oracular (5) sge_conf.5.gz

Provided by: gridengine-common_8.1.9+dfsg-11.1_all bug


       sge_conf - Grid Engine configuration files


       sge_conf  defines  the  global and local Grid Engine configurations and can be shown/modified by qconf(1)
       using the -sconf/-mconf options. Only root or the cluster administrator may modify sge_conf.

       At its initial start-up, sge_qmaster(8) checks to see if a valid Grid Engine configuration  is  available
       at  a  well  known  location  in  the  Grid  Engine  internal  directory hierarchy.  If so, it loads that
       configuration information and proceeds.  If not, sge_qmaster(8) writes a generic configuration containing
       default  values  to  that  same  location.   The Grid Engine execution daemons sge_execd(8) upon start-up
       retrieve their configuration from sge_qmaster(8).

       The actual configuration for both  sge_qmaster(8)  and  sge_execd(8)  is  a  superposition  of  a  global
       configuration  and  a  local  configuration  pertinent for the host on which a master or execution daemon
       resides.  If a local configuration is available, its entries overwrite the corresponding entries  of  the
       global  configuration.  Note:  The  local  configuration does not have to contain all valid configuration
       entries, but only those which need to be modified against the global entries.

       Note: Grid Engine allows backslashes (\) be used to escape newline  characters.  The  backslash  and  the
       newline are replaced with a space (" ") character before any interpretation.


       The  paragraphs  that  follow  provide  brief  descriptions of the individual parameters that compose the
       global and local configurations for a Grid Engine cluster:

       The execution daemon spool directory path. Again, a feasible spool directory requires  read/write  access
       permission  for  root.  The  entry  in  the global configuration for this parameter can be overwritten by
       execution host local configurations, i.e. each sge_execd(8) may have a private  spool  directory  with  a
       different  path,  in  which  case  it  needs to provide read/write permission for the root account of the
       corresponding execution host only.

       Under execd_spool_dir a directory named corresponding to the unqualified hostname of the  execution  host
       is  opened and contains all information spooled to disk. Thus, it is possible for the execd_spool_dirs of
       all execution hosts to physically reference  the  same  directory  path  (the  root  access  restrictions
       mentioned above need to be met, however).

       Changing  the  global  execd_spool_dir  parameter  set at installation time is not supported in a running
       system. If the change should still be done it is required to  restart  all  affected  execution  daemons.
       Please make sure running jobs have finished before doing so, otherwise running jobs will be lost.

       The default location for the execution daemon spool directory is $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/spool.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       mailer is the absolute pathname to the electronic mail delivery agent on your system.  An optional prefix
       "user@"  specifies the user under which this procedure is to be started; the default is root.  The mailer
       must accept the following syntax:

              mailer -s <subject-of-mail-message> <recipient>

       Each sge_execd(8) may use a private mail agent. Changing mailer will take immediate effect.

       The default for mailer depends on the operating system of the  host  on  which  the  Grid  Engine  master
       installation  was run. Common values are /bin/mail or /usr/bin/Mail.  Note that since the mail is sent by
       compute hosts, not the master, it may be necessary to take steps to route it appropriately, e.g. by using
       a cluster head node as a "smart host" for the private network.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       xterm is the absolute pathname to the X Window System terminal emulator, xterm(1).

       Changing xterm will take immediate effect.

       The default for xterm is system-dependent.

       The global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host  local

       A  comma-separated list of executable shell script paths or programs to be started by sge_execd(8) and to
       be used in order to retrieve site-configurable load information  (e.g.  free  space  on  a  certain  disk

       Each  sge_execd(8)  may  use  a set of private load_sensor programs or scripts. Changing load_sensor will
       take effect after two load report intervals (see load_report_time).  A  load  sensor  will  be  restarted
       automatically if the file modification time of the load sensor executable changes.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       In addition to the load sensors configured via load_sensor, sge_exec(8) searches for an  executable  file
       named qloadsensor in the execution host's Grid Engine binary directory path.  If such a file is found, it
       is treated like the configurable load sensors defined in load_sensor. This facility is intended for  pre-
       installing a default load sensor.  See sge_execd(8) for information on writing load sensors.

       The  path of an executable, with optional arguments, that is started before execution of Grid Engine jobs
       with the same environment setting as that for  the  Grid  Engine  jobs  to  be  started  afterwards  (see
       qsub(1)).   The prolog command is started directly, not in a shell.  An optional prefix "user@" specifies
       the user under which this procedure is to be started.  In  that  case  see  the  SECURITY  section  below
       concerning  security  issues running as a privileged user.  The procedure's standard output and the error
       output stream are written to the same file as used for the standard output and error output of each job.

       This procedure is intended as a means for the Grid Engine administrator  to  automate  the  execution  of
       general  site-specific  tasks,  like  the preparation of temporary file systems, with a need for the same
       context information as the job.  For a parallel job, only a single instance of the prolog is run, on  the
       master  node.  Each sge_execd(8) may use a private prolog.  Correspondingly, the global or execution host
       local configuration can be overwritten by the queue configuration (see queue_conf(5)).   Changing  prolog
       will take immediate effect.

       The default for prolog is the special value NONE, which prevents execution of a prolog.

       The  following  special variables, expanded at runtime, can be used (besides any other strings which have
       to be interpreted by the procedure) to compose a command line:

       $host  The name of the host on which the prolog or epilog procedures are started.

              The array job task index (0 if not an array job).

              The user name of the job owner.

              Grid Engine's unique job identification number.

              The name of the job.

              The processors string as contained in the queue configuration (see queue_conf(5))  of  the  master
              queue (the queue in which the prolog and epilog procedures are started).

       $queue The  cluster  queue  name of the master queue instance, i.e. the cluster queue in which the prolog
              and epilog procedures are started.

              The pathname of the stdin file. This is always /dev/null for prolog, pe_start, pe_stop and epilog.
              It is the pathname of the stdin file for the job in the job script. When delegated file staging is
              enabled, this path is set to $fs_stdin_tmp_path. When delegated file staging is not enabled, it is
              the stdin pathname given via DRMAA or qsub.


              The  pathname  of  the  stdout/stderr  file.  This  always  points  to the output/error file. When
              delegated file staging is enabled, this path is  set  to  $fs_stdout_tmp_path/$fs_stderr_tmp_path.
              When  delegated  file  staging is not enabled, it is the stdout/stderr pathname given via DRMAA or

              If this flag is 1, stdout and stderr are merged in one file,  the  stdout  file.   Otherwise  (the
              default),  no  merging  is  done.  Merging of stderr and stdout can be requested via the DRMAA job
              template attribute 'drmaa_join_files' (see drmaa_attributes(3)) or the qsub parameter '-j y'  (see

              When  delegated  file  staging is requested for the stdin file, this is the name of the host where
              the stdin file has to be copied from before the job is started.


              When delegated file staging is requested for the stdout/stderr file, this is the name of the  host
              where the stdout/stderr file has to be copied to after the job has run.

              When  delegated  file  staging  is requested for the stdin file, this is the pathname of the stdin
              file on the host $fs_stdin_host.


              When delegated file staging is requested for the stdout/stderr file, this is the pathname  of  the
              stdout/stderr file on the host $fs_stdout_host/$fs_stderr_host.

