oracular (3) App::Cme::Command::run.3pm.gz

Provided by: cme_1.040-1_all bug


       App::Cme::Command::run - Run a cme script


       version 1.040


        $ cat ~/.cme/scripts/remove-mia
        doc: remove mia from Uploaders. Require mia parameter
        # declare app to configure
        app: dpkg
        # specify one or more instructions
        load: ! control source Uploaders:-~/$mia$/
        # commit the modifications with a message (git only)
        commit: remove MIA dev $mia

        $ cme run remove-mia -arg mia=longgone@d3bian.org

        # cme run can also use environment variables
        $ cat ~/.cme/scripts/add-me-to-uploaders
        app: dpkg-control
        load: source Uploaders:.push("$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>")

        $ cme run add-me-to-uploaders
        Reading package lists... Done
        Building dependency tree
        Reading state information... Done
        Changes applied to dpkg-control configuration:
        - source Uploaders:3: '<undef>' -> 'Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org>'

        # show the script documentation
        $ cme run remove-mia -doc
        remove mia from Uploaders. require mia parameter

        # list scripts
        $ cme run -list
        Available scripts:
        - update-copyright
        - add-me-to-uploaders


       Run a script written for "cme"

       A script passed by name is searched in "~/.cme/scripts", "/etc/cme/scripts" or
       "/usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/scripts".  E.g. with "cme run foo", "cme" loads either
       "~/.cme/scripts/foo", "/etc/cme/scripts/foo" or "/usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/scripts/foo"

       No search is done if the script is passed with a path (e.g. "cme run ./foo")

       "cme run" accepts scripts written with different syntaxes:

       cme DSL
           For simple script, this DSL text specifies the target app, the doc, optional variables and a load
           string used by Config::Model::Loader or Perl code.

           Like text above, but using Yaml syntax.

       Perl data structure
           Writing Perl code in a text file or in a YAML field can be painful as Perl syntax is not highlighted.
           With a Perl data structure, a cme script specifies the target app, the doc, optional variables, and a
           perl subroutine (see below).

       plain Perl script
           "cme run" can also run plain Perl script. This is syntactic sugar to avoid polluting global
           namespace, i.e. there's no need to store a script using cme function in "/usr/local/bin/".  Note that
           the script must begin with the usual shebang line ("#!")  and be executable.

       When run, this script:

       •   opens the configuration file of "app"

       •   applies the modifications specified with "load" instructions or the Perl code.

       •   save the configuration files

       •   commits the result if "commit" is specified (either in script or on command line).

       See App::Cme::Command::run for details.

Syntax of text format

       The script accepts instructions in the form:

        key: value

       The key line can be repeated when needed.

       Multi line values can also be:

        --- key
        multi line value

       The script accepts the following instructions:

       app Specify the target application. Must be one of the application listed by "cme list" command.
           Mandatory. Only one "app" instruction is allowed.

           Specify default values that can be used in "load" or "var" sections.

           For instance:

            default: name=foobar

       var Use Perl code to specify variables usable in this script. The Perl code must store data in %var hash.
           For instance:

               var: my @l = localtime; $var{year} =  $l[5]+1900;

           The hash %args contains the variables passed with the "-arg" option. Reading a value from %args which
           is not set by user triggers a missing option error. Use "exists" if you need to test if a argument
           was set by user:

               var: $var{foo} = exists $var{bar} ? $var{bar} : 'default' # good
               var: $var{foo} = $var{bar} || 'default' # triggers a "missing arg" error

           Specify the modifications to apply using a string as specified in Config::Model::Loader. This string
           can contain variable (e.g. $foo) which are replaced by command argument (e.g. "-arg foo=bar") or by a
           variable set in var: line (e.g. $var{foo} as set above) or by an environment variable (e.g.

           Specify Perl code to run. See "code section" for details.

           Specify that the change must be committed with the passed commit message. When this option is used,
           "cme" raises an error if used on a non-clean workspace. This option works only with git.

       All instructions can use variables like $stuff whose value can be specified with "-arg" options, with a
       Perl variable (from "var:" section explained above) or with an environment variable:

       For instance:

         cme run -arg var1=foo -arg var2=bar

       transforms the instruction:

         load: ! a=$var1 b=$var2


         load: ! a=foo b=bar

       Here's an example from libconfig-model-dpkg-perl scripts <https://salsa.debian.org/perl-

         doc: add myself to Uploaders
         app: dpkg-control
         load: source Uploaders:.insort("$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>")
         commit: add $DEBEMAIL to Uploaders

   Code section
       The code section can contain variable (e.g. $foo) which are replaced by command argument (e.g. "-arg
       foo=bar") or by a variable set in var: line (e.g. $var{foo} as set above).

