oracular (3) bindCDKObject.3.gz

Provided by: libcdk5-dev_5.0.20240619-1_amd64 bug


       cdk_binding - Cdk character binding capabilities


       cc [ flag ... ] file ...  -lcdk [ library ... ]

       #include <cdk.h>

       void bindCDKObject (
                      EObjectType cdkType,
                      void *object,
                      chtype key,
                      BINDFN function,
                      void *data);

       int checkCDKObjectBind (
                      EObjectType cdkType,
                      void *object,
                      chtype key);

       void cleanCDKObjectBindings (
                      EObjectType cdkType,
                      void *object);

       bool isCDKObjectBind (
                      EObjectType cdkType,
                      void *object,
                      chtype key);

       void unbindCDKObject (
                      EObjectType cdkType,
                      void *object,
                      chtype key);

       int getcCDKObject (
                      CDKOBJS *object);

       int getchCDKObject (
                      CDKOBJS *object,
                      boolean *functionKey);


       Cdk  has  the  ability to create user definable key bindings.  This ability makes Cdk more
       dynamic and usable for a wide variety  of  tasks.   The  following  section  outlines  the
       binding functions, their use, and their purpose.

            creates  a  key  binding between a specific Cdk widget (object) given key (key).  The
            parameter cdkType is of type EObjectType which is one of the following values.

                 EObjectType_Value   Corresponding_Widget         Widget_Manual_Page
                 vALPHALIST          Alphalist Widget             cdk_alphalist (3)
                 vBUTTON             Button Widget                cdk_button (3)
                 vBUTTONBOX          Buttonbox Widget             cdk_buttonbox (3)
                 vCALENDAR           Calendar Widget              cdk_calendar (3)
                 vDIALOG             Dialog Widget                cdk_dialog (3)
                 vDSCALE             DoubleFloat Widget           cdk_dscale (3)
                 vENTRY              Entry Widget                 cdk_entry (3)
                 vFSCALE             Floating Scale Widget        cdk_fscale (3)
                 vFSELECT            File Selector Widget         cdk_fselect (3)

                 vFSLIDER            Floating Slider Widget       cdk_fslider (3)
                 vGRAPH              Graph Widget                 cdk_graph (3)
                 vHISTOGRAM          Histogram Widget             cdk_histogram (3)
                 vITEMLIST           Item List Widget             cdk_itemlist (3)
                 vLABEL              Label Widget                 cdk_label (3)
                 vMARQUEE            Marquee Widget               cdk_marquee (3)
                 vMATRIX             Matrix Widget                cdk_matrix (3)
                 vMENTRY             Multiple Line Entry Widget   cdk_mentry (3)
                 vMENU               Menu Widget                  cdk_menu (3)
                 vRADIO              Radio List Widget            cdk_radio (3)
                 vSCALE              Integer Scale Widget         cdk_scale (3)
                 vSCROLL             Scrolling List Widget        cdk_scroll (3)
                 vSELECTION          Selection List Widget        cdk_selection (3)
                 vSLIDER             Slider Widget                cdk_slider (3)
                 vSWINDOW            Scrolling Window Widget      cdk_swindow (3)
                 vTEMPLATE           Template Entry Widget        cdk_template (3)
                 vUSCALE             Unsigned Scale Widget        cdk_uscale (3)
                 vUSLIDER            Unsigned Slider Widget       cdk_uslider (3)
                 vVIEWER             Viewer Widget                cdk_viewer (3)
          The parameter function is the callback function.  The parameter  data  points  to  data
          passed to the callback function.  The parameter key is the key hit which triggered this

            check to see if a binding for the given  key  exists.   If  it  does,  Cdk  runs  the
            associated  command  and  returns  its  value,  normally TRUE.  If no binding exists,
            return FALSE.

            The widgets which accept input, e.g., via "inject" methods, use this to check if  the
            injected  character  is  bound  to  a function.  If that returns TRUE, the widget may
            update its exitType value: if earlyExit value is set (not equal to vNEVER_ACTIVATED),
            the widget sets exitType to that value.

            removes all user defined key bindings from the given widget.

            check  to  see if a binding for the given key exists.  If it does return TRUE.  If no
            binding exists, return FALSE.

            removes a specific binding  to  an  object.   The  parameter  are  the  same  as  for

            reads a keycode from the given widget.  This is deprecated: use getchCDKObject.

            reads  a keycode from the given widget, and sets a flag via the functionKey parameter
            to indicate if the result is a function key.  The functionKey parameter may be  null;
            the keycode is returned whether or not the flag can be set.

            If  the  keycode  has been bound to the special function getcCDKBind, then it will be
            translated to the value which was given for  the  binding  data.   Otherwise,  a  few
            special cases are performed:

                           │Key                         Result                    │
                           │CTRL-A                      KEY_HOME                  │
                           │CTRL-B                      KEY_LEFT                  │
                           │CTRL-E                      KEY_END                   │
                           │CTRL-F                      KEY_RIGHT                 │
                           │CTRL-N                      tab                       │
                           │CTRL-P                      KEY_BTAB                  │
                           │DEL                         KEY_DC                    │
                           │backspace                   KEY_BACKSPACE             │
                           │carriage return             KEY_ENTER                 │
                           │newline                     KEY_ENTER                 │
       All of the widgets use getchCDKObject internally for consistency.