              When  delegated  file staging is requested for the stdin file, this is the destination pathname of
              the  stdin  file  on  the  execution  host.  The  prolog   must   copy   the   stdin   file   from
              $fs_stdin_host:$fs_stdin_path  to localhost:$fs_stdin_tmp_path to establish delegated file staging
              of the stdin file.


              When delegated file staging is requested for the stdout/stderr file, this is the  source  pathname
              of  the  stdout/stderr  file  on  the  execution  host.  The epilog must copy the stdout file from
              localhost:$fs_stdout_tmp_path   to   $fs_stdout_host:$fs_stdout_path   (the   stderr   file   from
              localhost:$fs_stderr_tmp_path  to  $fs_stderr_host:$fs_stderr_path)  to  establish  delegated file
              staging of the stdout/stderr file.



              When delegated file staging is requested for the stdin/stdout/stderr file, the flag is set to "1",
              otherwise  it  is set to "0" (see in delegated_file_staging how to enable delegated file staging).
              These three flags correspond to the  DRMAA  job  template  attribute  'drmaa_transfer_files'  (see

       If  the  prolog  is  written  in shell script, the usual care must be exercised, e.g. when expanding such
       values from the command line or the environment which are user-supplied.  In particular,  note  that  the
       job name could be of the form "; evil doings;".  Also, use absolute path names for commands if inheriting
       the user's environment.

       The global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host  local

       See sge_shepherd(8) for the significance of exit codes returned by the prolog.

       The  path  of  an executable, with optional argument, that is started after execution of Grid Engine jobs
       with the same environment setting as that for the Grid Engine job that has just completed (see  qsub(1)),
       with  the  addition  of  the variable named SGE_JOBEXIT_STAT which holds the exit status of the job.  The
       epilog command is started directly, not in a shell.  An optional prefix "user@" specifies the user  under
       which  this  procedure is to be started.  In that case see the SECURITY section below concerning security
       issues running as a privileged user.  The procedure's standard output and the  error  output  stream  are
       written to the same file used for the standard output and error output of each job.

       The same special variables can be used to compose a command line as for the prolog.

       This  procedure  is  intended  as  a means for the Grid Engine administrator to automate the execution of
       general site-specific tasks, like the cleaning up of temporary file systems with the need  for  the  same
       context  information as the job.  For a parallel job, only a single instance of the epilog is run, on the
       master node.  Each sge_execd(8) may use a private epilog.  Correspondingly, the global or execution  host
       local  configurations can be overwritten by the queue configuration (see queue_conf(5)).  Changing epilog
       will take immediate effect.

       The default for epilog is the special value NONE, which  prevents  execution  of  an  epilog.   The  same
       special variables as for prolog can be used to constitute a command line.

       The same considerations (above) apply as for a prolog when an epilog is written in shell script.

       See sge_shepherd(8) for the significance of exit codes returned by the epilog.

       Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release.
       This  parameter defines the mechanisms which are used to actually invoke the job scripts on the execution
       hosts. The following values are recognized:

              If a user starts a job shell script under UNIX interactively by invoking it just with  the  script
              name  the  operating system's executable loader uses the information provided in a comment such as
              `#!/bin/csh' in the first line of the script to detect  which  command  interpreter  to  start  to
              interpret the script. This mechanism is used by Grid Engine when starting jobs if unix_behavior is
              defined as shell_start_mode.

              POSIX does not consider first script line comments such a `#!/bin/csh' as significant.  The  POSIX
              standard  for  batch queueing systems (P1003.2d) therefore requires a compliant queueing system to
              ignore such lines, but to use user-specified or configured default command  interpreters  instead.
              Thus,  if  shell_start_mode  is  set  to  posix_compliant  Grid Engine will either use the command
              interpreter indicated by the -S option of the qsub(1) command or the shell parameter of the  queue
              to be used (see queue_conf(5) for details).

              Setting  the shell_start_mode parameter either to posix_compliant or unix_behavior requires you to
              set the umask in use for sge_execd(8) such that every user has  read  access  to  the  active_jobs
              directory  in  the  spool directory of the corresponding execution daemon. In case you have prolog
              and epilog scripts configured, they also need to be readable by any user who may execute jobs.
              If this  violates  your  site's  security  policies  you  may  want  to  set  shell_start_mode  to
              script_from_stdin.  This  will  force Grid Engine to open the job script as well as the epilog and
              prolog scripts for reading into STDIN as  root  (if  sge_execd(8)  was  started  as  root)  before
              changing  to  the  job  owner's user account.  The script is then fed into the STDIN stream of the
              command interpreter indicated by the -S option of the qsub(1) command or the  shell  parameter  of
              the queue to be used (see queue_conf(5) for details).
              Thus  setting  shell_start_mode  to script_from_stdin also implies posix_compliant behavior. Note,
              however, that feeding scripts into the STDIN stream of a command interpreter may cause trouble  if
              commands  like rsh(1) are invoked inside a job script as they also process the STDIN stream of the
              command interpreter. These problems can usually be resolved by redirecting the  STDIN  channel  of
              those  commands  to  come  from  /dev/null  (e.g.  rsh host date < /dev/null). Note also, that any
              command-line options associated with the job are passed to the executing  shell.  The  shell  will
              only forward them to the job if they are not recognized as valid shell options.

       Changes   to   shell_start_mode  will  take  immediate  effect.   The  default  for  shell_start_mode  is

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       UNIX  command  interpreters  like the Bourne-Shell (see sh(1)) or the C-Shell (see csh(1)) can be used by
       Grid Engine to start job scripts. The command interpreters can either be started  as  login-shells  (i.e.
       all  system  and  user  default  resource files like .login or .profile will be executed when the command
       interpreter is started, and the environment for the job will be set up as if the user has just logged in)
       or just for command execution (i.e. only shell-specific resource files like .cshrc will be executed and a
       minimal default environment is set up by Grid Engine - see qsub(1)).  The parameter login_shells contains
       a comma-separated list of the executable names of the command interpreters to be started as login shells.
       Shells in this list are only started as login shells if the parameter shell_start_mode (see above) is set
       to posix_compliant.

       Changes   to   login_shells   will   take   immediate   effect.    The   default   for   login_shells  is

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       min_uid  places  a  lower bound on user IDs that may use the cluster. Users whose user ID (as returned by
       getpwnam(3)) is less than min_uid will not be allowed to run jobs on the cluster.

       Changes to min_uid will take immediate effect.  The default is 0 but, if CSP or MUNGE security is not  in
       use, the installation script sets it to 100 to prevent unauthorized access by root or system accounts.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       This parameter sets the lower bound on group IDs that may use the cluster.  Users whose default group  ID
       (as returned by getpwnam(3)) is less than min_gid will not be allowed to run jobs on the cluster.

       Changes  to min_gid will take immediate effect.  The default is 0 but, if CSP security is not in use, the
       installation script sets it to 100 to prevent unauthorized access by root or system accounts.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The  user_lists  parameter  contains  a  comma-separated  list  of  user  access  lists  as  described in
       access_list(5).  Each user contained in at least one of the access lists has access to  the  cluster.  If
       the  user_lists parameter is set to NONE (the default) any user has access if not explicitly excluded via
       the xuser_lists parameter described below.  If a user is contained both in an access list xuser_lists and
       user_lists, the user is denied access to the cluster.

