oracular (3) csvtable.3bobcat.gz

Provided by: libbobcat-dev_6.06.01-1_amd64 bug


       FBB::CSVTable - Sequentially fills tables row-wise


       #include <bobcat/csvtable>
       Linking option: -lbobcat


       FBB::CSVTable  is  used to fill tables row-wise. By default the table’s elements are comma-separated. The
       elements may contain any type of data that can also be inserted into std::ostreams, as may  also  contain
       horizontal lines (optionally spanning multiple columns).

       Before  inserting  elements  into  the  table  the  widths, alignment types and precisions of the table’s
       columns are defined. By default values are right-aligned.  While inserting table elements  the  alignment
       types  and  precisions  may  be altered for specific elements, optionally spanning multiple columns. When
       inserting values whose representations require more characters than the current  widths  of  the  columns
       receiving those values then those larger widths take precedence over the defined column widths.

       Different  from  tables defined by FBB::Table(3bobcat) all data inserted into CSVTables do not have to be
       completely available before the table is inserted into a destination std::ostream. As the table’s  column
       formats are known before entering the data the CSVTable knows which format to use for which column. These
       column format specifications may be defined in multiple ways, e.g., by  using  text  labels  and  values.
       CSVTable  objects  always  use  the  widest column specifications and alignment types that were specified

       When inserting elements into CSVTables the standard C++ IO manipulators can also be used. Table  rows  do
       not  automatically  end after the table’s last column has been filled. But when inserting elements beyond
       the last column they are inserted as-is (but then the standard I/O format  specifications  can  still  be

       Table  column  definitions  and  table  rows  end  at  the  end of insertion statements (see below at the
       descriptions of the various operator<< functions). E.g.,

           CSVTable tab;
           tab << 1 << 2;              // two elements in this row
           tab << "one" << "two" << 3; // three elements in this row

       CSVTable uses two support classes handling, respectively, the definitions of the characteristics  of  the
       table’s  columns  and  inserting  values  into the table’s elements. CSVTabDef handles the table’s column
       definitions, CSVTabIns handles insertions into the table elements. They offer various insertion operators
       which are described below.

       Constructing tables normally consists of two steps: first the characteristics of the columns are defined,
       then values are inserted into the table’s elements. This sequence is  not  enforced  by  CSVTable:  after
       inserting  values  into  the table column definitions may be updated, whereafter additional values may be
       inserted into the table which then use the updated column definitions.


       All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page,  are  defined  in  the
       namespace FBB.




       FBB::FMT  objects  are  returned  by  several  free functions (like left, described below in section FREE
       FUNCTIONS), and FMT defines the enumeration Align (see the next section) specifying alignment types.  FMT
       objects  are  internally  used  by CSVTable objects. A FMT object specifies the width, the precision when
       floating point numbers are inserted, the column’s alignment type  (left,  right  or  centered),  and  the
       number of table columns to use.

       FMT  objects  can  be  inserted  into  std::ostream objects showing its characteristics. FMT provides the
       following (const) accessors:

       o      FMT::Align align():
              the alignment value;

       o      unsigned nCols():
              the number of occupied columns;

       o      unsigned precision():
              the precision used when inserting a floating point value  (~0U  (=  -1  as  int)  is  returned  if
              precision is not used). The insertion operator shows precision: -1 when precision is ~0U;

       o      unsigned width():
              the field width in number of characters;

       The  static  member  char  const *FMT::align(FMT::Align value) returns the textual label corresponding to


       The enum FMT::Align defines values indicating the alignment types of the table’s columns:

       o      FMT::Align::CENTER:
              The inserted information in the column is centered;

       o      FMT::Align::LEFT:
              The inserted information is left-aligned;

       o      FMT::Align::RIGHT:
              The inserted information is right-aligned (used by default);

       In addition, when inserting horizontal lines, the value FMT::Align::HLINE is used.


