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Astro::Misc - Miscellaneous astronomical routines
use Astro::Misc; $U = calc_U($flux, $dist, $freq); ($dist1, $dist2)= kindist($ra, $dec, $vel, $epoch, $model);
Astro::Misc contains an assorted set Perl routines for doing various astronomical calculations.
Chris Phillips Chris.Phillips@csiro.au
read_possm Read_possm interprets the output file from the AIPS POSSM task. the task may be called repeatably if there is more than one POSSM output in the file. The file must be open before calling read_possm, using the FileHandle module. The data from the possm plot is returned in a hash. Some of the header values are returned as scalar values while the actual plot values are returned as references to arrays. The scalar values returned are: SOURCE, DATE, TIME, BANDWIDTH, TYPE (='A&P'||'R&I') The array references are: CHANNEL, VELOCITY, FREQUENCY, AMPLITUDE, PHASE, ANTENNA The global variable $Astro::Misc:oldpossm (default=0) controls whether old or new style possm plots are read. For oldpossm=1, one of VELOCITY or FREQUENCY will be a reference to an empty list (but the hash value IS defined). Usage: use FileHandle my $fh = FileHandle->new(); my %ahash = (); open($fh, 'possmfile'); read_possm($fh, %ahash); Returns: 0 on success (but not hit eof) 1 on success (and hit eof) 2 on premature eof Examples of hash usage: $hash{SOURCE} # Source name @{$hash{VELOCITY}} # Array of velocity values ${$hash{PHASE}}[4] # The fifth phase value read_lovas Read_lovas read the Lovas "Recommended Rest Frequencies for Observed Interstellar Molecular Microwave Transitions - 1991 Revision" (J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 21, 181-272, 1992). Alpha quality!! my @lovas = read_lovas($fname); my @lovas = read_lovas($fname, $minfreq, $maxfreq); calc_U $U = calc_U($flux, $dist, $freq); Calculate U (Excitation Parameter) for an UCHII region Based on Eqn 8 in Schraml and Mezger, 1969 $flux Integrated Source Flux Density (Jy) $dist Distance to source (kpc) $freq Frequency of observation (GHz) Note: Uses the global variable $Astro::Misc::Temp for electron temperature Default is 10000K calc_Nl $Nl = calc_Nl($U); Calculate the Lyman continuum photon flux given U, the Excitation Parameter for an UCHII region $U is the Excitation Parameter (from calc_U) Ref: Kurtz 1994 ApJS 91 p659 Eq (1) (Original Origin unknown) lum2spectral $spectral_type = lum2spectral($luminosity); Calculate the spectral type of a ZAMS star from its luminosity Based on Thompson 1984 ApJ 283 165 Table 1 $luminosity Star luminosity (normalised to Lsun) Nl2spectral $spectral = Nl2spectral($Nl); Calculate the spectral type of a ZAMS star from its flux of Lyman Continuum Photons (Nl) Based on Panagia, 1973, ApJ, 78, 929 $Nl Flux of Lyman Continuum Photons kindist ($dist1, $dist2)= kindist($ra, $dec, $vel, $epoch, $model); Calculate the kinematic distance to an object $dist1, $dist2 Near/Far distance (kpc) $ra RA of object (turns) $dec Dec of object (turns) $vel LSR Velocity (km/s) $epoch Epoch of coords (J2000/J/B1950/B) $model Model to use (1 or 2) Note: Model 1 is based on Brand and Blitz, 1993, A&A, 275, 67-90. Model 2 has unknown origin.