       When evaluated the following variables are also set:

           Root node of the configuration (See Config::Model::Node)

           Configuration instance (See Config::Model::Instance)

           Message used to commit the modification.

       Since the code is run in an "eval", other variables are available (like $self) to shoot yourself in the

       For example:

        app:  popcon

Syntax of YAML format

       This format is intented for people not wanting to user the text format above. It supoorts the same
       parameters as the text format.

       For instance:

        # Format: YAML
        app: popcon
          defname: foobar
        var: "$var{name} = $args{defname}"
        load: "! MY_HOSTID=$name"

Syntax of Perl format

       This format is intended for more complex script where using "load" instructions is not enough.

       This script must then begin with "# Format: perl" and specifies a hash. For instance:

        # Format: perl
             app => 'popcon', # mandatory
             doc => "Use --arg to_store=a_value to store a_value in MY_HOSTID',
             commit => "control: update Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git"
             sub => sub ($root, $arg) { $root->fetch_element('MY_HOSTID')->store($arg->{to_store}); }

       $root is the root if the configuration tree (See Config::Model::Node).  $arg is a hash containing the
       arguments passed to "cme run" with "-arg" options.

       The "sub" parameter value must be a sub ref. Its parameters are $root (a Config::Model::Node object
       containing the root of the configuration tree) and $arg (a hash ref containing the keys and values passed
       to "cme run" with "--arg" options).

       Note that this format does not support "var", "default" and "load" parameters as you can easily achieve
       the same result with Perl code.


       List available scripts and exits.

       Arguments for the cme scripts which are used to substitute variables.

       Show the script documentation. (Note that "--help" options show the documentation of "cme run" command)

       Pop the hood and show the content of the script.

       Like the commit instruction in script. Specify that the change must be committed with the passed commit

       Don't commit to git (even if the above option is set)

       Show effect of the modify instructions.

Common options

       See "Global Options" in cme.


   update copyright years in "debian/copyright"
        $ cme run update-copyright -cat
        app: dpkg-copyright
        load: Files:~ Copyright=~"s/2016,?\s+$name/2017, $name/g"
        commit: updated copyright year of $name

        $ cme run update-copyright -arg "name=Dominique Dumont"
        cme: using Dpkg::Copyright model
        Changes applied to dpkg-copyright configuration:
        - Files:"*" Copyright: '2005-2016, Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org>' -> '2005-2017, Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org>'
        - Files:"lib/Dpkg/Copyright/Scanner.pm" Copyright:
        @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
        -2014-2016, Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org>
        +2014-2017, Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org>
          2005-2012, Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>

        [master ac2e6410] updated copyright year of Dominique Dumont
         1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

   update VcsGit in debian/control
        $ cme run set-vcs-git  -cat
        doc: update control Vcs-Browser and Vcs-git from git remote value
        doc: parameters: remote (default is origin)
        doc: example:
        doc:  cme run set-vcs-git
        doc:  cme run set-vcs-git -arg remote=debian

        app: dpkg-control
        default: remote: origin

        var: chomp ( $var{url} = `git remote get-url $args{remote}` ) ;
        var: $var{url} =~ s!^git@!https://!;
        var: $var{url} =~ s!(https?://[\w.]+):!$1/!;
        var: $var{browser} = $var{url};
        var: $var{browser} =~ s/.git$//;

        load: ! source Vcs-Browser="$browser" Vcs-Git="$url"
        commit: control: update Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git

       This script can also be written using multi line instructions:

        $ cme run set-vcs-git  -cat
        --- doc
        update control Vcs-Browser and Vcs-git from git remote value
        parameters: remote (default is origin)

         cme run set-vcs-git
         cme run set-vcs-git -arg remote=debian

        app: dpkg-control
        default: remote: origin

        --- var
        chomp ( $var{url} = `git remote get-url $args{remote}` ) ;
        $var{url} =~ s!^git@!https://!;
        $var{url} =~ s!(https?://[\w.]+):!$1/!;
        $var{browser} = $var{url};
        $var{browser} =~ s/.git$//;

        load: ! source Vcs-Browser="$browser" Vcs-Git="$url"
        commit: control: update Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git




       Dominique Dumont

       This software is Copyright (c) 2014-2022 by Dominique Dumont <ddumont@cpan.org>.

       This is free software, licensed under:

         The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999