       Changes to user_lists will take immediate effect.

       This  value  is a global configuration parameter insofar as it restricts access to the whole cluster, but
       the execution host local configuration may define a value to restrict access to that host further.

       The xuser_lists parameter  contains  a  comma-separated  list  of  user  access  lists  as  described  in
       access_list(5).  Each user contained in at least one of the access lists is denied access to the cluster.
       If the xuser_lists parameter is set to NONE (the default) any user has access.  If a  user  is  contained
       both  in  an  access  list  in  xuser_lists  and  user_lists (see above) the user is denied access to the

       Changes to xuser_lists will take immediate effect.

       This value is a global configuration parameter insofar as it restricts access to the whole  cluster,  but
       the execution host local configuration may define a value to restrict access to that host further.

       administrator_mail  specifies  a  comma-separated  list of the electronic mail address(es) of the cluster
       administrator(s) to whom internally-generated problem reports are sent. The mail address  format  depends
       on  your  electronic  mail system and how it is configured; consult your system's configuration guide for
       more information.

       Changing administrator_mail takes immediate effect.  The default for administrator_mail is an empty  mail

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The projects list contains all projects which are granted access to Grid Engine. Users not  belonging  to
       one  of  these  projects  cannot  submit  jobs.  If users belong to projects in the projects list and the
       xprojects list (see below), they also cannot submit jobs.

       Changing projects takes immediate effect.  The default for projects is none.

       While globally-configured projects affect job submission, projects configured for queues or hosts  affect
       job execution in the appropriate context.

       The xprojects list contains all projects that are denied access to Grid Engine. Users belonging to one of
       these projects cannot use Grid Engine. If users belong to projects in the projects list (see  above)  and
       the xprojects list, they also cannot use the system.

       Changing xprojects takes immediate effect.  The default for xprojects is none.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       System load is  reported  periodically  by  the  execution  daemons  to  sge_qmaster(8).   The  parameter
       load_report_time defines the time interval between load reports.

       Each  sge_execd(8)  may  use  a different load report time. Changing load_report_time will take immediate

       Note:  Be  careful  when  modifying  load_report_time.  Reporting  load  too   frequently   might   block
       sge_qmaster(8)  especially  if  the  number  of execution hosts is large. Moreover, since the system load
       typically increases and decreases smoothly, frequent load reports hardly offer any benefit.

       The default for load_report_time is 40 seconds.

       The global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host  local

       Determines whether jobs on hosts in an unknown state are rescheduled, and thus sent to other hosts. Hosts
       are registered as unknown if sge_master(8) cannot establish contact to the sge_execd(8)  on  those  hosts
       (see  max_unheard).   Likely reasons are a breakdown of the host or a breakdown of the network connection
       in between, but also sge_execd(8) may not be executing on such hosts.

       In any case, Grid Engine can reschedule jobs running on such hosts to another system.  reschedule_unknown
       controls  the  time  which Grid Engine will wait before jobs are rescheduled after a host became unknown.
       The time format specification is hh:mm:ss. If the special value 00:00:00 is set, then jobs  will  not  be
       rescheduled from this host.

       Rescheduling  is  only  initiated  for  jobs  which have activated the rerun flag (see the -r y option of
       qsub(1) and the rerun option of queue_conf(5)).  Parallel jobs are only rescheduled if the host on  which
       their  master task executes is in unknown state. The behavior of reschedule_unknown for parallel jobs and
       for  jobs  without  the  rerun  flag  set   can   be   adjusted   using   the   qmaster_params   settings

       Checkpointing  jobs  will  only  be  rescheduled  when the when option of the corresponding checkpointing
       environment contains an appropriate flag. (see checkpoint(5)).  Interactive jobs  (see  qsh(1),  qrsh(1),
       qtcsh(1)) are not rescheduled.

       The default for reschedule_unknown is 00:00:00

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       If sge_qmaster(8) could not contact, or was not  contacted  by,  the  execution  daemon  of  a  host  for
       max_unheard   seconds,  all  queues  residing  on  that  particular  host  are  set  to  status  unknown.
       sge_qmaster(8), at least, should be contacted by the execution daemons in order to get the load  reports.
       Thus, max_unheard should be greater than the load_report_time (see above).

       Changing max_unheard takes immediate effect.  The default for max_unheard is 5 minutes.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       This parameter specifies the level of detail that  Grid  Engine  components  such  as  sge_qmaster(8)  or
       sge_execd(8) use to produce informative, warning or error messages which are logged to the messages files
       in the master and execution  daemon  spool  directories  (see  the  description  of  the  execd_spool_dir
       parameter above). The following message levels are available:

              All error events recognized are logged.

              All error events recognized, and all detected signs of potentially erroneous behavior, are logged.

              All  error  events recognized, all detected signs of potentially erroneous behavior, and a variety
              of informative messages are logged.

       Changing loglevel will take immediate effect.

       The default for loglevel is log_warning.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       This  parameter defines the maximum number of array tasks to be scheduled to run simultaneously per array
       job.  An instance of an array task will be created within the master daemon when it gets  a  start  order
       from  the  scheduler.  The  instance  will be destroyed when the array task finishes.  Thus the parameter
       provides control mainly over the memory consumption of array jobs in the master daemon. It is most useful
       for  very  large clusters and very large array jobs.  The default for this parameter is 2000. The value 0
       will deactivate this limit and will allow the scheduler to start as many  array  job  tasks  as  suitable
       resources are available in the cluster.

       Changing max_aj_instances will take immediate effect.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       This parameter defines the maximum number of array job tasks within an array  job.   sge_qmaster(8)  will
       reject  all  array  job submissions which request more than max_aj_tasks array job tasks. The default for
       this parameter is 75000. The value 0 will deactivate this limit.

       Changing max_aj_tasks will take immediate effect.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The  number  of  active  (not  finished)  jobs  which  each  Grid  Engine  user  can  have  in the system
       simultaneously is controlled by this parameter. A value greater than 0 defines  the  limit.  The  default
       value  0  means  "unlimited". If the max_u_jobs limit is exceeded by a job submission then the submission
       command exits with exit status 25 and an appropriate error message.

       Changing max_u_jobs will take immediate effect.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The  number  of  active  (not  finished) jobs simultaneously allowed in Grid Engine is controlled by this
       parameter. A value greater than 0 defines the limit.  The default  value  0  means  "unlimited".  If  the
       max_jobs  limit is exceeded by a job submission then the submission command exits with exit status 25 and
       an appropriate error message.

       Changing max_jobs will take immediate effect.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The  number  of  active  (not  finished)  Advance  Reservations  simultaneously allowed in Grid Engine is
       controlled by this parameter. A value greater than 0  defines  the  limit.  The  default  value  0  means
       "unlimited". If the max_advance_reservations limit is exceeded by an Advance Reservation request then the
       submission command exits with exit status 25 and an appropriate error message.

       Changing max_advance_reservations will take immediate effect.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       If  set  to true, users are required to request a project whenever submitting a job. See the -P option to
       qsub(1) for details.

