Provided by: libselinux1-dev_3.5-2ubuntu5_amd64 bug


       getexeccon,  setexeccon - get or set the SELinux security context used for executing a new

       rpm_execcon - run a helper for rpm in an appropriate security context


       #include <selinux/selinux.h>

       int getexeccon(char **context);

       int getexeccon_raw(char **context);

       int setexeccon(char *context);

       int setexeccon_raw(char *context);

       int setexecfilecon(const char *filename, const char *fallback_type);

       int rpm_execcon(unsigned int verified, const char *filename, char  *const  argv[]  ,  char
       *const envp[]);


       getexeccon()  retrieves  the  context  used  for  executing  a new process.  This returned
       context should be freed with freecon(3) if non-NULL.  getexeccon() sets *context  to  NULL
       if  no  exec context has been explicitly set by the program (i.e. using the default policy

       setexeccon() sets the context used for the next execve(2) call.  NULL  can  be  passed  to
       setexeccon()  to  reset to the default policy behavior.  The exec context is automatically
       reset after the next execve(2), so a program doesn't need to explicitly sanitize  it  upon

       setexeccon()  can  be  applied  prior  to  library  functions  that  internally perform an
       execve(2), e.g.  execl*(3), execv*(3), popen(3), in order to set an exec context for  that

       getexeccon_raw() and setexeccon_raw() behave identically to their non-raw counterparts but
       do not perform context translation.

       Note: Signal handlers that perform an execve(2) must take care to save, reset, and restore
       the exec context to avoid unexpected behavior.

       setexecfilecon()  sets  the  context used for the next execve(2) call, based on the policy
       for the filename, and falling back to a new context with a fallback_type in case there  is
       no transition.

       rpm_execcon()  is deprecated; please use setexecfilecon() in conjunction with execve(2) in
       all new code. This function runs a helper for rpm in an appropriate security context.  The
       verified  parameter  should  contain the return code from the signature verification (0 ==
       ok, 1 == notfound,  2  ==  verifyfail,  3  ==  nottrusted,  4  ==  nokey),  although  this
       information  is not yet used by the function.  The function determines the proper security
       context for the helper based on policy,  sets  the  exec  context  accordingly,  and  then
       executes the specified filename with the provided argument and environment arrays.


       On error -1 is returned.

       On  success  getexeccon(), setexeccon() and setexecfilecon() return 0.  rpm_execcon() only
       returns upon errors, as it calls execve(2).


       selinux(8), freecon(3), getcon(3)