oracular (3) Algorithm::HMM.3pm.gz

Algorithm::HMM - Perl bindings for a Hidden Markov Model library.
use Algorithm::HMM; # Load a Hidden Markov Model. my $hmm = new Algorithm::HMM(Model => 'sample.hmm'); # Run a sequence through the loaded model. my $rep = $hmm->search("AAIELKBPOWELKQJPASDLKJIGE"); # Get all the global hits from the search. my @ghits = $rep->global_hits(); # Get all the domain hits from the search. my @dhits = $rep->domain_hits(); # Display information about the domain hits. for (@dhits) { print("pvalue = " . $_->pvalue . "\n"); print("evalue = " . $_->evalue . "\n"); print("score = " . $_->score . "\n"); } # Save the model to a different file. $hmm->save("sample.hmm.0"); # Load the saved model again. $hmm->load("sample.hmm.1")