       Changing enforce_project will take immediate effect.  The default for enforce_project is false.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       If  set  to true, a user(5) must exist to allow for job submission. Jobs are rejected if no corresponding
       user exists.

       If set to auto, a user(5) object for the  submitting  user  will  automatically  be  created  during  job
       submission,    if    one    does    not   already   exist.   The   auto_user_oticket,   auto_user_fshare,
       auto_user_default_project, and auto_user_delete_time configuration parameters will  be  used  as  default
       attributes of the new user(5) object.

       Changing enforce_user will take immediate effect.  The default for enforce_user is auto.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The number of override tickets to assign to automatically  created  user(5)  objects.  User  objects  are
       created automatically if the enforce_user attribute is set to auto.

       Changing  auto_user_oticket  will affect any newly created user objects, but will not change user objects
       created in the past.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The  number  of  functional  shares  to assign to automatically created user(5) objects. User objects are
       created automatically if the enforce_user attribute is set to auto.

       Changing auto_user_fshare will affect any newly created user objects, but will not  change  user  objects
       created in the past.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The default project to assign  to  automatically  created  user(5)  objects.  User  objects  are  created
       automatically if the enforce_user attribute is set to auto.

       Changing  auto_user_default_project  will affect any newly created user objects, but will not change user
       objects created in the past.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       The  number  of  seconds of inactivity after which automatically created user(5) objects will be deleted.
       User objects are created automatically if the enforce_user attribute is set to auto. If the user  has  no
       active  or  pending  jobs  for the specified amount of time, the object will automatically be deleted.  A
       value of 0 can be used to indicate that the automatically created user object is permanent and should not
       be automatically deleted.

       Changing auto_user_delete_time will affect the deletion time for all users with active jobs.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       NB.  If the qmaster spool area is world-readable for non-admin users, you must take steps to encrypt  the
       credentials, since they are stored there after job submission.
       Set_token_cmd  points  to a command which sets and extends AFS tokens for Grid Engine jobs.  It is run by
       sge_coshepherd(8).  It expects two command line parameters:

              <set_token_cmd> <user> <token_extend_after_seconds>
       It reads the token from STDIN, extends its expiration time, and re-sets the token.   As  a  shell  script
       this command will call the programs:

              - SetToken
              - forge

       which are provided by your distributor as source code. The script looks as follows:

              # set_token_cmd
              forge -u $1 -t $2 | SetToken

       Since  it  is  necessary  for  forge  to read the secret AFS server key, a site might wish to replace the
       set_token_cmd script by a command, which connects to a custom daemon at the AFS server. The token must be
       forged at the AFS server and returned to the local machine, where SetToken is executed.

       Changing set_token_cmd will take immediate effect.  The default for set_token_cmd is none.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       The path to your pagsh is specified via this parameter.  The sge_shepherd(8) process and the job run in a
       pagsh. Please ask your AFS administrator for details.

       Changing pag_cmd will take immediate effect.  The default for pag_cmd is none.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       The token_extend_time is the time period for which AFS tokens are periodically extended. Grid Engine will
       call  the  token  extension  30  minutes  before  the  tokens  expire  until  jobs  have finished and the
       corresponding tokens are no longer required.

       Changing token_extend_time will take immediate effect.  The default for token_extend_time is 24:0:0, i.e.
       24 hours.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       Alternative path to the shepherd_cmd binary. Typically used to call the  shepherd  binary  by  a  wrapper
       script  or  command.   If  used in production, this must take care to handle signals the way the shepherd
       would or, for instance, jobs will not be killed correctly.

       Changing shepherd_cmd will take immediate effect. The default for shepherd_cmd is none.

       The global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host  local

       The  gid_range  is a comma-separated list of range expressions of the form m-n, where m and n are integer
       numbers greater than 99, and m is an abbreviation for m-m.  These numbers are  used  in  sge_execd(8)  to
       identify processes belonging to the same job.

       Each  sge_execd(8)  may  use  a  separate set of group ids for this purpose.  All numbers in the group id
       range have to be unused supplementary group ids on the system, where the sge_execd(8) is started.

       Changing gid_range will take immediate effect.  There is no default for gid_range. The administrator will
       have to assign a value for gid_range during installation of Grid Engine.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       A list of additional parameters can be passed to the  Grid  Engine  qmaster.  The  following  values  are

              If  this  parameter  is set then the s_rt, h_rt limits of a running job are tested and acted on by
              the sge_qmaster(8) when the sge_execd(8) where the job was run is in an unknown state.

              After the s_rt or h_rt limit of a job is expired, the master  daemon  will  wait  additional  time
              defined by DURATION_OFFSET (see sched_conf(5)).  If the execution daemon still cannot be contacted
              when this additional time is elapsed, then the master daemon will force the deletion  of  the  job
              (see -f of qdel(1)).

              For  jobs  which  will  be deleted that way, an accounting record will be created.  For usage, the
              record will contain the last reported  online  value  when  the  execution  daemon  could  contact
              qmaster.  The failed state in the record will be set to 37 to indicate that the job was terminated
              by a limit enforced by the master daemon.

              After the restart of sge_qmaster(8) the limit  enforcement  will  be  triggered  after  twice  the
              biggest  load_report_interval  interval  defined  in  sge_conf(5)  has elapsed. This will give the
              execution daemons enough time to re-register with the master daemon.

              If this parameter is set then a deletion request for a  job  is  automatically  interpreted  as  a
              forced  deletion request (see -f of qdel(1)) if the host where the job is running is in an unknown

              If this parameter is set, non-administrative users can force deletion of their own jobs via the -f
              option  of  qdel(1).   Without this parameter, forced deletion of jobs is only allowed by the Grid
              Engine manager or operator.

              Note: Forced deletion for jobs is executed differently, depending on whether users are Grid Engine
              administrators or not. In the case of administrative users, the jobs are removed from the internal
              database of Grid Engine immediately. For regular users, the equivalent  of  a  normal  qdel(1)  is
              executed first, and deletion is forced only if the normal cancellation was unsuccessful.

              If this parameter is set, re-queueing of jobs cannot be initiated by the job script which is under
              control of the user. Without this parameter, jobs returning the value 99 are rescheduled. This can
              be  used  to  cause  the job to be restarted on a different machine, for instance if there are not
              enough resources on the current one.

              If this parameter is set, the application cannot set itself to  the  error  state.   Without  this
              parameter  jobs  returning the value 100 are set to the error state (and therefore can be manually
              rescheduled by clearing the error state).  This can be used to set the job to the error state when
              a  starting  condition  of the application is not fulfilled before the application itself has been
              started, or when a clean up procedure (e.g. in the epilog) decides that it is necessary to run the
              job again.  To do so, return 100 in the prolog, pe_start, job script, pe_stop or epilog script.

              Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release.
              If set to "true" or "1", the reschedule_unknown parameter is not taken into account.

              If  set  to "true" or "1", the reschedule_unknown parameter affects also jobs which have the rerun
              flag not activated (see the -r y option of qsub(1) and the rerun  option  of  queue_conf(5)),  but
              they are just finished as they can't be rescheduled.

