Provided by: iproute2_6.10.0-2_amd64 bug


       nat - stateless native address translation action


       tc ... action nat DIRECTION OLD NEW

       DIRECTION := { ingress | egress }

       OLD := IPV4_ADDR_SPEC

       NEW := IPV4_ADDR_SPEC

       IPV4_ADDR_SPEC := { default | any | all | in_addr[/{prefix|netmask}]


       The  nat  action  allows  one  to  perform NAT without the overhead of conntrack, which is
       desirable if the number of flows or addresses to perform NAT on is large. This  action  is
       best  used  in  combination  with the u32 filter to allow for efficient lookups of a large
       number of stateless NAT rules in constant time.


              Translate destination addresses, i.e. perform DNAT.

       egress Translate source addresses, i.e. perform SNAT.

       OLD    Specifies addresses which should be translated.

       NEW    Specifies addresses which OLD should be translated into.


       The accepted address format in OLD and NEW is quite flexible. It may either consist of one
       of the keywords default, any or all, representing the all-zero IP address or a combination
       of IP address and netmask or prefix length separated by a slash (/) sign. In any case, the
       mask  (or prefix length) value of OLD is used for NEW as well so that a one-to-one mapping
       of addresses is assured.

       Address translation is done using a combination of binary operations. First, the  original
       (source  or  destination)  address  is  matched against the value of OLD.  If the original
       address fits, the new address is created by taking the leading bits from NEW  (defined  by
       the netmask of OLD) and taking the remaining bits from the original address.

       There  is  rudimental  support for upper layer protocols, namely TCP, UDP and ICMP.  While
       for the first two only checksum recalculation is performed, the action also takes care  of
       embedded IP headers in ICMP packets by translating the respective address therein, too.

