oracular (3) Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead.3pm.gz

Provided by: libbio-perl-perl_1.7.8-1_all bug


       Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead - Read with sequencing errors taken from a reference sequence


           use Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead;
           use Bio::PrimarySeq;

           # Create a reference sequence
           my $genome = Bio::PrimarySeq->new( -id    => 'human_chr2',
                                              -seq   => 'TAAAAAAACCCCTG',
                                              -desc  => 'The human genome' );

           # A 10-bp error-free read taken from a genome
           my $read = Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead->new(
              -reference => $genome  , # sequence to generate the read from
              -id        => 'read001', # read ID
              -start     => 3        , # start of the read on the genome forward strand
              -end       => 12       , # end of the read on the genome forward strand
              -strand    => 1        , # genome strand that the read is on

           # Display the sequence of the read
           print $read->seq."\n";

           # Add a tag or MID to the beginning of the read

           # Add sequencing errors (error positions are 1-based and relative to the
           # error-free MID-containing read)
           my $errors = {};
           $errors->{'8'}->{'+'} = 'AAA'; # insertion of AAA after residue 8
           $errors->{'1'}->{'%'} = 'G';   # substitution of residue 1 by a G
           $errors->{'4'}->{'-'} = undef; # deletion of residue 4

           # Display the sequence of the read with errors
           print $read->seq."\n";

           # String representation of where the read came from and its errors
           print $read->desc."\n";


       This object is a simulated read with sequencing errors. The user can provide a reference sequence to take
       a read from, the position and orientation of the read on the reference sequence, and the sequencing
       errors to generate.

       The sequence of the read is automatically calculated based on this information.  By default, the
       description of the reads contain tracking information and will look like this (Bioperl-style):

         reference=human_chr2 start=3 end=12 strand=-1 mid=ACGT errors=1%G,4-,8+AAA description="The human genome"

       or Genbank-style:

         reference=human_chr2 position=complement(3..12) mid=ACGT errors=1%G,4-,8+AAA description="The human genome"

       Creating a simulated read follows these steps:
         1/ Define the read start(), end(), strand() and qual_levels() if you want
            quality scores to be generated. Do not change these values once set because
            the read will not be updated.
         2/ Specify the reference sequence that the read should be taken from. Once
            this is done, you have a fully functional read. Do not use the reference()
            method again after you have gone to the next step.
         3/ Use mid() to input a MID (or tag or barcode) to add to the beginning of the
            read. You can change the MID until you go to next step.
         4/ Give sequencing error specifications using errors() as the last step. You
            can do that as many times as you like, and the read will be updated.


       Florent E Angly <florent . angly @ gmail-dot-com>.

       Copyright (c) 2011 Florent E Angly.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it under the GNU General Public License version 3.

        Title    : new
        Function : Create a new simulated read object
        Usage    : my $read = Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead->new(
                      -id        => 'read001',
                      -reference => $seq_obj ,
                      -errors    => $errors  ,
                      -start     => 10       ,
                      -end       => 135      ,
                      -strand    => 1        ,
        Arguments: -reference   => Bio::SeqI, Bio::PrimarySeqI object representing the
                                   reference sequence to take the read from. See
                   -errors      => Hashref representing the position of errors in the read
                                   See errors().
                   -mid         => String of a MID to prepend to the read. See mid().
                   -track       => Track where the read came from in the read description?
                                   See track().
                   -coord_style => Define what coordinate system to use. See coord_style().
                   All other methods from Bio::LocatableSeq are available.
        Returns  : new Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead object

        Title    : qual_levels
        Function : Get or set the quality scores to give to the read. By default, if your
                   reference sequence does not have quality scores, no quality scores
                   are generated for the simulated read. The generated quality scores
                   are very basic. If a residue is error-free, it gets the quality score
                   defined for good residues. If the residue has an error (is an
                   addition or a mutation), the residue gets the quality score specified
                   for bad residues. Call the qual_levels() method before using the
                   reference() method.
        Usage    : my $qual_levels = $read->qual_levels( );
        Arguments: Array reference containing the quality scores to use for:
                   1/ good residues (e.g. 30)
                   2/ bad residues (e.g. 10)
        Returns  : Array reference containing the quality scores to use.

        Title    : reference
        Function : Get or set the reference sequence that the read comes from. Once the
                   reference has been set, you have a functional simulated read which
                   supports all the Bio::LocatableSeq methods. This method must be
                   called after qual_levels() but before mid() or errors().
        Usage    : my $seq_obj = $read->reference();
        Arguments: Bio::SeqI or Bio::PrimarySeqI object
        Returns  : Bio::SeqI or Bio::PrimarySeqI object

        Title    : mid
        Function : Get or set a multiplex identifier (or MID, or tag, or barcode) to
                   add to the read. By default, no MID is used. This method must be
                   called after reference() but before errors().
        Usage    : my $mid = read->mid();
        Arguments: MID sequence string (e.g. 'ACGT')
        Returns  : MID sequence string

        Title    : errors
        Function : Get or set the sequencing errors and update the read. By default, no
                   errors are made. This method must be called after the mid() method.
        Usage    : my $errors = $read->errors();
        Arguments: Reference to a hash of the position and nature of sequencing errors.
                   The positions are 1-based relative to the error-free MID-containing
                   read (not relative to the reference sequence). For example:
                      $errors->{34}->{'%'} = 'T'  ; # substitution of residue 34 by a T
                      $errors->{23}->{'+'} = 'GG' ; # insertion of GG after residue 23
                      $errors->{45}->{'-'} = undef; # deletion of residue 45
                   Substitutions and deletions are for a single residue, but additions
                   can be additions of several residues.
                   An alternative way to specify errors is by using array references
                   instead of scalar for the hash values. This allows one to specify
                   redundant mutations. For example, the case presented above would
                   result in the same read sequence as the example below:
                      $errors->{34}->{'%'} = ['C', 'T']    ; # substitution by a C and then a T
                      $errors->{23}->{'+'} = ['G', 'G']    ; # insertion of G and then a G
                      $errors->{45}->{'-'} = [undef, undef]; # deletion of residue, and again
        Returns  : Reference to a hash of the position and nature of sequencing errors.

        Title    : track
        Function : Get or set the tracking status in the read description. By default,
                   tracking is on. This method can be called at any time.
        Usage    : my $track = $read->track();
        Arguments: 1 for tracking, 0 otherwise
        Returns  : 1 for tracking, 0 otherwise

        Title    : coord_style
        Function : When tracking is on, define which 1-based coordinate system to use
                   in the read description:
                     * 'bioperl' uses the start, end and strand keywords (default),
                       similarly to the GFF3 format. Example:
                         start=1 end=10 strand=+1
                         start=1 end=10 strand=-1
                     * 'genbank' does only provide the position keyword. Example:
        Usage    : my $coord_style = $read->track();
        Arguments: 'bioperl' or 'genbank'
        Returns  : 'bioperl' or 'genbank'