              If  set  to "true" or "1" Grid Engine triggers job rescheduling also when the host where the slave
              tasks of a parallel job executes is in unknown  state,  if  the  reschedule_unknown  parameter  is

              Sets the max number of dynamic event clients (as used by qsub -sync y and by Grid Engine DRMAA API
              library sessions). The default is 1000.  The number of dynamic event clients should not be  bigger
              than  half  of  the  number of file descriptors the system has. The number of file descriptors are
              shared among the connections to all exec hosts, all event  clients,  and  file  handles  that  the
              qmaster needs.

              Specifies  the  time interval when the monitoring information should be printed. The monitoring is
              disabled by default and can be enabled by specifying an interval.  The  monitoring  is  per-thread
              and  is  written  to  the  messages  file  or  displayed  by  qping(1)  with  option -f.  Example:
              MONITOR_TIME=0:0:10 generates  and  prints  the  monitoring  information  approximately  every  10
              seconds.  The  specified  time  is a guideline only and not a fixed interval. The interval that is
              actually used is printed.  In this example, the interval could be anything between 9  seconds  and
              20 seconds.

              Monitoring  information  is  logged  into  the  messages files by default. This information can be
              accessed via by qping(1).  If monitoring is always enabled, the messages files  can  become  quite
              large.   This  switch disables logging into the messages files, making qping -f the only source of
              monitoring data.

       Profiling provides the user with the possibility to get system measurements.   This  can  be  useful  for
       debugging or optimization of the system. The profiling output will be done within the messages file.

              Enables profiling for the qmaster signal thread (e.g. PROF_SIGNAL=true).

              Enables profiling for the qmaster worker threads (e.g. PROF_WORKER=true).

              Enables profiling for the qmaster listener threads (e.g. PROF_LISTENER=true).

              Enables profiling for the qmaster event deliver thread (e.g. PROF_DELIVER=true).

              Enables the profiling for the qmaster timed event thread (e.g. PROF_TEVENT=true).

              Enables profiling for the qmaster scheduler thread (e.g. PROF_SCHEDULER=true).

       Please  note that the CPU utime and stime values contained in the profiling output are not per-thread CPU
       times.  These CPU usage statistics are per-process statistics.  So the printed profiling values  for  CPU
       mean "CPU time consumed by sge_qmaster (all threads) while the reported profiling level was active".

              Sets  the  time  interval  for  spooling  the sharetree usage. The default is set to 00:04:00. The
              setting accepts colon-separated string or seconds. There is  no  setting  to  turn  the  sharetree
              spooling off.  (e.g. STREE_SPOOL_INTERVAL=00:02:00)

              Sets the value of how long the qmaster will spend deleting jobs. After this time, the qmaster will
              continue with other tasks and schedule the deletion of remaining jobs at a later time. The default
              value  is 3 seconds, and will be used if no value is entered. The range of valid values is > 0 and
              <= 5.  (e.g. MAX_JOB_DELETION_TIME=1)

              Sets how long the communication will wait for GDI  send/receive  operations.   (GDI  is  the  Grid
              Engine Database Interface for interacting with objects managed by the qmaster.)  The default value
              is set to 60 seconds. After this time, the communication library will retry, if  "gdi_retries"  is
              configured, receiving the GDI request. If not configured the communication will return with a "gdi
              receive failure" (e.g. gdi_timeout=120 will set the timeout time  to  120  sec).   Configuring  no
              gdi_timeout value, the value defaults to 60 sec.

              Sets  how  often  the  GDI  receive call will be repeated until the GDI receive error appears. The
              default is set to 0. In this case the call will be done 1 time with no retry.  Setting  the  value
              to  -1  the  call  will  be  done permanently. In combination with the gdi_timeout parameter it is
              possible to configure a system with, e.g. slow NFS, to make sure that all jobs will be  submitted.
              (E.g. gdi_retries=4.)

              Turns  on/off  a  communication  library ping. This parameter will create additional debug output.
              This output shows information about the error messages which are returned by communication and  it
              will  give  information about the application status of the qmaster.  For example, if it's unclear
              what's the reason for gdi timeouts, this may show you some useful messages. The default  value  is
              false (off) (i.e. cl_ping=false).

              Setting  this  parameter  allows  the  scheduler  GDI  event  acknowledge  timeout  to be manually
              configured to a specific value. Currently the  default  value  is  10  minutes  with  the  default
              scheduler  configuration  and limited between 600 and 1200 seconds.  Value is limited only in case
              of default value.   The  default  value  depends  on  the  current  scheduler  configuration.  The
              SCHEDULER_TIMEOUT value is specified in seconds.

              This  parameter  measures the response time of the server JSV. In the event that the response time
              of the JSV is longer than the timeout value specified, this will cause the JSV to  be  re-started.
              The  default  value  for the timeout is 10 seconds and if modified, must be greater than 0. If the
              timeout is reached, the JSV will only try to re-start once; if the timeout is  reached  again,  an
              error will occur.

              The  threshold  of a JSV is measured as the time it takes to perform a server job verification. If
              this value is greater than the user-defined value, it will cause logging to appear in the  qmaster
              messages  file  at  the  INFO  level.  By  setting this value to 0, all jobs will be logged in the
              qmaster messages file. This value is specified in milliseconds and has a default value of 5000.

              Beginning with version 8.0.0 of Grid Engine the scheduling behavior  changed  for  jobs  that  are
              rescheduled  by  users.  Rescheduled jobs will not be put at the beginning of the pending job list
              anymore. The submit time of those jobs is set to the end time of the previous run.  Due  to  that,
              those  rescheduled  jobs  will  be  appended  to  the  pending  job  list as if a new job had been
              submitted. To achieve the old behaviour, set the parameter  OLD_RESCHEDULE_BEHAVIOR.  Please  note
              that this parameter is deprecated, so it might be removed with the next minor release.

              Beginning  with  version  8.0.0 of Grid Engine the scheduling behavior changed for array job tasks
              that are rescheduled by users. As soon as an  array  job  task  gets  rescheduled,  all  remaining
              pending  tasks  of  that  job  will  be put at the end of the pending job list. To achieve the old
              scheduling behaviour set the parameter OLD_RESCHEDULE_BEHAVIOR_ARRAY_JOB. Please  note  that  this
              parameter is deprecated, so it might be removed with the next minor release.

              Bypass  execd communication in qmaster for (e.g. for throughput tests with fake hosts).  "Unknown"
              queue states are suppressed, but load_thresholds=none must be used to avoid queues going  into  an
              alarm  state  since  load  values are not simulated.  Submitted jobs are dispatched, and act as if
              they are run for  a  time  determined  by  the  job's  first  argument,  after  3s  spent  in  the
              "transferring" state.  I.e. there is a simulated 10s runtime for a command such as
                 qsub -b y sleep 10
              In  this condition, job deletion works, but at least interactive jobs, tightly-integrated parallel
              ones, and job suspension don't.  The execution hosts configured need  not  exist,  but  must  have
              resolvable network names.

              Don't  do  authentication  when  GSSAPI  security  is enabled.  This, and the following parameter,
              determine the GSS global configuration, which can be  overridden  with  the  execd_params  of  the
              global or host-specific configuration.

              Don't store and forward credentials if GSSAPI security is enabled.

