Provided by: pcp_6.3.0-1_amd64 bug


       pmlogmv - move (rename) Performance Co-Pilot archive files


       pmlogmv [-cfNV?]  oldname newname


       A Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) archive consists of multiple files as created by pmlogger(1).
       pmlogmv allows all the files of a single PCP archive to be moved or renamed as a group  in
       a single operation.

       The oldname argument identifies the target archive, and may be either the basename that is
       common to all files in that archive or one of the  archive's  files.   The  new  archive's
       basename is newname.

       Because  PCP  archives  are important records of system activity, special care is taken to
       ensure the integrity of an archive's files.  For recoverable problems  encountered  during
       the  execution of pmlogmv, all the files associated with oldname will be preserved, and no
       new files with the newname prefix  will  be  created.   ``Recoverable  problems''  include
       signals  that  can  be  caught  (such as SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM), permissions
       issues, new files already existing, file system full events, etc.

       The implementation of pmlogmv tries to use hard links in the file system  and  so  follows
       the semantic restrictions of ln(2) which for most systems means the directories containing
       both the oldname and the newname PCP archive files need to be within the same file system.
       When this is not possible, pmlogmv falls back to using cp(1) to copy oldname to newname.


       The available command line options are:

       -c, --checksum
            Paranoid  checking mode when cp(1) is needed and each file's checksum is computed for
            the original file and the copied file, and the checksums must match before  the  copy
            is  considered acceptable.  The checksum command is chosen by trying the following in
            turn until one is found to be executable:  md5sum(1),  sha256sum(1),  sha1sum(1)  and
            sum(1).   If  no  executable  checksum  command is found, a warning is issued and the
            checksum check is skipped.

       -f, --force
            Normally pmlogmv takes a conservative view in respect of newname and will not proceed
            if  newname  contains  any  characters  that are likely to cause a problem for sh(1).
            This includes ``glob'' characters like ``?'', ``*''  and  ``['',  shell  syntax  meta
            characters  like ``('', ``|'', ``;'' and ``&'', shell I/O redirection characters like
            ``<'' and ``>'', the dollar sign, a space, etc.

            The -f flag forces pmlogmv  to  proceed,  even  if  newname  contains  any  of  these
            ``unsafe'' characters.

       -N, --showme
            Perform  a  dry-run, checking and reporting what changes would be made without making
            any changes.

       -V, --verbose
            Enable verbose mode.

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.


       All error and warning messages are intended to be easily understood and errors  produce  a
       non-zero exit status.


       cp(1),   ln(1),   md5sum(1),   PCPIntro(1),   pmlogger(1),  sha1sum(1),  sha256sum(1)  and