with the implementation. Depending on the machine
       resolver configuration, a particular domain name translation might result  in  an  IP  version  4  or  IP
       version  6  address.  Most  of  the time, an IP version 4 address is returned.  The mapping between an IP
       address and a host name returns the associated canonical name for that IP address. This is the reverse of
       the preceding operation.

       The Address class
       The Address class allows manipulation of IP address. The constructor takes a string as its arguments. The
       argument string can be either an IP address or a host name which  can  be  qualified  or  not.  When  the
       address is constructed with a host name, the IP address resolution is done immediately.

       Name to address translation
       The  most  common  operation  is  to translate a host name to its equivalent IP address. Once the Address
       object is constructed, the get-address method returns a string representation of the internal IP address.
       The following example prints the IP address of the localhost, that is with IP version 4.

       # load network module
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       # get the localhost address
       const addr (afnix:net:Address "localhost")
       # print the ip address
       println (addr:get-address)

       As another example, the get-host-name function returns the host name of the running machine. The previous
       example can be used to query its IP address.

       Address to name translation
       The reverse operation of name translation maps an IP address to a canonical name. It shall be noted  that
       the  reverse  lookup  is  not done automatically, unless the reverse flag is set in the constructoor. The
       get-canonical-name method of the Address class returns such name. Example XNET001.als is a  demonstration
       program  which  prints the address original name, the IP address and the canonical name. Fell free to use
       it with your favorite site to check the equivalence between the original name and the canonical name.

       # print the ip address information of the arguments
       # usage: axi XNET001.als [hosts ...]
       # get the network module
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       # print the ip address
       const ip-address-info (host) {
         try {
           const addr (afnix:net:Address host true)
           println "host name        : " (addr:get-name)
           println "  ip address     : " (addr:get-address)
           println "  canonical name : " (
           # get aliases
           const size (addr:get-alias-size)
           loop (trans i 0) (< i size) (i:++) {
             println "  alias address  : " (
               addr:get-alias-address i)
             println "  alias name     : " (
               addr:get-alias-name i)
         } (errorln "error: " what:reason)
       # get the hosts
       for (s) (interp:argv) (ip-address-info s)
       zsh> axi net-0001.als localhost
       host name        : localhost
       ip address     :
       canonical name : localhost

       Address operations
       The Address class provides several methods and operators that ease the address manipulation in a protocol
       indepedant  way. For example, the == operator compares two addresses. The ++ operator can also be used to
       get the next IP address.

       Transport layers
       The two transport layer protocols supported by the Internet protocol is the TCP, a  full-duplex  oriented
       protocol, and UDP, a datagram protocol. TCP is a reliable protocol while UDP is not. By reliable, we mean
       that  the  protocol  provides  automatically  some  mechanisms  for  error  recovery,  message  delivery,
       acknowledgment  of  reception,  etc...  The  use  of  TCP  vs.  UDP is dictated mostly by the reliability
       concerns, while UDP reduces the traffic congestion.

       Service port
       In the client-server model, a connection is established between two hosts. The connections  is  made  via
       the  IP  address and the port number. For a given service, a port identifies that service at a particular
       address. This means that multiple services can exist at the same address. More precisely,  the  transport
       layer  protocol  is  also  used to distinguish a particular service. The network module provides a simple
       mechanism to retrieve the port number, given its name and protocol. The function get-tcp-service and get-
       udp-service  returns  the  port  number  for  a given service by name. For example, the daytime server is
       located at port number 13.

       assert 13 (afnix:net:get-tcp-service "daytime")
       assert 13 (afnix:net:get-udp-service "daytime")

       Host and peer
       With the client server model, the only information needed to identify a particular client  or  server  is
       the  address  and  the  port  number.  When a client connects to a server, it specify the port number the
       server is operating. The client uses a random port number for itself. When a server is created, the  port
       number  is  used  to bind the server to that particular port. If the port is already in use, that binding
       will fail. From a reporting point of view, a connection is  therefore  identified  by  the  running  host
       address  and port, and the peer address and port. For a client, the peer is the server. For a server, the
       peer is the client.

       TCP client socket
       The TcpClient class creates an TCP client object by address and port. The address can be either a  string
       or an Address object. During the object construction, the connection is established with the server. Once
       the connection is established, the client can use the read and  write  method  to  communicate  with  the
       server.  The  TcpClient  class is derived from the Socket class which is derived from the InputStream and
       OutputStream classes.