              If  GNU  malloc  is  in  use (rather then jemalloc, which is usually used on GNU/Linux) enable the
              facility for recording all memory allocation/deallocation.  Requires MALLOC_TRACE to be set in the
              environment (see mtrace(3)).

              Used  by  the  test  suite to block the worker thread for five seconds after handling a request to
              ensure another worker thread will handle a subsequent request.

              Allow monitoring malloc(3) statistics if Grid Engine is built to use the jemalloc((3))  allocator.
              The  information  is  usually  obtained with the -info option of qping(1), but is generated by the
              daemons and can't be controlled by the client.  The default is false since the output  is  verbose
              and  might  confuse  programs  parsing  the  traditional format.  The parameter can also be set in
              execd_params and affects both qmaster and execd daemons.

       Changing qmaster_params will take immediate effect, except that  gdi_timeout,  gdi_retries,  and  cl_ping
       will take effect only for new connections.  The default for qmaster_params is none.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       This is used for passing additional parameters to the Grid Engine execution daemon. The following  values
       are recognized:

              If this parameter is set to true, the usage of "reserved" (allocated) resources is reported in the
              accounting entries cpu, mem, and maxvmem instead of the measured usage.   The  live  usage  values
              reported by qstat(1) are affected similarly.  This means that the "wall clock" time (end-start) is
              reported instead of CPU time, memory usage is memory allocation times wall clock  time  (which  is
              only  computable  if  the  job  requests h_vmem or s_vmem), and maxvmem is the requested h_vmem or
              s_vmem; the same scaling by slots is done as without this option.
              Note that both the wall clock and CPU times are normally available (see  accounting(5)),  so  this
              option loses information, and "reserved" here has nothing to do with advance/resource reservation.
              See also SHARETREE_RESERVED_USAGE below.

              If this parameter is set to true, Windows Domain accounts (WinDomAcc) are used on  Windows  hosts.
              These  accounts  require  the use of sgepasswd(1).  (See also sgepasswd(5).)  If this parameter is
              set to false, or is not set,  local  Windows  accounts  are  used.   On  non-Windows  hosts,  this
              parameter is ignored.

              If  a  user  is assigned to NGROUPS_MAX-1 supplementary groups, so that Grid Engine is not able to
              add one for job tracking, then  the  job  will  go  into  an  error  state  when  it  is  started.
              (NGROUPS_MAX  is  the system limit on supplementary groups; see limits.h(7).)  Administrators that
              want to prevent the system doing so can set this parameter.  In this case the NGROUPS_MAX limit is
              ignored  and the additional group (see gid_range) is not set. As a result for those jobs no online
              usage will be available. Also the parameter ENABLE_ADDGRP_KILL will have no effect.   Please  note
              that  it is not recommended to use this parameter. Instead the group membership of the submit user
              should be reduced.

              This value should only be set for debugging purposes. If set to true, the  execution  daemon  will
              not  remove  the spool directory maintained by sge_shepherd(8) for a job, or cgroup directories if
              cgroups are in use under Linux.

              The maximum/minimum priority which Grid Engine  will  assign  to  a  job.   Typically  this  is  a
              negative/positive  value  in  the  range  of -20 (maximum) to 19 (minimum) for systems which allow
              setting of priorities with the nice(2) system call. Other systems may provide different ranges.
              The default priority range (which varies from system to system) is installed  either  by  removing
              the parameters, or by setting a value of -999.
              See  the  "messages"  file of the execution daemon for the predefined default value on your hosts.
              The values are logged during the startup of the execution daemon.

              Enables the profiling for the execution daemon (e.g. PROF_EXECD=true).

              This parameter allows you to change the notification  signal  for  the  signal  SIGKILL  (see  the
              -notify  option  of  qsub(1)).   The  parameter  either accepts signal names (use the -l option of
              kill(1)) or the special value none. If set to none, no notification signal will be sent. If it  is
              set  to  TERM,  for  instance,  or  another  signal  name,  then  this  signal will be sent as the
              notification signal.

              With this parameter it is possible to modify the notification signal for the signal  SIGSTOP  (see
              the  -notify  parameter of qsub(1)).  The parameter either accepts signal names (use the -l option
              of kill(1)) or the special value none. If set to none, no notification signal will be sent. If  it
              is  set  to  TSTP,  for  instance,  or  another  signal  name,  then  this  signal will be sent as
              notification signal.

              If this parameter is set to true, the usage of "reserved" resources is taken for the  Grid  Engine
              share  tree  consumption  instead  of  measured usage.  See the description of ACCT_RESERVED_USAGE
              above for details.
              Note:  When  running  tightly  integrated  jobs  with  SHARETREE_RESERVED_USAGE  set,   and   with
              accounting_summary  enabled  in  the parallel environment, reserved usage will only be reported by
              the master task of the parallel job.  No per-parallel task usage records will be sent  from  execd
              to  qmaster,  which can significantly reduce load on qmaster when running large tightly integrated
              parallel jobs.

              If this parameter is set to true, the primary group id  active when a job was  submitted  will  be
              set  to  become  the  primary group id for job execution. If the parameter is not set, the primary
              group id as defined for the job owner in the execution host passwd database is used.
              The feature is only available for jobs submitted via  qsub(1),  qrsh(1),  qmake(1)  and  qtcsh(1).
              Also,  it  only  works  for  qrsh(1)  jobs  (and  thus  also for qtcsh(1) and qmake(1)) if builtin
              communication is used, or the rsh and rshd components which are provided  with  Grid  Engine  (see

              Specifies  soft  and hard resource limits as implemented by the setrlimit(2) system call. See that
              manual page on your system for more information. These parameters complete the list of limits  set
              by the RESOURCE LIMITS parameter of the queue configuration as described in queue_conf(5).  Unlike
              the resource limits in the queue configuration, these resource limits are set  for  every  job  on
              this  execution  host.  If  a  value  is  not  specified, the resource limit is inherited from the
              execution daemon process. Because this would lead to unpredictable results if only one limit of  a
              resource is set (soft or hard), the corresponding other limit is set to the same value.
              S_DESCRIPTORS  and  H_DESCRIPTORS  specify  a  value  one greater than the maximum file descriptor
              number that can be opened by any process of a job.
              S_MAXPROC and H_MAXPROC specify the maximum number of processes that can be  created  by  the  job
              user on this execution host.
              S_MEMORYLOCKED  and  H_MEMORYLOCKED specify the maximum number of bytes of virtual memory that may
              be locked into RAM.  This typically needs to be set to "unlimited" for use with openib Infiniband,
              and possibly similar transports.
              S_LOCKS and H_LOCKS specify the maximum number of file locks any process of a job may establish.
              All  of  these  values  can  be  specified  using  the multiplier letters k, K, m, M, g and G; see
              sge_types(1) for details.  Limits can be specified as "infinity" to remove limits  (if  possible),
              per setrlimit(2).

              This  parameter  indicates  whether  the  shepherd  should  allow the environment inherited by the
              execution daemon from the shell that started it to be inherited by the job  it's  starting.   When
              true,  any  environment variable that is set in the shell which starts the execution daemon at the
              time the execution daemon is started will be set in the  environment  of  any  jobs  run  by  that
              execution  daemon,  unless  the  environment  variable  is  explicitly overridden, such as PATH or
              LOGNAME.  If set to false, each job starts with only the environment variables that are explicitly
              passed on by the execution daemon, such as PATH and LOGNAME.  The default value is true.