       To  help  demonstrate  how  to use the key bindings I will demonstrate a simple dialog box
       widget with help for each button.  The following code segment creates a dialog box  and  a
       callback function named dialogHelpCB.


       #include <cdk.h>

       #ifdef HAVE_XCURSES
       char *XCursesProgramName="bind_ex";

       static int dialogHelpCB (EObjectType cdktype GCC_UNUSED, void *object, void *clientData GCC_UNUSED, chtype key GCC_UNUSED)
          CDKDIALOG *dialog = (CDKDIALOG *)object;
          char *mesg[5];

          /* Check which button we are on. */
          if (dialog->currentButton == 0)
             mesg[0] = "<C></U>Help for </U>Who<!U>.";
             mesg[1] = "<C>When this button is picked the name of the current";
             mesg[2] = "<C>user is displayed on the screen in a popup window.";
             popupLabel (ScreenOf(dialog), mesg, 3);
          else if (dialog->currentButton == 1)
             mesg[0] = "<C></U>Help for </U>Time<!U>.";
             mesg[1] = "<C>When this button is picked the current time is";
             mesg[2] = "<C>displayed on the screen in a popup window.";
             popupLabel (ScreenOf(dialog), mesg, 3);
          else if (dialog->currentButton == 2)
             mesg[0] = "<C></U>Help for </U>Date<!U>.";
             mesg[1] = "<C>When this button is picked the current date is";
             mesg[2] = "<C>displayed on the screen in a popup window.";
             popupLabel (ScreenOf(dialog), mesg, 3);
          else if (dialog->currentButton == 3)
             mesg[0] = "<C></U>Help for </U>Quit<!U>.";
             mesg[1] = "<C>When this button is picked the dialog box is exited.";
             popupLabel (ScreenOf(dialog), mesg, 2);
          return (FALSE);

       int main (void)
          /* Declare variables. */
          CDKSCREEN     *cdkscreen;
          CDKDIALOG     *question;
          char          *buttons[40];
          char          *message[40], *info[5], *loginName;
          char          temp[256];
          int           selection;
          time_t        clck;
          struct tm     *currentTime;

          cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

          /* Start color. */

          /* Set up the dialog box. */
          message[0] = "<C></U>Simple Command Interface";
          message[1] = "Pick the command you wish to run.";
          message[2] = "<C>Press </R>?<!R> for help.";
          buttons[0] = "Who";
          buttons[1] = "Time";
          buttons[2] = "Date";
          buttons[3] = "Quit";

          /* Create the dialog box. */
          question      = newCDKDialog (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER,
                                        message, 3, buttons, 4, A_REVERSE,
                                        TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);

          /* Check if we got a null value back. */
          if (question == (CDKDIALOG *)0)
             destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

             /* End curses... */

             /* Spit out a message. */
             printf ("Oops. Can't seem to create the dialog box. Is the window too small?\n");
             exit (1);

          /* Create the key binding. */
          bindCDKObject (vDIALOG, question, '?', dialogHelpCB, 0);

          /* Activate the dialog box. */
          selection = 0;
          while (selection != 3)
             /* Get the users button selection. */
             selection = activateCDKDialog (question, (chtype *)0);

             /* Check the results. */
             if (selection == 0)
                 /* Get the users login name. */
                 info[0] = "<C>     </U>Login Name<!U>     ";
                 loginName = getlogin();
                 if (loginName == (char *)0)
                    strcpy (temp, "<C></R>Unknown");
                     sprintf (temp, "<C><%s>", loginName);
                 info[1] = copyChar (temp);
                 popupLabel (ScreenOf(question), info, 2);
                 freeChar (info[1]);
             else if (selection == 1)
                 /* Print out the time. */
                 currentTime = localtime(&clck);
                 sprintf (temp, "<C>%d:%d:%d", currentTime->tm_hour,
                 info[0] = "<C>   </U>Current Time<!U>   ";
                 info[1] = copyChar (temp);
                 popupLabel (ScreenOf(question), info, 2);
                 freeChar (info[1]);
             else if (selection == 2)
                 /* Print out the date. */
                 currentTime = localtime(&clck);
                 sprintf (temp, "<C>%d/%d/%02d", currentTime->tm_mday,
                                                currentTime->tm_year % 100);
                 info[0] = "<C>   </U>Current Date<!U>   ";
                 info[1] = copyChar (temp);
                 popupLabel (ScreenOf(question), info, 2);
                 freeChar (info[1]);

          /* Clean up. */
          destroyCDKDialog (question);
          destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
          exit (0);


       cdk(3), cdk_display(3), cdk_screen(3)

                                            2024-03-28                             cdk_binding(3)