       Day time client
       The simplest example is a client socket which  communicates  with  the  daytime  server.  The  server  is
       normally running on all machines and is located at port 13.

       # get the network module
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       # get the daytime server port
       const port (afnix:net:get-tcp-service "daytime")
       # create a tcp client socket
       const s (afnix:net:TcpClient "localhost" port)
       # read the data - the server close the connection
       while (s:valid-p) (println (s:readln))

       Example  3201.als  in the example directory prints the day time of the local host without argument or the
       day time of the argument. Feel free to use it with www.afnix.org. If the server you are trying to contact
       does not have a day time server, an exception will be raised and the program terminates.

       zsh> axi 3201.als www.afnix.org

       HTTP request example
       Another example which illustrates the use of the TcpClient object is a simple client which download a web
       page. At this stage we are not concern with the URL but rather the mechanics  involved.  The  request  is
       made  by  opening  a TCP client socket on port 80 (the HTTP server port) and sending a request by writing
       some HTTP commands. When the commands have been sent, the data sent by the server are read and printed on
       the standard output. Note that this example is not concerned by error detection.

       # fetch an html page by host and page
       # usage: axi 3203.als [host] [page]
       # get the network module
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       interp:library "afnix-sys"
       # connect to the http server and issue a request
       const send-http-request (host page) {
         # create a client sock on port 80
         const s     (afnix:net:TcpClient host 80)
         const saddr (s:get-socket-address)
         # format the request
         s:writeln "GET " page " HTTP/1.1"
         s:writeln "Host: " (saddr:get-canonical-name)
         s:writeln "Connection: close"
         s:writeln "User-Agent: afnix tcp client example"
         # write the result
         while (s:valid-p) (println (s:readln))
       # get the argument
       if (!= (interp:argv:length) 2) (afnix:sys:exit 1)
       const host (interp:argv:get 0)
       const page (interp:argv:get 1)
       # send request
       send-http-request host page

       UDP client socket
       UDP  client  socket  is  similar  to TCP client socket. However, due to the unreliable nature of UDP, UDP
       clients are somehow more difficult to manage. Since there is no flow control, it becomes  more  difficult
       to  assess  whether  or  not a datagram has reached its destination. The same apply for a server, where a
       reply datagram might be lost. The UdpClient class is the class which creates a  UDP  client  object.  Its
       usage is similar to the TcpClient.

       The time client
       The UDP time server normally runs on port 37 is the best place to enable it. A UDP client is created with
       the UdpClient class. Once the object is created, the client sends an empty datagram to  the  server.  The
       server send a reply datagram with 4 bytes, in network byte order, corresponding to the date as of January
       1st 1900. Example 3204.als prints date information after contacting the local host  time  server  or  the
       host specified as the first argument.

       # get the libraries
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       interp:library "afnix-sys"
       # get the daytime server port
       const port (afnix:net:get-udp-service "time")
       # create a client socket and read the data
       const print-time (host) {
         # create a udp client socket
         const s (afnix:net:UdpClient host port)
         # send an empty datagram
         # read the 4 bytes data and adjust to epoch
         const buf (s:read 4)
         const val (- (buf:get-quad) 2208988800)
         # format the date
         const time (afnix:sys:Time val)
         println (time:format-date) ' ' (time:format-time)
       # check for one argument or use localhost
       const host (if (== (interp:argv:length) 0)
         "localhost" (interp:argv:get 0))
       print-time host

       This example calls for several comments. First the write method without argument sends an empty datagram.
       It is the datagram which trigger the server. The read method reads 4 bytes from the  reply  datagram  and
       places them in a Buffer object. Since the bytes are in network byte order, the conversion into an integer
       value is done with the get-quad method. Finally, in order to use the Time class those  epoch  is  January
       1st  1970, the constant 2208988800 is subtracted from the result. Remember that the time server sends the
       date in reference to January 1st 1900. More information about the time server can be found in RFC738.

       More on reliability
       The previous example has some inherent problems due to the unreliability of UDP. If the first datagram is
       lost,  the read method will block indefinitely. Another scenario which causes the read method to block is
       the loss of the server reply datagram. Both problem can generally be fixed by checking the socket with  a
       timeout using the valid-p method. With one argument, the method timeout and return false. In this case, a
       new datagram can be send to the server. Example 3205.als illustrates  this  point.  We  print  below  the
       extract of code.