       o      CSVTable(std::ostream &out = std::cout, std::string const &sep = ", "):
              This constructor by default writes its table to std::cout and uses a comma  followed  by  a  space
              character  as column separator. During the table’s construction the stream receiving the table can
              be altered using stream members, and the separator can be changed using the sep  member,  but  the
              separator  can  also  be changed while filling the table’s elements (see below). When the CSVTable
              object goes out of scope the stream’s original configuration is restored;

       o      CSVTable(std::ofstream &&tmp, std::string const &sep = ", "):
              This constructor by default uses the same separator to separate the column’s elements as the first
              constructor, but writes the table to ofstream tmp, which is grabbed by CSVTable;

       o      CSVTable(std::string  const  &fname,  std::string  const  &sep  = ", "), std::ios::openmode mode =
              This constructor by default uses the same separator to separate the column’s elements as the first
              constructor,  but writes the table to the file having (path)name fname, by default (re)writing the
              file. If the file already exists and CSVTable should start writing at the file’s  end  use,  e.g.,
              ios::ate | ios::in. An exception is thrown if the specified file cannot be opened.

       The  move  constructor  and  move  assignment operator are available; the copy constructor and assignment
       operator are not available.


       In the provided examples tab refers to an existing CSVTable object. Each insertion statement  (note:  not
       insertion  expression)  either defines or updates the table columns’ definitions or fills the next row of
       the table with data.

       Defining column characteristics

       The return types and left-hand side operands of  the  following  insertion  operators  are  specified  as
       CSVTabDef.  The member fmt() (cf. section MEMBER FUNCTIONS) returns a CSVTabDef object which is then used
       in combination with the following insertion operators  to  define  the  characteristics  of  the  table’s

       o      CSVTabDef &operator<<(CSVTabDef &tab, FMT const &fmt):
              This insertion operator defines the characteristics of the next table column. FMT objects inserted
              into CSVTabDef objects must have been  returned  by  center,  left  or  right  (see  section  FREE
              FUNCTIONS,  below),  or  an exception will be thrown. When redefining column specifications (e.g.,
              when inserting FMT objects for previously defined columns) then the width of the wider  column  is
              used. Example:

                              // left align using 10 char. positions:
                  tab.fmt() << FBB::left(10);
                              // 1st col now right aligned, but its
                              // width remains 10
                  tab.fmr() << FBB::right(4);

       o      CSVTabDef &operator<<(CSVTabDef &tab, Type const &value):
              This  operator  is  defined  for the template type Type parameter value, where Type values must be
              insertable in std::ostreams. The (trimmed) width of value when inserted into  an  ostream  defines
              the width of the next column, which is right-aligned. As width the previous insertion operator: if
              a previous definition specified a larger width, then that width is kept. Example:

                              // 2 columns, having widths 2 and 5:
                  tab.fmt() << 12 << "hello";

       Inserting table elements

       In addition to the insertion operator actually inserting a value into the next table’s column(s)  several
       format  modifying  insertion operators are available. When a series of specifications are inserted before
       the actual value is inserted then the specification inserted just before inserting the table’s  value  is
       used,  overruling that column’s default specification. Format specifications other than those provided by
       the standard I/O manipulators are ignored when used beyond the table’s last column.

       The return types and left-hand side operands of the following insertion operators use CSVTabIns  objects.
       CSVTable’s  conversion  operator operator CSVTabIns() described below returns a CSVTabIns object which is
       used by the following insertion operators to insert values into the table.

       o      CSVTabIns &operator<<(CSVTabIns &tab, FMT::hline):
              This operator inserts a horizontal line in the table’s next column element.  It  is  ignored  when
              used beyond the table’s last column;

       o      CSVTabIns &operator<<(CSVTabIns &tab, (*FMT::hline)(unsigned nColumns)):
              This  operator  inserts  a horizontal line spanning the next nColumns columns of the table. If the
              argument nColumns is omitted then a horizontal line  is  inserted  spanning  all  of  the  table’s
              remaining  columns.  When  covering  multiple  columns  no separators are used between the columns
              containing horizontal lines but one continuous horizontal line is  used  instead.  The  horizontal
              line is never written beyond the table’s last column.

       o      CSVTabIns &operator<<(CSVTabIns &tab, Type const &value):
              This  operator  is  defined  for the template type Type parameter value, where Type values must be
              insertable in std::ostreams. The value is inserted into the next table column,  using  the  format
              specification  that’s  active  for  that  column.  However, the specifications may be altered just
              before inserting the value. Values inserted beyond the table’s  last  column  are  inserted  as-is
              (although standard I/O manipulators can still be used);

       o      CSVTabIns &operator<<(CSVTabIns &tab, FMT const &fmt):
              FMT  objects  are  returned  by several free functions defined in the FBB namespace (i.e., center,
              left, or right, described below in section FREE FUNCTIONS). Example:

