Provided by: pcp_6.3.0-1_amd64 bug


       pmlogger_daily_report - write Performance Co-Pilot daily summary reports


       $PCP_BINADM_DIR/pmlogger_daily_report   [-ApV?]   [-a  archivefile]  [-f  outputfile]  [-h
       hostname] [-l logfile] [-o directory] [-t interval]


       pmlogger_daily_report writes daily performance summary reports, much like  those  produced
       by sadc(1) and the sa2(8) utility.

       All of the command line arguments are optional and intended to be self explanatory.

       By  default,  the  reports  are  not  generated,  but if the pcp-zeroconf package has been
       installed  (there  will  be  files  in  $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmlogconf/zeroconf)  then  the
       necessary  metrics  will  have been included in the default pmlogger(1) configuration file
       and the reports will be generated.

       The reports are generated (by default) soon after  midnight,  once  pmlogger_daily(1)  has
       completed  the  merging  of  any  partial archives to generate one archive for yesterday's

       Each performance summary report is named sarXX (where XX is yesterdays  day-of-the-month).
       The  outputfile  may  be  changed  with  the -f option.  The report will be written to the
       $PCP_LOG_DIR/sa directory by default, but this may be changed with  the  -o  option  to  a
       different directory.

       Note  that  there are sufficiently flexible command line options for pmlogger_daily_report
       to be used to read any archivefile and write the report to any output directory.

       If   the   -a   option   is   not   given,    the    default    input    archivefile    is
       $PCP_ARCHIVE_DIR/HOSTNAME/YYYYMMDD,  where HOSTNAME defaults to the local hostname (unless
       changed with the -h option) and YYYYMMDD is the base name of yesterdays merged archive, as
       produced  by  pmlogger(1)  and  pmlogger_daily(1).   If  archivefile  is a directory, then
       pmlogger_daily_report will use all PCP archives found  in  that  directory  to  write  the
       report  (this  is  known  as  multi-archive  mode,  and  may  be  considerably slower than
       specifying a single archive as the input).

       The reports themselves are created by the pmrep(1) utility using its default configuration
       file,  see pmrep.conf(5).  The pmrep(1) configuration entries used to write the reports is
       currently hardwired into the pmlogger_daily_report script.

       Finally, the input archives must contain sufficient metrics as needed by pmrep(1) to write
       the report.  On platforms that support it, the pcp-zeroconf package configures PCP logging
       as required for this - hence pmlogger_daily_report should be  used  with  the  pmlogger(1)
       configuration that is set up by pcp-zeroconf.  As the name suggests, pcp-zeroconf requires
       no additional configuration after installation in order to capture the  required  archives
       needed by pmlogger_daily_report.


       The available command line options are:

       -a archive
            Specifies an alternate input archive file basename or directory path.

       -A   Use  the  start  and  end  times  of  input archive for the report, as opposed to the
            default behaviour of 24 hours from midnight yesterday.

       -f filename
            Specifies an alternate output filename.  -h hostname Specifies an alternate  hostname
            to use within the default input archive file path.

       -l file, --logfile=file
            In order to ensure that mail is not unintentionally sent when this script is run from
            pmlogger_daily(1) diagnostics are always sent to a log file.  By default,  this  file
            is  $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/pmlogger_daily_report.log but this can be changed using the
            -l option.  If this log file already exists  when  the  script  starts,  it  will  be
            renamed  with  a  .prev  suffix  (overwriting  any  log  file  saved  earlier) before
            diagnostics are generated to the log file.

       -p   If this option is specified then the status of the daily processing is polled and  if
            the  report  has  not  been done in the last 24 hours then it is done now.  With this
            option, pmlogger_daily_report simply exits  if  the  previous  day's  processing  has
            already been done.

            This option is no longer required as the polling of pmlogger_daily(1) will ensure the
            report will be generated, however the option is retained for backwards compatibility.

       -t interval
            Specifies the sampling interval used  when  generating  the  report,  in  the  format
            described in PCPIntro(1).  The default is every 10 minutes.

       -V, --verbose
            The  output  from the execution of the script may be extended using this option which
            enables verbose tracing of activity.  By default the script generates no  log  output
            unless some error or warning condition is encountered.

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory
       names used by PCP.  On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values
       for  these  variables.   The  $PCP_CONF  variable  may  be  used to specify an alternative
       configuration file, as described in pcp.conf(5).


       PCPIntro(1), pmlogger_daily(1), pmlogger(1), pmrep(1), sadc(1) and sa2(8).