              This  parameter tells the execution daemon whether to add the Grid Engine shared library directory
              to the library path of executed jobs.  If set to true, and INHERIT_ENV is also set  to  true,  the
              Grid Engine shared library directory will be prepended to the library path which is inherited from
              the shell which started the execution daemon.  If INHERIT_ENV is set to false,  the  library  path
              will  contain  only the Grid Engine shared library directory.  If set to false, and INHERIT_ENV is
              set to true, the library path exported to the job will be the one inherited from the  shell  which
              started  the  execution  daemon.   If  INHERIT_ENV  is also set to false, the library path will be
              empty.  After the execution daemon has set the library path, it may  be  further  altered  by  the
              shell  in  which  the  job  is  executed,  or  by  the  job  script itself.  The default value for
              SET_LIB_PATH is false.

              If this parameter is set then Grid Engine uses the supplementary  group  ids  (see  gid_range)  to
              identify  all  processes which are to be terminated when a job is deleted, or when sge_shepherd(8)
              cleans up after job termination.  This currently  only  works  under  GNU/Linux,  Solaris,  Tru64,
              FreeBSD,  and  Darwin.   The default value is on.  Irrelevant with cpuset support (see USE_CGROUPS

              This parameter defines the interval (default 1s) between runs of the PDC (Portable Data Collector)
              by  the  execution  daemon. The PDC is responsible for enforcing the resource limits s_cpu, h_cpu,
              s_vmem and h_vmem (see queue_conf(5)) and job usage collection.  The parameter can  be  set  to  a
              time_specifier (see sge_types(5)), to PER_LOAD_REPORT or to NEVER.
              If  this  parameter  is  set  to  PER_LOAD_REPORT  the  PDC  is  triggered in the same interval as
              load_report_time (see above). If this parameter is set to NEVER the PDC run  is  never  triggered.
              The default is 1 second.
              Note:  A  PDC run is quite compute intensive, and may degrade the performance of the running jobs.
              However, if the PDC runs less often, or never, the online  usage  can  be  incomplete  or  totally
              missing  (for  example  online usage of very short running jobs might be missing) and the resource
              limit enforcement is less accurate or would not happen if PDC is turned off completely.

              If this parameter is set, then Grid Engine enables the core binding module  within  the  execution
              daemon  to apply binding parameters that are specified at submission time of a job. This parameter
              is set by default if  Grid  Engine  was  compiled  with  support  for  core  binding.   Find  more
              information for job to core binding in the section -binding of qsub(1).

              Allow the simulation of jobs.  (Job spooling and execution on the execd side is disabled.)

              Turn  off  authentication for the relevant host(s) when the authentication GSSAPI security feature
              is enabled globally.

              Turn on authentication for the relevant host(s) when the authentication GSSAPI security feature is
              enabled globally.

              Turn  off  storing  and  forwarding  of  credentials  when  the GSSAPI security feature is enabled

              Write messages to the system logger (see syslog(3)) rather than into the spool directory.

              Automatically start any executable  named  qidle  present  in  the  architecture-dependent  binary
              directory  as  a  load  sensor,  similarly  to  qloadsensor (which is run unconditionally).  It is
              intended to determine whether a workstation is "idle" or not, i.e. whether it has  an  interactive
              load.     See   e.g.   the   idle   time   HOWTO   ⟨http://arc.liv.ac.uk/SGE/howto/idle.html⟩   or
              sources/experimental/qidle in the source repository, but  it  may  be  better  to  check  the  the
              screensaver state.

              [Linux  only.]   Use  cgroups/cpusets  for resource management if the system supports them and the
              necessary   directories   exist   in   the   relevant    filesystems    (possibly    created    by
              util/resources/scripts/setup-cgroups-etc).   Makes  ENABLE_ADDGRP_KILL irrelevant.  This option is
              experimental, and at least the default is likely to change in future.  Default is no.

              [Linux only.]  Read processes' smaps file in the proc(5) filesystem to obtain PSS usage  for  most
              accurate  memory  accounting, or to obtain the swap usage on older systems which don't report PSS.
              That can be slow when processes have very many maps (observed with  an  FEM  code),  significantly
              increasing  the  load  from  execd,  so  the  default  is no.  Without smaps, usage is reported as
              RSS+swap, instead of PSS+swap, or simply as the VMsize if the swap value isn't available.

              See qmaster_params above.

              If true, generate load sensor reports just before sending them,  making  the  data  fresher.   The
              default  is  true.   The switch is provided in case slow sensors are found to have a bad effect on
              the execd.

       Changing execd_params will take effect after it is propagated to the execution daemons.  The  propagation
       is done in one load report interval.  The default for execd_params is none.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       Used to  define  the  behavior  of  reporting  modules  in  the  Grid  Engine  qmaster.  Changes  to  the
       reporting_params take immediate effect.  The following values are recognized:

              If  this  parameter  is  set  to  true,  the accounting file is written.  The accounting file is a
              prerequisite for qacct(1).

              If this parameter is set to true, the reporting file is written.  The reporting file contains data
              that  can  be  used  for  monitoring  and  analysis,  like  job accounting, job log, host load and
              consumables, queue status and consumables, and  sharetree  configuration  and  usage.   Attention:
              Depending  on  the  size  and load of the cluster, the reporting file can become quite large. Only
              activate the reporting file if you have a process running that will consume  the  reporting  file!
              See reporting(5) for further information about the format and contents of the reporting file.

              The  contents of the reporting file are buffered in the Grid Engine qmaster and flushed at a fixed
              interval.  This interval can be configured with the flush_time parameter.  It is  specified  as  a
              time  value  in  the  format  HH:MM:SS  or  a number of seconds.  Sensible values range from a few
              seconds to a minute. Setting it too low may slow down the qmaster. Setting it too high  will  make
              the  qmaster consume large amounts of memory for buffering data.  The reporting file is opened and
              closed for each flush.  Default 15s.

              The contents of the accounting file are buffered in the Grid Engine qmaster and flushed at a fixed
              interval.   This  interval  can  be  configured  with  the accounting_flush_time parameter.  It is
              specified as a time value in the format HH:MM:SS.  Sensible values range from a few seconds to one
              minute.  Setting  it  too low may slow down the qmaster. Setting it too high will make the qmaster
              consume large amounts of memory for buffering data.  Setting it to 0 disables buffering;  as  soon
              as  a  record  is  generated, it will be written to the accounting file.  If this parameter is not
              set, the accounting data flush interval will default to the value  of  the  flush_time  parameter.
              The accounting file is opened and closed for each flush.

       joblog If  this  parameter  is  set to true, the reporting file will contain job logging information. See
              reporting(5) for more information about job logging.

              The Grid Engine qmaster can  dump  information  about  sharetree  configuration  and  use  to  the
              reporting  file.   The  parameter sharelog sets an interval in which sharetree information will be
              dumped.  It is set in the format HH:MM:SS  or  a  number  of  seconds.  A  value  of  0  (default)
              configures qmaster not to dump sharetree information. Intervals of several minutes up to hours are
              sensible values for this parameter.  See reporting(5) for further information about sharelog.