                          // left align using precision 2. E.g.,
                          // e.g., ’12.13     ’
                  tab << left(2) << 12.1278;

       o      CSVTabIns &operator<<(CSVTabIns &tab, FMT::Align align):
              The alignment argument can be FMT::CENTER, FMT::LEFT or FMT::RIGHT. Example:

                          // centers ’12’ in its column,
                          // e.g., ’    12    ’
                  tab << FMT::CENTER << 12;

       o      void operator<<(CSVTabIns &tab, std::ios_base &(*func)(std::ios_base &)):
              This insertion operator accepts manipulators like std::left and std::right. When  inserting  these
              manipulators  the  next  value to insert into the table is manipulated accordingly, overruling the
              next column’s default specification.  Example:

                          // ’hi’ is left-aligned, using the
                          // using the default width and precision
                  tab << std::left << "hi";

       o      CSVTabIns &operator<<(CSVTabIns &tab, Sep const &sep):
              The separator used when starting to insert values into the table’s next  row  is  changed  to  the
              separator  specified  by  sep.  It remains active for the table’s current row, also when inserting
              values beyond the table’s last column. Example:

                          // writes, e.g., ’one, hi  there’
                  tab << "one" << FMT::Sep{" "} << "hi" << "there";

       o      operator CSVTabIns():
              The conversion operator returns a CSVTabIns object which is used in  combination  with  the  above
              insertion  operators to insert values into the next row of the table. Normally insertions start at
              column 1, but when called after calling tab.more (see below) then insertions  continue  after  the
              last  element  that was inserted into tab.more. Each time this conversion operator is used another
              row is added to  the  table.  Insertions  beyond  the  table’s  last  column  are  processed,  but
              CSVTabIns’s  insertion  operators  are  ignored, inserting values as-is. However, in that case the
              standard std::ostream manipulators can also be used;

       o      void operator()(std::string const &text):
              Calls text, 0 to insert the trimmed comma-separated elements of text into the table’s next row;

       o      FMT const &operator[](unsigned idx) const:
              Returns the default FMT specification of column idx (see also the description of the member size()


       In the provided examples tab refers to an existing CSVTable object.

       o      std::vector<FMT> const &columns() const:
              Returns  a  reference  to  the vector containing the format specifications of the table managed by

       o      CSVTabDef &fmt(unsigned idx = 0):
              The elements inserted into the CSVTabDef object returned by fmt() define the specifications of the
              table’s  columns.   Specifications  start  at  column  offset  idx,  using 0 if not specified (its
              argument may not exceed the number of already defined columns or an  exception  is  thrown).  When
              called  repeatedly  for  already specified columns then the widths of existing columns are kept if
              they exceed the widths of the corresponding inserted FMT elements. Repeated fmt calls may  specify
              more columns than previous calls, in which case new columns are added to the table;

       o      void fmt(std::string const &colSpecs, unsigned idx = 0):
              The  comma-separated  space-trimmed  words  of  colSpecs  define the widths of right-aligned table
              columns, starting at column index idx, using 0 if not specified (its argument may not  exceed  the
              number  of  already defined columns or an exception is thrown). When called repeatedly for already
              specified columns then the widths of existing columns are kept if they exceed the lengths  of  the
              corresponding trimmed words. Repeated calls may specify more columns than previous calls, in which
              case additional columns are added to the table. Example:

                          // Define three right-aligned columns,
                          // having widths of 3, 3 and 5.
                  tab.fmt("one, two, three");
                          // add columns 4 thru 6
                  tab.fmt("one, two, three", 3);

       o      unsigned idx() const:
              The index of the column that will be used at the next insertion is returned. When  inserting  more
              values  than  the  number  of  defined  table  columns then the return value of the member size is

       o      CSVTabIns more(unsigned idx = ~0U):
              When the default idx argument is used then values that are inserted into  the  returned  CSVTabIns
              object are inserted beyond the last-used column of the table’s current row (which may be the row’s
              first element).

              When using another argument then insertions start in column  idx.  If  dx  exceeds  the  last-used
              column index then intermediate columns remain empty.

              If idx is less than the column index that is used at the next insertion an exception is thrown.