       # create a client socket and read the data
       const print-time (host) {
         # create a udp client socket
         const s (afnix:net:UdpClient host port)
         # send an empty datagram until the socket is valid
         # retransmit datagram each second
         while (not (s:valid-p 1000)) (s:write)
         # read the 4 bytes data and adjust to epoch
         const buf (s:read 4)
         const val (- (buf:get-quad) 2208988800)
         # format the date
         const time (afnix:sys:Time val)
         println (time:format-date) ' ' (time:format-time)

       Note  that  this  solution  is  a naive one. In the case of multiple datagrams, a sequence number must be
       placed because there is no clue about the lost datagram. A simple rule of thumb is to use TCP as soon  as
       reliability is a concern, but this choice might not so easy.

       Error detection
       Since  UDP  is  not  reliable,  there is no simple solution to detect when a datagram has been lost. Even
       worse, if the server is not running, it is not easy to detect that the client datagram has been lost.  In
       such  situation,  the  client might indefinitely send datagram without getting an answer. One solution to
       this problem is again to count the number of datagram re-transmit and eventually give up after a  certain

       Socket class
       The  Socket class is the base class for both TcpClient and UdpClient. The class provides methods to query
       the socket port and address as well as the peer port and address. Note at this point that the UDP  socket
       is  a  connected  socket. Therefore, these methods will work fine. The get-socket-address and get-socket-
       port returns respectively the address and port of the connected socket.  The  get-peer-address  and  get-
       peer-port  returns  respectively  the  address  and port of the connected socket's peer. Example 3206.als
       illustrates the use of these methods.

       # create a client socket and read the data
       const print-socket-info (host) {
         # create a tcp client socket
         const s (afnix:net:TcpClient host port)
         # print socket address and port
         const saddr (s:get-socket-address)
         const sport (s:get-socket-port)
         println "socket ip address     : " (
         println "socket canonical name : " (
         println "socket port           : " sport
         # print peer address and port
         const paddr (s:get-peer-address)
         const pport (s:get-peer-port)
         println "peer ip address       : " (
         println "peer canonical name   : " (
         println "peer port             : " pport

       Socket predicates
       The Socket class is associated with the socket-p predicate. The respective client objects have  the  tcp-
       client-p predicate and udp-client-p predicate.

       TCP server socket
       The  TcpServer  class creates an TCP server object. There are several constructors for the TCP server. In
       its simplest form, without port, a TCP server is created on the localhost with an ephemeral  port  number
       (i.e  port  0  during  the  call).  With a port number, the TCP server is created on the localhost. For a
       multi-homed host, the address to use to run the server can  be  specified  as  the  first  argument.  The
       address  can  be either a string or an Address object. In both cases, the port is specified as the second
       argument. Finally, a third argument called the backlog can be specified to set the number  of  acceptable
       incoming  connection. That is the maximum number of pending connection while processing a connection. The
       following example shows various ways to create a TCP server.

       trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer)
       trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000)
       trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000 5)
       trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer "localhost" 8000)
       trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer "localhost" 8000 5)
       trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer (
           Address "localhost") 8000)
       trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer (
           Address "localhost") 8000 5)

       Echo server example
       A simple echo server can be built and tested with the standard telnet application. The  application  will
       echo all lines that are typed with the telnet client. The server is bound on the port 8000, since ports 0
       to 1024 are privileged ports.

       # get the network module
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       # create a tcp server on port 8000
       const srv (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000)
       # wait for a connection
       const s (srv:accept)
       # echo the line until the end
       while (s:valid-p) (s:writeln (s:readln))

       The telnet session is then quite simple. The line hello world is echoed by the server.

       zsh> telnet localhost 8000
       Connected to localhost.
       Escape character is '^]'.
       hello world

       The accept method
       The previous example illustrates the mechanics of a server. When the server is  created,  the  server  is
       ready  to  accept  connection.  The accept method blocks until a client connect with the server. When the
       connection is established, the accept method returns a socket object which can be used to read and  write

       Multiple connections
       One  problem with the previous example is that the server accepts only one connection. In order to accept
       multiple connection, the accept method must be placed in a loop, and the server  operation  in  a  thread
       (There are some situations where a new process might be more appropriate than a thread). Example 3302.als
       illustrates such point.

