oracular (3) Bio::SeqIO::game::gameWriter.3pm.gz

Bio::SeqIO::game::gameWriter -- a class for writing game-XML
use Bio::SeqIO; my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => 'genbank', -file => 'myfile.gbk' ); my $out = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => 'game', -file => 'myfile.xml' ); # get a sequence object my $seq = $in->next_seq; #write it in GAME format $out->write_seq($seq);
Bio::SeqIO::game::gameWriter writes GAME-XML (v. 1.2) that is readable by Apollo. It is best not used directly. It is accessed via Bio::SeqIO.
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AUTHOR - Sheldon McKay
Email mckays@cshl.edu
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ new Title : new Usage : my $writer = Bio::SeqIO::game::gameWriter->new($seq); Function: constructor method for gameWriter Returns : a game writer object Args : a Bio::SeqI implementing object optionally, an argument to set map_position to on. ( map => 1 ). This will create a map_position elemant that will cause the feature coordinates to be remapped to a parent seqeunce. A sequence name in the format seq:xxx-xxx is expected to determine the offset for the map_position. The default behavior is to have features mapped relative to the sequence contained in the GAME-XML file write_to_game Title : write_to_game Usage : $writer->write_to_game Function: writes the sequence object to game-XML Returns : xml as a multiline string Args : none _rearrange_hierarchies Title : _rearrange_hierarchies Usage : $self->_rearrange_hierarchies($seq) Function: internal method to rearrange gene containment hierarchies so that snRNA or transposon features contain their genes rather than the other way around Returns : nothing Args : a Bio::RichSeq object Note : Not currently used, may be removed _write_feature Title : _write_feature Usage : $seld->_write_feature($feat, 1) Function: internal method for writing generic features as <annotation> elements Returns : nothing Args : a Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object and an optional flag to write a bare feature set with no annotation wrapper _write_gene Title : _write_gene Usage : $self->_write_gene($feature) Function: internal method for rendering gene containment hierarchies into a nested <annotation> element Returns : nothing Args : a nested Bio::SeqFeature::Generic gene feature Note : A nested gene hierarchy (gene->mRNA->CDS->exon) is expected. If other gene subfeatures occur as level one subfeatures (same level as mRNA subfeats) an attempt will be made to link them to transcripts via the 'standard_name' qualifier _check_cds Title : _check_cds Usage : $self->_check_cds($cds, $name) Function: internal method to check if the CDS associated with an mRNA is the correct alternative splice variant Returns : a Bio::SeqFeature::Generic CDS object Args : the CDS object plus the transcript\'s 'standard_name' Note : this method only works if alternatively spliced transcripts are bound together by a 'standard_name' or 'mRNA' qualifier. If none is present, we will hope that the exons were derived from a segmented RNA or a CDS with no associated mRNA feature. Neither of these two cases would be confounded by alternative splice variants. _comp_analysis Usage: Desc : Ret : Args : Side Effects: Example: _comp_result Usage: Desc : recursively render a feature and its subfeatures as <result_set> and <result_span> elements Ret : nothing meaningful Args : a feature _comp_result_span Usage: _comp_result_span('foo12',$feature); Desc : write GAME XML for a Bio::SeqFeature::Computation feature that has no subfeatures Ret : nothing meaningful Args : name for this span (some kind of identifier), SeqFeature object to put into this span Side Effects: Example: _render_tags Usage: Desc : Ret : Args : Side Effects: Example: _render_output_tags Usage: Desc : print out <output> elements, with contents taken from the SeqFeature::Computation's 'output' tag Ret : array of tag names this did not render Args : feature object, list of tag names to maybe render In game xml, only <result_span> and <result_set> elements can have <output> elements. _render_tags_as_properties Usage: Desc : Ret : empty array Args : feature object, array of tag names Side Effects: Example: In game xml, <annotation>, <computational_analysis>, and <feature_set> elements can have properties. _render_comment_tags Usage: Desc : Ret : names of tags that were not comment tags Args : feature object, tag names available for us to render Side Effects: writes XML Example: In game xml, <annotation> and <feature_set> elements can have comments. _render_date_tags Usage: Desc : Ret : names of tags that were not date tags Args : feature, list of tag names available for us to render Side Effects: writes XML for <date> elements Example: In game xml, <annotation>, <computational_analysis>, <transaction>, <comment>, and <feature_set> elements can have <date>s. _render_dbxref_tags Desc : look for xref tags and render them if they are there Ret : tag names that we didn't render Args : feature object, list of tag names to render Side Effects: writes a <dbxref> element if a tag with name matching /xref$/i is present In game xml, <annotation> and <seq> elements can have dbxrefs. _render_target_tags Usage: Desc : process any 'Target' tags that would indicate a sequence alignment subject Ret : array of tag names that we didn't render Args : feature object Side Effects: writes a <seq_relationship> of type 'subject' if it finds any properly formed tags named 'Target' Example: In game xml, <result_span>, <feature_span>, and <result_set> can have <seq_relationship>s. <result_set> can only have one, a 'query' relation. _property Title : _property Usage : $self->_property($tag => $value); Function: an internal method to write property XML elements Returns : nothing Args : a tag/value pair _unflatten_attribute Title : _unflatten_attribute Usage : $self->_unflatten_attribute($name, $value) Function: an internal method to unflatten and write comment or evidence elements Returns : nothing Args : a list of strings _xref Title : _xref Usage : $self->_xref($value) Function: an internal method to write db_xref elements Returns : nothing Args : a list of strings _feature_span Title : _feature_span Usage : $self->_feature_span($name, $type, $loc) Function: an internal method to write a feature_span element (the actual feature with coordinates) Returns : nothing Args : a feature name and Bio::SeqFeatureI-compliant object _seq_relationship Title : _seq_relationship Usage : $self->_seq_relationship($type, $loc) Function: an internal method to handle feature_span sequence relationships Returns : nothing Args : feature type, a Bio::LocationI-compliant object, (optional) sequence name (defaults to the query seq) and (optional) alignment string _element Title : _element Usage : $self->_element($name, $chars, $atts) Function: an internal method to generate 'generic' XML elements Example : my $name = 'foo'; my $content = 'bar'; my $attributes = { baz => 1 }; # print the element $self->_element($name, $content, $attributes); Returns : nothing Args : the element name and content plus a ref to an attribute hash _span Title : _span Usage : $self->_span($loc) Function: an internal method to write the 'span' element Returns : nothing Args : a Bio::LocationI-compliant object _seq Title : _seq Usage : $self->_seq($seq, $dna) Function: an internal method to print the 'sequence' element Returns : nothing Args : and Bio::SeqI-compliant object and a reference to an attribute hash _find_name Title : _find_name Usage : my $name = $self->_find_name($feature) Function: an internal method to look for a gene name Returns : a string Args : a Bio::SeqFeatureI-compliant object