              Insertions  beyond the table’s last column are processed, but then CSVTabIns’s insertion operators
              are ignored, inserting values as-is. However, in that case the standard std::ostream  manipulators
              can also be used;

              Following  more  the  current row doesn’t end, but values inserted next are inserted into the same
              row. Example:

                          // a row containing one element:
                  tab << 1;
                          // the next row contains 2 elements:
                  tab.more() << 1 << 2;
                          // now containing 4 elements
                          // (element at idx 2 remains empty):
                  tab.more(3) << 4;
                          // completes the row, now having
                          // 5 elements:
                  tab << 5;

              Following more calls the current row ends at the next tab.row call. If following  more  calls  the
              current row should merely end then simply use tab.row();

       o      void more(std::string const &text, unsigned idx = ~0U):
              This member’s idx parameter is handled as described at the previous member.

              The trimmed comma-separated elements of text are inserted into the current row, without ending the
              current row;

       o      CSVTabIns row(unsigned idx = ~0U):
              This member’s idx parameter and insertions into the  returned  CSVTabIns  object  are  handled  as
              described at the first more member, but the current row ends at the end of the statement. Example:

                          // a row containing one element:
                  tab << 1;
                          // the next row contains 2 elements:
                  tab.more() << 1 << 2;
                          // the now contains 4 elements
                          // (element at idx 2 remains empty):
                  tab.row(3) << 4;

       o      void row(std::string const &text, unsigned idx = ~0U):
              This member’s idx parameter is handled as described at the first more member.

              The trimmed comma-separated elements of text are inserted into the current row, whereafter the row

       o      void  stream(std::ostream &out):
              After calling tab.stream(out) the table’s construction continues at the next row using the  stream

       o      void stream(std::ofstream &&tmp):
              After  calling  this  member the table’s construction continues at the next row using the ofstream
              tmp, whih is grabbed by CSVTable;

       o      void stream(std::string const &fname, std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::out):
              After calling this member the table’s construction continues at the next row using the  (path)name
              fname,  by  default  (re)writing  the  file.  If the file already exists and CSVTable should start
              writing at the file’s end use, e.g., ios::ate | ios::in. An exception is thrown if  the  specified
              file cannot be opened;

       o      std::ostream &stream():
              A reference to the currently used stream is returned;

       o      std::string const &sep() const:
              Returns the currently used default column separator;

       o      void sep(std::string const &separator):
              Changes the currently used default column separator to separator;

       o      unsigned size() const:
              The number of defined columns is returned.


       In the following examples tab.fmt() refers to a CSVTabDef object.

       Defining Column Characteristics

       The  following  functions are used to specify the alignment, width and optional precision of columns. The
       first argument of these functions specifies the column’s width,  the  second  argument  is  optional  and
       specifies  the column’s precision (used when inserting floating point values). The precision is only used
       if its value is less than the column’s width.

       o      FMT center(unsigned width, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              When inserting this function’s return value into tab.fmt() the values inserted into its column are
              centered in fields of width characters wide. Example:

                          // values are centered in fields of 10
                          // characters wide, floating point values
                          // use 3 digit behind the decimal point:
                  tab.fmt() << center(10, 3);

       o      FMT center(std::string const &str, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              A convenience function calling str.length(), precision ;

       o      FMT left(unsigned width, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              When inserting this function’s return value into tab.fmt() the values inserted into its column are
              left-aligned in fields of width characters wide. Example:

                          // values are left-aligned in fields
                          // of 5 characters wide.
                  tab.fmt() << left(5);

       o      FMT left(std::string const &str, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              A convenience function calling left(str.length(), precision);

       o      FMT right(unsigned width, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              When inserting this function’s return value into tab.fmt() the values inserted into its column are
              right-aligned in fields of width characters wide. Example:

                          // values are right-aligned in fields
                          // of 5 characters wide.
                  tab.fmt() << right(5);

              Right-alignment  is  also  used  when  using  CSVTab’s  fmt(std::string)  member  or when directly
              inserting values into CSVTabDef objects;

       o      FMT right(std::string const &str, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              A convenience function calling right(str.length(), precision).

       Inserting Table Elements

       In the following examples tab refers to  a  CSVTable  object  returning  a  CSVTabIns  object  using  its
       conversion operator.