       # get the network module
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       # this function echo a line from the client
       const echo-server (s) {
         while (s:valid-p) (s:writeln (s:readln))
       # create a tcp server on port 8000
       const srv (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000)
       # wait for a connection
       while true {
         trans s (srv:accept)
         launch  (echo-server s)

       UDP server socket
       The UdpServer class is similar to the TcpServer object, except that there is no  backlog  parameters.  In
       its simplest form, the UDP server is created on the localhost with an ephemeral port (i.e port 0). With a
       port number, the server is created on the localhost. For a multi-homed host, the address used to run  the
       server  can  be specified as the first argument. The address can be either a string or an Address object.
       In both cases, the port is specified as the second argument.

       trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer)
       trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer 8000)
       trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer "localhost" 8000)
       trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer (
           Address "localhost") 8000)

       Echo server example
       The echo server can be revisited to work with udp datagram. The only difference is the use of the  accept
       method. For a UDP server, the method return a Datagram object which can be used to read and write data.

       # get the network module
       interp:library "afnix-net"
       # create a udp server on port 8000
       const srv (afnix:net:UdpServer 8000)
       # wait for a connection
       while true {
         trans dg   (srv:accept)
         dg:writeln (dg:readln)

       Datagram object
       With  a  UDP  server,  the accept method returns a Datagram object. Because a UDP is connection-less, the
       server has no idea from whom the datagram is coming until that one has been  received.  When  a  datagram
       arrives,  the Datagram object is constructed with the peer address being the source address. Standard i/o
       methods can be used to read or write. When a write method is used, the data are sent back to the peer  in
       a form of another datagram.

       # wait for a datagram
       trans dg (s:accept)
       # assert datagram type
       assert true (datagram-p dg)
       # get contents length
       println "datagram buffer size : " (dg:get-buffer-length)
       # read a line from this datagram
       trans line (dg:readln)
       # send it back to the sender
       s:writeln line

       Input data buffer
       For  a  datagram, and generally speaking, for a UDP socket, all input operations are buffered. This means
       that when a datagram is received, the accept method places all data in an input buffer. This means that a
       read  operation  does  not  necessarily  flush  the  whole  buffer but rather consumes only the requested
       character. For example, if one datagram contains the string hello world. A call to readln will return the
       entire  string.  A  call to read will return only the character 'h'. Subsequent call will return the next
       available characters. A call like read 5 will return a buffer with 5 characters.  Subsequent  calls  will
       return  the  remaining  string.  In  any  case, the get-buffer-length will return the number of available
       characters in the buffer. A call to valid-p will return true if there are some characters in  the  buffer
       or if a new datagram has arrived. Care should be taken with the read method. For example if there is only
       4 characters in the input buffer and a call to read for 10 characters is  made,  the  method  will  block
       until a new datagram is received which can fill the remaining 6 characters. Such situation can be avoided
       by using the get-buffer-length and the valid-p methods. Note also that a timeout can  be  specified  with
       the valid-p method.

       Low level socket methods
       Some  folks  always  prefer to do everything by themselves. Most of the time for good reasons. If this is
       your case, you might have to use the low level socket methods. Instead of using a client or server class,
       the implementation let's you create a TcpSocket or UdpSocket. Once this done, the bind, connect and other
       methods can be used to create the desired connection.

       A socket client
       A simple TCP socket client is created with the TcpSocket class. Then the  connect  method  is  called  to
       establish the connection.

       # create an address and a tcp socket
       const addr (afnix:net:Address "localhost")
       const sid  (afnix:net:TcpSocket)
       # connect the socket
       sid:connect 13 addr

       Once  the  socket  is  connected,  normal read and write operations can be performed. After the socket is
       created, it is possible to set some  options.  A  typical  one  is  NO-DELAY  which  disable  the  Naggle

       # create an address and a tcp socket
       const addr (afnix:net:Address "localhost")
       const sid  (afnix:net:TcpSocket)
       # disable the naggle algorithm
       sid:set-option sid:NO-DELAY true
       # connect the socket
       sid:connect 13 addr


       The  Address  class  is  the  Internet  address  manipulation class. The class can be used to perform the
       conversion between a host name and an IP address. The opposite  is  also  possible.  Finally,  the  class
       supports both IP version 4 and IP version 6 address formats.






              Address (String)
              The  Address  constructor  create an IP address object by name. The name argument is a string of a
              host name or a valid IP address representation.

              Address (String Boolean)
              The Address constructor create an  IP  address  object  by  name  and  force  the  reverse  lookup
              resolution depending on the boolean flag value. The first argument is a string of a host name or a
              valid IP address representation. The second argument is a boolean flag that indicates  whether  or
              not reverse lookup must occur during the construction.


