Provided by: quota_4.06-1.1_amd64 bug


       warnquota - send mail to users over quota


       warnquota  [ -ugsid ] [ -F quotaformat ] [ -q quotatab ] [ -c configfile ] [ -a adminsfile
       ] [ filesystem...  ]


       warnquota checks the disk quota  for  specified  local  filesystems  (or  for  each  local
       filesystem  if none specified) and mails a warning message to those users who have reached
       their softlimit.  It is typically run via cron(8).

       -F, --format=quotaformat
              Perform setting for specified format  (ie.  don't  perform  format  autodetection).
              Possible  format  names  are: vfsold Original quota format with 16-bit UIDs / GIDs,
              vfsv0 Quota format with 32-bit UIDs / GIDs, 64-bit space usage, 32-bit inode  usage
              and limits, vfsv1 Quota format with 64-bit quota limits and usage, xfs Quota on XFS

       -q, --quota-tab=quotatab
              Use quotatab instead of /etc/quotatab as file with device description strings  (see
              quotatab(5) for syntax).

       -c, --config=configfile
              Use   configfile   instead   of  /etc/warnquota.conf  as  configuration  file  (see
              warnquota.conf(5) for syntax).

       -a, --admins-file=adminsfile
              Use adminsfile instead of /etc/quotagrpadmins as a file with administrators of  the
              groups (see quotagrpadmins(5) for syntax).

       -u, --user
              check whether users are not exceeding quotas (default).

       -g, --group
              check  whether  groups are not exceeding quotas. If group is exceeding quota a mail
              is sent to the user specified in /etc/quotagrpadmins.

       -s, --human-readable[=units]
              Try to report used space, number of used inodes  and  limits  in  more  appropriate
              units than the default ones. Units can be also specified explicitely by an optional
              argument in format [ kgt ],[ kgt ] where the first character specifies space  units
              and the second character specifies inode units.

       -i, --no-autofs
              ignore mountpoints mounted by automounter.

       -d, --no-details
              do not attach quota report in email.


       aquota.user         quota   file   at  the  filesystem  root  (version  2  quota,  non-XFS
       quota.user          quota  file  at  the  filesystem  root  (version  1   quota,   non-XFS
       /etc/warnquota.conf configuration file
       /etc/quotatab       device description
       /etc/quotagrpadmins administrators of the groups
       /etc/mtab           default filesystems
       /etc/passwd         default set of users


       quota(1), quotatab(5), quotagrpadmins(5), warnquota.conf(5), cron(8), edquota(8).


       warnquota(8)  was  written  by Marco van Wieringen <>, modifications by
       Jan  Kara  <>.   This  reference   page   written   by   Heiko   Schlittermann
       <>, modifications by Jan Kara