              This parameter controls writing of consumable resources  to  the  reporting  file.   When  set  to
              log_consumables=true  information  about  all  consumable resources (their current usage and their
              capacity) will be written to the reporting file, whenever a consumable resource changes either  in
              definition,  or  in capacity, or when the usage of an arbitrary consumable resource changes.  When
              log_consumables is set to false (default), only those variables will be written to  the  reporting
              file  that  are  configured  in  the  report_variables  in  the  exec host configuration and whose
              definition or value actually changed.  This parameter is deprecated and will get  removed  in  the
              next major release.  See host_conf(5) for further information about report_variables.

       Note: Deprecated, may be removed in a future release.
       Grid  Engine  stores a certain number of just finished jobs to provide post mortem status information via
       qstat -s z.  The finished_jobs parameter defines the number of finished ("zombie") jobs stored.  If  this
       maximum  number  is  reached,  the  eldest  finished job will be discarded for every new job added to the
       finished job list.  (The zombie list is not spooled, and so will be lost by a qmaster re-start.)

       Changing finished_jobs will take immediate effect.  The default for finished_jobs is 100.

       This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local

       These  three pairs of entries are responsible for defining a remote startup method for either interactive
       jobs by qlogin(1) or qrsh(1) without a command, or an interactive qrsh(1) request  with  a  command.  The
       last  startup  method  is also used to startup tasks on a slave exechost of a tightly integrated parallel
       job.  Each pair for one startup method must contain  matching  communication  methods.  All  entries  can
       contain  the  value  builtin  (which is the default) or a full path to a binary which should be used, and
       additional arguments to this command if necessary.

       The entries for the three ..._command definitions can, in addition, contain the  value  NONE  in  case  a
       particular startup method should be disabled.

       Changing any of these entries will take immediate effect.

       The  global  configuration  entries  for  these  values  may  be  overwritten  by  a execution host local

       See remote_startup(5) for a detailed explanation of these settings.

       This flag must be set to "true" when the prolog and epilog are ready for delegated file staging, so  that
       the  DRMAA  attribute  'drmaa_transfer_files'  is supported. To establish delegated file staging, use the
       variables beginning with "$fs_..." in prolog and epilog to move the input, output and  error  files  from
       one  host  to  the  other.   When this flag is set to "false", no file staging is available for the DRMAA
       interface. File staging is currently implemented only via the DRMAA  interface.   When  an  error  occurs
       while  moving  the  input,  output  and  error  files,  return  error code 100 so that the error handling
       mechanism can handle the error correctly. (See also FORBID_APPERROR.)

       Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release.
       This flag  enables  or  disables  the  reprioritization  of  jobs  based  on  their  ticket  amount.  The
       reprioritize_interval  in sched_conf(5) takes effect only if reprioritize is set to true. To turn off job
       reprioritization, the reprioritize flag must be set to false and the reprioritize_interval to 0, which is
       the default.

       This  value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overridden by the execution host local

       This setting defines a server JSV instance which will be started  and  triggered  by  the  sge_qmaster(8)
       process. This JSV instance will be used to verify job specifications of jobs before they are accepted and
       stored in the internal master database.   The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  cannot  be
       overwritten by execution host local configurations.

       Find more details concerning JSV in jsv(1) and sge_request(1).

       The syntax of the jsv_url is specified in sge_types(1).

       If  there  is  a  server  JSV  script  defined  with the jsv_url parameter, then all qalter(1) or qmon(1)
       modification  requests  for  jobs  are  rejected  by  qmaster.  With  the  jsv_allowed_mod  parameter  an
       administrator  has  the  possibility  to  allow  a set of switches which can then be used with clients to
       modify certain job attributes. The value for this parameter has to be a comma-separated list of  JSV  job
       parameter  names  as  documented in qsub(1), or the value none to indicate that no modification should be
       allowed.  Please note that even if none is specified, the switches -w and -t are allowed for qalter.

       libjvm_path is usually set during qmaster installation and points to the absolute path of  libjvm.so  (or
       the corresponding library depending on your architecture - e.g. /usr/java/jre/lib/i386/server/libjvm.so).
       The referenced libjvm version must be at least 1.5.  It is needed by the JVM qmaster thread only. If  the
       Java  VM  needs  additional  starting  parameters they can be set in additional_jvm_args. Whether the JVM
       thread is started at all can be defined in  the  bootstrap(5)  file.  If  libjvm_path  is  empty,  or  an
       incorrect path, the JVM thread fails to start.

       The  global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host local

       additional_jvm_args  is  usually  set  during  qmaster  installation.   Details  about  possible   values
       additional_jvm_args  can  be  found  in the help output of the accompanying Java command. This setting is
       normally not needed.

       The global  configuration  entry  for  this  value  may  be  overwritten  by  the  execution  host  local


       If prolog or epilog is specified with a user@ prefix, security considerations apply.  The methods are run
       in a user-supplied environment (via -V or -v) which provides a mechanism to run arbitrary  code  as  user
       (which  might  well  be  root)  by setting variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD to affect the
       running of the dynamically linked programs, such as shells, which are used to implement the methods.

       To combat this, known problematic variables are removed from the environment before starting the  methods
       other  than  as the job owner, but this may not be foolproof on arbitrary systems with obscure variables.
       The environment can be safely controlled by running the methods  under  a  statically-linked  version  of
       env(1), such as typically available using busybox(1), for example.  Use

              /bin/busybox env -u ...

       to unset sensitive variables, or

              /bin/busybox env -i name=value...

       to set only specific variables.  On some systems, such as recent Solaris, it is essentially impossible to
       build static binaries.  In that case it is typically possible to use a setuid  wrapper,  relying  on  the
       dynamic linker to do the right thing.  An example is the safe_exec wrapper which is available from
       ⟨http://arc.liv.ac.uk/downloads/SGE/support/⟩ at the time of writing.  When using a  non-shell  scripting
       language wrapper for the method daemon, try to use options which avoid interpreter-specific environmental
       damage, such as Perl's -T and Python's -E.   Privileged  shell  script  wrappers  should  be  avoided  if
       possible,  and should be written carefully if they are used - e.g. invoke programs with full file names -
       but if bash(1) is used, it should be run with the -p option.

       It is not currently possible to specify the variables unset, e.g. as a  host-dependent  execd  parameter,
       but certain system-dependent ones are selected.  The list of sensitive variables is taken mostly from GNU
       libc and sudo(1).  It includes known system-dependent dynamic linker  ones,  sensitive  locale  ones  and
       others, like TMPDIR, but does not attempt to deal interpreter-specific variables such as PYTHONPATH.  The
       locale specification is also sanitized.  See the source file source/libs/uti2/sge_execvlp.c for  details.
       Note   that   TMPDIR   is   one   of   the   variables  affected,  and  may  need  to  be  recreated  (as


       sge_intro(1),  csh(1),  qconf(1),  qsub(1),  jsv(1),  rsh(1),  sh(1),  getpwnam(3),  drmaa_attributes(3),
       queue_conf(5),  sched_conf(5),  sge_types(1),  sge_execd(8),  sge_qmaster(8),  sge_shepherd(8),  cron(8),

       See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.