              == -> Boolean (Address)
              The == operator returns true if the calling object is equal to the address argument.

              != -> Boolean (Address)
              The != operator returns true if the calling object is not equal to the address argument.

              < -> Boolean (Address)
              The < operator returns true if the calling address is less than the address object.

              <= -> Boolean (Address)
              The <= operator returns true if the calling address is less equal than the address object.

              > -> Boolean (Address)
              The > operator returns true if the calling address is greater than the address object.

              >= -> Boolean (Address)
              The <= operator returns true if the calling address is greater equal than the address object.

              ++ -> Address (Address)
              The ++ operator increments the calling address by one position.


              resolve -> String Boolean (none)
              The  resolve  method  resolves  an  host  name and eventually performs a reverse lookup. The first
              argument is a string of a host name or a valid IP address representation. The second argument is a
              boolean flag that indicates whether or not reverse lookup must occur during the resolution.

              get-name -> String (none)
              The get-name method returns the original name used during the object construction.

              get-address -> String (none)
              The   get-address   method  returns  a  string  representation  of  the  IP  address.  The  string
              representation follows the IP version 4 or IP  version  6  preferred  formats,  depending  on  the
              internal representation.

              get-vector -> Vector (none)
              The get-vector method returns a vector representation of the IP address. The vector result follows
              the IP version 4 or IP version 6 preferred format, depending on the internal representation.

              get-canonical-name -> String (none)
              The get-canonical-name method returns a fully qualified name of the address. The resulting name is
              obtained  by  performing  a  reverse lookup. Note that the name can be different from the original

              get-alias-size -> Integer (none)
              The get-alias-size method returns the number of aliases for the address.  The  number  of  aliases
              includes as well the primary resolved name which is located at index 0.

              get-alias-name -> String (Integer)
              The  get-alias-name method returns a fully qualified name of the address alias by index. The first
              argument is the alias index number which must be in the alias index range. The resulting  name  is
              obtained  by  performing  a  reverse lookup. Note that the name can be different from the original
              name. Using index 0 is equivalent to call get-canonical-name.

              get-alias-address -> String (Integer)
              The get-alias-address method returns a string representation of the IP address alias by index. The
              first  argument  is  the  alias  index  number  which must be in the alias index range. The string
              representation follows the IP version 4 or IP  version  6  preferred  formats,  depending  on  the
              internal representation. Using index 0 is equivalent to call get-address.

              get-alias-vector -> Vector (Integer)
              The  get-alias-vector method returns a vector representation of the IP address alias by index. The
              first argument is the alias index number which must be in the alias index range. The vector result
              follows  the  IP  version  4  or  IP  version  6  preferred  format,  depending  on  the  internal
              representation. Using index 0 is equivalent to call get-vector.


              get-loopback -> String (none)
              The get-loopback function returns the name of the machine loopback. On a UNIX system, that name is

              get-tcp-service -> String (Integer)
              The  get-tcp-service  function  returns  the  name  of  the tcp service given its port number. For
              example, the tcp service at port 13 is the daytime server.

              get-udp-service -> String (Integer)
              The get-udp-service function returns the name of the  udp  service  given  its  port  number.  For
              example, the udp service at port 19 is the chargen server.

       The Socket class is a base class for the  AFNIX  network services. The class is automatically constructed
       by a derived class and provide some common methods for all socket objects.






              The REUSE-ADDRESS constant is used by the set-option method to enable socket address  reuse.  This
              option  changes  the  rules  that validates the address used by bind. It is not recommended to use
              that option as it decreases TCP reliability.

              The BROADCAST constant is used by the set-option method  to  enable  broadcast  of  packets.  This
              options only works with IP version 4 address. The argument is a boolean flag only.

              The  DONT-ROUTE constant is used by the set-option method to control if a packet is to be sent via
              the routing table. This option is rarely used with . The argument is a boolean flag only.

              The KEEP-ALIVE constant is used by the set-option method to check periodically if  the  connection
              is still alive. This option is rarely used with . The argument is a boolean flag only.

              The  LINGER constant is used by the set-option method to turn on or off the lingering on close. If
              the first argument is true, the second argument is the linger time.

              The RCV-SIZE constant is used by the set-option method to set the receive buffer size.

              The SND-SIZE constant is used by the set-option method to set the send buffer size.

