oracular (3) AtteanX::Functions::CompositeMaps.3pm.gz

AtteanX::Functions::CompositeMaps - Functions and aggregates to work with composite maps
This document describes AtteanX::Functions::CompositeMaps version 0.032
use v5.14; use Attean;
This is a utility package that defines functions and aggregates to work with composite map datatypes. lex_to_map($literal) Parses $literal as a cdt:Map value and returns a hash of stringified keys and term object values. Use "lex_to_maplist" to get a list of key-value pairs in which the keys are also term objects. map_to_lex(@terms) mapCreate(@list) is_valid_map_key( $value ) Returns true if $value is a valid map key (is an IRI or a literal), false otherwise. "mapGet($list, $key)" mapKeys($map) map_key_to_term( @keys ) Converts each argument from the stringified version of map keys used as hash keys to a list of term objects. lex_to_maplist() Parses $literal as a cdt:Map value and returns a (flattened) list of key-value pairs of term values. "mapPut($map, $key, $value)" "mapRemove($map, $key)" mapSize($list) "mapContains($map, $term)" "mapMerge($map1, $map2)" mapCreate_agg_start() "mapCreate_agg_process($thunk, $key, $value)" mapCreate_agg_finalize($thunk) register()
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface at <https://github.com/kasei/attean/issues>.
Gregory Todd Williams "<gwilliams@cpan.org>"
Copyright (c) 2014--2022 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.