oracular (8) schleuder-api-daemon.8.gz
schleuder-api-daemon - provides the API of schleuder(8)
schleuder-api-daemon provides the HTTP-API of schleuder(8) to clients.
Configuration schleuder-api-daemon reads configuration out of the api section of schleuder´s configuration. Please see schleuder(8) for details about the configuration file. The available options are: host The hostname/IP to listen at. port The port to listen at. Default: 4443. tls_cert_file Path to the file that contains the TLS-certificate to use. You can generate a new one with schleuder cert generate. tls_key_file Path to the file that contains the TLS-key to use. valid_api_keys List of api_keys to allow access to the API. Clients Available clients using the API are schleuder-cli(8) and schleuder-web. URLs to their websites are listed below (SEE ALSO).
Known bugs are listed on the Schleuder bugtracker at https://0xacab.org/schleuder/schleuder
schleuder(8), schleuder-cli(8) Website of schleuder https://schleuder.org/ More extensive documentation for schleuder https://schleuder.org/docs/ schleuder-cli, the command line interface for list-management https://0xacab.org/schleuder/schleuder-cli/ schleuder-web, the web interface for list-management https://0xacab.org/schleuder/schleuder-web/ January 2017 SCHLEUDER-API-DAEMON(8)