              The HOP-LIMIT constant is used by the set-option method to set packet hop limit.

              The MULTICAST-LOOPBACK constant is used by  the  set-option  method  to  control  whether  or  not
              multicast packets are copied to the loopback. The argument is a boolean flag only.

              The  MULTICAST-HOP-LIMIT  constant  is  used  by  the  set-option  method to set the hop limit for
              multicast packets.

              The MAX-SEGMENT-SIZE constant is used by the set-option method to  set  the  TCP  maximum  segment

              The NO-DELAY constant is used by the set-option method to enable or disable the Naggle algorithm.


              bind -> none (Integer)
              The bind method binds this socket to the port specified as the argument.

              bind -> none (Integer Address)
              The  bind  method  binds  this  socket to the port specified as the first argument and the address
              specified as the second argument.

              connect -> none (Integer Address [Boolean])
              The connect method connects this socket to the port  specified  as  the  first  argument  and  the
              address  specified as the second argument. A connected socket is useful with udp client that talks
              only with one fixed server. The optional third argument is a boolean flag that permits  to  select
              whether  or  not  the  alias  addressing  scheme should be used. If the flag is false, the default
              address is used. If the flag is true, an attempt is  made  to  connect  to  the  first  successful
              address that is part of the alias list.

              open-p -> Boolean (none)
              The  open-p  predicate  returns true if the socket is open. The method checks that a descriptor is
              attached to the object. This does not mean that the descriptor is valid in the sense that one  can
              read or write on it. This method is useful to check if a socket has not been closed.

              shutdown -> Boolean (none|Boolean)
              The  shutdown method shutdowns or close the connection. Without argument, the connection is closed
              without consideration for those symbols attached to the object. With one argument, the  connection
              is  closed in one direction only. If the mode argument is false, further receive is disallowed. If
              the mode argument is true, further send is disallowed. The method returns true on  success,  false

              ipv6-p -> Boolean (none)
              The  ipv6-p  predicate  returns  true  if  the  socket  address  is an IP version 6 address, false

              get-socket-address -> Address (none)
              The get-socket-address method returns an address object of the socket. The returned object can  be
              later used to query the canonical name and the ip address.

              get-socket-port -> Integer (none)
              The get-socket-port method returns the port number of the socket.

              get-socket-authority -> String (none)
              The  get-socket-authority  method  returns the authority string in the form of an address and port
              pair of the socket.

              get-peer-address -> Address (none)
              The get-peer-address method returns an address object of the socket's peer.  The  returned  object
              can be later used to query the canonical name and the ip address.

              get-peer-port -> Integer (none)
              The get-peer-port method returns the port number of the socket's peer.

              get-peer-authority -> String (none)
              The get-peer-authority method returns the authority string in the form of an address and port pair
              of the socket's peer.

              set-option -> Boolean (constant [Boolean|Integer] [Integer])
              The set-option method set a socket option. The first argument is the option  to  set.  The  second
              argument  is  a  boolean  value which turn on or off the option. The optional third argument is an
              integer needed for some options.

              set-encoding-mode -> none (Item|String)
              The set-encoding-mode method sets the input and output encoding mode. In the first form,  with  an
              item,  the stream encoding mode is set directly. In the second form, the encoding mode is set with
              a string and might also alter the stream transcoing mode.

              set-input-encoding-mode -> none (Item|String)
              The set-input-encoding-mode method sets the input encoding mode. In the first form, with an  item,
              the  stream  encoding  mode  is  set directly. In the second form, the encoding mode is set with a
              string and might also alter the stream transcoing mode.

              get-input-encoding-mode -> Item (none)
              The get-input-encoding-mode method return the input encoding mode.

              set-output-encoding-mode -> none (Item|String)
              The set-output-encoding-mode method sets the output encoding mode. In  the  first  form,  with  an
              item,  the stream encoding mode is set directly. In the second form, the encoding mode is set with
              a string and might also alter the stream transcoing mode.

              get-output-encoding-mode -> Item (none)
              The get-output-encoding-mode method return the output encoding mode.

       The TcpSocket class is a base class for all tcp socket objects. The class  is  derived  from  the  Socket
       class  and  provides  some  specific  tcp  methods. If a TcpSocket is created, the user is responsible to
       connect it to the proper address and port.






              TcpSocket (none)
              The TcpSocket constructor creates a new tcp socket.


              accept -> TcpSocket (none)
              The accept method waits for incoming connection and returns a TcpSocket  object  initialized  with
              the  connected  peer. The result socket can be used to perform i/o operations. This method is used
              by tcp server.

              listen -> Boolean (none|Integer)
              The listen method initialize a socket to accept incoming connection. Without argument, the default
              number  of  incoming  connection  is  5. The integer argument can be used to specify the number of
              incoming connection that socket is willing to queue. This method is used by tcp server.

       The TcpClient class creates a tcp client by host and port. The host argument can be either a name  or  an
       address  object. The port argument is the server port to contact. The TcpClient class is derived from the
       TcpSocket class. This class has no specific methods.






              TcpClient (String Integer)
              The TcpClient constructor creates a new tcp client socket by host name and port number.

       The TcpServer class creates a tcp server by port. An optional host argument can be either a  name  or  an
       address  object.  The  port  argument is the server port to bind. The TcpServer class is derived from the
       TcpSocket class. This class has no specific methods. With one argument, the server bind the port argument
       on the local host. The backlog can be specified as the last argument. The host name can also be specified
       as the first argument, the port as second argument and eventually the backlog. Note that the host can  be
       either a string or an address object.






              TcpServer (none)
              The TcpServer constructor creates a default tcp server.

              TcpServer (Integer)
              The  TcpServer  constructor  creates  a  default  tcp  server which is bound on the specified port

              TcpServer (Integer Integer)
              The TcpServer constructor creates a default tcp server  which  is  bound  on  the  specified  port
              argument. The second argument is the backlog value.

              TcpServer (String Integer)
              The TcpServer constructor creates a tcp server by host name and port number. The first argument is
              the host name. The second argument is the port number.

              TcpServer (String Integer Integer)
              The TcpServer constructor creates a tcp server by host name and port number. The first argument is
              the host name. The second argument is the port number. The third argument is the backlog.

       The Datagram class is a socket class used by udp socket. A datagram is constructed by the UdpSocketaccept
       method. The purpose of a datagram is to store the peer information so one can reply to  the  sender.  The
       datagram  also stores in a buffer the data sent by the peer. This class does not have any constructor nor
       any specific method.





       The UdpSocket class is a base class for all udp socket objects. The class  is  derived  from  the  Socket
       class and provides some specific udp methods.






              UdpSocket (none)
              The UdpSocket constructor creates a new udp socket.


              accept -> Datagram (none)
              The  accept  method  waits for an incoming datagram and returns a Datagram object. The datagram is
              initialized with the peer address and port as well as the incoming data.

       The UdpClient class creates a udp client by host and port. The host argument can be either a name  or  an
       address  object. The port argument is the server port to contact. The UdpClient class is derived from the
       UdpSocket class. This class has no specific methods.






              UdpClient (String Integer)
              The UdpClient constructor creates a new udp client by host and port. The  first  argument  is  the
              host name. The second argument is the port number.

       The  UdpServer  class  creates a udp server by port. An optional host argument can be either a name or an
       address object. The port argument is the server port to bind. The UdpServer class  is  derived  from  the
       UdpSocket class. This class has no specific methods. With one argument, the server bind the port argument
       on the local host. The host name can also be  specified  as  the  first  argument,  the  port  as  second
       argument. Note that the host can be either a string or an address object.






              UdpServer (none)
              The UdpServer constructor creates a default udp server object.

              UdpServer (String|Address)
              The UdpServer constructor creates a udp server object by host. The first argument is the host name
              or host address.

              UdpServer (String|Address Integer)
              The UdpServer constructor creates a udp server object by host and port. The first argument is  the
              host name or host address. The second argument is the port number.

       The  Multicast  class  creates  a udp multicast socket by port. An optional host argument can be either a
       name or an address object. The port argument is the server port to bind. The Multicast class  is  derived
       from the UdpSocket class. This class has no specific methods. With one argument, the server bind the port
       argument on the local host. The host name can also be specified as the first argument, the port as second
       argument.  Note  that  the host can be either a string or an address object. This class is similar to the
       UdpServer class, except that the socket join  the  multicast  group  at  construction  and  leave  it  at






              Multicast (String|Address)
              The  Multicast  constructor  creates  a multicast socket object by host. The first argument is the
              host name or host address.

              Multicast (String|Address Integer)
              The Multicast constructor creates a multicast socket object by host and port. The  first  argument
              is the host name or host address. The second argument is the port number.