       Except  for  the  function hline the following functions are used to alter the column’s default alignment
       and precision. The precision is only used if its value is less than the column’s width. By specifying ~0U
       the  precision  is  ignored.  If  only  the  default  alignment  should  be  overruled then inserting the
       corresponding FMT::Align value suffices.

       Altering the default alignment of individual columns:

       o      FMT precision :
              After inserting this function’s return value into tab the value inserted next is  centered,  using
              precision when inserting floating point values.

                          // centers 9.87 in column 1
                  tab << center(2) << 9.876";

       o      FMT left(precision):
              After  inserting  this  function’s  return value into tab the value inserted next is left-aligned,
              using precision when inserting floating point values.

                          // left-aligns 9.87 in column 1
                  tab << left(2) << 9.876";

       o      FMT right(precision):
              When inserting this function’s return value into tab the value  inserted  next  is  right-aligned,
              using precision when inserting floating point values.

                          // right-aligns 9.87 in column 1
                  tab << right(2) << 9.876";

              By default CSVTable uses right-alignment.

       Joining columns:

       Alignments  specifications  may  span multiple columns. This is realized through the join functions. When
       inserting a value after inserting the return value of a join member then that value is inserted occupying
       all  the  columns  and  using the alignment type specified when calling join.  If necessary the number of
       columns is reduced to avoid exceeding the table’s last column.

       o      FMT join(unsigned nCols, FMT::Align align, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              A value that’s inserted into the table after inserting join’s return value occupies nCols columns,
              using  alignment  type align, and optionally using precision when inserting floating point values.
              The alignment specification must be FMT::CENTER, FMT::LEFT or FMT::RIGHT. Example:

                          // writes (assuming columns 2 and 3 occupy
                          // 10 characters):
                          //      left,    mid    , right
                  tab << "left" << join(2, FMT::CENTER) << "mid" << "right"";

       o      FMT join(FMT::Align align, unsigned precision = ~0U):
              Same effect as the previous join function, but this function occupies all remaining columns of the
              table’s  current  row (this can also be accomplished by calling the first join function specifying
              ~0U as its first argument).

       Inserting horizontal lines:

       If a single table element should contain a horizontal line then simply inserting Align::HLINE works fine.
       The hline functions are used to insert horizontal lines spanning one or more table columns.

       o      FMT hline(unsigned nCols = ~0U):
              When  inserting  this  function’s  return value into a CSVTabIns object a horizontal line spanning
              nCols columns is inserted into the table. If necessary nCols is reduced  so  that  the  horizontal
              line  does  not exceed the table’s last column. When spanning multiple columns no column separated
              are used between the spanned columns: a single uninterrupted horizontal line is inserted. Example:

                          // columns 1 and 2: a horizontal line, column 3:
                          // contains ’hi’ (preceded by the column separator)
                  tab << hline(2) << "hi";


       #include <bobcat/csvtable>

       using namespace FBB;

       int main()
           CSVTable tab;

           tab.fmt() << "case" << right("length", 2) << right("weight", 1) <<
                                  right("length", 2) << right("weight", 1);
           tab.sep("  ");

           tab << hline();
           tab << "" << join(4, FMT::CENTER) << "Gender";
           tab << "" << hline();

           tab << "" << join(2, FMT::CENTER) << "Female" <<
                        join(2, FMT::CENTER) << "Male";
           tab << "" << hline(2) << hline(2);

           tab << "Case" << "Length" << "Weight" << "Length" << "Weight";
           tab << hline();

           tab << 1 << 1.744 << 55.345 << 1.7244 << 64.801;
           tab << 2 << 1.58  << 57.545 << 1.8174 << 81.451;
           tab << 3 << 1.674 << 62.125 << 1.8244 << 80.201;

           tab << hline();

       This program writes the following table to std::cout:

                 Female           Male
             --------------  --------------
       Case  Length  Weight  Length  Weight
          1    1.74    55.3    1.72    64.8
          2    1.58    57.5    1.82    81.5
          3    1.67    62.1    1.82    80.2


       bobcat/csvtable - defines the class interface


       bobcat(7), table(3bobcat)


       None Reported.


       o      https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/bobcat/: gitlab project page;

       o      bobcat_6.06.01-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_6.06.01-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_6.06.01-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_6.06.01-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_6.06.01-x_*.deb: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.

       This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


       Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl).